Trump's next shift


Hall of Famer
Oct 25, 2002
He's going to turn on his most radical MAGA supporters, or already is... he sees they're hurting HIM more than helping him, at this point. And that's really the only thing he cares about.

Prediction...they'll justify it for him, and will still love him.

Trump being some principled champion against Washington loses more and more credibility by the day...yet his most ardent supporters conviction for that increases. Its beyond twilight zone stuff at this point.
He's going to turn on his most radical MAGA supporters, or already is... he sees they're hurting HIM more than helping him, at this point. And that's really the only thing he cares about.

Prediction...they'll justify it for him, and will still love him.

Trump being some principled champion against Washington loses more and more credibility by the day...yet his most ardent supporters conviction for that increases. Its beyond twilight zone stuff at this point.
Trumps next shift will last for 4 years, unless we can get those term limits removed while he’s on duty!
I don't know how anyone could look at his past track record and not think that he'd throw anyone under the bus to further himself.

The evangelical support has always baffled me.
Its gonna be interesting to see the House Speaker thing play out. MTG is probably his most visible and vocal supporter. I sense he's dumping her.

I get it though if he is dumping her...she "wants it too much"...unappealing.
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Trumps next shift will last for 4 years, unless we can get those term limits removed while he’s on duty!
"unless we can get those term limits removed while he’s on duty!"

You guys should make this your rallying cry. Make sure everyone in the country knows this is a goal. It will help Trump. I swear. Bigly.
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Trumps next shift will last for 4 years, unless we can get those term limits removed while he’s on duty!
Could be! And I'm sure he's gonna try his damndest on the term limits thing. Conservatives will have to find a different document to guide them I guess, with The Bible and Constitution essentially recently becoming toilet paper and all.

Mein Kampf is available still probably?!
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And the IUNorth is right on his sense that he has his base locked in. He could come out tomorrow and advocate for the Green New Deal and @dbmhoosier would be on here an hour later sharing tweets defending it.
"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK? It's, like, incredible."
No one shifts more than a Democrat. Remember Clinton and Obama on gay marriage? Or their former policies on immigration and the border? The voted for it before they voted against it. Flip flop flip flop.

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No one shifts more than a Democrat. Remember Clinton and Obama on gay marriage? Or their former policies on immigration and the border? The voted for it before they voted against it. Flip flop flip flop.

There is a difference between changing your opinion over time and going back and forth depending on which way the winds are blowing.

The fact that you keep having to go back 30 plus years for your yabbuts says quite a bit.
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No one shifts more than a Democrat. Remember Clinton and Obama on gay marriage? Or their former policies on immigration and the border? The voted for it before they voted against it. Flip flop flip flop.

Do you think that’s admirable? And if not, why not go with someone more firm in his convocations like DeSantis.

Because Trump told you he was to be made fun of, so you did?
Do you think that’s admirable? And if not, why not go with someone more firm in his convocations like DeSantis.

Because Trump told you he was to be made fun of, so you did?
Trump is the most galvanizing personality, probably in our country's history. When he says, or does, things that are absurdly out of bounds, it galvanizes people on both sides of the aisle. MAGA supporters love him even more, whether it challenges what they think they've always believed in and stood for, or not. Far Left wingers hate him even more...similarly whether it actually challenges things they really care about or not.

People like me, truly in the middle, are left shaking our heads. Standing, staring in disbelief, with our mouths hanging open.
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No one shifts more than a Democrat. Remember Clinton and Obama on gay marriage? Or their former policies on immigration and the border? The voted for it before they voted against it. Flip flop flip flop.

Everyone’s views on gay marriage shifted during that time. Just as you guys won’t be nearly as obsessed about trans people in a decade. Times change.
Trump is with me on the issues that matter. He also can't be bought and never backs down. No one else comes close.
He can’t be bought. He never backs down. Oh to be so oblivious to reality.
Trump is with me on the issues that matter. He also can't be bought and never backs down. No one else comes close.
Can't be bought? Is that a parody comment?

Why do you think he remained supportive of MBS when the latter santioned (and likely ordered) the murder of a US citizen/reporter?
Yeah well Joe could say “the pet octopus that I got from Ross Perot gave me mustard which I smeared on my bumper” and people would still support him.

Hell, he probably HAS said that at this point.

Someone said that the loser of this upcoming election will actually be winners in the long term because, as awful as both these geezers are now, imagine how bad they’ll be by 2028.

And they were right.
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Yeah well Joe could say “the pet octopus that I got from Ross Perot gave me mustard which I smeared on my bumper” and people would still support him.

Hell, he probably HAS said that at this point.

Someone said that the loser of this upcoming election will actually be winners in the long term because, as awful as both these geezers are now, imagine how bad they’ll be by 2028.

And they were right.

I don't know how anyone could look at his past track record and not think that he'd throw anyone under the bus to further himself.

The evangelical support has always baffled me.
Just start and end every sentence with “Jesus”, “God” or “The Lord” and you’re good to go. It’s not difficult.
"unless we can get those term limits removed while he’s on duty!"

You guys should make this your rallying cry. Make sure everyone in the country knows this is a goal. It will help Trump. I swear. Bigly.
Got damn… fish on, FISH ON!!! Muahaha