We’re gonna impeach that motherfker


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Mar 26, 2010
When the other side goes low we’re gonna go lower. I didn’t figure that word was in the Quran. America has definitely corrupted her. After she institutes Sharia law I bet she won’t be able to say this.

Looks like AOC has a companion.

Nancy's going to have fun with this group.

Edit: I know I know the motherfker caused all this.
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When the other side goes low we’re gonna go lower. I didn’t figure that word was in the Quran. America has definitely corrupted her. After she institutes Sharia law I bet she won’t be able to say this.

Looks like AOC has a companion.

Nancy's going to have fun with this group.

Hearing a republican acting concerned over something like this always makes me laugh. In the morning it works better than coffee. Thanks!
Hearing a republican acting concerned over something like this always makes me laugh. In the morning it works better than coffee. Thanks!

I am not concerned. Thought it was funny from the we go higher crowd.
To be fair, the GOP POTUS has pushed the floor down to Hades.

Shocked that this causes you outrage but nothing POTUS says or does raises your blood pressure. DWS

And don’t forget that violent antifa group! I wonder if it’ll turn out to be an antifa member who shot that poor little 6 year old girl down in TX.
I thought it was funny and a good release considering how the last couple years have been.
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To be fair, the GOP POTUS has pushed the floor down to Hades.

Shocked that this causes you outrage but nothing POTUS says or does raises your blood pressure. DWS

Didn’t cause me any outrage. I am waiting to see how Nancy handles these characters. Should be interesting.
Didn’t cause me any outrage. I am waiting to see how Nancy handles these characters. Should be interesting.

Fine. You did post about this and nothing about Trump trashing a 4 star “General”. Seems like a weird juxtaposition for a Republican to be in. You know, trashing military heroes.
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Fine. You did post about this and nothing about Trump trashing a 4 star “General”. Seems like a weird juxtaposition for a Republican to be in. You know, trashing military heroes.

That’s different. Trump is a white man. We’re talking about a radical/hysterical/emotional/extremist Muslim woman. Totally different standards apply here. Have you not been observing republicans for the past, oh, forever?
As much as I've never been a Pelosi fan, she does seem to be the adult in the room. Her comments yesterday on the possibility of Impeachment were, I thought, reasonable and logical.

"If there's to be grounds for impeachment of President Trump - and I'm not seeking those grounds - that would have to be so clearly bipartisan in terms of acceptance of it before I think we should go down any impeachment path," Pelosi told USA TODAY.

"We have to wait and see what happens with the Mueller report," Pelosi said in a separate interview with NBC's "Today" show, referring to the special counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election. "We shouldn't be impeaching for a political reason."
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It’s throwing everyone off since it looks like dems actually elected a few people willing to attack someone.
I hope someone gives her a world class megaphone. We will be happy for leftist lunatics like that to be the voice of your party. There's gonna be video of it all. Makes great campaign footage. The ads are being produced as this is written. You should be so proud of that Representative. She speaks for YOU and this bunch of lunatics on the left. That's not just her threatening - its you too.
As much as I've never been a Pelosi fan, she does seem to be the adult in the room. Her comments yesterday on the possibility of Impeachment were, I thought, reasonable and logical.

"If there's to be grounds for impeachment of President Trump - and I'm not seeking those grounds - that would have to be so clearly bipartisan in terms of acceptance of it before I think we should go down any impeachment path," Pelosi told USA TODAY.

"We have to wait and see what happens with the Mueller report," Pelosi said in a separate interview with NBC's "Today" show, referring to the special counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election. "We shouldn't be impeaching for a political reason."

It would be better if Pelosi would just come out and say “We could have Trump on video taking cash and instructions from Putin, getting pissed on by underage hookers and raw-dogging porn stars and we still wouldn’t get 20 republicans in the senate with backbone enough to convict, so we’re not wasting our time with impeachment.”
Fine. You did post about this and nothing about Trump trashing a 4 star “General”. Seems like a weird juxtaposition for a Republican to be in. You know, trashing military heroes.
The only people still supporting trump have some form of impairment; social, emotional, mental, cognitive ,.. It's the only way they can stay on board, that and a giant dose of "Ya But!" gets through the day.
That’s different. Trump is a white man. We’re talking about a radical/hysterical/emotional/extremist Muslim woman. Totally different standards apply here. Have you not been observing republicans for the past, oh, forever?

Have you not been observing Dems forever? You’re hitting all the talking points. Thanks for not disappointing. Invite Zeke in. She can call me a Neanderthal, misogynist, racist, nazi, white supremacist, fascist and on and on. Of course she’s a misandrist. Maybe you are too?
So that’s what gets your panties in a wad? Not children in cages, not insulting generals, not changing foreign policy without consulting Pentagon, not accommodating those very fine racists, but the f bomb? Good to f-ing know.

I don’t wear panties. Do you? And if I did they wouldn’t be in a wad over this. I am enjoying these new diverse Dems in the house.
So that’s what gets your panties in a wad? Not children in cages, not insulting generals, not changing foreign policy without consulting Pentagon, not accommodating those very fine racists, but the f bomb? Good to f-ing know.

Btw I told you my seat location and offered to shake hands and stop the name calling. You haven’t shown up yet. One poster did and we had a nice conversation before the game.
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Have you not been observing Dems forever? You’re hitting all the talking points. Thanks for not disappointing. Invite Zeke in. She can call me a Neanderthal, misogynist, racist, nazi, white supremacist, fascist and on and on. Of course she’s a misandrist. Maybe you are too?

I should have remembered that pointing out reality causes republican outrage. I would have done it sooner.
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It would be better if Pelosi would just come out and say “We could have Trump on video taking cash and instructions from Putin, getting pissed on by underage hookers and raw-dogging porn stars and we still wouldn’t get 20 republicans in the senate with backbone enough to convict, so we’re not wasting our time with impeachment.”

Maybe. But I suspect that it's more likely that she sees impeachment as not in the party's best interest. But I don't really know.

Why not the video of AOC dancing? Isn’t that causing some sort of outrage with the evangelicals?
I should have remembered republicans aren’t creative with responses.

Same invitation I gave Zeke. Stop by my seats at IUBB and we can talk. I bet you’re a good guy. If you need help getting on the floor I can help.
So that’s what gets your panties in a wad? Not children in cages, not insulting generals, not changing foreign policy without consulting Pentagon, not accommodating those very fine racists, but the f bomb? Good to f-ing know.

Juvenile detention is not putting children in cages.
Criticizing the military is not an insult.
The pentagon does not make foreign policy.
Racists have never been "accommodated" by anybody.

Once again, you turn politics into feelings and emotions.
I despise a certain type of men and women equally. High on the list is people that make excuses for sexual abuse and racism.
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I despise a certain type of men and women equally. High on the list is people that make excuses for sexual abuse and racism.

I haven’t seen any men or women on here make excuses for sexual abuse or racism. I have seen people insuatate or outright accuse someone of it with no proof other than their preconceived ideas about someone. That’s why I invited you to stop by sometime at IU game. We might both be surprised.
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To be fair, the GOP POTUS has pushed the floor down to Hades.

Shocked that this causes you outrage but nothing POTUS says or does raises your blood pressure. DWS

Whuttabout Trump anyway?

The "GOP POTUS" has not once, not ever, used the f-bomb or used "shit" or other similar words in political discourse. This is now standard faire for the Democrats. Why? Do they think it's cute? Do they think it conveys an important message? Are they trying to insult normal people with epithets? Probably the latter. Insulting is what they do and have become. And you blame Trump. LOL
Whuttabout Trump anyway?

The "GOP POTUS" has not once, not ever, used the f-bomb or used "shit" or other similar words in political discourse. This is now standard faire for the Democrats. Why? Do they think it's cute? Do they think it conveys an important message? Are they trying to insult normal people with epithets? Probably the latter. Insulting is what they do and have become. And you blame Trump. LOL

LOL. Insults. LOL. Stop. Just stop.

The 551 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List
When the other side goes low we’re gonna go lower. I didn’t figure that word was in the Quran. America has definitely corrupted her. After she institutes Sharia law I bet she won’t be able to say this.

Looks like AOC has a companion.

Nancy's going to have fun with this group.

Edit: I know I know the motherfker caused all this.
The White House is pretty much ignoring it which is the correct reaction...which makes the White House doing it a little more unusual.
LOL. Insults. LOL. Stop. Just stop.

The 551 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List
Did you notice where the former NYT editor publicly admitted - just a few days ago - that the NYT was biased against Trump? She did. Surely you saw that article with her quoted didn't you? You have to wear that! How to do that? Edit your post to remove the biased link and all links or references to everything the NYT has written in the last 2 years. That would be a modest, if somewhat effective, beginning. Continued reliance on the NYT is a very bad idea which aligns you with their dishonesty. I've warned about the NYT for years here. I've always been right. Those relying on the NYT have always been and continue to be wrong.
Whuttabout Trump anyway?

The "GOP POTUS" has not once, not ever, used the f-bomb or used "shit" or other similar words in political discourse. This is now standard faire for the Democrats. Why? Do they think it's cute? Do they think it conveys an important message? Are they trying to insult normal people with epithets? Probably the latter. Insulting is what they do and have become. And you blame Trump. LOL

If you don't believe the President doesn't have a major responsibility for driving what passes for political discourse in this country right into the gutter, you have your head in the sand. He's spent years insulting people with childish names and worse....and has a hell of a lot more influence than some no-name freshman congresswoman.