Tucker Carlson 1/6 tapes

Haha. Danc the Destroyer. He's so tough he claims to have Bulk and me on ignore. Poor little buddy was apparently triggered by our posts. (I know he still reads at least some of them, though).
I fear bulk is on a shrimp boat off grid. I’m growing worried
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Trump has become so big of a deal to his opponents they run around doing the conspiracy shit that his supporters accuse them of.
I can’t figure out why Trump generates so much interest in people. Everything about him, positive or negative, looks to me like an overstated emotional response. Some of it I’d expect from mental midgets, but some of it is also from people whose intelligence and ability I respect.

Trump is not a threat to democracy. (but the response to him is). Trump is the product of democracy. Trump was not ever going to save the world from China. He was not ever going to bring back the economy to post war manufacturing boom times. Trump lies like a used car salesman, but in the scheme of things his lies are trivial. Compare all of Trump‘s bad shit to this:

  • The now obvious Covid cause coverup orchestrated by people in government and amplified by our so-called free and independent press.
  • The despicable Hunter laptop coverup and lie orchestrated by campaign operatives and amplified by our so-called free and independent press.
  • The unholy alliance between social media and our government.
  • The use of the FBI for political purposes including one case of lying to a court that we accidentally know about.
  • A guy on Fox challenges the artfully constructed threat to democracy J6 narrative and the whole world seemingly goes apeshit, including demands for censorship screamed from the floor of the United States Senate.
All the above are tied, in varying degrees to pushing Trump to the side. All the above are pathetic examples of how a democracy is not supposed to work. Democracy works best with more information not less, with more media independence, not less, with a better informed public, not a manipulated one, and with more speech, not censored speech.

We have gotten to the point of actually believing that Trump being president will end the United States, and Biden continuing to be president will end the United States. Neither is true, but the country thinking it is true is evidence of the decline we are now in.

Bringing two threads together. I think we have gotten to this point because of our piss poor, and worsening public education system.
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I can’t figure out why Trump generates so much interest in people. Everything about him, positive or negative, looks to me like an overstated emotional response. Some of it I’d expect from mental midgets, but some of it is also from people whose intelligence and ability I respect.

Trump is not a threat to democracy. (but the response to him is). Trump is the product of democracy. Trump was not ever going to save the world from China. He was not ever going to bring back the economy to post war manufacturing boom times. Trump lies like a used car salesman, but in the scheme of things his lies are trivial. Compare all of Trump‘s bad shit to this:

  • The now obvious Covid cause coverup orchestrated by people in government and amplified by our so-called free and independent press.
  • The despicable Hunter laptop coverup and lie orchestrated by campaign operatives and amplified by our so-called free and independent press.
  • The unholy alliance between social media and our government.
  • The use of the FBI for political purposes including one case of lying to a court that we accidentally know about.
  • A guy on Fox challenges the artfully constructed threat to democracy J6 narrative and the whole world seemingly goes apeshit, including demands for censorship screamed from the floor of the United States Senate.
All the above are tied, in varying degrees to pushing Trump to the side. All the above are pathetic examples of how a democracy is not supposed to work. Democracy works best with more information not less, with more media independence, not less, with a better informed public, not a manipulated one, and with more speech, not censored speech.

We have gotten to the point of actually believing that Trump being president will end the United States, and Biden continuing to be president will end the United States. Neither is true, but the country thinking it is true is evidence of the decline we are now in.

Bringing two threads together. I think we have gotten to this point because of our piss poor, and worsening public education system.
We definitely need high boots today. That bullshit you're spreading around is even deeper than usual.
Fox News themselves has said that Tucker isn't there for news, only for entertainment purposes.

The fact that the GOP gave him the tapes first shows what they think of all this.
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...Trump is not a threat to democracy. (but the response to him is)...
lmao. Trump, the guy who instigated Jan 6 and still refuses to concede the 2020 election isn't a threat to democracy?

But the people who are just calling Trump on his shit are a threat? The people that didn't storm the Capital nor repeat fabrications that undermine belief in our election system.


delusional much?
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Fox News themselves has said that Tucker isn't there for news, only for entertainment purposes.

The fact that the GOP gave him the tapes first shows what they think of all this.

So the same excuse as Rush Limbaugh used when confronted about his lying..."I'm just entertaining".

Guess tucker is just filling the void for the people who enjoy taking the lies and pretending like it's the gospel.
So the same excuse as Rush Limbaugh used when confronted about his lying..."I'm just entertaining".

Guess tucker is just filling the void for the people who enjoy taking the lies and pretending like it's the gospel.

I mean, you can't fight it when fox uses it in court to fight off a lawsuit.
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Careful, you might get labeled a "Trumper" because you don't buy the accepted narrative 100%. Nothing released has been some "Oh my goodness" eye opener. It merely confirms what I was seeing from many of the clips that were floating around on that day. There was a small group of the whole who were completely out of line with how they acted that day and then there was the overwhelming amount who were just kind of "there".

The Shaman guy was held in solitary confinement for 18 months and sentenced to around 4 years in prison and to me that looks like overkill based on what he did. There is video of people saying he should be shot. OK. That is the new paradigm. I want the police in Atlanta to start mowing down the domestic and international terrorists attacking them in Atlanta this weekend. My ENTIRE issue is the way that "righties" acting stupid get portrayed in the media and treated by the justice system and how "leftists" acting stupid do. Up above, people saying you wanted BLM punished, me too. Throw them in solitary confinement for over a year so that we can unravel all the ways that out of town people always show up to agitate these things. Then force them into plea deals and into re-education classes to force them to realize the error of their political thinking. That is how the J6 people were treated. And from now on, whenever someone shows up in Congress to walk around during a protest, they are "parading" and should be subject to up to a year in jail.

Go get the people acting badly. You will never convince me that the way these people who acted badly were treated wasn't "Extra" because of the hate boner for Trump. His people are over the top and all the people who freak the heck out about him suck just as hard. Two sides of the same coin. You are all Trump obsessed.

The Shaman got 4 years for trespass and ridiculing Nancy Pelosi, which is considered a crime by the deep staters and their lackies in the press. The Lefties on here for the most part support the bastardization of the federal criminal justice system that has occurred under the Liar in Chief. They're all over it, which is despicable.
Trump, the guy who instigated Jan 6 and still refuses to concede the 2020 election isn't a threat to democracy?
Yes, that is not a threat to democracy. But those who use government as a means of controlling people, and must always have their way, would believe that Trump is a threat. That is a tell.

But the people who are just calling Trump on his shit are a threat?
That’s not what I said.
The people that didn't storm the Capital nor repeat fabrications that undermine belief in our election system.
Yes, that is not a threat to democracy. But those who use government as a means of controlling people, and must always have their way, would believe that Trump is a threat. That is a tell.

That’s not what I said.

You need to learn to speak Hickory. It's a derivative of Dumbass.
Fox News themselves has said that Tucker isn't there for news, only for entertainment purposes.

The fact that the GOP gave him the tapes first shows what they think of all this.
Yes, Tucker is going to go through and pick out the bits to buttress his argument. He is a propagandist/spokesperson for the conservative side of the aisle. The problem though is this:

This wasn't treated correctly from jump. The Democrats in control of Congress brought in a TV executive to make their opening statement to people. The whole thing was a joke. People at the time said this was being handled like a joke. Aloha isn't a Trump fan by any means and I think he said that not truly allowing the GOP to have representation on the hearings was going to be problematic. And here we are. You don't convince people by lying...on either side.
The Shaman got 4 years for trespass and ridiculing Nancy Pelosi, which is considered a crime by the deep staters and their lackies in the press. The Lefties on here for the most part support the bastardization of the federal criminal justice system that has occurred under the Liar in Chief. They're all over it, which is despicable.
"The bastardization of the federal criminal justice system." Classic. Where did that come from? The Gateway Pundit?

So the FBI (headed by Trump appointee Chris Wray) and DOJ suck. Same for the CIA, the courts, and all Dems and "RINOs" in government, I assume? Who's left? Who do you trust? Wild guess here - - - Trump, and his sycophants!
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And that Hawley 'ran away' from the crowd. What the 1/6 committee didn't show was everyone else running out. Hawley was actually one of the last to leave.

The 1/6 committee is nothing but a Democrat media clown show.
There was nothing wrong with anyone,even Hawley running. The reason it's hypocritical of and beyond embarrassing for him is because he actually raised a fist to salute the rioters, prior to becoming their potential victim...

This discussion (with former GOP political consultant Tim Miller) preceeded the release of the video showing Hawley running. Something tells me that when Joshy gave this defaint interview to the WAPO reporter, he never in his darkest nightmares imagined his chicken little moment would be preserved for posterity...

Not at all surprised you see it differently...
The Shaman got 4 years for trespass and ridiculing Nancy Pelosi, which is considered a crime by the deep staters and their lackies in the press. The Lefties on here for the most part support the bastardization of the federal criminal justice system that has occurred under the Liar in Chief. They're all over it, which is despicable.

Liar in Chief is in Florida. Just thought you might want to know since you seem to be uninformed.
There was nothing wrong with anyone,even Hawley running. The reason it's hypocritical of and beyond embarrassing for him is because he actually raised a fist to salute the rioters, prior to becoming their potential victim...

This discussion (with former GOP political consultant Tim Miller) preceeded the release of the video showing Hawley running. Something tells me that when Joshy gave this defaint interview to the WAPO reporter, he never in his darkest nightmares imagined his chicken little moment would be preserved for posterity...

Not at all surprised you see it differently...
*beep* *beep* *beep*

Make sure you don't back over anyone.
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Yes, Tucker is going to go through and pick out the bits to buttress his argument. He is a propagandist/spokesperson for the conservative side of the aisle. The problem though is this:

This wasn't treated correctly from jump. The Democrats in control of Congress brought in a TV executive to make their opening statement to people. The whole thing was a joke. People at the time said this was being handled like a joke. Aloha isn't a Trump fan by any means and I think he said that not truly allowing the GOP to have representation on the hearings was going to be problematic. And here we are. You don't convince people by lying...on either side.
The TV executive didn't put the words in the mouths of all the Republican witnesses!

And whose fault was it that there was no Republican representation on the committee? (I'll overlook for now that falsehood, as committee members Kinzinger and Cheney are Republicans who embrace traditional Republican values but are now viewed by Trump and his sycophants as RINOs because they dared to oppose Trump). McCarthy had three hand-picked appointees approved for committee membership but then pulled them and refused to appoint anyone else after Banks and Jordan were rejected. Even Trump said McCarthy was an idiot for doing that.

Wake up.
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OMG ... This is 100% true..

I had a dream last night, that BEEP BEEP BEEP , he's backin it up ... Would be used in a post today. I'm not lieing! mind blown.
Funny all I heard from the Dims about how Hawley was such a coward for 'running' away.

Then, when the video comes out that shows everyone running and evacuating it's "Well, it's not that he was running away, but.....".

They all sing from the same hymnal.
Funny all I heard from the Dims about how Hawley was such a coward for 'running' away.

Then, when the video comes out that shows everyone running and evacuating it's "Well, it's not that he was running away, but.....".

They all sing from the same hymnal.
Cosmic explained above why Hawley's sprint was particularly noteworthy - - and ironic.

I will say this. He was really booking it. Guy's in shape.
Funny all I heard from the Dims about how Hawley was such a coward for 'running' away.

Then, when the video comes out that shows everyone running and evacuating it's "Well, it's not that he was running away, but.....".

They all sing from the same hymnal.

How many times does it need explained to you that the reason Hawley get singled out is because he raised his fist to them in solidarity before running for his life.

If they were his peaceful tourist buddies then why run?
How many times does it need explained to you that the reason Hawley get singled out is because he raised his fist to them in solidarity before running for his life.

If they were his peaceful tourist buddies then why run?
The people who get their "news" only from Fox News and sources like the Daily Wire have no idea what's going on. When there's mention of the Hawley raised fist, they're probably like, "huh?" Same with the Dominion lawsuit bombshell discovery that came out this week. Their go-to sources aren't covering that. They're clueless.
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The TV executive didn't put the words in the mouths of all the Republican witnesses!

And whose fault was it that there was no Republican representation on the committee? (I'll overlook for now that falsehood, as committee members Kinzinger and Cheney are Republicans who embrace traditional Republican values but are now viewed by Trump and his sycophants as RINOs because they dared to oppose Trump). McCarthy had three hand-picked appointees approved for committee membership but then pulled them and refused to appoint anyone else after Banks and Jordan were rejected. Even Trump said McCarthy was an idiot for doing that.

Wake up.
McCarthy pulled out because what Pelosi was doing was a breach of Congressional norms.

I don't need to wake up to anything.
Which again just goes to show that Bowl is full of s***. What the DOJ has been doing is many times more damaging to the Republic that anything Tucker Carlson and the Shaman have in mind. These people are 100% corrupt. Wake up!!!
What was the justification for keeping ANY of this footage out of the public domain up until now?
Which again just goes to show that Bowl is full of s***. What the DOJ has been doing is many times more damaging to the Republic that anything Tucker Carlson and the Shaman have in mind. These people are 100% corrupt. Wake up!!!
What are you talking about? When did I weigh in on this guy's trial? (Answer: Never). I was talking about exculpatory evidence in the context of the QAnon Shaman's case, I have no familiarity with this case. Do you?

In any event, do you even know what a motion is? I'm sure this isn't the last Brady motion that will be filed following Fvcker Carlson's not-so-big reveal. We'll see how many are granted.
What was the justification for keeping ANY of this footage out of the public domain up until now?

Because footage showing when people are not committing violent crime is immaterial. That footage doesn't change anything. It doesn't erase the violence that was perpetrated that day.

That's like seeing a video of a crime and saying "lets rewind or fast forward that a little when we don't see a crime and then pretend like that erases the crime".

The only footage that matters is the one of criminal acts. Other footage doesn't just erase what happened.
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How many times does it need explained to you that the reason Hawley get singled out is because he raised his fist to them in solidarity before running for his life.

If they were his peaceful tourist buddies then why run?
Funny I never heard that excuse before the video Tucker showed.

What don't you understand about being evacuated?
Because footage showing when people are not committing violent crime is immaterial. That footage doesn't change anything. It doesn't erase the violence that was perpetrated that day.

That's like seeing a video of a crime and saying "lets rewind or fast forward that a little when we don't see a crime and then pretend like that erases the crime".

The only footage that matters is the one of criminal acts. Other footage doesn't just erase what happened.
That has nothing to do with limiting the availability of the video.

You need to remove that 'Kick Me' sign off your ass.
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McCarthy pulled out because what Pelosi was doing was a breach of Congressional norms.

I don't need to wake up to anything.
I doubt that you even knew the complete history of the Jan 6 Committee formation. Fake News Fox News only seriously covered the rejection of Banks and Jordan.

McCarthy was a fool for doing what he did.
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Because footage showing when people are not committing violent crime is immaterial. That footage doesn't change anything. It doesn't erase the violence that was perpetrated that day.

That's like seeing a video of a crime and saying "lets rewind or fast forward that a little when we don't see a crime and then pretend like that erases the crime".

The only footage that matters is the one of criminal acts. Other footage doesn't just erase what happened.
That’s BS. The committee is not a criminal justice agency. If relevant footage was concealed from the defense in the prosecution of crimes, that’s a different question, in a different forum, with different standards.

The congressional committee is a political body. The committee hired a pro to curate and choreograph the video. What the committee didn’t use is still public information and there was no legit reason to hide it.
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That’s BS. The committee is not a criminal justice agency. If relevant footage was concealed from the defense in the prosecution of crimes, that’s a different question, in a different forum, with different standards.

The congressional committee is a political body. The committee hired a pro to curate and choreograph the video. What the committee didn’t use is still public information and there was no legit reason to hide it.
Did the "pro" put the words in the mouths of the dozens of Republican witnesses?
Because footage showing when people are not committing violent crime is immaterial. That footage doesn't change anything. It doesn't erase the violence that was perpetrated that day.

That's like seeing a video of a crime and saying "lets rewind or fast forward that a little when we don't see a crime and then pretend like that erases the crime".

The only footage that matters is the one of criminal acts. Other footage doesn't just erase what happened.
So video showing Officer Sicknick walking around alive and well and wearing a helmet hours after he had been hit over the head with a fire extinguisher and murdered by a Trump supporter is irrelevant? Ok got it.
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That’s BS. The committee is not a criminal justice agency. If relevant footage was concealed from the defense in the prosecution of crimes, that’s a different question, in a different forum, with different standards.

The congressional committee is a political body. The committee hired a pro to curate and choreograph the video. What the committee didn’t use is still public information and there was no legit reason to hide it.

None of the video that was withheld would have mattered in a defense.

Were the events in the videos that were shown by the committee accurate?


Did any video that was withheld change anything or erase anything?


End of story.

Curate and choreograph? They went through the video to show the public the violence that happened that day. They didn't alter or change anything. They showed what happened. Cutting through the parts that weren't violent doesn't change that. People have short attention spans. There was no reason to have people watch paint dry to get to the part where crimes/violence was more apparent.
None of the video that was withheld would have mattered in a defense.

Were the events in the videos that were shown by the committee accurate?


Did any video that was withheld change anything or erase anything?


End of story.

Curate and choreograph? They went through the video to show the public the violence that happened that day. They didn't alter or change anything. They showed what happened. Cutting through the parts that weren't violent doesn't change that. People have short attention spans. There was no reason to have people watch paint dry to get to the part where crimes/violence was more apparent.
You have no personal knowledge of anything you’re opining to. Yikes
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