Trump indicted….again

Seems pretty self evident, for anyone that isn't trying to create drama, that he had a pre planned answer, to a question that he thought was coming, and when it wasn't the question that he thought, he changed course.
I will admit that this is a problem that Trump has. He tries so hard to be transparent and forthcoming, that he gets out in front of the conversation, well infront of the questioner. It's one of the down sides of being more intellectually prepared than the "gotch-you" people that are trying to nail him.
The next huge problem is that his opponents (the Rhino's and the Dim's) are all far intellectually inferior and fall for it every damn time.
If Trump would simply slow down, pull out that Reagan wit, this wouldn't be an issue. In the business world, especially NY business, it's about being ahead of the idiots. But New York Business doesn't have this high of percentage of idiots per capita. Trump just hasn't figured out how to Dumb down himself so that his opponent can understand him.
It's pretty simple actually.
Seems pretty self evident, for anyone that isn't trying to create drama, that he had a pre planned answer, to a question that he thought was coming, and when it wasn't the question that he thought, he changed course.
I will admit that this is a problem that Trump has. He tries so hard to be transparent and forthcoming, that he gets out in front of the conversation, well infront of the questioner. It's one of the down sides of being more intellectually prepared than the "gotch-you" people that are trying to nail him.
The next huge problem is that his opponents (the Rhino's and the Dim's) are all far intellectually inferior and fall for it every damn time.
If Trump would simply slow down, pull out that Reagan wit, this wouldn't be an issue. In the business world, especially NY business, it's about being ahead of the idiots. But New York Business doesn't have this high of percentage of idiots per capita. Trump just hasn't figured out how to Dumb down himself so that his opponent can understand him.
It's pretty simple actually.

The fact that he can't shut up and stop telling on himself is what's going to get him convicted.
The fact that he can't shut up and stop telling on himself is what's going to get him convicted.
True, because that is the way of the swamp. "My son is the smartest person I know and has done NOTHING wrong".
Shut up, deny deny deny because everyone knows that the American people are beneath us in DC. The system for DC is set up exactly for that type of shut up and deny.
Trump should publicize his "donation" to DC back when they loved him. ....... If he did, Oswalds great grandson would suddenly be in the news. DC has their pawns.
Seems pretty self evident, for anyone that isn't trying to create drama, that he had a pre planned answer, to a question that he thought was coming, and when it wasn't the question that he thought, he changed course.
I will admit that this is a problem that Trump has. He tries so hard to be transparent and forthcoming, that he gets out in front of the conversation, well infront of the questioner. It's one of the down sides of being more intellectually prepared than the "gotch-you" people that are trying to nail him.
The next huge problem is that his opponents (the Rhino's and the Dim's) are all far intellectually inferior and fall for it every damn time.
If Trump would simply slow down, pull out that Reagan wit, this wouldn't be an issue. In the business world, especially NY business, it's about being ahead of the idiots. But New York Business doesn't have this high of percentage of idiots per capita. Trump just hasn't figured out how to Dumb down himself so that his opponent can understand him.
It's pretty simple actually.
Or he caught himself when he realized he needed to lie about it.
Seems pretty self evident, for anyone that isn't trying to create drama, that he had a pre planned answer, to a question that he thought was coming, and when it wasn't the question that he thought, he changed course.
I will admit that this is a problem that Trump has. He tries so hard to be transparent and forthcoming, that he gets out in front of the conversation, well infront of the questioner. It's one of the down sides of being more intellectually prepared than the "gotch-you" people that are trying to nail him.
The next huge problem is that his opponents (the Rhino's and the Dim's) are all far intellectually inferior and fall for it every damn time.
If Trump would simply slow down, pull out that Reagan wit, this wouldn't be an issue. In the business world, especially NY business, it's about being ahead of the idiots. But New York Business doesn't have this high of percentage of idiots per capita. Trump just hasn't figured out how to Dumb down himself so that his opponent can understand him.
It's pretty simple actually.
@MrBing ... You are supposed to be sending the good shit to Ukraine, NOT laughing at common sense stuff !
Send 1000 more Bradleys
Send 80% of our ATACMS
Take control of starlink and sink the Russian Black sea fleet!!!
Do this today, so we have fun things to ready over the weekend! Do this man ! Just flip the switch already!
He was planning to be in DC on Jan 6th, it's just that he was in jail already, for the flag burning at the BLM protest. So his underlings carried out his plan.

If you hire someone to kill your wife, then yes you murdered her, even if you were not there doing the shooting.

His sentencing also reflects his long record. This was his 3rd felony conviction. In 2004 Tarrio was convicted of theft. In 2012 he was convicted of theft, larcency, and distribution of stolen property. With cooperation, he was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison for strike #2.

What are your thoughts on "3 strikes you're out" for convicted felons? I guess it depends on whether they politically align with you or not.
Did the tweet leave out all that shit? I don’t believe it for a second.
Paxton is a Trumpster loving corrupt, adulterous clown who has been impeached by a Republican led Texas House. WTF is wrong with you Trumpsters?
Bush clan. Gtfo of Texas. When I see George sr, Clinton, Jr and Obama together I realize those 4 were the most corrupt presidents in the history of this country. And look what they have done. All 4 are pro n.w.o. presidents. They were all in line with the mic, cia, big pharma Uggghhhhhhhhhhhh

Bush clan. Gtfo of Texas. When I see George sr, Clinton, Jr and Obama together I realize those 4 were the most corrupt presidents in the history of this country. And look what they have done. All 4 are pro n.w.o. presidents. They were all in line with the mic, cia, big pharma Uggghhhhhhhhhhhh

Killed millions, increased their net worth by hundreds of millions, disrupted the Middle East, killed our economy, etc yet let's charge Trump who had world peace, a great economy, and was the only President on record to lose money while in office.
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Bush clan. Gtfo of Texas. When I see George sr, Clinton, Jr and Obama together I realize those 4 were the most corrupt presidents in the history of this country. And look what they have done. All 4 are pro n.w.o. presidents. They were all in line with the mic, cia, big pharma Uggghhhhhhhhhhhh

You believe absolute nonsense. What is wrong with you? Mental illness? Drugs? Mentally challenged?

It might be the last. If so, I apologize and you can carry on.
You believe absolute nonsense. What is wrong with you? Mental illness? Drugs? Mentally challenged?

It might be the last. If so, I apologize and you can carry on.
I don't believe is what it is. Are you deaf? Did you not hear all of em talk about it? Reagan and Trump are the only two that spoke out against. Reagan got away with it. Trump they wanna hang. Your must be deaf?
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I don't believe is what it is. Are you deaf? Did you not hear all of em talk about it? Reagan and Trump are the only two that spoke out against. Reagan got away with it. Trump they wanna hang. Your must be deaf?
I’m a big Reagan fan. I remember him well. Trump is nothing like Reagan. You really don’t know much and what you think you know is wrong. Go ahead and carry on. You only prove your foolish ignorance when you post.
I don't believe is what it is. Are you deaf? Did you not hear all of em talk about it? Reagan and Trump are the only two that spoke out against. Reagan got away with it. Trump they wanna hang. Your must be deaf?
Whoa, you hit the nerve right on the funny bone. ... Nice work! They hate being exposed.
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It's really cute that you believe that. Couldn't have anything to do with the 2024 camapign I'm sure...Optics, ya know...

And wth are Trump and Pro Putinsiac babbling about, saying Trump could have pardoned himself before he left office?

What was he even charged with, much less indicted for in Jan 2021? What does he do? Say "I'm sorry for my undiscovered crimes", since a pardon requires an admission of guilt?

So he was going to admit to being guilty of something, and totally ignore the total horrible optics that would present for any 2024 dreams he had?

How gullible are you?
Those who know they aren't, never ask.
Why are you concerned who "they" are? Self guilt is a powerful feeling, and self analyzing.
Aren't WHAT? Stop beating around the bush.

I have no guilt when it comes to Trump or being a Republican. I reacted to a ftw trying to equate Reagan and Trump, which is absurd. Trump is nothing at all like Reagan. Reagan was never a wimpy crybaby whining cowardly idiot like Trump is. Why don't you try to defend his ridiculous comparison rather than claiming he hit a nerve. What nerve? What do you mean by "they?" You used the word and you should define what you mean by that.

You've still failed to identify my "extreme" positions. I'm guessing because I don't have any and you trying to list them would prove it.
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I have no guilt when it comes to Trump or being a Republican. I reacted to a ftw trying to equate Reagan and Trump, which is absurd. Trump is nothing at all like Reagan. Reagan was never a wimpy crybaby whining cowardly idiot like Trump is. Why don't you try to defend his ridiculous comparison rather than claiming he hit a nerve. What nerve? What do you mean by "they?" You used the word and you should define what you mean by that.

You've still failed to identify my "extreme" positions. I'm guessing because I don't have any and you trying to list them would prove it.
You have seemed to reached back into the past to bring up something that irritated you. Sorry that you didn't find closure. If extreme ends of the rainbow works for you, carry on as you were.

I did watch a video of FDR today, stating that Europe doesn't get our men to fight their war, they get to pay for our munitions to go fight their own problems. It sure seems that Trump and FDR had some similarities.

Now on an unrelated question, I will go out on the wire to say that we (US) should send everything that explodes, to Ukraine at this point, when the time is right per war protocol, to make Russia simply evaporate, with as many russian casualties as possible (just so they never forget).

Now, go vote for Briben all you want. You are the one saying that you stand for everything against him, but you will vote for him now the 2nd time. That is extreme.
You have seemed to reached back into the past to bring up something that irritated you. Sorry that you didn't find closure. If extreme ends of the rainbow works for you, carry on as you were.

I did watch a video of FDR today, stating that Europe doesn't get our men to fight their war, they get to pay for our munitions to go fight their own problems. It sure seems that Trump and FDR had some similarities.

Now on an unrelated question, I will go out on the wire to say that we (US) should send everything that explodes, to Ukraine at this point, when the time is right per war protocol, to make Russia simply evaporate, with as many russian casualties as possible (just so they never forget).

Now, go vote for Briben all you want. You are the one saying that you stand for everything against him, but you will vote for him now the 2nd time. That is extreme.
Don’t know what you mean in your first paragraph.

There’s much more to the FDR and WWII story than that tiny part. Trump is nothing like FDR either.

If you believe your third paragraph, Trump is most definitely not your man.
Don’t know what you mean in your first paragraph.

There’s much more to the FDR and WWII story than that tiny part. Trump is nothing like FDR either.

If you believe your third paragraph, Trump is most definitely not your man.
How about we agree to stop this silly chaff and you come over to the Ukraine war thread and post, with your knowledge about the Russian Black sea fleet being hamburgerd while in port? It seems that you have some experience in that info and many of us are interested. Let's stop this BS back and forth and you give us gravy seals some intel about what is going on. Can you do that and forget about Trump? Genuinely interested in your input.
How about we agree to stop this silly chaff and you come over to the Ukraine war thread and post, with your knowledge about the Russian Black sea fleet being hamburgerd while in port? It seems that you have some experience in that info and many of us are interested. Let's stop this BS back and forth and you give us gravy seals some intel about what is going on. Can you do that and forget about Trump? Genuinely interested in your input.
Done for the night and going to UofL-IU game in Indy tomorrow. Out for now.
Trumpsters read and defend:

There's no defense. They know it, but they just don't care.

He's reckless, he's irresponsible, he flouts the law, and he's unfit for office.

One more thing - - he's like a fvcking mob boss. Trump to aide: "You don't know anything about the boxes." Blatant obstruction.

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There's no defense. They know it, but they just don't care.

He's reckless, he's irresponsible, he flouts the law, and he's unfit for office.

One more thing - - he's like a fvcking mob boss. Trump to aide: "You don't know anything about the boxes." Blatant obstruction.

Reality Winner (hell of a name) was sentenced to five years in prison for a single document. I believe she was arrested and held till trial. As far as I know she never used the doc as a to-do list notepad.
Maybe he should get the Winners treatment.
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