Vivek is the most Presidential

The CIA is looking for creative individuals such as yourself. 😄

Democrats aren't looking to just defeat Trump in an election - they're trying to make it so he can't run. It's not enough to defeat him in an election - they want to drive a stake through his heart.
Let’s look at each statement in isolation.

- At this point it is clear that there was not an insignificant # of Feds instigating events on the days leading up to and during 1/6

- Our government did conceal Saudi involvement and foreknowledge of 9/11 for a long time

- Democrats are deliberately undermining the border in an effort to bring in would be voters

- 2020 election was potentially swayed by big tech censorship

- FBI malfeasance contributed bigly to the Russian collusion narrative following 2016.

Not all that kooky when you break it down.
All of these statements you offered are vague and uncertain:

"not an insignificant # of Feds"
unidentified "events"
unidentified "days leading up to and during 1/6"
"for a long time"
"would be" voters
"potentially" swayed by censorship
contributed "bigly"

This crap isn't proof of anything -- it barely even presents allegations.
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Before Obama plucked him out of obscurity, Biden was a running joke in DC. He'd been discredited long ago by not only other politicians, but by the media, for his lying and bloviating.

Then the Dems didn't trust Obama to get enough of the white vote to win, so they put an old, affable white guy to stand next to him. The Dems, in their worst dreams, never intended for him to be President.
Even Trump admits he was a loser to Biden.
How could they put child porn on his computer or a child hooker in his room when his entire house is a fortress with security cameras and secret service agents everywhere? Don't rule out the latter method. If they knew they could get away with it it would've been done already. They are getting desperate.
Make up your mind. Either the "deep state" is pervasive and omnipotent or it isn't.

You've already discredited the FBI and Secret Service in your prior posts but now you post that the feds created a "fortress" that the "deep state" can't breach.

You can't even articulate a consistent conspiracy theory.
Silly. They'd just wait until he's away and plant things like documents strewn around the floor and then take pictures and show it to the media like that's how they found it.

Oh wait, they already did that.
Eric Trump and the lawyer Loony Lovegood (or whatever her name) were present at Mar-a-Lago when the feds visited.

Neither Eric nor Loony have claimed the document photos were faked -- only you did that.
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Make up your mind. Either the "deep state" is pervasive and omnipotent or it isn't.

You've already discredited the FBI and Secret Service in your prior posts but now you post that the feds created a "fortress" that the "deep state" can't breach.

You can't even articulate a consistent conspiracy theory.
I was very consistent. They deep state could certainly have him taken out and but they can't sneak into Trump's bedroom in Maralago with secret service agents outside the door and Melania there and plant a child hooker.
How could they put child porn on his computer or a child hooker in his room when his entire house is a fortress with security cameras and secret service agents everywhere? Don't rule out the latter method. If they knew they could get away with it it would've been done already. They are getting desperate.

You pretend his laptop was left at your pc repair shop and noticed child porn on it.
I was very consistent. They deep state could certainly have him taken out and but they can't sneak into Trump's bedroom in Maralago with secret service agents outside the door and Melania there and plant a child hooker.
How do you know secret service isn't part of the deep state?
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The CIA is looking for creative individuals such as yourself. 😄

Democrats aren't looking to just defeat Trump in an election - they're trying to make it so he can't run. It's not enough to defeat him in an election - they want to drive a stake through his heart.
Their ops plan is to take out Trumps support (American citizens). They can’t just off him, there’s 75 million + that already have their bayonets attached. And they are only adding fuel to the fire.
Their ops plan is to take out Trumps support (American citizens). They can’t just off him, there’s 75 million + that already have their bayonets attached. And they are only adding fuel to the fire.
The toy soldiers have green outfits to complete the look?
I was very consistent. They deep state could certainly have him taken out and but they can't sneak into Trump's bedroom in Maralago with secret service agents outside the door and Melania there and plant a child hooker.
If we are going to delete all sarcastic versions of candidate’s names it will be a long night.
Why should anyone waste their time trying to refute absolute absurdities? The fact that you take him the least bit seriously? I’d like to be surprised….
He's obnoxious, loud, and speaks truths that most people won't touch.

As Ukraine settles into an unwinnable stalemate, his position looks better by the day.

Ukraine is not getting back Crimea. Never ever. Thank Obama, it was lost under his admin. with no resistance. How many more 100's of thousands of Ukranians are you willing to see die to win back pro-Russian portions of Eastern Ukraine.

What is he wrong about? What is the absurdity? You have zero clue what you're talking about.
Wow! You’re full of many senseless wingnut conspiracy theories. It’s an embarrassment you call yourself a Republican. Or have you dropped the Republican part because you’re really just a totally devoted doe-eyed Trumpster.
I don't care if dbm is a Republican, a Rino, A Trumpster, or even a Democrat.
Just please, please, please, tell me he is not an IU grad.
I disagree with you. Language matters in politics and Republicans have neglected it for several decades and it’s why they have won 1 Presidential popular vote in 30 years. It’s not 1980 anymore. You can’t just talk about tax cuts and hope people vote for you.

People are constantly inundated with information shaping their perspective, today. You can’t tell them what to think, but you sure as hell can tell them what to think about. Gun Rights, MAGA, Far-Right, white nationalist, women’s right to choose, Trumpers, the many phobia’s are all examples of this. Conservatives need to learn to play the game better and woke us an example. Of course liberals don’t like it, that’s the point. Attach negative emotions to the other side when you hear the words.

"Presidential" to me means a person both liberals and conservatives can say "I like him, even if I don't always agree with him".

Unfortunately, to become president you have to win the primary, and these days this can mean attacking your opponents. So when taking office 40% of the voters are already out to get you.
He's obnoxious, loud, and speaks truths that most people won't touch.

As Ukraine settles into an unwinnable stalemate, his position looks better by the day.

Ukraine is not getting back Crimea. Never ever. Thank Obama, it was lost under his admin. with no resistance. How many more 100's of thousands of Ukranians are you willing to see die to win back pro-Russian portions of Eastern Ukraine.

What is he wrong about? What is the absurdity? You have zero clue what you're talking about.
Every once in awhile he speaks logic and truth then invariably spins off the rails into…..what?!?!
Says the guy who voted for the biggest liar to ever run for or be elected President. You just don’t live in reality.
Biden literally lied about his first wife's death. Said the guy that hit her was drunk when he wasn't and it was her fault. Hillary has lied about everything under the sun for decades including covering up her husband's rapes and trying to steal the 2016 election with her Russian collusion lies. What a couple of sick POS. But Trump over exaggerated his apartment square footage.

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Biden literally lied about his first wife's death. Said the guy that hit her was drunk when he wasn't and it was her fault. Hillary has lied about everything under the sun for decades including covering up her husband's rapes and trying to steal the 2016 election with her Russian collusion lies. What a couple of sick POS. But Trump over exaggerated his apartment square footage.

Your post is inaccurate as usual, and if you think that’s all Trump lied about you’re more delusional than I thought.
Your post is inaccurate as usual, and if you think that’s all Trump lied about you’re more delusional than I thought.

I genuinely do not understand why you (or anyone else) even bothers to engage @dumbhoosier. Just block him and move on. His mind will not be changed with any argument.
"Presidential" to me means a person both liberals and conservatives can say "I like him, even if I don't always agree with him".

Unfortunately, to become president you have to win the primary, and these days this can mean attacking your opponents. So when taking office 40% of the voters are already out to get you.
Do you think that's because attack ads are effective or their policy positions wouldn't be well received?Personally, I can't stand the negativity.

I'm just old enough to remember seeing Ross Perot on TV. Maybe I liked him cause I'm kind of a nerd but I liked his style.
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Do you think that's because attack ads are effective or their policy positions wouldn't be well received?Personally, I can't stand the negativity.

I'm just old enough to remember seeing Ross Perot on TV. Maybe I liked him cause I'm kind of a nerd but I liked his style.

I voted for Ross Perot.

My wife still doesn't believe it. She didn'tt share my passion at the time for a balanced budget.

Interestingly, the guys running against Perot, Daddy Bush and Bill Clinton later both played a part in balancing a budget.
Native Americans would be beyond pissed. "You spent generations wrongly calling us Indians, taking our land and you go and elect one of THEM to be President before one of us"? Talk about a kick in the nutz!
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