Like judge Merchan. You and whoever you're quoting here do not understand campaign finance laws. Whether Trump wrongfully believed the hush money payments qualified as a campaign expense is immaterial. It does not.
Now you're going full dbm... He is "quoting" Trump's DOJ, and one of the charges they levelled against Michael Cohen in 2018. Cohen was just the recipient of the illegal reimbursement and he got 3 yrs. Are you going to try and argue that Trump, who masterminded the scheme wasn't aware of what the checks he signed to Cohen were for?
Wow Trump's DOJ sure went to a lot of trouble to add this "insignificant" account of violations of campaign finance laws to the charges Cohen plead guilty of. Guess they should have consulted you beforehand?
I mean they could have just removed Trump's pseudonym and entered this charge from 2018 verbatim into the current court documents...
"COHEN caused and made the payments described herein in order to influence the 2016 presidential election.
In so doing, he coordinated with one or more members of the campaign, including through meetings and phone calls, about the fact, nature, and timing of the payments." (See Pecker Cohen testimony about Trump Tower MEETING. You know one of the key pieces of evidence the jury requested to be re-read to them)...
"As a result of the payments solicited and made by COHEN, neither Woman-1 nor Woman-2 spoke to the press prior to the election."
In January 2017, COHEN in seeking reimbursement for election-related expenses, presented executives of the Company with a copy of a bank statement from the Essential Consultants bank account, which reflected the $130,000 payment COHEN had made to the bank account of Attorney-1 in order to keep Woman-2 silent in advance of the election, plus a $35 wire fee, adding, in handwriting, an additional “$50,000.” The $50,000 represented a claimed payment for “tech services,” which in fact related to work COHEN had solicited from a technology company during and in connection with the campaign. COHEN added these amounts to a sum of $180,035. After receiving this document, executives of the Company “grossed up” for tax purposes COHEN’s requested reimbursement of $180,000 to $360,000, and then added a bonus of $60,000 so that COHEN would be paid $420,000 in total. Executives of the Company also determined that the $420,000 would be paid to COHEN in monthly amounts of $35,000 over the course of 12 months, and that COHEN should send invoices for these payments.
On February 14, 2017, COHEN sent an executive of the Company (“Executive-1”) the first of his monthly invoices, requesting “[p]ursuant to [a] retainer agreement, . . . payment for services rendered for the months of January and February, 2017.” The invoice listed $35,000 for each of those two months. Executive-1 forwarded the invoice to another executive of the Company (“Executive-2”) the same day by email, and it was approved. Executive-1 forwarded that email to another employee at the Company, stating: “Please pay from the Trust. Post to legal expenses. Put ‘retainer for the months of January and February 2017’ in the description.”
Throughout 2017, COHEN sent to one or more representatives of the Company monthly invoices, which stated, “Pursuant to the retainer agreement, kindly remit payment for services rendered for” the relevant month in 2017, and sought $35,000 per month.
The Company accounted for these payments as legal expenses. In truth and in fact, there was no such retainer agreement, and the monthly invoices COHEN submitted were not in connection with any legal services he had provided in 2017.
During 2017, pursuant to the invoices described above, COHEN received monthly $35,000 reimbursement checks, totaling $420,000. "
And yet Trump's defense team maintained from Day 1 of the trial that there was "no reimbursement". One of the very charges Cohen plead guilty to in 2018...