WaPo: IRS memo says tax disclosure mandatory


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Sep 1, 2001
Confidential draft IRS memo says tax returns must be given to Congress unless president invokes executive privilege

A confidential Internal Revenue Service legal memo says tax returns must be given to Congress unless the president takes the rare step of asserting executive privilege, according to a copy of the memo obtained by The Washington Post.

The memo contradicts the Trump administration’s justification for denying lawmakers’ request for President Trump’s tax returns, exposing fissures in the executive branch.

Trump has refused to turn over his tax returns but has not invoked executive privilege. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has instead denied the returns by arguing there is no legislative purpose for demanding them.

But according to the IRS memo, which has not been previously reported, the disclosure of tax returns to the committee “is mandatory, requiring the Secretary to disclose returns, and return information, requested by the tax-writing Chairs.”

The 10-page document says the law “does not allow the Secretary to exercise discretion in disclosing the information provided the statutory conditions are met” and directly rejects the reason Mnuchin has cited for withholding the information.​
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Confidential draft IRS memo says tax returns must be given to Congress unless president invokes executive privilege

A confidential Internal Revenue Service legal memo says tax returns must be given to Congress unless the president takes the rare step of asserting executive privilege, according to a copy of the memo obtained by The Washington Post.

The memo contradicts the Trump administration’s justification for denying lawmakers’ request for President Trump’s tax returns, exposing fissures in the executive branch.

Trump has refused to turn over his tax returns but has not invoked executive privilege. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has instead denied the returns by arguing there is no legislative purpose for demanding them.

But according to the IRS memo, which has not been previously reported, the disclosure of tax returns to the committee “is mandatory, requiring the Secretary to disclose returns, and return information, requested by the tax-writing Chairs.”

The 10-page document says the law “does not allow the Secretary to exercise discretion in disclosing the information provided the statutory conditions are met” and directly rejects the reason Mnuchin has cited for withholding the information.​
So he’s obviously going to invoke executive privilege. I really don’t think the Founding Fathers we’re prepared for a man and administration, and party to so blatantly ignore our laws.
So he’s obviously going to invoke executive privilege. I really don’t think the Founding Fathers we’re prepared for a man and administration, and party to so blatantly ignore our laws.
IANAL, but I can't see how invoking executive privilege even applies. The tax returns have nothing to do with the frank advise and deliberations on policy the President requires to function. That's what executive privilege is meant to protect.
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IANAL, but I can't see how invoking executive privilege even applies. The tax returns have nothing to do with the frank advise and deliberations on policy the President requires to function. That's what executive privilege is meant to protect.

Yeah EP makes no sense whatsoever.

My guess Congress will eventually get them....but likely not until a court battle plays out.
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IANAL, but I can't see how invoking executive privilege even applies. The tax returns have nothing to do with the frank advise and deliberations on policy the President requires to function. That's what executive privilege is meant to protect.
But if he tries, who can tell him no? He doesn’t seem to particularly care about rule of law.
So he’s obviously going to invoke executive privilege. I really don’t think the Founding Fathers we’re prepared for a man and administration, and party to so blatantly ignore our laws.
Do you think the smoking gun we've heard about for over two years is in his tax returns? LOLOL! Better yet, do you not think they have been combed over for years by the IRS and various auditors? I swear, it's like the longer he's president, the dumber your posts become...
Do you think the smoking gun we've heard about for over two years is in his tax returns? LOLOL! Better yet, do you not think they have been combed over for years by the IRS and various auditors? I swear, it's like the longer he's president, the dumber your posts become...
Hmmmm pot kettle. Where did I say that? There’s a million smoking guns, just like there’s a million crimes. Several in the Mueller report, several already exposed, and several in the multiple investigations ongoing. You Trumpsters just don’t care about his criminal activity.
Have you gotten medical help for your Trump Derangement Syndrome? Not sure you can handle another 5+ years of Trump.

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IANAL, but I can't see how invoking executive privilege even applies. The tax returns have nothing to do with the frank advise and deliberations on policy the President requires to function. That's what executive privilege is meant to protect.
But if he tries, who can tell him no? He doesn’t seem to particularly care about rule of law.
The courts can tell him no. He has yet to defy a direct court order. Time will tell if that changes. I've said before I don't think he would be above pulling an Andy Jackson and telling the courts to enforce their order.

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