Tucker Carlson 1/6 tapes

I don't think any video withheld from the detainees would have helped their case because non-crime moments don't erase the crime moments. It would be like claiming a video of a perp walking calmly down the street in the vicinity of the bank somehow cancels out the video showing the perp robbing the bank.

I don't think handing the video to a single, preferred journalist was done in good faith. McCarthy wanted it done by a completely corrupted, partisan journalist that he knew would give it the good ol' conservative slant. Who better for that task then Tucker, Mr. Entertainer himself. If it was really about releasing it to the people, then he would have just released it without making it an exclusive for tucker.

One can always hope he will be better than Pelosi but I wouldn't hold my breath. This is the guy that came out against Trump after Jan 6 and then the next day flew to Mar-a-lago to grovel to Trump and beg forgiveness. I don't think he would be better even if he was the one in charge. However, the truth is MTG and her cronies have him by the balls so we can give up any hope of being better. It's a clown show.
It doesn't matter one iota what you 'think'.

It's basic rights for a defendant to have access to any pertinent information.

Who gives a shit what you 'think' - that's not what the justice system is based on, thank God.
Show your work. I think you are full of crap, convince me I’m wrong.
Read the news (outside of your propaganda).

which part don't you believe?

You don't think that anyone getting to bring up a vote for mccarthy's removal gives more power to MTG and her cohorts given they can easily take McCarthy's slim majority and turn it into a minority if they don't get their way.

How many concessions did mccarthy take begrudgingly to become speaker? It was pretty obvious he didn't want to give up his power but had to in order to win the prize.

And who had the gavel when mccarthy didn't make it? Oh right, MTG. the gazpacho queen was selected due to her intelligence and qualifications I am sure
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I don't think any video withheld from the detainees would have helped their case because non-crime moments don't erase the crime moments. It would be like claiming a video of a perp walking calmly down the street in the vicinity of the bank somehow cancels out the video showing the perp robbing the bank.

I don't think handing the video to a single, preferred journalist was done in good faith. McCarthy wanted it done by a completely corrupted, partisan journalist that he knew would give it the good ol' conservative slant. Who better for that task then Tucker, Mr. Entertainer himself. If it was really about releasing it to the people, then he would have just released it without making it an exclusive for tucker.

One can always hope he will be better than Pelosi but I wouldn't hold my breath. This is the guy that came out against Trump after Jan 6 and then the next day flew to Mar-a-lago to grovel to Trump and beg forgiveness. I don't think he would be better even if he was the one in charge. However, the truth is MTG and her cronies have him by the balls so we can give up any hope of being better. It's a clown show.
You sure do a helluva lot of I don't think in your posts
It doesn't matter one iota what you 'think'.

It's basic rights for a defendant to have access to any pertinent information.

Who gives a shit what you 'think' - that's not what the justice system is based on, thank God.
Did the J6 defendants ask for access to the video? Were they denied access? I really don't know.
Some of them were shown tonight.


- Shaman guy was strolling through the Capitol, escorted by anywhere from 2 or 3 police to about 10, trying different doors to get into offices and being generally escorted around without any mob around. He then said a prayer when he was in the Senate chamber, praising the Capitol Police.

-Brian Sicknick (SP?) walking around the Capitol, directing protesters calmly after supposedly being cracked in the head with a fire extinguisher. He was wearing his helmet.

-Ray Epps with the mob outside the Capitol at least a half hour after he testified under oath he had left the Capitol grounds. Showed video already seen of Epps urging the crowd to go INSIDE the Capitol.

-Shots of people milling around and being respectful of the Capitol building the the police inside.

He will show more on tomorrow night's show.
Like so many anti-trump conspiracy theories and narratives (Covid lab leak, Russian stooge, Hunter lap top) the January 6 narrative is crumbling.

You don’t have to agree with Mr Carlson’s interpretation of the videos, to conclude that the Democrats in leadership, for their own part, have cherry-picked, hyped, spun, and in some ways appear to have lied about, aspects of January 6, turning a tragedy for the nation into a politicized talking point aimed at discrediting half of our electorate.​
Wolf‘s Sicknick comment is especially poignant. Without that Democratic dishonesty, the whole ”deadly insurrection” narrative falls apart.

Trump provides ample reason to criticize him without lying or hyping stuff. The Democrats and the media could not get that. Instead, they misuse and damage the credibility of government and media to thwart him. Perversely, I think all that effort is counter-productive as Trump support has become more stubborn than ever.
You don't think that anyone getting to bring up a vote for mccarthy's removal gives more power to MTG and her cohorts given they can easily take McCarthy's slim majority and turn it into a minority if they don't get their way.
Yes, I don’t think that. All members have equal standing, not just a cabal like before.
Like so many anti-trump conspiracy theories and narratives (Covid lab leak, Russian stooge, Hunter lap top) the January 6 narrative is crumbling.

No, the "narrative" isn't crumbling, but I'm not sure the same can be said for your cognitive function. With all due respect, you are utterly and pathetically full of shit. You're just another ignorant Fox News viewer who's being played for a sucker by Murdoch and company.

Here are the facts. You won't read this, but someone else might.

Good grief are you dumb this morning. MTG does one thing right, which I also support, ( and so should you) and you go off on all her stupid shit. You need to think in terms of issues, not people. Nuance isn’t your strong point.

I will never leave that woman, from the Guardian?!?!? C’mon man.
Are you willfully ignorant or does it come naturally to you? MTG's ownership of McCarthy has been widely reported. Here's an article about "I will never leave that woman" from a source that's more your speed - - the New York Post.

I haven't seen any denials by McCarthy regarding the statement ("I will never leave that woman") that's been attributed to him. Neither have you. And you won't, because good ol' Kevin knows which side his bread is buttered on.

It took fifteen (15) ballots and four days for McCarthy to be elected Speaker. Marjorie Taylor Greene is the reason he ultimately got the gavel. She owns him now.

Are you willfully ignorant or does it come naturally to you? MTG's ownership of McCarthy has been widely reported. Here's an article about "I will never leave that woman" from a source that's more your speed - - the New York Post.

I haven't seen any denials by McCarthy regarding the statement ("I will never leave that woman") that's been attributed to him. Neither have you. And you won't, because good ol' Kevin knows which side his bread is buttered on.

It took fifteen (15) ballots and four days for McCarthy to be elected Speaker. Marjorie Taylor Greene is the reason he ultimately got the gavel. She owns him now.

I think you wanna have sex with MTG.
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No, the "narrative" isn't crumbling, but I'm not sure the same can be said for your cognitive function. With all due respect, you are utterly and pathetically full of shit. You're just another ignorant Fox News viewer who's being played for a sucker by Murdoch and company.

Here are the facts. You won't read this, but someone else might.

Stay in the game here.

I’m talking about the select committee , not the DOJ. You probably don’t know the difference, so quit wasting my time.
Stay in the game here.

I’m talking about the select committee , not the DOJ. You probably don’t know the difference, so quit wasting my time.
You're talking in circles.

The Jan 6 Committee hearings, including the testimony provided, were entirely consistent with the Justice report I linked.

As for your other nutty post, I'm not going to dignify that with a response. You're off your rocker.
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I don't know. Why weren't they all released?

That's not the question. If the J6 defendants thought there was exculpatory or mitigating evidence in the Capitol security surveillance tapes, why didn't they ask for them as part of discovery? Or they did, and they were denied?
I don't know. Why weren't they all released?
Why should they have been, particularly since the Capitol police have legitimate security concerns.

Why didn't Carlson show more than four minutes? What was exculpatory in any of it?
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That's not the question. If the J6 defendants thought there was exculpatory or mitigating evidence in the Capitol security surveillance tapes, why didn't they ask for them as part of discovery? Or they did, and they were denied?
Well, one of them just asked for either a retrial or mistrial - can't remember which - because of new video that was released that they didn't have access to.

So, I guess in that case, we can assume they didn't know about it or or were denied access to it.
Well, one of them just asked for either a retrial or mistrial - can't remember which - because of new video that was released that they didn't have access to.

So, I guess in that case, we can assume they didn't know about it or or were denied access to it.

You could assume that, but I'm not sure the request has any merit or will be upheld.
That's not the question. If the J6 defendants thought there was exculpatory or mitigating evidence in the Capitol security surveillance tapes, why didn't they ask for them as part of discovery? Or they did, and they were denied?
He has no clue. He's just doing what always does - - deflect, obfuscate, present fallacious arguments, etc.

Prosecutors have an obligation to provide exculpatory evidence to defendants, irrespective of any request. Here, there are two issues - - what evidence, if any, is exculpatory, and who was in possession of it. Were the individual prosecutors/US Attorney's offices even in possession of all, most or any of the video? They don't have an obligation to provide what they don't have.
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Well, one of them just asked for either a retrial or mistrial - can't remember which - because of new video that was released that they didn't have access to.

So, I guess in that case, we can assume they didn't know about it or or were denied access to it.
You really should get your facts straight before you expect anyone to respond to your drivel comments.

I'll help you out here, although you don't deserve it.

Someone posted here yesterday a social media post that purported to show the cover page of a Brady motion filed by an attorney on behalf of one of the January 6 defendants. It was basically just the caption, with no argument. Who knows whether it was even legit.

In any event, just because a motion is filed doesn't mean there's any merit to the argument. So, no, we can't assume anything. We can't assume the prosecution held anything back that was exculpatory, or that the prosecution was in possession of any exculpatory evidence.
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You could assume that, but I'm not sure the request has any merit or will be upheld.
What if he identifies as BLM or Antifa and is raising a trans kid from his neighbors wife? <--- there would be a statue erected for this mostly peaceful person.
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That's not the question. If the J6 defendants thought there was exculpatory or mitigating evidence in the Capitol security surveillance tapes, why didn't they ask for them as part of discovery? Or they did, and they were denied?
The shaman's lawyer made it sound like he asked for any video DOJ had in which his client appeared. However, just because the video exists doesn't mean DOJ had it. The prosecutor's job is to turn over any relevant evidence it has, including exculpatory evidence. The prosecutor's job is not to go out of its way to find exculpatory evidence for the defense. They (the defense) had access to the tapes, it was their job to search through them.

That said, I don't see how any of this is exculpatory, anyway. Whether or not he spent part of his time peacefully walking around the Capitol is irrelevant. He was charged for what he did, not what he didn't do.
The shaman's lawyer made it sound like he asked for any video DOJ had in which his client appeared. However, just because the video exists doesn't mean DOJ had it. The prosecutor's job is to turn over any relevant evidence it has, including exculpatory evidence. The prosecutor's job is not to go out of its way to find exculpatory evidence for the defense. They (the defense) had access to the tapes, it was their job to search through them.

That said, I don't see how any of this is exculpatory, anyway. Whether or not he spent part of his time peacefully walking around the Capitol is irrelevant. He was charged for what he did, not what he didn't do.
So what did he do?
So what did he do?
Here is the governments discovery duties. The obligation is not limited to what is in the DOJ‘s or USA’s custody. The closest question I think comes under (1)(E)(I).

Government’s Disclosure.

(1) Information Subject to Disclosure.

(A) Defendant’s Oral Statement. Upon a defendant’s request, the government must disclose to the defendant the substance of any relevant oral statement made by the defendant, before or after arrest, in response to interrogation by a person the defendant knew was a government agent if the government intends to use the statement at trial.

(B) Defendant’s Written or Recorded Statement. Upon a defendant’s request, the government must disclose to the defendant, and make available for inspection, copying, or photographing, all of the following:

(i) any relevant written or recorded statement by the defendant if:

· the statement is within the government’s possession, custody, or control; and

· the attorney for the government knows-or through due diligence could know-that the statement exists;

(ii) the portion of any written record containing the substance of any relevant oral statement made before or after arrest if the defendant made the statement in response to interrogation by a person the defendant knew was a government agent; and

(iii) the defendant’s recorded testimony before a grand jury relating to the charged offense.

(C) Organizational Defendant. Upon a defendant’s request, if the defendant is an organization, the government must disclose to the defendant any statement described in Rule 16(a)(1)(A) and (B) if the government contends that the person making the statement:

(i) was legally able to bind the defendant regarding the subject of the statement because of that person’s position as the defendant’s director, officer, employee, or agent; or

(ii) was personally involved in the alleged conduct constituting the offense and was legally able to bind the defendant regarding that conduct because of that person’s position as the defendant’s director, officer, employee, or agent.

(D) Defendant’s Prior Record. Upon a defendant’s request, the government must furnish the defendant with a copy of the defendant’s prior criminal record that is within the government’s possession, custody, or control if the attorney for the government knows-or through due diligence could know-that the record exists.

(E) Documents and Objects. Upon a defendant’s request, the government must permit the defendant to inspect and to copy or photograph books, papers, documents, data, photographs, tangible objects, buildings or places, or copies or portions of any of these items, if the item is within the government’s possession, custody, or control and:

(i) the item is material to preparing the defense;

(ii) the government intends to use the item in its case-in-chief at trial; or

(iii) the item was obtained from or belongs to the defendant.
Here is the governments discovery duties. The obligation is not limited to what is in the DOJ‘s or USA’s custody. The closest question I think comes under (1)(E)(I).

Government’s Disclosure.

(1) Information Subject to Disclosure.

(A) Defendant’s Oral Statement. Upon a defendant’s request, the government must disclose to the defendant the substance of any relevant oral statement made by the defendant, before or after arrest, in response to interrogation by a person the defendant knew was a government agent if the government intends to use the statement at trial.

(B) Defendant’s Written or Recorded Statement. Upon a defendant’s request, the government must disclose to the defendant, and make available for inspection, copying, or photographing, all of the following:

(i) any relevant written or recorded statement by the defendant if:

· the statement is within the government’s possession, custody, or control; and

· the attorney for the government knows-or through due diligence could know-that the statement exists;

(ii) the portion of any written record containing the substance of any relevant oral statement made before or after arrest if the defendant made the statement in response to interrogation by a person the defendant knew was a government agent; and

(iii) the defendant’s recorded testimony before a grand jury relating to the charged offense.

(C) Organizational Defendant. Upon a defendant’s request, if the defendant is an organization, the government must disclose to the defendant any statement described in Rule 16(a)(1)(A) and (B) if the government contends that the person making the statement:

(i) was legally able to bind the defendant regarding the subject of the statement because of that person’s position as the defendant’s director, officer, employee, or agent; or

(ii) was personally involved in the alleged conduct constituting the offense and was legally able to bind the defendant regarding that conduct because of that person’s position as the defendant’s director, officer, employee, or agent.

(D) Defendant’s Prior Record. Upon a defendant’s request, the government must furnish the defendant with a copy of the defendant’s prior criminal record that is within the government’s possession, custody, or control if the attorney for the government knows-or through due diligence could know-that the record exists.

(E) Documents and Objects. Upon a defendant’s request, the government must permit the defendant to inspect and to copy or photograph books, papers, documents, data, photographs, tangible objects, buildings or places, or copies or portions of any of these items, if the item is within the government’s possession, custody, or control and:

(i) the item is material to preparing the defense;

(ii) the government intends to use the item in its case-in-chief at trial; or

(iii) the item was obtained from or belongs to the defendant.
You went to school to learn how to read that - I didn't.
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Imagine if she were black and a Democrat.

I don't think her death was the result of police brutality.

"While initial reports claimed Boyland had been crushed to death amongst the crowds at the Capitol, the DC medical examiner ultimately ruled her cause of death was an amphetamine overdose."

Of course, it's a CCN site, so who knows.
Trump sucks. So does Tucker Carlson. So does everyone who continues to lie about the Nov 2020 election and January 6.

Dude go get a freaking beer. Make it a few double ipa's. January 6th...nobody gives a crap. The only reason it comes up amongst my crew is when the ridiculous left runs its clownshow on TV about it and we're like why??? It's BS Bowl. A nothing burger. Now take my advice and get some good double IPA. If you're lucky you can find one of the OGs that was shelved for years and recently appeared. Stone Ruination. Go get after it and get right. Have a great day! Go Hoosiers
If you people think Jan 6 was an insurrection then you have no idea what one is or what that word even means. That was child's play. You better hope a real one doesn't pop off. It would make the Bosnia-Kosovo war look like recess.

Cops committing suicide after the fact does not mean it was related to the event. If that's even true they did. People who commit suicide have long held thoughts about it. I'm sure those thoughts predated jan 6.
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Dude go get a freaking beer. Make it a few double ipa's. January 6th...nobody gives a crap. The only reason it comes up amongst my crew is when the ridiculous left runs its clownshow on TV about it and we're like why??? It's BS Bowl. A nothing burger. Now take my advice and get some good double IPA. If you're lucky you can find one of the OGs that was shelved for years and recently appeared. Stone Ruination. Go get after it and get right. Have a great day! Go Hoosiers
Tell that to the people that got injured on jan 6 or family members of the people that were killed

Nothing burger? Yeah right
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