Tucker Carlson 1/6 tapes

"We had a shitload of video showing a shitload of people being anything but."

We did? Fox repeatedly showed Portland and Seattle and nightly battles that had going on with continuing stuggles between far left and far right elements in that area that preceeded George Floyd. But if there is a "shitload of video" of BLM people (not outside agitators like Boogie boys and actual criminals) precipitating violence you should be able to link it here...

The stats based on the sheer number of protests don't seem to back up your claims, and Fox has already been taken to task for showing video of Portland and pretending it was elsewhere. And here's a video mashup of Fox commentators condemning BLM protestors for blocking streets and traffic in Seattle, while praising anti-vax protestors for doing the same exact thing in NYC...

I'm curious to see the videos you provide. Probably don't want to include the guy with the umbrella in Minneapolis or any of the subsequent events including the torching of a Minnie Police Station because right wing agitators have been exposed as provocateurs in those cases. This Boogie Boy, associated with the Carrillo wack job that killed the cops in Oakland/SF has already admitted he set the Minnie police station on fire and even fired an assault weapon to agitate the crowd...

See while DANC and his ilk are running around like headless chickens claiming "Antifa" was agitating on Jan 6 and Ray Epps was a paid informant, we already have actual crimes admitted to by right wing agitators during the BLM "riots"...

Interesting (2020) full year analysis from the US Crisis Monitor which in addition to analyzing the BLM protests, compares police response to BLM with the same actions relevant to the anti-lockdown protests which preceded the Floyd unrest...


Sparked by the police killing of George Floyd in May, the latest wave of protests associated with the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement accounts for 47% of all demonstrations in the US last year.2

  • ACLED records more than 10,330 demonstrations associated with the BLM movement across more than 2,730 locations in all 50 states and Washington, DC
    • States with the most events: California (1,151); New York (615); Florida (487); Illinois (430); Texas (425)
  • The vast majority of these events — 94% — involved no violent or destructive activity
  • Nevertheless, over 9% of all BLM-linked demonstrations — or nearly one in 10 events — were met with intervention by police or other authorities, compared to just 4% of right-wing demonstrations3
    • When responding to BLM-linked demonstrations, authorities used force4 more than 51% of the time, compared to just 33% for right-wing demonstrations
    • For more on disparate law enforcement response to different protests, see this report"

Ok conspiracy theorist. You live in an alternate reality.
It isn't about prosecution, get all the people who acted poorly. It is about the narrative building.

Narrative building?

Did the people that injured cops, entered the building illegally and bring zip ties and a noose commit a crime or not? Seems to me they were just laying out the facts for people to see.

You act all pissed off that they decided to show the world the actions of the people that committed violence/crimes that day and somehow missed showing the times when they didn't commit violence or the people stayed outside and were peaceful. But how does some people not being violent or committing crimes (at least not when caught in tucker's videos) negate anything? No one said that every single person on jan 6 was committing violence for the entirety of their illegal trip into the building.

And for your yabbut (something that apparently is fine for conservatives to do), no one on this board has said that people committing crimes during the BLM protests shouldn't be charged.

Lets repeat, people that committed crimes on Jan 6 and during blm protests (which were committed by both blm supporters and far right conservatives) should be charged.

People that weren't committing crimes on Jan 6 and during blm protests shouldn't be charged.

The only difference is you don't seem to think anyone on Jan 6 should be charged and that everyone was just peacefully touring the grounds. That couldn't be farther from the truth and the only proof you need is what the jan 6 committee showed....not the cherry picking tucker carlson that only showed the parts of jan 6 where people weren't committing violence.
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You're asking the impossible.
And you supposedly have me on ignore, danc? Too funny. It's clear you're still reading everything I write.

I don't blame you, though, for no longer engaging with me. It must have been frustrating losing every argument. I'll still continue calling out your steady flow of bullshit, though.

Have a nice day. :)
@Bill4411 I consider putting a laugh face on a question to be a coward's way of debating. So maybe you can use your big boy words and tell us what you would label the police walking around with the Shaman dude as doing. @IU_Hickory usually runs from these things too, but to use his analogy, what do you call a police officer in a bank robbery who shows the unarmed robber the easiest way into the vault? Accomplice? Really bad at his job? An escort?
It's all beyond ridiculous to be rehashing the whole sorry story again, when the man that caused the ultimate outcome never has been brought to justice and caused a whole lot of good loyal people to do something they never would have considered doing but for him. I don't care how the entertainer Tucker wants to spin it for his junky corrupt network because no matter how you dress a pig it's still a pig.

Some of them were shown tonight.


- Shaman guy was strolling through the Capitol, escorted by anywhere from 2 or 3 police to about 10, trying different doors to get into offices and being generally escorted around without any mob around. He then said a prayer when he was in the Senate chamber, praising the Capitol Police.

-Brian Sicknick (SP?) walking around the Capitol, directing protesters calmly after supposedly being cracked in the head with a fire extinguisher. He was wearing his helmet.

-Ray Epps with the mob outside the Capitol at least a half hour after he testified under oath he had left the Capitol grounds. Showed video already seen of Epps urging the crowd to go INSIDE the Capitol.

-Shots of people milling around and being respectful of the Capitol building the the police inside.

He will show more on tomorrow night's show.

They made claims that Rep. Loudermilk led reconnaissance tours. That was false.
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Just because there are some scenes in the video footage showing them being peaceful doesn't change anything about the scenes where they were attacking police and breaking through barricades.

You don't get out of repercussions for a crime just because you weren't committing one before or after the crime. And just being in the building was a crime let alone attacking the police and trying to go after congressmen and women to do them harm.

Trying to find people to zip tie is a crime even if you don't catch them ;)
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And that Hawley 'ran away' from the crowd. What the 1/6 committee didn't show was everyone else running out. Hawley was actually one of the last to leave.

The 1/6 committee is nothing but a Democrat media clown show.

I think the point was that Hawley was happy to rile the crowd up until things got out of hand, then he was just another scared politician.
And that Hawley 'ran away' from the crowd. What the 1/6 committee didn't show was everyone else running out. Hawley was actually one of the last to leave.

The 1/6 committee is nothing but a Democrat media clown show.
Almost all the testimony came from Republicans.

And the significance - - and irony - - of Hawley sprinting out of the building to save his own sorry ass is completely lost on you. He was photographed earlier in the day showing solidarity with the mob by raising a clenched fist.
And that Hawley 'ran away' from the crowd. What the 1/6 committee didn't show was everyone else running out. Hawley was actually one of the last to leave.

The 1/6 committee is nothing but a Democrat media clown show.
You and your fellow trumpers on here are the clown show. Delusional to the end
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And that Hawley 'ran away' from the crowd. What the 1/6 committee didn't show was everyone else running out. Hawley was actually one of the last to leave.

The 1/6 committee is nothing but a Democrat media clown show.
Look at the “Loudermilk footage” released by the J6 committee. Then look up the interview Loudermilk did debunking that footage. Compare that to the witness testimony I linked.

The January 6 committee was nothing but a political hit job.
Orchestrated by Pelosi.
I am in no way minimizing what happened that day. It was awful and the ones that broke the law should be punished.
I think the point was that Hawley was happy to rile the crowd up until things got out of hand, then he was just another scared politician.
The entire House and Senate were being evacuated. If you saw the video, you saw them ALL running out. Hawley was toward the end and wasn't in a group.

The J6 Committee only show Hawley running out.

It's pretty obvious what the point was.
Look at the “Loudermilk footage” released by the J6 committee. Then look up the interview Loudermilk did debunking that footage. Compare that to the witness testimony I linked.

The January 6 committee was nothing but a political hit job.
Orchestrated by Pelosi.
I am in no way minimizing what happened that day. It was awful and the ones that broke the law should be punished.
Tucker showed video of Lowdermilk and the group touring the Capitol.

Total nothingburger.
You and your fellow conservatives on here are the clown show. Delusional to the end
Joe Biden Falling GIF by GIPHY News
Agreed. And, for what it's worth, I think you're one of the better posters here. Informed, reasonable, and you don't put party before country.
Disagree. Not on aloha, but that there’s that clear of a dividing line. I think you and aloha are wrong. I think there’s a significant amount of overlap between trumpers and conservatives. It’s a mess. And it’ll be interesting to see what happens after trump is gone. Desantis is becoming over the top. I hate woke shit but I care more about the price of homes and cars etc and I never hear him talk about that stuff
Agreed. And, for what it's worth, I think you're one of the better posters here. Informed, reasonable, and you don't put party before country.
Thanks, but you liberals sort of like me because I think Trump is unfit to be President. We still disagree on many issues and before Trump I was considered far right by some here. I've not changed what I believe in. I also haven't changed in being able to disagree without being disagreeable.
Look at the “Loudermilk footage” released by the J6 committee. Then look up the interview Loudermilk did debunking that footage. Compare that to the witness testimony I linked.

The January 6 committee was nothing but a political hit job.
Orchestrated by Pelosi.
I am in no way minimizing what happened that day. It was awful and the ones that broke the law should be punished.

A House "investigative" committee turned out to be just a political hit job?

Well I'll be dipped in shit. I know when I'm always looking for some straight shooting oversight, my first stop is always the House of Representatives
Of course he cherry picks - he's picking the scenes not shown in the 1/6 Committee.

That's the whole point.

The Shaman guy got 41 months. Not unlike many others who were strolling through the Capitol.
Kevin McCarthy gave him more than 40,000 hours of security footage.

Do you honestly think Carlson aired all "the scenes not shown in the 1/6 Committee" as you wrote?
A House "investigative" committee turned out to be just a political hit job?

Well I'll be dipped in shit. I know when I'm always looking for some straight shooting oversight, my first stop is always the House of Representatives
I get it but what they accused Loudermilk of is over the top.
He did not lead anyone involved in the Capitol protest through the Capitol because there were no Capitol protesters in the group and the tour never entered the Capitol. But yet he’s accused of orchestrating a reconnaissance mission.
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I get it but what they accused Loudermilk of is over the top.
He did not lead anyone involved in the Capitol protest through the Capitol because there were no Capitol protesters in the group and the tour never entered the Capitol. But yet he’s accused of orchestrating a reconnaissance mission.
But that was in the script that the holywood director had put together. They had to roll with it. It was episode 3 main plot.
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Almost all the testimony came from Republicans.

And the significance - - and irony - - of Hawley sprinting out of the building to save his own sorry ass is completely lost on you. He was photographed earlier in the day showing solidarity with the mob by raising a clenched fist.
Hahahahaha OMG this is just great! THE BEST!!! Another in the long line of msm and dem lies to the American people that most on here swallow hook, line and sinker. Hey @DANC @Crayfish57 @dbmhoosier @Lucy01 I'm gonna be a hero like @Bowlmania and record The Tucker Tapes...LMAO. NOT

Bowl recorded the Jan 6th, staged for suckers, sh!tshow, presented by, NOBODY THAT TOOK THE VACCINE, that went on TV and took a fake vaccine shot, so people, like a large group on this board would be thoroughly convinced to do so as well, AND by the FBI and DOJ the same ones that screweded a US citizen running for president and a sitting president, AND by the DNC the gift that keeps on giving.

Ohhhh my this has gone past stupid. I listened to show after show today that was LMAO at Schumer and his crying charade BS on the floor. These complete reprobate, idiot, dumba$$es think people still believe the garbage they are trying to sell. I have news for them....THERE ARE SOME!!!!!, right here on the WC!!!!!!!! They should run vax, JAN 6th, we got him now commercials, 24/7 with a donate here link, It amazing!!!! There are people that really believe all this horsesh!t the government is shoving down our throats daily!!!!

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Disagree. Not on aloha, but that there’s that clear of a dividing line. I think you and aloha are wrong. I think there’s a significant amount of overlap between trumpers and conservatives. It’s a mess. And it’ll be interesting to see what happens after trump is gone. Desantis is becoming over the top. I hate woke shit but I care more about the price of homes and cars etc and I never hear him talk about that stuff
What is a ”Trumpist“? I’ve asked that question eleventy hundred times and never received a meaningful answer.

FWIW, I think it’s nothing but an attempt to identify politics with a person instead of with ideas. The only people who do that are those who reject said person but wont think in terms of ideas.. So, it’s nothing but a mentally weak way of saying I don’t like your politics.
It’s not like that at all. This is not about crimes. Pelosi’s select committee used the video to advance a political purpose. That makes every second of those videos newsworthy and information the public must have.. There is absolutely no justification for withholding any of it. After the disgraceful manipulation of the Covid information and Hunters laptop story, I’m sick and tired of our governmental institutions manipulating information in order to influence public opinion. You should be sick of it too.
Get serious. Chansley pleaded guilty.

Had he pleaded innocent, then I would agree that all 40,000 hours of the security footage Kevin McCarthy specially gave to Carlson (but not to other media) might be relevant to a jury. But Chansley pleaded guilty. He has no defense now from security tapes or otherwise.

If "every second of those videos" is "information the public must have" (as you wrote), Carlson should not have suppressed the violent parts.

You guys should be more careful how you present this stuff -- a lot of the conservative posts defending the rioters sound like "he couldn't possibly have robbed that bank because a few seconds of the security footage show him walking peacefully away later on."
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FWIW, I think it’s nothing but an attempt to identify politics with a person instead of with ideas. The only people who do that are those who
[LOVE] said person but wont think in terms of ideas.. So, it’s nothing but a mentally weak way of saying I [LOVE] your politics.

That's exactly what it is. Trumpists are all about Trump. The only "ideas" involved are disdain for the same things Trump dislikes.
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Thanks, but you liberals sort of like me because I think Trump is unfit to be President. We still disagree on many issues and before Trump I was considered far right by some here. I've not changed what I believe in. I also haven't changed in being able to disagree without being disagreeable.
Ok, I may have to retract my endorsement. Lol. Not sure why you felt it immediately necessary to resort to a label. Don't worry, no one will ever mistake you for me but my posts reflect that I'm hardly an extremist and there's likely common ground. Too bad more people aren't looking for that (common ground) in these hyper-partisan, divisive, difficult times.
You guys should be more careful how you present this stuff -- a lot of the conservative posts defending the rioters sound like "he couldn't possibly have robbed that bank because a few seconds of the security footage show him walking peacefully away later on."

A number of Republican Senators went on record today condemning Carlson's characterization of the events of Jan 6.
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What is a ”Trumpist“? I’ve asked that question eleventy hundred times and never received a meaningful answer.

FWIW, I think it’s nothing but an attempt to identify politics with a person instead of with ideas. The only people who do that are those who reject said person but wont think in terms of ideas.. So, it’s nothing but a mentally weak way of saying I don’t like your politics.
What is a ”Trumpist“? I’ve asked that question eleventy hundred times and never received a meaningful answer.

FWIW, I think it’s nothing but an attempt to identify politics with a person instead of with ideas. The only people who do that are those who reject said person but wont think in terms of ideas.. So, it’s nothing but a mentally weak way of saying I don’t like your politics.
Yes but the person is the dispositive factor. In this case it’s trump. So another candidate could espouse the same shit without the warts but they stick with trump
Hahahahaha OMG this is just great! THE BEST!!! Another in the long line of msm and dem lies to the American people that most on here swallow hook, line and sinker. Hey @DANC @Crayfish57 @dbmhoosier @Lucy01 I'm gonna be a hero like @Bowlmania and record The Tucker Tapes...LMAO. NOT

Bowl recorded the Jan 6th, staged for suckers, sh!tshow, presented by, NOBODY THAT TOOK THE VACCINE, that went on TV and took a fake vaccine shot, so people, like a large group on this board would be thoroughly convinced to do so as well, AND by the FBI and DOJ the same ones that F*CKED a US citizen running for president and a sitting president, AND by the DNC the gift that keeps on giving.

Ohhhh my this has gone past stupid. I listened to show after show today that was LMAO at Schumer and his crying charade BS on the floor. These complete reprobate, idiot, dumba$$es think people still believe the garbage they are trying to sell. I have news for them....THERE ARE SOME!!!!!, right here on the WC!!!!!!!! They should run vax, JAN 6th, we got him now commercials, 24/7 with a donate here link, It a f*ckingmazing!!!! There are people that really believe all this horsesh!t the government is shoving down our throats daily!!!!

Your post isn't very Christ-like.

It's actually disjointed, unhinged and largely incoherent. I'm guessing you've been doing plenty of what Kramer's doing. Or else you're just nucking futz.
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