Tucker Carlson 1/6 tapes

Looks to me like it is allowing everything to be seen so that people can come to their own conclusions based on everything. Something that should have happened in the Congressional hearings but instead we got a media produced mash up trying to maximize political damage to the political right at the behest of the Democrats.
"Behest," you wrote. WTF?
A number of Republican Senators went on record today condemning Carlson's characterization of the events of Jan 6.
ONLY the rino's wake up...RINO (the ones on the elite payroll) in case you didn't know. Jeeezuz the stupidity around here is overwhelming! It a show Marky Mark. Carlson was 1000% correct. If it was a insurrection half the dems would have been killed? Shame.

I'm voting progressive so this country goes to hell quicker and I can watch all you idiots that brought it upon us have a fit and suffer. It will be glorious. I'll be on my land and you'll all be sucking Chinese donkey ****. LMAO
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Your post isn't very Christ-like.

It's actually disjointed, unhinged and largely incoherent. I'm guessing you've been doing plenty of what Kramer's doing. Or else you're just nucking futz.
Ohhh here comes the unsaved one barking in the woods while nobody hears again. Whats not Christ Like about it wise one? I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.

You read Romans 1,2,3 yet and get it? Or still lost?
Hahahahaha OMG this is just great! THE BEST!!! Another in the long line of msm and dem lies to the American people that most on here swallow hook, line and sinker. Hey @DANC @Crayfish57 @dbmhoosier @Lucy01 I'm gonna be a hero like @Bowlmania and record The Tucker Tapes...LMAO. NOT

Bowl recorded the Jan 6th, staged for suckers, sh!tshow, presented by, NOBODY THAT TOOK THE VACCINE, that went on TV and took a fake vaccine shot, so people, like a large group on this board would be thoroughly convinced to do so as well, AND by the FBI and DOJ the same ones that F*CKED a US citizen running for president and a sitting president, AND by the DNC the gift that keeps on giving.

Ohhhh my this has gone past stupid. I listened to show after show today that was LMAO at Schumer and his crying charade BS on the floor. These complete reprobate, idiot, dumba$$es think people still believe the garbage they are trying to sell. I have news for them....THERE ARE SOME!!!!!, right here on the WC!!!!!!!! They should run vax, JAN 6th, we got him now commercials, 24/7 with a donate here link, It a f*ckingmazing!!!! There are people that really believe all this horsesh!t the government is shoving down our throats daily!!!!

You’re a doofus and I don’t want you on our team.
Yes but the person is the dispositive factor. In this case it’s trump. So another candidate could espouse the same shit without the warts but they stick with trump
That’s a fair point. Trump‘s politics and positions are pretty main stream Republican, yet he attracts voters that other Republicans don’t. That’s his personality. He also attracts hate other Republicans don’t. He also attracts hate. But I think “Trumpist” is something different. Maybe not.
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ONLY the rino's wake up...RINO (the ones on the elite payroll) in case you didn't know. Jeeezuz the stupidity around here is overwhelming! It a show Marky Mark. Carlson was 1000% correct shoving a big fat dildo up the stupid leftys ass. If it was a insurrection half the dems would have been killed? Shame.

I'm voting progressive so this country goes to hell quicker and I can watch all you idiots that brought it upon us have a fit and suffer. It will be glorious. I'll be on my land and you'll all be sucking Chinese donkey ****. LMAO
Holy crap! The stupidity would be far less underwhelming if you stopped posting. I truly miss the days when the stupidity was in the other side of the aisle.
Get serious. Chansley pleaded guilty.

Had he pleaded innocent, then I would agree that all 40,000 hours of the security footage Kevin McCarthy specially gave to Carlson (but not to other media) might be relevant to a jury. But Chansley pleaded guilty. He has no defense now from security tapes or otherwise.

If "every second of those videos" is "information the public must have" (as you wrote), Carlson should not have suppressed the violent parts.

You guys should be more careful how you present this stuff -- a lot of the conservative posts defending the rioters sound like "he couldn't possibly have robbed that bank because a few seconds of the security footage show him walking peacefully away later on."
You aren’t getting this. The select J6 committee was Democratic Politics. Congress is not a criminal justice agency. The guilty plea has nothing to do with the committee’s proceedings. The fact is teh Democrats used the power of the select committee to adva
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Ohhh here comes the unsaved one barking in the woods while nobody hears again. Whats not Christ Like about it wise one? I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.

You read Romans 1,2,3 yet and get it? Or still lost?
In post #82 you're reveling in the imagery of dildos up the asses of people you don't like, and those same people "sucking Chinese donkey dick." And you decry "vile affections" in your signature? What a joke. You're a faux Christian and a hypocrite.
ONLY the rino's wake up...RINO (the ones on the elite payroll) in case you didn't know. Jeeezuz the stupidity around here is overwhelming! It a show Marky Mark. Carlson was 1000% correct shoving a big fat dildo up the stupid leftys ass. If it was a insurrection half the dems would have been killed? Shame.

I'm voting progressive so this country goes to hell quicker and I can watch all you idiots that brought it upon us have a fit and suffer. It will be glorious. I'll be on my land and you'll all be sucking Chinese donkey ****. LMAO
Angry and stupid is a bad combination.
Angry and stupid is a bad combination.
I know it must suck to be you if you are one of the gullible customers of the clownshow dem party. It's become a pit. Like a pit where you dump the daily dog crap. We keep wondering when will it end and it keeps getting worse. Schumers speech just goes to show how many idiots there are that he is still trying to convince. And here you are. Lol
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You’re a doofus and I don’t want you on our team.
Hahaha team??? What's your team? You don't have a team. You're FOR all this crap. You're for rino politicians which means you buy in. You, yes YOU think it was okay that they spied on Trump. Created a fake dossier. Tried everything under the sun to get him out of office. Nothing to see here you've bought in 1000 percent and are exactly what they want you to be. Congrads!
Holy crap! The stupidity would be far less underwhelming if you stopped posting. I truly miss the days when the stupidity was in the other side of the aisle.
Enjoy your company Aloha. Anyone that sided with Trump is your enemy. I can just say his name and you melt like the wicked witch. I find it hilarious that anyone would believe that Trump started an insurrection on January 6th. Anyone who believes that sh!t is a complete fool. The majority of this board just proves that the experiment has worked and is a success. There really are that many idiots. You get what you deserve.

Now that we are past most of it which was all proven wrong and I mean all of it from collusion, to dossiers, to fisa warrants, the jab, the pipeline, the Paris climate crap, the 6th, the classified docs. It's laughable and they still have most of you feeding out of their hands. It's what they intended and your just another rino sheep. Well done!
In post #82 you're reveling in the imagery of dildos up the asses of people you don't like, and those same people "sucking Chinese donkey dick." And you decry "vile affections" in your signature? What a joke. You're a faux Christian and a hypocrite.
There fixed it. You have no right to call anyone a hypocrite. Sometimes you have to become all things to get through to some. You used your imagination with the **** . Not surprising. Go back and watch your j6 tapes like a good sheep bowl. Unreal. If the govt wanted proof that what they are pushing is working all they have to do is look right here at you and your posse. They are looking into that crystal ball and laughing like hell at you.
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Cucker got shut down last night. Knew it would happen.

What did you expect dbm. They really think that most of the country believes this horseshit. Cough cough, well most of the WC does lol.

When the Inauguration has 3 layers of barbed wire fence to protect the real insurrection that took place and went off without a hitch it's game over.
Look at the “Loudermilk footage” released by the J6 committee. Then look up the interview Loudermilk did debunking that footage. Compare that to the witness testimony I linked.

The January 6 committee was nothing but a political hit job.
Orchestrated by Pelosi.
I am in no way minimizing what happened that day. It was awful and the ones that broke the law should be punished.
Careful, you might get labeled a "Trumper" because you don't buy the accepted narrative 100%. Nothing released has been some "Oh my goodness" eye opener. It merely confirms what I was seeing from many of the clips that were floating around on that day. There was a small group of the whole who were completely out of line with how they acted that day and then there was the overwhelming amount who were just kind of "there".

The Shaman guy was held in solitary confinement for 18 months and sentenced to around 4 years in prison and to me that looks like overkill based on what he did. There is video of people saying he should be shot. OK. That is the new paradigm. I want the police in Atlanta to start mowing down the domestic and international terrorists attacking them in Atlanta this weekend. My ENTIRE issue is the way that "righties" acting stupid get portrayed in the media and treated by the justice system and how "leftists" acting stupid do. Up above, people saying you wanted BLM punished, me too. Throw them in solitary confinement for over a year so that we can unravel all the ways that out of town people always show up to agitate these things. Then force them into plea deals and into re-education classes to force them to realize the error of their political thinking. That is how the J6 people were treated. And from now on, whenever someone shows up in Congress to walk around during a protest, they are "parading" and should be subject to up to a year in jail.

Go get the people acting badly. You will never convince me that the way these people who acted badly were treated wasn't "Extra" because of the hate boner for Trump. His people are over the top and all the people who freak the heck out about him suck just as hard. Two sides of the same coin. You are all Trump obsessed.
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Hahaha team??? What's your team? You don't have a team. You're FOR all this crap. You're for rino politicians which means you buy in. You, yes YOU think it was okay that they spied on Trump. Created a fake dossier. Tried everything under the sun to get him out of office. Nothing to see here you've bought in 1000 percent and are exactly what they want you to be. Congrads!

Enjoy your company Aloha. Anyone that sided with Trump is your enemy. I can just say his name and you melt like the wicked witch. I find it hilarious that anyone would believe that Trump started an insurrection on January 6th. Anyone who believes that sh!t is a complete fool. The majority of this board just proves that the experiment has worked and is a success. There really are that many idiots. You get what you deserve.

Now that we are past most of it which was all proven wrong and I mean all of it from collusion, to dossiers, to fisa warrants, the jab, the pipeline, the Paris climate crap, the 6th, the classified docs. It's laughable and they still have most of you feeding out of their hands. It's what they intended and you’re just another rino sheep. Well done!
You didn’t change my mind. You’re a Trumpster RINO and believe in too many things that just aren’t so became Trump told you to believe them. You’re a cult member and don’t think for yourself. I hope you escape one day. In the meantime, you’re the party’s problem, not its solution.
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Weird. In court, where they were presenting a case about some illegal shit happening that day, they showed the film showing the illegal actions. I know I'm shocked too.
Hahahahaha OMG this is just great! THE BEST!!! Another in the long line of msm and dem lies to the American people that most on here swallow hook, line and sinker. Hey @DANC @Crayfish57 @dbmhoosier @Lucy01 I'm gonna be a hero like @Bowlmania and record The Tucker Tapes...LMAO. NOT

Bowl recorded the Jan 6th, staged for suckers, sh!tshow, presented by, NOBODY THAT TOOK THE VACCINE, that went on TV and took a fake vaccine shot, so people, like a large group on this board would be thoroughly convinced to do so as well, AND by the FBI and DOJ the same ones that screweded a US citizen running for president and a sitting president, AND by the DNC the gift that keeps on giving.

Ohhhh my this has gone past stupid. I listened to show after show today that was LMAO at Schumer and his crying charade BS on the floor. These complete reprobate, idiot, dumba$$es think people still believe the garbage they are trying to sell. I have news for them....THERE ARE SOME!!!!!, right here on the WC!!!!!!!! They should run vax, JAN 6th, we got him now commercials, 24/7 with a donate here link, It amazing!!!! There are people that really believe all this horsesh!t the government is shoving down our throats daily!!!!

I thought Schumer was going to cry. LOL It must be tough when your your lies are exposed on national TV.

Imagine a Senator coming out against releasing tapes that show the entire story, instead of your own little narrative. It boggles the mind.

And how about the Capitol Policeman - FORMER Capitol Policeman - who was a Biden voter, but wore a MAGA hat someone had given him so he could pass through the crowd safely. He was reprimanded, even though he was one of the ones who escorted the Senators and Representatives to safety. When he called for direction, he got NO answer. None.

Meanwhile, the woman who was either head of the Capitol Police or one of the higher-ups got praised and is now the head of Security at UC Berkley - in Nancy Pelosi's home district.

You can't make this up.

PS The Capitol Policeman was never even approached about being interviewed by the J6 committee.
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Careful, you might get labeled a "Trumper" because you don't buy the accepted narrative 100%. Nothing released has been some "Oh my goodness" eye opener. It merely confirms what I was seeing from many of the clips that were floating around on that day. There was a small group of the whole who were completely out of line with how they acted that day and then there was the overwhelming amount who were just kind of "there".

The Shaman guy was held in solitary confinement for 18 months and sentenced to around 4 years in prison and to me that looks like overkill based on what he did. There is video of people saying he should be shot. OK. That is the new paradigm. I want the police in Atlanta to start mowing down the domestic and international terrorists attacking them in Atlanta this weekend. My ENTIRE issue is the way that "righties" acting stupid get portrayed in the media and treated by the justice system and how "leftists" acting stupid do. Up above, people saying you wanted BLM punished, me too. Throw them in solitary confinement for over a year so that we can unravel all the ways that out of town people always show up to agitate these things. Then force them into plea deals and into re-education classes to force them to realize the error of their political thinking. That is how the J6 people were treated. And from now on, whenever someone shows up in Congress to walk around during a protest, they are "parading" and should be subject to up to a year in jail.

Go get the people acting badly. You will never convince me that the way these people who acted badly were treated wasn't "Extra" because of the hate boner for Trump. His people are over the top and all the people who freak the heck out about him suck just as hard. Two sides of the same coin. You are all Trump obsessed.
And there are still 3 dozen J6 arrestees who haven't even had their trial.

And these people are not out on bail. Our justice system is no better than a 3rd world country.
You didn’t change my mind. You’re a Trumpster RINO and believe in too many things that just aren’t so became Trump told you to believe them. You’re a cult member and don’t think for yourself. I hope you escape one day. In the meantime, you’re the party’s problem, not its solution.
You want to know the difference between you and Hickory? He’s honest about what he is. You’re just a fraud.
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Since when have you ever believed Republicans? lol
Typical garbage post from you, deflecting from an important point Mark was making. Republican Senators John Thune, Thom Tillis, Kevin Cramer, John Kennedy and others said yesterday that what Fvcker Carlson and Fox News are doing is bullshit, irresponsible, dangerous and wrong.

Not surprisingly, your favorite orange turd praised Fox News and called for the immediate release of all the detained Jan 6 rioters.

People like you and all the other Trump acolytes are destroying the Republican Party.
You want to know the difference between you and Hickory? He’s honest about what he is. You’re just a fraud.
Oh stop.

I think both sides of the GOP are annoyed with the party right now and both have legitimate gripes. The reality is that neither side is going to be able to win national elections without the other. So they both need to find a way to come to a rapprochement that takes the interests of each side into account.
You want to know the difference between you and Hickory? He’s honest about what he is. You’re just a fraud.
And you're just an a-hole - - not funny, not clever, not insightful, not informed, not nothing.

You are a slave to the dominant narrative. Break the chains. The people who rioted can both have done something wrong and be people who are being mistreated at levels far above their crimes.
Pay attention. I was responding to the incredibly ignorant comment that the United States' justice system is no better than that of a third world country. Of course it's flawed like any institution, but it's the best in the world.

That falsehood (that our justice system is shit) is being pushed more and more by the far-right, pro-Trump media. It's a not-so-subtle preview of what the narrative will be once Trump is indicted.

So federal law enforcement sucks, our justice system sucks, reasonable Republicans in Congress are RINOs and suck, etc. What's left? In Trump We Trust. God help us. If people keep buying into this bullshit, we're headed toward anarchy.
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We are living in a third world country! Thanks to Biden!
It always cracks me up when people get upset when it's suggested the US justice system is much better than many 3rd world countries.

Most 3rd world countries have a decent justice system - but it's highly biased and subject to whomever is in charge, particularly on political charges.

Anyone who has observed our justice system in action over the last 6 years understands we now have a 2-tier justice system, depending on political bias.

You are a slave to the dominant narrative. Break the chains. The people who rioted can both have done something wrong and be people who are being mistreated at levels far above their crimes.
You're all-in on the bullshit. Sad.

Trump doesn't think the rioters did anything wrong. He posted today that he wants them released. He previously dangled the prospect of pardons if he's elected in 2024.

Here's a quote that's spot-on with respect to Trump:

"I hate him passionately. What he's good at is destroying things. He's the undisputed world champion of that. He could easily destroy us if we play it wrong." -Tucker Carlson, January 4, 2021
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You're all-in on the bullshit. Sad.

Trump doesn't think the rioters did anything wrong. He posted today that he wants them released. He previously dangled the prospect of pardons if he's elected in 2024.

Here's a quote that's spot-on with respect to Trump:

"I hate him passionately. What he's good at is destroying things. He's the undisputed world champion of that. He could easily destroy us if we play it wrong." -Tucker Carlson, January 4, 2021
Did you even read the article? Are Elizabeth Warren and Dick Durbin all in on the bullshit too?

One of the ladies in the article was in solitary confinement and her charges were completely thrown out on appeal. There are murderers who get out on bail in this country.

And you have me confused with someone who gives a hot damn about Donald Trump. I don't want him to run in 2024. I don't think he was as effective as someone else could have been from 2016-2020. I think all sorts of negative things about Trump. What burns you guys up is that I am not wholly, 100% bought in to the "Trump is the most high evil!!!!" that so many of you are. He is a mixed bag. Mostly negative on personality. Slightly positive on expressed ideas. Slightly negative on actual governance. And all of that means jack squat when discussing the videos and the treatment of the detained.

We got the very up front and clear look at the very negative that went on that day. We should have been having a holistic approach to the discussion though. Having real GOP involvement in the panel would have allowed for some questions to be asked that would not have fed the whole narrative that this was mostly political theater to get Trump. How the police acted that day is important. How we planned for that crowd is important. How we deal with rioters is important. The most important thing to that J6 committee was to frame things as negatively as they could on one person. And after their dog and pony show they managed to not even be able to get him. Their committee was a ****ing failure.
Did you even read the article? Are Elizabeth Warren and Dick Durbin all in on the bullshit too?

One of the ladies in the article was in solitary confinement and her charges were completely thrown out on appeal. There are murderers who get out on bail in this country.

And you have me confused with someone who gives a hot damn about Donald Trump. I don't want him to run in 2024. I don't think he was as effective as someone else could have been from 2016-2020. I think all sorts of negative things about Trump. What burns you guys up is that I am not wholly, 100% bought in to the "Trump is the most high evil!!!!" that so many of you are. He is a mixed bag. Mostly negative on personality. Slightly positive on expressed ideas. Slightly negative on actual governance. And all of that means jack squat when discussing the videos and the treatment of the detained.

We got the very up front and clear look at the very negative that went on that day. We should have been having a holistic approach to the discussion though. Having real GOP involvement in the panel would have allowed for some questions to be asked that would not have fed the whole narrative that this was mostly political theater to get Trump. How the police acted that day is important. How we planned for that crowd is important. How we deal with rioters is important. The most important thing to that J6 committee was to frame things as negatively as they could on one person. And after their dog and pony show they managed to not even be able to get him. Their committee was a ****ing failure.
Did you read the article? First, it's almost two years old. The "lady" you referenced, the mom of the "zip-tie guy," was released from custody before the article was written. And you're incorrect that her charges were dismissed. She's out pending trial.

About 1,000 people have been arrested in connection with the Jan 6 riots. The majority who are awaiting disposition of their cases are not in jail. A small number remain in the DC jail. I assume they all have counsel. I don't know how many, if any, are currently in solitary. Do you? Link?

Hardly breaking news, but jails are dangerous places. Keeping an inmate out of the general population is often for the detainee's safety. You may have heard that some of those arrested had white nationalist ties. They might not do well in the general population of a DC lockup.
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@IU_Hickory usually runs from these things too, but to use his analogy, what do you call a police officer in a bank robbery who shows the unarmed robber the easiest way into the vault? Accomplice? Really bad at his job? An escort?
The answer to that is that the answer would vary depending on whether the officer was a Republican or Democrat.
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