Tucker Carlson 1/6 tapes

No. But the witnesses were hand picked and other witnesses were never called. That’s all part of the show.
Who were the witnesses - - willing to testify - - who you would have liked to have heard from and weren't called?

Hand-picked witnesses? Ha! If I'm a prosecutor and I know of an important witness, yes, I'm going to "hand-pick" him to testify.

Some of the "hand-picked" witnesses:
  • Pat Cipollone - Trump's White House Counsel
  • Eric Herschmann - Senior Advisor to Trump
  • Matthew Pottinger - Trump's Deputy National Security Advisor
  • Sarah Matthews - Trump's Deputy Press Secretary
  • Cassidy Hutchinson - Aide to Trump's Chief of Staff Mark Meadows (Meadows himself fought the subpoena served on him)
  • Jeffrey Clark - Senior DOJ official in the Trump administration
  • Bill Stepien - Trump's Campaign Manager
  • Bill Barr - Trump's Attorney General
It's not hard to imagine, at least not for a clear-thinking person, how these individuals (and there were many more), all Republicans by the way, would have relevant knowledge with respect to the January 6 investigation.
Yes, Tucker is going to go through and pick out the bits to buttress his argument. He is a propagandist/spokesperson for the conservative side of the aisle. The problem though is this:

This wasn't treated correctly from jump. The Democrats in control of Congress brought in a TV executive to make their opening statement to people. The whole thing was a joke. People at the time said this was being handled like a joke. Aloha isn't a Trump fan by any means and I think he said that not truly allowing the GOP to have representation on the hearings was going to be problematic. And here we are. You don't convince people by lying...on either side.


If the gop wants this to be taken seriously, give the tapes to someone serious like Bret Baier, who to my knowledge, fox hasn't had to come out and said shouldn't be taken seriously.
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So video showing Officer Sicknick walking around alive and well and wearing a helmet hours after he had been hit over the head with a fire extinguisher and murdered by a Trump supporter is irrelevant? Ok got it.
Jesus God. You can't possibly be this dense.

Sicknick was not hit with a fire extinguisher. Repeat: Sicknick was not hit with a fire extinguisher. He was pepper-sprayed at least twice. At least one of the perps involved in that has been arrested and charged with assault.

After he was attacked, Sicknick continued to valiantly defend the Capitol. The next day, a previously healthy, fit 42 year-old Sicknick suffered multiple strokes and died. The medical examiner concluded that he died of "natural causes," but added that the events of the previous day likely contributed to the strokes.
I don't know what got into me. I guess I'm just tired of Aloha accusing you of being a secret liberal!

We'll find out years from now that Lucy, Cray, danc, dbm and possibly a few others were all the same person parodying conservatives to make them look bad lol
Who were the witnesses - - willing to testify - - who you would have liked to have heard from and weren't called?

Hand-picked witnesses? Ha! If I'm a prosecutor and I know of an important witness, yes, I'm going to "hand-pick" him to testify.

Some of the "hand-picked" witnesses:
  • Pat Cipollone - Trump's White House Counsel
  • Eric Herschmann - Senior Advisor to Trump
  • Matthew Pottinger - Trump's Deputy National Security Advisor
  • Sarah Matthews - Trump's Deputy Press Secretary
  • Cassidy Hutchinson - Aide to Trump's Chief of Staff Mark Meadows (Meadows himself fought the subpoena served on him)
  • Jeffrey Clark - Senior DOJ official in the Trump administration
  • Bill Stepien - Trump's Campaign Manager
  • Bill Barr - Trump's Attorney General
It's not hard to imagine, at least not for a clear-thinking person, how these individuals (and there were many more), all Republicans by the way, would have relevant knowledge with respect to the January 6 investigation.
I can’t answer your question without first looking at the transcripts of those committee staff interviewed and then we’re not called. Tarick Johnson is one.
but added that the events of the previous day likely contributed to the strokes.
I don’t believe this says what you think it does. Stress is a trigger for anyone at risk for strokes. Do you have a link?

Pepper spray does not cause a stroke.
I don’t believe this says what you think it does. Stress is a trigger for anyone at risk for strokes. Do you have a link?

Pepper spray does not cause a stroke.

This is not true.

From the article:
Past research also shows that inhalation of pepper spray can cause a sudden spike in blood pressure, increasing a person’s risk for stroke or heart attack.
This is not true.

From the article:
Past research also shows that inhalation of pepper spray can cause a sudden spike in blood pressure, increasing a person’s risk for stroke or heart attack.
Were the protesters the ones using pepper spracy? If it's so deadly, why didn't anyone else die from it?
I don’t believe this says what you think it does. Stress is a trigger for anyone at risk for strokes. Do you have a link?

Pepper spray does not cause a stroke.
Fvck Fake News Fox News and Tucker Carlson.

I can’t answer your question without first looking at the transcripts of those committee staff interviewed and then we’re not called. Tarick Johnson is one.
Football must be your favorite sport. That was a helluva punt.
says who?

Just a coincidence I am sure.
Oh yeah, because pepper spray - used all the time in riots by police - just kills people all the time.

When will you allow your brain to stray outside the narrative just long enough to allow common sense to sneak in?
Were the protesters the ones using pepper spracy? If it's so deadly, why didn't anyone else die from it?

I have no idea and don't pretend to.

That wasn’t what was said though.

It was said that pepper spray couldn't cause a stroke. I simply provided a link that it could.
Oh yeah, because pepper spray - used all the time in riots by police - just kills people all the time.

When will you allow your brain to stray outside the narrative just long enough to allow common sense to sneak in?
The medical examiner said "all that transpired (on January 6) played a role in his condition."

Seriously, what is your fvcking major malfunction?
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I have no idea and don't pretend to.

That wasn’t what was said though.

It was said that pepper spray couldn't cause a stroke. I simply provided a link that it could.

All the experts I’ve encountered testify that pepper spray only affects exposed mucus membranes and the effects are over in minutes to hours. Your link does not say what you think it does about the cause of death.
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Not sure the Trumpers have ever looked dumber, or more disgraceful, than in this thread. Making light of the tragic death of a good cop who was just doing his job.
Just out knock it off. Pelosi, Biden and the other democrats paraded officer Sicknick’s remains around the Capitol as a prop for their J6 narrative. That was disgusting. You are doing the same.

All the experts I’ve encountered testify that pepper spray only affects exposed mucus membranes and the effects are over in minutes to hours. Your link does not say what you think it does about the cause of death.

You said, and I quote, "pepper spray can not cause a stroke".

Then you come back with not the next day.

Now you reply with this response.

Which is it?

I'm going to go with the people that actually study the stuff, not people that post on a message board.

Here's the research since you didn't want to read it.


All the experts I’ve encountered testify that pepper spray only affects exposed mucus membranes and the effects are over in minutes to hours. Your link does not say what you think it does about the cause of death.
No one gives a shit about "all the experts you've encountered." The coroner, the ME who did the post-mortem, said all that transpired on January 6 played a role in Sicknick's condition.

Why are you splitting hairs and being such a dick? You're demonstrating danc-level assholery.
All the experts I’ve encountered testify that pepper spray only affects exposed mucus membranes and the effects are over in minutes to hours. Your link does not say what you think it does about the cause of death.

You said, and I quote, "pepper spray can not cause a stroke".

Then you come back with not the next day.

Now you reply with this response.

Which is it?

I'm going to go with the people that actually study the stuff, not people that post on a message board.

Here's the research since you didn't want to read it.


That was in response to your link.

The primary point is that your link is without evidence ir data. I don’t think there is a single documented case . The second point is a bp spike does not cause a stroke days later.
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Just out knock it off. Pelosi, Biden and the other democrats paraded officer Sicknick’s remains around the Capitol as a prop for their J6 narrative. That was disgusting. You are doing the same.
"Paraded his remains around?" A prop? Are you fvcking kidding me? He was given the worthy distinction of his remains lying in honor in the Rotunda of the Capitol. Who, except a sick fvck, would begrudge him and his family that honor?

You're truly repulsive.
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Just out knock it off. Pelosi, Biden and the other democrats paraded officer Sicknick’s remains around the Capitol as a prop for their J6 narrative. That was disgusting. You are doing the same.
Here you go, rabid follower.

From the Sicknick family:

"The Sicknick Family would love nothing more than to have Brian back with us and to resume our normal lives. Fictitious news outlets like Fox and its rabid followers will not allow that.

"Every time the pain of that day seems to have ebbed a bit, organizations like Fox rip our wounds wide open again and we are frankly sick of it."

You said, and I quote, "pepper spray can not cause a stroke".

Then you come back with not the next day.

Now you reply with this response.

Which is it?

I'm going to go with the people that actually study the stuff, not people that post on a message board.

Here's the research since you didn't want to read it.


That was in response to your link.

The primary point is that your link is without evidence ir data. I don’t think there is a single documented case . The second point is a bp spike does not cause a stroke days later.

That is the point Ben Shapiro made a few days back. Then there is this:

Trump has become so big of a deal to his opponents they run around doing the conspiracy shit that his supporters accuse them of. The only thing on those videos that "hurt" their narrative was the overhand convictions they threw at some people. We all saw the destruction that day and anyone who did even a scintilla of digging saw the type of stuff Carlson was showing. It wasn't an insurrection. It was a destructive and violent political riot. What Carlson showed doesn't change that.

However, when you act like there is stuff to hide and you select the worst to paint everything in a certain manner, you do call into question what you are hiding. And that has been the MO of the government and agents of the government on far, far too many things circling around Trump and control. The Trump supporters have a legitimate reason to question things because there has been an awful lot of lying and obfuscation the past 6 or 7 years.
You write, "Trump has become so big of a deal to his opponents...," but realistically you should also recognize that Trump is a big deal to everybody.

He is like a huge, trumpeting, farting, crapping Republican elephant in the corner of the room at the ER where the Republican party is trying to recover. Trump cannot be ignored any more than a real elephant.

For that reason, Trump is not at all like ignorables Taylor-Greene or Bobbert or George Santos or Tucker Carlson or Sarah Palin and on and on. He is the absolutely most important Republican right now, and to suggest that anyone should pay less attention to him is a strange thing for a conservative to say.
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You write, "Trump has become so big of a deal to his opponents...," but realistically you should also recognize that Trump is a big deal to everybody.

He is like a huge, trumpeting, farting, crapping Republican elephant in the corner of the room at the ER where the Republican party is trying to recover. Trump cannot be ignored any more than a real elephant.

For that reason, Trump is not at all like ignorables Taylor-Greene or Bobbert or George Santos or Tucker Carlson or Sarah Palin and on and on. He is the absolutely most important Republican right now, and to suggest that anyone should pay less attention to him is a strange thing for a conservative to say.

He likely doesn't have issue when conservatives bring Trump up because they do so in a positive light.

It's just his way of trying to get people to stop talking bad about his guy without actually claiming to defend him.

Trump is relevant for political discussion until he steps away completely from politics.

if iucrazy doesn't want Trump to be discussed then he better hope his fellow republicans stop supporting trump.
The Brady Rule matters for Shaman guy. And what you said is kind of the point I was making. The willingness to step over rules is a negative thing.
Don't the Brady "rules" specify that the undisclosed evidence has to be material in order to help the defendant?

Are 30,000-40,000 hours of allegedly-previously-unprovided videos some of which show nothing more that the Shaman casually walking around with his arrowhead spear weapon really going to contradict the allegation that the other things he did amounted to obstruction?

He pleaded guilty, you know.
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