Trump slurring words, lies

I know this clown salty goat is mathematically challenged. And I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt about not being an idiot...

But if you believe there were 80,000 people on that beach last night I don't know what to tell you...

First of all Trump made stupid coments about having "bigger crowds than Springsteen" when Springsteen drew 80,000+ for 3 nights at Giant Stadium just last summer.

But to demonstrate how massive a crowd of 80,000 actually is, here's an aerial view of a sold out Ulevi Stadium in Gotenburg Sweden for a Springsteen show. And this completely sold out stadium still represents only about 77,000 people who actually PAID for a 3+ hrs show...

Trump is unfit, a sexual abuser, a liar, and a criminal. He never should have been in office in the first place. If your party had a spine, he would have been impeached and we wouldn’t be in this mess. Everyone knows it. His closest associates know it. He should never be allowed near any office again.
lol. Daughter says that didn’t happen. Tara Reade is a nut job now living in Russia. This is the kind of crap you have to dig up when your guy brags about sexual abuse.

You even disagreeing with your buddies over at Snopes now?? Man, this is getting strange
And Biden speaks to dead people.
sure he does.

you want to compare that to praising hannibal lecter? lmao

Could just admit that trump is unfit to be President instead of apples and oranges yabbuts that often have no basis in truth.
And Biden speaks to dead people.

This was almost 2 years ago, but I'm sure he's fine now...

And tells us Hannibal Lecter is a great man. Totally fit for the presidency. Totally serious candidate.
“The late, great Hannibal Lecter,” he called him. Kindred spirits. Both characters are certifiably insane.

50-50 as to whether Trump realizes Lecter is a fictional character.
sure he does.

you want to compare that to praising hannibal lecter? lmao

Could just admit that trump is unfit to be President instead of apples and oranges yabbuts that often have no basis in truth.
Biden said he spoke to Mitterand recently. He spoke to the inventor of insulin. He also spoke with the dead senator from Indiana at event and then was looking for her to acknowwledge her at an event. Also claims that his uncle was eaten by canibals. But ok. As far slurring words I am not sure anyone even comes close to to Joe Biden in that aspect. Trump making a joke obviously, he is even laughing about it makes him unfit though.
Biden said he spoke to Mitterand recently. He spoke to the inventor of insulin. He also spoke with the dead senator from Indiana at event and then was looking for her to acknowwledge her at an event. Also claims that his uncle was eaten by canibals. But ok. As far slurring words I am not sure anyone even comes close to to Joe Biden in that aspect. Trump making a joke obviously, he is even laughing about it makes him unfit though.

No, trying to steal an election makes him unfit. His slurring of words and misstatements show that his age should be seen as just as much of an issue as Biden's age. Complaining about how old Biden is while supporting Trump is pot meet kettle.

Biden hasn't tried to steal an election, hasn't cheated on all of his wives (or any of them for that matter), hasn't paid prostitutes, hasn't refused to pay contractors, hasn't lied on his taxes, hasn't cheated financial institutions, hasn't sexually assaulted women, didn't bury a relative for a tax write-off, didn't refuse to divest his assets during presidency and funnel foreign dignitaries to those assets (abusing the position for financial gain/bribes), didn't refuse to release his taxes, didn't come out with his own bible with additions (blasphemy for profit), didn't refuse to return classified documents, etc.

Biden may be your typical politician and is definitely too old, but in no way is his list even close to the list of malfeasance that is Trump. Anyone trying to compare the two or claim Biden is worse isn't living in reality.

Look at the list of people that worked under Trump during his first term that have publicly stated that Trump is unfit for office. Look at the list under Biden...oh wait, he doesn't have a list. People that get hired in an administration are generally biased for that political party so the existence of a long list for Trump should be a gigantic red flag.
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No, trying to steal an election makes him unfit. The rest makes him no different than Biden in the old farts category.

But Biden hasn't tried to steal an election, hasn't cheated on all of his wives (or any of them for that matter), hasn't paid prostitutes, hasn't refused to pay contractors, hasn't lied on his taxes, hasn't cheated financial institutions, hasn't sexually assaulted women, didn't bury a relative for a tax write-off, didn't refuse to divest his assets during presidency and funnel foreign dignitaries to those assets (abusing the position for financial gain/bribes), didn't refuse to release his taxes, didn't come out with his own bible with additions (blasphemy for profit), didn't refuse to return classified documents, etc.

Biden may be your typical politician and is definitely too old, but in no way is his list even close to the list of malfeasance that is Trump. Anyone trying to compare the two or claim Biden is worse isn't living in reality.

Look at the list of people that worked under Trump during his first term that have publicly stated that Trump is unfit for office. Look at the list under Biden...oh wait, he doesn't have a list.
Everything equals everything, and projection. Oh, and the US has gone to shit in the last three years. (2020 was apparently a great year for these revisionist historians). That’s the Trump/MAGA playbook, reproduced daily on the WC - - and by the Meltdown Man (a paid operative?!) dozens of times a day.
I know this clown salty goat is mathematically challenged. And I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt about not being an idiot...

But if you believe there were 80,000 people on that beach last night I don't know what to tell you...

First of all Trump made stupid coments about having "bigger crowds than Springsteen" when Springsteen drew 80,000+ for 3 nights at Giant Stadium just last summer.

But to demonstrate how massive a crowd of 80,000 actually is, here's an aerial view of a sold out Ulevi Stadium in Gotenburg Sweden for a Springsteen show. And this completely sold out stadium still represents only about 77,000 people who actually PAID for a 3+ hrs show...

150,000 at least. Springsteen came out of a maga turd somewhere last night during tunnel of love.
Everything equals everything, and projection. Oh, and the US has gone to shit in the last three years. (2020 was apparently a great year for these revisionist historians). That’s the Trump/MAGA playbook, reproduced daily on the WC - - and by the Meltdown Man (a paid operative?!) dozens of times a day.

That's for sure.

Blaming a bad economy on the current president is pretty much par for the course for all involved.

However, getting people to ignore the whole pandemic and it's repercussions in order to continue the blame game despite the obvious pre-existing condition takes a whole new level of putting your head in the sand. Politicians and media take full advantage of people being idiots.
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That's for sure.

Blaming a bad economy on the current president is pretty much par for the course for all involved.

However, getting people to ignore the whole pandemic and it's repercussions in order to continue the blame game despite the obvious pre-existing condition takes a whole new level of putting your head in the sand. Politicians and media take full advantage of people being idiots.
That's for sure.

Blaming a bad economy on the current president is pretty much par for the course for all involved.

However, getting people to ignore the whole pandemic and it's repercussions in order to continue the blame game despite the obvious pre-existing condition takes a whole new level of putting your head in the sand. Politicians and media take full advantage of people being idiots.
The economy is booming, per many experts including Jamie Dimon. Jobs, wages, consumer spending, net worth, etc.

Inflation is still too high but we’ll see what Wednesday’s new numbers reflect.
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Those are things personal to him. He is all of those things. Biden’s failures touch all of us. Every last American. Generations are impacted. And that’s the salient difference. He has to go
The void in leadership during Covid is quite a large reason we're in the situation we're in economically... I whole heartedly agree with you that Biden has been awful at cleaning up the mess, actually has made it markedly worse. But focusing on Biden, without admitting Trump had a large part in our current situation...its boring partisan babble.

Neither of them were the root cause of the problem we're in right now, economically. Both of them have proven to be incapable of cleaning messes up, or solving problems. In fact, both have proven very capable of making things worse. That tends to happen when you're a terrible leader...which BOTH of them are.

Trump, if he was 1/10th what he often says he is...and what his MAGA followers falsely believe he is...would have led more like DeSantis did in Florida. Enough of the US and the world would have followed suit, and we'd be in a completely different spot right now. Not to mention, he'd still be President. But he's a fraud. His bravado is fake. And when the US and the World needed him most...he chose to allow people like Fauci to lead. I shudder to think of how Trump will lead us through whatever crisis could be looming for him if he were to win again. A bad world recession is what I think is most likely to happen...and I really don't want some dumbass carnival barker, that's spending 98% of his time going after political enemies, and figuring out how to change term limits... being the guy that's leading us all through much worse conditions than we're facing right now.

Everything you say about Biden, I can't disagree with. I don't want him leading us through crisis either. But that doesn't mean Trump deserves to be in the Oval Office. He isn't the "lesser of two evils".
The void in leadership during Covid is quite a large reason we're in the situation we're in economically... I whole heartedly agree with you that Biden has been awful at cleaning up the mess, actually has made it markedly worse. But focusing on Biden, without admitting Trump had a large part in our current situation...its boring partisan babble.

Neither of them were the root cause of the problem we're in right now, economically. Both of them have proven to be incapable of cleaning messes up, or solving problems. In fact, both have proven very capable of making things worse. That tends to happen when you're a terrible leader...which BOTH of them are.

Trump, if he was 1/10th what he often says he is...and what his MAGA followers falsely believe he is...would have led more like DeSantis did in Florida. Enough of the US and the world would have followed suit, and we'd be in a completely different spot right now. Not to mention, he'd still be President. But he's a fraud. His bravado is fake. And when the US and the World needed him most...he chose to allow people like Fauci to lead. I shudder to think of how Trump will lead us through whatever crisis could be looming for him if he were to win again. A bad world recession is what I think is most likely to happen...and I really don't want some dumbass carnival barker, that's spending 98% of his time going after political enemies, and figuring out how to change term limits... being the guy that's leading us all through much worse conditions than we're facing right now.

Everything you say about Biden, I can't disagree with. I don't want him leading us through crisis either. But that doesn't mean Trump deserves to be in the Oval Office. He isn't the "lesser of two evils".
He is the lesser of two evils bc he isn’t a progressive pushing cradle to grave benefits and a massive expansion of the social safety net. Biden being so far left is a nonstarter. The policies don’t work.

As for trump’s leadership during Covid I agree with you completely. He gets an F. He is also a terrible choice for president. If there was a moderate Dem running I’d choose the Dem over trump.
Packed the supreme Court that overturned Roe. Inflation will go down. That ruling will never go back.

How was that?
Why do you guys insist on changing the definition of words and phrases? Trump appointing Justices is not "packing the court. "Packing the court" is what many progressives want to do because they feel they don't have a political stranglehold on the court for the first time in decades.
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No, trying to steal an election makes him unfit. His slurring of words and misstatements show that his age should be seen as just as much of an issue as Biden's age. Complaining about how old Biden is while supporting Trump is pot meet kettle.

Biden hasn't tried to steal an election, hasn't cheated on all of his wives (or any of them for that matter), hasn't paid prostitutes, hasn't refused to pay contractors, hasn't lied on his taxes, hasn't cheated financial institutions, hasn't sexually assaulted women, didn't bury a relative for a tax write-off, didn't refuse to divest his assets during presidency and funnel foreign dignitaries to those assets (abusing the position for financial gain/bribes), didn't refuse to release his taxes, didn't come out with his own bible with additions (blasphemy for profit), didn't refuse to return classified documents, etc.

Biden may be your typical politician and is definitely too old, but in no way is his list even close to the list of malfeasance that is Trump. Anyone trying to compare the two or claim Biden is worse isn't living in reality.

Look at the list of people that worked under Trump during his first term that have publicly stated that Trump is unfit for office. Look at the list under Biden...oh wait, he doesn't have a list. People that get hired in an administration are generally biased for that political party so the existence of a long list for Trump should be a gigantic red flag.
So Jill was married and was Biden's babysitter is that not the same as cheating? Biden has been accused of rape Tar Reid it was just swept under carpet. There have been many people including the financial institutions who claim they not only recovered their money but also made money in those deals. Also many people have claimed that it is common practice to over value properties. And the courts way undervalued Mar-a-Lago. We don't know whether Biden lied on his taxes because no one knows exactly how much money he has received from China, Russia and Ukraine through Hunter. Who cares what Trump decides to sell whether it be sneakers or Bibles you are not forced to buy them. Unlike Biden trying to force everyone to buy EVs. Biden may have "given" documents back but unlike Trump, He was never supposed to have had them. But we are not going to indict him because he is old and forgetful. We here that Trump is a racist but never provide proof. Biden admits his mentor is a former KKK member. He has made numerous racist remarks and his VP even accused him of being a racist.
So Jill was married and was Biden's babysitter is that not the same as cheating? Biden has been accused of rape Tar Reid it was just swept under carpet. There have been many people including the financial institutions who claim they not only recovered their money but also made money in those deals. Also many people have claimed that it is common practice to over value properties. And the courts way undervalued Mar-a-Lago. We don't know whether Biden lied on his taxes because no one knows exactly how much money he has received from China, Russia and Ukraine through Hunter. Who cares what Trump decides to sell whether it be sneakers or Bibles you are not forced to buy them. Unlike Biden trying to force everyone to buy EVs. Biden may have "given" documents back but unlike Trump, He was never supposed to have had them. But we are not going to indict him because he is old and forgetful. We here that Trump is a racist but never provide proof. Biden admits his mentor is a former KKK member. He has made numerous racist remarks and his VP even accused him of being a racist.

Ok, can you repost but remove everything that didn't happen or has no evidence

We know how much Kuschner got from Saudia Arabia. $2 BILLION. Do you have any issue with that? How much money did Melania rake in from China? Want to figure that one out?

Stop accusing what the Trumps did on Biden. Biden released his taxes without a fight. Nothing amiss was found regardless of what fake innuendos you want to throw in for a false yabbut.

Yea, biden COULD be as bad as Trump but based on what we know with actual evidence, that doesn't appear to be remotely the case.

Lets put it another way, Republicans have been investigating the Biden family ever since he took office and all they have to show for it is a few legal issues for Hunter. 3 YEARS OF INVESTIGATING and they have nothing more to show for it. Hate to break it to you, but Biden isn't a shitty as Trump even if they investigate for 8 years.
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He is the lesser of two evils bc he isn’t a progressive pushing cradle to grave benefits and a massive expansion of the social safety net. Biden being so far left is a nonstarter. The policies don’t work.

As for trump’s leadership during Covid I agree with you completely. He gets an F. He is also a terrible choice for president. If there was a moderate Dem running I’d choose the Dem over trump.
I don't agree he's the lesser of two evils. And I fear what his "hold me back", pussy, fake macho leadership will lead to. The world seems to be at a boiling point. I do get the sentiment that Trump will be "stronger", he won't "take anyone's shit"... But the actual facts don't back that up. He'll bark about this and that, but he'll step back and let others make decisions and be the fall guy on really anything of importance. While he's spending ALL of his time trying to clear his own record, setup family and close friends, and get back at anyone that ever dared to question him.

The flip side, as you've pointed out numerous times, is equally as bad...but not worse.

We're in a tough spot...I don't see any way we avoid some really, really bad times the next 5-6 years. Recession, potentially depression... further eroding of ideals and frameworks that have made our country great... deepening divide along political lines... I'm normally not a doomsday type of personality. But there are so many boiling points in the US and the World right now... and Trump and Biden are horrible on so many levels. They're both terrible we'll be facing things with crap leaders. But beyond that, both of their existence lessens congress and our impactful leaders outside of congress ability to help and lead us through and out of bad shit too.

I'm shifting my research and thinking on which dog shit Presidency will give us the best chance for starting a return to a more reasonable, sane, leader in 2030. And right now, I don't have a clear thought on that.

Their both horrible, and both are likely to strengthen the worst factions of their opposing party.
I understand fine. Masks don’t work. Only moron dipshits like you think they do.
masks reduced the spread radius and amount of particles so people weren't infecting as many people.

And if you got infected with a mask, you didn't get as many of the virus particles so covid wasn't as severe.

Only idiots think that just because people with masks still got covid somehow means the masks didn't work.

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I don't agree he's the lesser of two evils. And I fear what his "hold me back", pussy, fake macho leadership will lead to. The world seems to be at a boiling point. I do get the sentiment that Trump will be "stronger", he won't "take anyone's shit"... But the actual facts don't back that up. He'll bark about this and that, but he'll step back and let others make decisions and be the fall guy on really anything of importance. While he's spending ALL of his time trying to clear his own record, setup family and close friends, and get back at anyone that ever dared to question him.

The flip side, as you've pointed out numerous times, is equally as bad...but not worse.

We're in a tough spot...I don't see any way we avoid some really, really bad times the next 5-6 years. Recession, potentially depression... further eroding of ideals and frameworks that have made our country great... deepening divide along political lines... I'm normally not a doomsday type of personality. But there are so many boiling points in the US and the World right now... and Trump and Biden are horrible on so many levels. They're both terrible we'll be facing things with crap leaders. But beyond that, both of their existence lessens congress and our impactful leaders outside of congress ability to help and lead us through and out of bad shit too.

I'm shifting my research and thinking on which dog shit Presidency will give us the best chance for starting a return to a more reasonable, sane, leader in 2030. And right now, I don't have a clear thought on that.

Their both horrible, and both are likely to strengthen the worst factions of their opposing party.

People were saying there would be a recession in Biden's first term and it hasn't happened. Outside of inflation (which is happening worldwide), the economy has weathered the storm better than predictions.
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People were saying there would be a recession in Biden's first term and it hasn't happened. Outside of inflation (which is happening worldwide), the economy has weathered the storm better than predictions.
I think millions upon millions would vehemently disagree with you that we're not in a "recession". And I actually think Biden's bigger failures are on foreign affairs, immigration, and just an overall lack of care and attention at dealing with fundamental problems like crime and poverty. I do think some of he and the lefts efforts have "held off" a world wide recession, but they've exacerbated some of the actual real world effects that inflation can have...AND when an actual recession does take hold, the things Biden and his people have done thus far, will make the effects of that recession very, very painful for a lot of people.

My industry (RVs), is now going on close to 2 years straight of declining business. Part of that is due to the intense rush of business that Covid dynamic pulled forward, but the continuing problems are because of inflation, higher rates, etc... We're in a recession in our industry, and Biden has made it worse, not better.
I think millions upon millions would vehemently disagree with you that we're not in a "recession". And I actually think Biden's bigger failures are on foreign affairs, immigration, and just an overall lack of care and attention at dealing with fundamental problems like crime and poverty. I do think some of he and the lefts efforts have "held off" a world wide recession, but they've exacerbated some of the actual real world effects that inflation can have...AND when an actual recession does take hold, the things Biden and his people have done thus far, will make the effects of that recession very, very painful for a lot of people.

My industry (RVs), is now going on close to 2 years straight of declining business. Part of that is due to the intense rush of business that Covid dynamic pulled forward, but the continuing problems are because of inflation, higher rates, etc... We're in a recession in our industry, and Biden has made it worse, not better.
Minorities who suffer most from Biden are catching on it seems

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Minorities who suffer most from Biden are catching on it seems

Ultimately, if things like these don't dramatically improve in the next few months, I think Trump could win pretty easily in the fall. I have no idea if I want that to happen or not. Other than I KNOW I don't want either of them in the Oval Office.

And Biden recently doubling down on the "you're wrong, we're not in a recession, rhetoric" going to ultimately be his undoing. The people he needs to reelect him, are getting hit as hard or harder than anyone by the economic issues we're facing right now. And whether its his fault or not, the current guy takes the hit on things like that. And it won't take too many hits, in key demographics in key swing states, to take him out.

Here's my concern with the above playing out...

Trump wins. He is a horrible leader, and he's inheriting a bad situation that's primed to get a lot worse. So our next 4 years aren't going to be fun. That, and what will 100% end up being a shit show vengeance tour on his part, is going to further galvanize and grow the far left faction of the Democratic party. Its also going to keep the MAGA, MTG/Gaetz type leadership at the forefront of the GOP. So in 2030...we'll have a MTG vs AOC type of decision on our hands.

If Biden were to win... I think the next 4 years will be equally as bad, potentially worse in some ways. MAGA is reliant on one dude. I think if he were to lose again, he'll go away. Potentially actually "go away", as in prison. But likely not in that literal way. He'll just fade back, and start to lose his grip. I think there will be a rush back to actual conservative values...maybe DeSantis...maybe Pence...but someone along those lines in 2030. And after another 4 years of Biden/Far Left leadership...the voting public will be very ready for a change. And as long as the GOP candidate is in any way normal, it won't matter how good the DNC candidate will be.
Minorities who suffer most from Biden are catching on it seems

Georgia coming home!
Ultimately, if things like these don't dramatically improve in the next few months, I think Trump could win pretty easily in the fall. I have no idea if I want that to happen or not. Other than I KNOW I don't want either of them in the Oval Office.

And Biden recently doubling down on the "you're wrong, we're not in a recession, rhetoric" going to ultimately be his undoing. The people he needs to reelect him, are getting hit as hard or harder than anyone by the economic issues we're facing right now. And whether its his fault or not, the current guy takes the hit on things like that. And it won't take too many hits, in key demographics in key swing states, to take him out.

Here's my concern with the above playing out...

Trump wins. He is a horrible leader, and he's inheriting a bad situation that's primed to get a lot worse. So our next 4 years aren't going to be fun. That, and what will 100% end up being a shit show vengeance tour on his part, is going to further galvanize and grow the far left faction of the Democratic party. Its also going to keep the MAGA, MTG/Gaetz type leadership at the forefront of the GOP. So in 2030...we'll have a MTG vs AOC type of decision on our hands.

If Biden were to win... I think the next 4 years will be equally as bad, potentially worse in some ways. MAGA is reliant on one dude. I think if he were to lose again, he'll go away. Potentially actually "go away", as in prison. But likely not in that literal way. He'll just fade back, and start to lose his grip. I think there will be a rush back to actual conservative values...maybe DeSantis...maybe Pence...but someone along those lines in 2030. And after another 4 years of Biden/Far Left leadership...the voting public will be very ready for a change. And as long as the GOP candidate is in any way normal, it won't matter how good the DNC candidate will be.
Agree with much of that. As to the minorities leaving they don’t want to hear about “the economy” or “ the stock market” they want to hear about the grocery store prices, insurance costs, gas pump, etc. And for Biden to say it was 9 percent shows he’s just fried between the ears

As for all your other stuff as god awful as that woman is we probably would have been better off with Hilary. Would have eliminated trump and Biden
You are right. There is the runaway inflation, giving billions and billions to Ukraine, etc.
Yea, should just let Russia take Ukraine and give those billions and billions to Israel instead. much better plan lmao.
You are right. There is the runaway inflation, giving billions and billions to Ukraine, etc.
Inflation is happening globally and we’re in much better shape in that regard than most of the developed world.

Your opposition to aid for a sovereign nation that was invaded by a ruthless dictator and war criminal isn’t very Christian.
Ok, can you repost but remove everything that didn't happen or has no evidence

We know how much Kuschner got from Saudia Arabia. $2 BILLION. Do you have any issue with that? How much money did Melania rake in from China? Want to figure that one out?

Stop accusing what the Trumps did on Biden. Biden released his taxes without a fight. Nothing amiss was found regardless of what fake innuendos you want to throw in for a false yabbut.

Yea, biden COULD be as bad as Trump but based on what we know with actual evidence, that doesn't appear to be remotely the case.

Lets put it another way, Republicans have been investigating the Biden family ever since he took office and all they have to show for it is a few legal issues for Hunter. 3 YEARS OF INVESTIGATING and they have nothing more to show for it. Hate to break it to you, but Biden isn't a shitty as Trump even if they investigate for 8 years.
Several FBI whistleblowers. Bank statements. Pictures. Testimony from Hunter's business associates. May not be evidence in your eyes, but for the average Joe that is more than what they have on most people for convictions.