We have a verdict -- Guilty on ALL counts

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That check, though, doesn't exist, as we all know. The people of NYC wanted Trump's head on a pike, and they elected a man to do just that--to find something to charge him with. That's not how the justice system is supposed to work.

Sui generis isn't how the law is supposed to work, either. But that is exactly what all this "he's a threat to democracy" and "he's a fascist" rhetoric has been about--justifying using extraordinary, norm-breaking methods to beat him by hook or by crook. In my mind, he wasn't worth it and the damage is done. I think this marks a sea change in how politics will be practiced from here on out.
There are a LOT of people here who can see what is plain as day and literally right out in the open and still not admit it.
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Our own Snarlcakes should be added to the Trump team of insiders without a doubt.
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I don't think you know the difference between 'rolls' and 'polls'.

Manafort was showing the Russians Trump had a chance to win. But keep on with your hysteria. Meanwhile, Hillary was using Russians to make shit up in the Steele Dossier.
Why would he be doing that? Lol.
Isn't the federal appointment process inherently political? I mean Matt Kacsmaryk might be the most politically motivated guy on the federal judiciary who ALWAYS gets assigned these very special cases that relate to abortion and that sort of thing. Or the clear and unequivocal stacking of the supreme court with guys (and a gal), who 100% were going to set aside abortion rights no matter what. That's pretty policitized.

George Soros must be satan. Wonder what that makes the Koch brothers? They do all the nice things on the opposide of the spectrum as George Soros does, including billions in donations to right wing causes/judges/politicians, etc.

At the end of the day, NYC brought charges against Trump, and once again, Trump shit the bed. (1) why didn't he just admit he banged stormy daniels and the jury doesn't have to hear 6 days of sordid details: (2) Why didn't Donald testify? I think the answer is simple--he lies and lies and lies and he would be crucified. A jury isn't supposed to pass judgment on his lack of testifying, but I'm pretty sure the jury probably thought he was a pussy and afraid to testify. Maybe like he had bone spurs and couldn't sit in the box? Worked before for him. At the end of the day the proof of the pudding is the eating--how many juries have to weigh in before people stop blaming the system and realize that Donald is the worst human being to serve in the white house--closely followed by Bill Clinton and Andrew Johnson.

He's his own worst enemy 100% of the time.
Would you advise your client - any client - to take the stand when the prosecution has no witness other than a convicted liar as the star witness?

If you would, I hope your malpractice insurance is paid up.
So you read his post and that’s what you came up with? Well then there’s no point. You also didn’t answer my question about Manafort? Any ideas?
Another one who didn’t understand the Mueller report. Sad!!!

To be honest Zeke, I didn’t even notice the question because I generally just skim your posts. Because there’s never really anything there that interests me.

It’s boilerplate LWNJ Trump is teh devvil nonsense.

You’re the type of poster who can see Biden tell a graduating class at a HBCU that black people are being killed in the streets and still say the race baiting accusations against him are bs.

There’s no point in talking to you.
I thought Christopher Darden was dog shit. Marcia Clark was a good lawyer. Darden was milktoast. I was in law school at the time and of course everyone watched the trial every day. F. Lee Bailey just came across as an ahole. Johnny C., however, was a cool customer.
so old johnny c in addition to being a cool customer was a pretty savvy businessman. he parlayed that fame into opening offices all over. we had one down the street from us. i'd pop in there a couple times a week at lunch with friends and F with their staff.

hey yeahhhhhhhh it's me again. is johnny here? OH. MY. GOD!!!! I MEAN SERIOUSLY? where is this guy? i have a case that i want to talk to NO I CAN"T TALK TO YOU!!!!!! JOHNNY JOHNNY JOHNNY JOHNNY. I've told you this. now the damn thing is getting pretty green. do you know when he'll be in?

was like when we were going through nashville and had to kill sober time so we went to the picker's store. i LOVE american pickers even though cray (@UncleMark SAY HIS NAME!!!!!!!!!) dressed me down on here re just how fake the show is and why it makes no sense. so we're looking around the store which is tantamount to a glorified merch shop when a guy comes through the door with a ton of old antique shit. phones, typewriters, all kinds of crap. he gets in line behind the people buying t-shirts and branded license plates (i got one) and asks to see either mike or frank. oh they aren't here? oh man i brought all this stuff in hoping they might be interested. the 16 year old girl working chose the picker's store over six flags for a job. well do you know when they'll be in? wait what? mike and frank are on the road? do you know for how long? hysterical

like bringing your blown out copa's back to the Pele store in Miami Beach and asking to see the owner
Would you advise your client - any client - to take the stand when the prosecution has no witness other than a convicted liar as the star witness?

If you would, I hope your malpractice insurance is paid up.
Are you stupid or something?

First there was corroborating witness testimony and documentary evidence.

And you're suggesting Trump didn't take the stand because he didn't need to as the state's case was weak? Hilarious!
Would you advise your client - any client - to take the stand when the prosecution has no witness other than a convicted liar as the star witness?

If you would, I hope your malpractice insurance is paid up.
First, they called a ton of witnesses.

Second, if the former president of the united states tells everyone for 2 years that he is going to testify and that none of this is true, and then doesn't----the jury knows he isn't testifying because he's a liar--and a habitual one at that. Don't be so damn myopic. Plenty of defendants testify in criminal trials when they have the factual basis for telling the right narrative. Trump did not. You are missing the point--all the matters is the perception of the jury.
Another one who didn’t understand the Mueller report. Sad!!!

To be honest Zeke, I didn’t even notice the question because I generally just skim your posts. Because there’s never really anything there that interests me.

It’s boilerplate LWNJ Trump is teh devvil nonsense.

You’re the type of poster who can see Biden tell a graduating class at a HBCU that black people are being killed in the streets and still say the race baiting accusations against him are bs.

There’s no point in talking to you.
Then why have you been? Repeatedly? So obviously you have no answer to the question. And that’s because there is no logical answer. Black people aren’t being killed in the streets? Good to know….better tell them.
Are you stupid or something?

First there was corroborating witness testimony and documentary evidence.

And you're suggesting Trump didn't take the stand because he didn't need to as the state's case was weak? Hilarious!
He didn't take the stand because he's a habitual liar. He would have been shredded to pieces and ultimately that transcript would get out to the general public.
I hope Trump wins so I can watch another riot season from home. Watch cities burn to the tune of King Nothing.
Haha. The only group that rioted because they didn’t like an election was the J 6 morons, led by King Insurrectionist himself.
Maybe you missed the 'as the star witness'.

Of course there were other witnesses. And none gave any testimony that hurt Trump's defense.
Really? Well someone certainly must have thought so. Make that twelve someones.
By the way, it's odd to me that folks lining up for Trump would get worked up about Bragg when Trump's campaign promises, behaviors, and statements are so extreme and out of control.
Got any examples?

I'll save you the trouble of posting about Mexico paying for the wall. What others?

Do any of them compare to Biden's statement that inflation was 9% when he took office?
People that read the mueller report and findnandnimpeachables offense…

Are they the si

1/6. They only have 1/6. If Trump would have acted quicker and tried to stop that (not sure He could’ve). He’d be the man
Sure he could have. They stopped the second he told them to.
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Got any examples?

I'll save you the trouble of posting about Mexico paying for the wall. What others?

Do any of them compare to Biden's statement that inflation was 9% when he took office?
Dude should be a UFC promoter.

For those without a WaPo subscription, it's a rundown of almost daily instances during the 2016 campaign of Trump calling for or going along with violence against opponents.
Got any examples?

I'll save you the trouble of posting about Mexico paying for the wall. What others?

Do any of them compare to Biden's statement that inflation was 9% when he took office?
Sorry DANC, there's little point in responding to someone like you. You and I live in very different worlds, only one of which includes any semblance of reality. I'd point you to this article, but I don't think there's any point in that.

If a person only hears what they want to hear, closes their ears to obviously insane rhetoric "on their side", views life as only a one-way street where they get to insist and demand what they want without any recognition of their own beyond-obviously flawed positions, engages in extreme personal rhetoric and complains when others "on the other side" do even a minimal amount of the same, openly relies on famously hyper-partisan and un-serious news sources, doesn't hesitate even a little to say the worst things about other posters with whom which they aren't personally familiar, and makes remarks that reasonable people can find offensive and tone-deaf, conversation is not really something to be had.
Sorry DANC, there's little point in responding to someone like you. You and I live in very different worlds, only one of which includes any semblance of reality. I'd point you to this article, but I don't think there's any point in that.

If a person only hears what they want to hear, closes their ears to obviously insane rhetoric "on their side", views life as only a one-way street where they get to insist and demand what they want without any recognition of their own beyond-obviously flawed positions, engages in extreme personal rhetoric and complains when others "on the other side" do even a minimal amount of the same, openly relies on famously hyper-partisan and un-serious news sources, doesn't hesitate even a little to say the worst things about other posters with whom which they aren't personally familiar, and makes remarks that reasonable people can find offensive and tone-deaf, conversation is not really something to be had.
Just to be clear. You shared an AP news article and made a post about how partisan posting is terrible?
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Is this from the same math wiz who counted his crowd at the New York rally?
Stupid assed dumbocrats. WTF did they think was gonna happen. Keep playing the FAFO game long enough and you end up at dead end road. What's really funny is all the stupid idiots celebrating around here while anyone with half a brain new this was going to happen. LMAO

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Stupid assed dumbocrats. WTF did they think was gonna happen. Keep playing the FAFO game long enough and you end up at dead end road. What's really funny is all the stupid idiots celebrating around here while anyone with half a brain new this was going to happen. LMAO

Starting to get the sense you live alone and don't have a whole lot of friends outside the internet. Grab a cup of coffee and a pall mall and go sit outside under a tree and take a deep breath and open page 1 of Starship Troopers.
Dude should be a UFC promoter.

For those without a WaPo subscription, it's a rundown of almost daily instances during the 2016 campaign of Trump calling for or going along with violence against opponents.
You mean BEZO not wapo. What a washed up rag of a newspaper that has become. It's good for wiping my a$$ in the morning.
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Starting to get the sense you live alone and don't have a whole lot of friends outside the internet. Grab a cup of coffee and a pall mall and go sit outside under a tree and take a deep breath and open page 1 of Starship Troopers.
Ohhhh looks Miltons world. We need a jingle for your posts. Gotta have some clown assed person in there too.

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Would you advise your client - any client - to take the stand when the prosecution has no witness other than a convicted liar as the star witness?

If you would, I hope your malpractice insurance is paid up.
Juries frequently believe a witness who is a "convicted liar". This is nothing new, plus Cohen's testimony was corroborated by documents and other witnesses.

And, Cohen was not the only witness -- David Pecker, Stormy Daniels and the financial witnesses were also important for the prosecution.

Trump should have taken the stand only if his testimony appeared likely to make the jury believe that Trump was not trying to influence the election when the documents were falsified. It isn't clear that his testimony would do that.
Stupid assed dumbocrats. WTF did they think was gonna happen. Keep playing the FAFO game long enough and you end up at dead end road. What's really funny is all the stupid idiots celebrating around here while anyone with half a brain new this was going to happen. LMAO

Someone with half a brain, huh? I know someone like that…
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Starting to get the sense you live alone and don't have a whole lot of friends outside the internet. Grab a cup of coffee and a pall mall and go sit outside under a tree and take a deep breath and open page 1 of Starship Troopers.
You have some good jabs every now and then.

Don’t you realize Christopher Hitchens is a pathetic progressive?
You have some good jabs every now and then.

Don’t you realize Christopher Hitchens is a pathetic progressive?
Well, he's dead, so he's a bit of nothing at the moment. Much like Douglas Murray, I appreciate his intelligence and willingness to engage in conversation.
I'm not sure about that. Ness wasn't an elected official. Elected officials who run on getting a man, not going after a crime, are crossing a line, I think.

Your reference to Trump's past history cuts against prosecuting him in this instance, not in favor of it. NY prosecutors left him alone for decades since that was just how things were done in the Big Apple. But now, it appears to prevent him from running or being elected again, NY goes after him? That's a bad precedent.

Trump wasn't worth sacrificing public faith by in the justice system for. And no one was hurt by him booking the Stormy Daniels payment as a legal fee vs. a payoff to a prostitute to prevent embarrassment.
You might have a more compelling point if those prosecutions didn't result in unanimous verdicts convicting him on 34 counts. It wasn't just the prosecutor who felt that the case had merit. I agree that the optics of Bragg campaigning on going after Trump are bad, but the prosecution certainly held water.

And I don't agree that the prosecution was done to prevent him from running (how would that work?) or being elected (it seems to be just as likely doing the opposite.) If there was prosecutorial bias, it seems to have been about not allowing Trump to get away with things he can and should be prosecuted for as he has done in the past.
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