Well, they just killed the sacrificial lamb

She floated to the top for two reasons: she was female and Jill liked her...

That Jill is amazing! So, when she climbed the career ladder In 2017 and 2018, when she served as deputy assistant director under Trump, did Donald call up Jill to approve that one too?

I agree the SS protection was inept and there was no coherent plan, and she deserves to be canned. But 27 years in the secret service, with steady promotions throughout, paints a different picture than you and ulrey are painting.
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That Jill is amazing! So, when she climbed the career ladder In 2017 and 2018, when she served as deputy assistant director under Trump, did Donald call up Jill to approve that one too?

I agree the SS protection was inept and there was no coherent plan, and she deserves to be canned. But 27 years in the secret service, with steady promotions throughout, paints a different picture than you and ulrey are painting.
I liked the part the shooter looked suspicious, everyone at a Trump rally looks suspicious. hard to find 3k snipers to train in on every one of them.
not new

Vulgarities, insults, baseless attacks: Trump backers follow his lead
Many GOP voters are not just tolerating, but relishing and emulating Trump’s often crass and cruel approach to politics

I've seen dudes get fired because they couldn't tell a VP of Sales the vacation schedule of the person who would sign his contracts or explain how their exec sponsor was going to gain board approval for a project. None of that involved anyone's death. Welcome to the real world.
The SS has roughly 3,000 employees. They don't have to deal with P&Ls, Marketing, competition, pricing, customer service or manufacturing like the rest of us.

They work with information channels and provide a security service.

Any CEO (even with the burdens that the SS does not have) of a 3,000 Assocoate firm would be gone with anything close to this level of foundational screw up.

This is so bad the usual number of conspiracy theory whack jobs likely tripled. Several on this very forum came to life.
secret service just told trump to quit doing outdoor rally's, common sense, shame someone lost their life, and the director lost her career, all were very avoidable.
ss director resigned. ass backwards country, subordinates screw up one time you're out of a job. and we wonder why we have incompetence in government, Trump will probably have his McDonalds delivery boy take over the ss
She said at the hearing she takes full responsibility. What do you think that means, go back to working in your office like before ?
you didn't answer the bush question
Should Biden have been fired for the way the Afghanistan exit went down? Hard to say Bush could have been prepared for that event, many factors had to go into play over years (years in which another President was in control), so no Bush should not have been fired. Her job is much simpler in this instances, you are talking about an attack that covered thousands of miles I'm talking about an event where all she had to do is make sure her people protected less than a thousand yards.
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She did take the fall for the incompetent local enforcement and the SS agents at the event. Is there a history of SS incompetence under her watch? Was there intel days in advance that she ignored? If there is then she should be let go for sure.

Congressional hearings? there are only two ways to come out of a hearing: you are either going to look like a dumb ass or a confrontational asshole. The hearings are not designed to obtain knowledge. BUT it sounds like she looked like a really big dumbass.
Everything i read, is that the boots on the ground were in place, but shit their pants multiple times. Her leaving her job is justifiable, but she did take the fall for the grunts' incompetence.
'Misallocation of resources'? You mean 12 SS agents from the Pittsburgh office guarding Dr. Jill and 3 guarding Trump?
I am not an expert on this topic, but I was discussing this with the wife last week and the question came up from her: Is there a standard amount of agents that get assigned to a particular person based upon their status (ie. in this case being a presidential nominee)? As in, does Kennedy get the same number of agents guarding him right now as Trump does? I am sure that Trump gets a little more based solely on the fact that he is a former president, but otherwise, is there a rule book that says how many protection agents said person gets? Or is it just a case-by-case, day-by-day situation?

Also, technically when Trump was shot at, this was before the RNC officially put him as their candidate. Yes, it was a foregone conclusion, but if there is a set number of agents that you get protecting you, would there have been double the agents at that rally if it happened after the RNC because Trumps status as the Republican nominee was upgraded to a higher level?
She did take the fall for the incompetent local enforcement and the SS agents at the event. Is there a history of SS incompetence under her watch? Was there intel days in advance that she ignored? If there is then she should be let go for sure.

Congressional hearings? there are only two ways to come out of a hearing: you are either going to look like a dumb ass or a confrontational asshole. The hearings are not designed to obtain knowledge. BUT it sounds like she looked like a really big dumbass.
Everything i read, is that the boots on the ground were in place, but shit their pants multiple times. Her leaving her job is justifiable, but she did take the fall for the grunts' incompetence.
I'm looking to put a bet down on the presidential race, but need to know where the big donor money is going to be flowing. What are your buddies saying? Which Super PAC are you funding?
Sometimes you just get a lemon, it happens she is less than 2 years on the job and she had an epic failure. With great responsibility comes great consequences.

When it is all said and done she let a would be assassin within 200 yards of a protected official, thankfully he missed a shot I can make 100 our a 100 times.
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She did take the fall for the incompetent local enforcement and the SS agents at the event. Is there a history of SS incompetence under her watch? Was there intel days in advance that she ignored? If there is then she should be let go for sure.

Congressional hearings? there are only two ways to come out of a hearing: you are either going to look like a dumb ass or a confrontational asshole. The hearings are not designed to obtain knowledge. BUT it sounds like she looked like a really big dumbass.
Everything i read, is that the boots on the ground were in place, but shit their pants multiple times. Her leaving her job is justifiable, but she did take the fall for the grunts' incompetence.

She was grossly incompetent in the aftermath of the shooting and at the hearing. More than enough incompetence on her part without having to take the fall for others.
Should Biden have been fired for the way the Afghanistan exit went down? Hard to say Bush could have been prepared for that event, many factors had to go into play over years (years in which another President was in control), so no Bush should not have been fired. Her job is much simpler in this instances, you are talking about an attack that covered thousands of miles I'm talking about an event where all she had to do is make sure her people protected less than a thousand yards.

Not Bush, but probably Candi Rice.