Tucker Carlson 1/6 tapes

Not that there was ever any doubt, but here's more evidence establishing that Tucker Carlson and the original Faux News are despicable. I hope Dominion cleans their clock. Some highlights:
  • Carlson, two days before Jan 6: "I hate [Trump] passionately. We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can't wait."
  • More from Carlson: "We're all pretending we've got a lot to show for [the Trump presidency], because admitting what a disaster it's been is too tough to digest. But come on. There really isn't an upside to Trump."
  • More from Carlson: Trump's talent is "to destroy things. He could easily destroy us if we play it wrong."
  • Murdoch, shortly after Trump's election loss: "The real danger is what he might do as president. Apparently not sleeping and bouncing off walls! Don't know about Melania, but kids no help."
And this final quote speaks volumes:
  • Murdoch: He (Murdoch) didn't want to "antagonize" Trump. "He had a very large following and they were probably mostly viewers of Fox, so it would have been stupid."
Fox knew Trump's post-election claims were bogus but they promoted them anyway. They were worried about declining viewership as Trump supporters stopped watching after Fox called Arizona for Biden - - even before (gasp!) CNN did.


Not that there was ever any doubt, but here's more evidence establishing that Tucker Carlson and the original Faux News are despicable. I hope Dominion cleans their clock. Some highlights:
  • Carlson, two days before Jan 6: "I hate [Trump] passionately. We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can't wait."
  • More from Carlson: "We're all pretending we've got a lot to show for [the Trump presidency], because admitting what a disaster it's been is too tough to digest. But come on. There really isn't an upside to Trump."
  • More from Carlson: Trump's talent is "to destroy things. He could easily destroy us if we play it wrong."
  • Murdoch, shortly after Trump's election loss: "The real danger is what he might do as president. Apparently not sleeping and bouncing off walls! Don't know about Melania, but kids no help."
And this final quote speaks volumes:
  • Murdoch: He (Murdoch) didn't want to "antagonize" Trump. "He had a very large following and they were probably mostly viewers of Fox, so it would have been stupid."
Fox knew Trump's post-election claims were bogus but they promoted them anyway. They were worried about declining viewership as Trump supporters stopped watching after Fox called Arizona for Biden - - even before (gasp!) CNN did.


At least Trump and his followers know the difference between a man and a woman !
So do your part and stop telling them then.

One cop, age 42, who fought rioters and was pepper-sprayed twice suffered multiple strokes and died the next day. The medical examiner said the events of Jan 6 likely contributed.

Four more cops who defended the Capitol died by suicide in the weeks that followed.

Cops died as a result of January 6.
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So do your part and stop telling them then.

One cop, age 42, who fought rioters and was pepper-sprayed twice suffered multiple strokes and died the next day. The medical examiner said the events of Jan 6 likely contributed.

Four more cops who defended the Capitol died by suicide in the weeks that followed.

Cops died as a result of January 6.
Here he is walking around perfectly well after he was murdered. Lord it's a miracle!!!

The hyper partisan right wingers on this board > than the hyper partisan left wing drips.

Well done dbm
Cucker got shut down last night. Knew it would happen.


After Fox's numerous internal messages became known yesterday, the whole world learned that Fox's personnel always knew they were lying over and over again in their on-air content.

And now you tell us that "Cucker" "got shut down."

How do you stand it ??
Typical garbage post from you, deflecting from an important point Mark was making. Republican Senators John Thune, Thom Tillis, Kevin Cramer, John Kennedy and others said yesterday that what Fvcker Carlson and Fox News are doing is bullshit, irresponsible, dangerous and wrong.

Not surprisingly, your favorite orange turd praised Fox News and called for the immediate release of all the detained Jan 6 rioters.

People like you and all the other Trump acolytes are destroying the Republican Party.
Actually, Bowl, DANC is part of the mainstream of "the Republican party." He's not destroying it; he's promoting it. DANC is what they stand for. Sad.
It always cracks me up when people get upset when it's suggested the US justice system is much better than many 3rd world countries.

Most 3rd world countries have a decent justice system - but it's highly biased and subject to whomever is in charge, particularly on political charges.

Anyone who has observed our justice system in action over the last 6 years understands we now have a 2-tier justice system, depending on political bias.
Wow. Just wow.

In a single post, DANC claims most third world countries "have a decent justice system" while at the same time admitting that those same third-world justice systems are "highly biased and subject to whomever is in charge, particularly on political charges."

See, everyone? That's DANC's Republican notion of "a decent justice system."

Vote Trump!! Vote MAGA -- 2024 !!
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Imagine using Randy Quaid to support your position. Man I don't know how some of you guys function on a daily basis. Just so dumb.
Randy Quaid and Mel Gibson. Two huge assholes - - and nutjobs.

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Carlson, two days before Jan 6: "I hate [Trump] passionately. We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can't wait."

More from Carlson: "We're all pretending we've got a lot to show for [the Trump presidency], because admitting what a disaster it's been is too tough to digest. But come on. There really isn't an upside to Trump."

So, will Tucker pay a price for this? Trump has already turned on Murdoch. Is Carlson next? And will the MAGA viewers abandon them?

Looks to me that Carlson wasn't all that different from Scarborough and Wallace and Steele and the other Never Trumpers, other than not having any integrity.
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Wow. Just wow.

In a single post, DANC claims most third world countries "have a decent justice system" while at the same time admitting that those same third-world justice systems are "highly biased and subject to whomever is in charge, particularly on political charges."

See, everyone? That's DANC's Republican notion of "a decent justice system."

Vote Trump!! Vote MAGA -- 2024 !!
Yeah. That post was from the danc "Pulled Straight From My Ass" files.
Not that there was ever any doubt, but here's more evidence establishing that Tucker Carlson and the original Faux News are despicable. I hope Dominion cleans their clock. Some highlights:
  • Carlson, two days before Jan 6: "I hate [Trump] passionately. We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can't wait."
  • More from Carlson: "We're all pretending we've got a lot to show for [the Trump presidency], because admitting what a disaster it's been is too tough to digest. But come on. There really isn't an upside to Trump."
  • More from Carlson: Trump's talent is "to destroy things. He could easily destroy us if we play it wrong."
  • Murdoch, shortly after Trump's election loss: "The real danger is what he might do as president. Apparently not sleeping and bouncing off walls! Don't know about Melania, but kids no help."
And this final quote speaks volumes:
  • Murdoch: He (Murdoch) didn't want to "antagonize" Trump. "He had a very large following and they were probably mostly viewers of Fox, so it would have been stupid."
Fox knew Trump's post-election claims were bogus but they promoted them anyway. They were worried about declining viewership as Trump supporters stopped watching after Fox called Arizona for Biden - - even before (gasp!) CNN did.


Wow. Just wow.
It’s not like that at all. This is not about crimes. Pelosi’s select committee used the video to advance a political purpose. That makes every second of those videos newsworthy and information the public must have.. There is absolutely no justification for withholding any of it. After the disgraceful manipulation of the Covid information and Hunters laptop story, I’m sick and tired of our governmental institutions manipulating information in order to influence public opinion. You should be sick of it too.
He should be sick of it? yep, but they’re doing it because of him and the likeminded folks so well represented on this board…
Antonio Sabato Jr!!!!!! I just spit tea all over my desk lol. Love it Dbm. Hold the line
Why does the Right endorse model Sabato's right to make political comments but ridicules model Chrissey Teigen's right to do the same thing?

Hint: it has nothing to do with the right of free speech (which the Republicans abandoned starting in about 2015).
So, will Tucker pay a price for this? Trump has already turned on Murdoch. Is Carlson next? And will the MAGA viewers abandon them?

Looks to me that Carlson wasn't all that different from Scarborough and Wallace and Steele and the other Never Trumpers, other than not having any integrity.
I doubt it, because his current Jan 6 propaganda is no doubt giving Trump his first hard-on since Stormy Daniels. Trump has praised Carlson's programming this week.

All these guys fully understood the extent and impact of Trump's corrupt and criminal post-election conduct, but the thirst for power and money ultimately won out. Kevin McCarthy, for example, blasted Trump from the House chamber on January 13, 2021. He was scathing in his criticism of Trump and said he was responsible for January 6. Two weeks later, he flew to Mar-A-Lago to kiss Trump's ring and promise his undying loyalty as he eyed the Speaker's gavel. Now he's owned not just by Trump but by Marjorie Taylor effing Greene.

Similarly, Carlson covets ratings, influence and cash. Just a greedy, lying sack of shit.
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Why does the Right endorse model Sabato's right to make political comments but ridicules model Chrissey Teigen's right to do the same thing?

Hint: it has nothing to do with the right of free speech (which the Republicans abandoned starting in about 2015).
why do you reply to me when i've told you a thousand times i don't like you? HInt; you're a moron. As for sobato i didn't endorse him. i haven't heard his name in 20 years. that's what is funny about it. like sorbo. but again you miss that because you are daft. teigen is an annoying moron shoved in our face by the woke cult. does that help?
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why do you reply to me when i've told you a thousand times i don't like you? HInt; you're a moron. As for sobato i didn't endorse him. i haven't heard his name in 20 years. that's what is funny about it. like sorbo. but again you miss that because you are daft. teigen is an annoying moron shoved in our face by the woke cult. does that help?
Why did you react like that to my post (not actually directed at you) after telling me not to respond to you?

I didn't attack you. I responded generally in agreement with the substance of your post.
Why did you react like that to my post (not actually directed at you) after telling me not to respond to you?

I didn't attack you. I responded generally in agreement with the substance of your post.

He really really needs to get laid.

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