We have a verdict -- Guilty on ALL counts

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Political candidates have had to drop out of races due to yelling too loud after a campaign win, for admitting to taking antidepressants, for having an affair, tons of other stuff that pales in comparison to 34 FELONIES
Teddy Kennedy murdered a woman, was never charged, was elected as a Dem Senator for decades, beloved by Dems, and almost was once their Presidential nominee.
Bob Menendez is still a voting member of Congress, and not a peep from the Dems about it.
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There are zero counts related to paying off a stripper

Only felonies, in the Trump building!
Shows how little you know. The bookkeeping errors were misdemeanors, at the most. The SOL had run on them.

The judge told the jury they could choose from a menu of federal campaign laws that Trump supposedly broke, told them to pick at least one for an underlying crime, and they didn't have to agree 100% for conviction! And he told them that right before they met as a jury. It wasn't allowed to be argued in court.

And the supposed campaign violations were federal charges - except the judge didn't even allow the federal expert to testify as to what was a campaign violation.

And it wasn't revealed what, exactly, they agreed on.

Sham trial. Sham verdict.
Yeah let’s go back 50 years ago. PS Almost doesn’t count. And he didn’t murder her.
Nah, just left her there, scratching at the back window trying to get out, until she drowned.

While his drunk ass ran away to get his story straight.
Sure he is. Keep telling yourself that. Have you maybe stopped listening to Trump in the last year? Or any media about him? Trump has never ever tried to appeal to anyone except his base. You know, the losers and haters.

That literally happened. Why would I have to keep telling myself something that I already know happened?
Are you being dishonest, or just misinformed? Numerous Democrats have called for him to resign or be expelled, and they are effectively ousting him from the party in the primary.
Which Democrats are those? Did the Democrats vote him out like Republicans did to their guy?
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Bob Menendez is still a voting member of Congress, and not a peep from the Dems about it.
Not a peep?? WTF are you talking about?

The Biden DOJ indicted him and other Democrats are calling for him to resign.

Lots of peeps.
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Small celebration of justice at my house. Wife told me to pick up a big bottle of fancy Belgian beer.

Trump’s toast and the Repub party is his jelly.
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Yes, the appeal paperwork will be boring (at least on the prosecution side). Trump's side will file inflammatory rhetoric.

Bob Menendez is still a voting member of Congress, and not a peep from the Dems about it.
Google it and see how many have called for Menendez to get out. They are even trying to get someone else to defeat him I case the Morin decided to run again.
No. Biden was expected to be Obama 2.0 and a quiet bridge

We got a progressive on the border social programs energy etc. people hate Biden. 2024 has little in common with 2020
That's what FoxNews portrayed. I've never met one person who was excited for Biden. Just excited it wasn't Trump. The truth will come forth in November and there will be a new set of excuses.
Google it and see how many have called for Menendez to get out. They are even trying to get someone else to defeat him I case the Morin decided to run again.
I see you can't name them, either.
You've already shown you are incapable or unwilling to admit you are wrong or learn anything. I only respond to highlight for the group your bad faith and/or stupidity.
You're pitiful. Seriously.

The only thing you've highlighted is what a fool you are.
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You haven't paid much attention to Merchan's conduct in this trial. He will definitely impose a jail sentence. He didn't come all this way not to.

From a political perspective. I think the Democrat's have miscalculated. I think this decision sours the voters view of Democrats far more than it does of Trump. Rightfully so. Politicians frequently like to make themselves out to be martyrs but in this case Trump is a true martyr, that's powerful. And the "threat to Democracy" line just isn't going to work anymore after this.
Have you had a brain transplant with dmb? You're usually not this degree of wacky, I almost think you're trolling...

Merchan is not going to sentence Trump to prison. The most he'll probably get is probation. If Merchan had wanted to jail Trump he'd have done so over the gag order/ contempt violations. If it had been any other accused felon pulling the stunts that Trump has repeatedly pulled they'd already have been sitting in a cell for a night or two. Judges don't usually tolerate that kind of crap.
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