Trump Hype Thread

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I haven’t seen trump putt, but if he is less than. 36 handicap I will be shocked. That is an ugly swing
Have you ever actually played golf?

I'm no Trump fan, but that is not a +36 swing.

Also, from the link below:

In a small but telling example from his 2019 book, Commander in Cheat: How Golf Explains Trump, Rick Reilly describes the bemusement of professional golfers, their caddies, and other knowledgeable observers at Trump’s claim of having a low-single-digit handicap. “He’s more like a 10 or 12” was their consensus. (Note to non-golfers: the lower the handicap, the better the player.)​


This is probably the most discipline we’ve seen from Trump. Let the Democrats tear each other apart, sit on the golf course, under the radar. He does that until November and he will win.
It's almost like he's listening to other people. Either that, or he's too far gone as well. I'm on the fence.
That’s pretty stupid. He’s played with plenty of celebrities that can affirm he’s a good player. Yeah, that’s a really stupid thing to say.
Jeff Overton plays with him every so often - or at least did before he came back to competition.

I don’t know what kind of player he is these days. Probably not a stickler for the rules. But I’ve heard that he was a pretty good player once upon a time.

This is probably the most discipline we’ve seen from Trump. Let the Democrats tear each other apart, sit on the golf course, under the radar. He does that until November and he will win.
Generally speaking, the more Trump keeps his mouth shut, the better it is for him. He’s his own worst enemy.
No it’s not. Especially for someone his age. Clearly you don’t know much about the golf swing.
lol. If you only knew.

The point is that he claims to be a multi-club champion which clearly is a story only you “patriots” would buy because I assure you no one else does.
Generally speaking, the more Trump keeps his mouth shut, the better it is for him. He’s his own worst enemy.
You could hear Biden exasperated this morning “Since the debate he’s been on the golf course, I’ve been everywhere, he’s been in hiding”

He’s desperate for Trump to say/ do something foolish to take the heat off him.
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lol. If you only knew.

The point is that he claims to be a multi-club champion which clearly is a story only you “patriots” would buy because I assure you no one else does.
There’s absolutely no way he just won any club championships. Unless it was some kind of club that doesn’t have any good golfers as members.
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He is a massive ass with a massive belly who’s best golf days were 25 years ago when was cheating to be a 22.
I’m just saying, I caddied for a decade and the same three guys won the club championship over that time. All of them 10-12’s that showed up and broke 80 three days in a row.

That 10-12 range is a sandbaggers paradise. I bet that’s what Trump is doing.
I’m just saying, I caddied for a decade and the same three guys won the club championship over that time. All of them 10-12’s that showed up and broke 80 three days in a row.

That 10-12 range is a sandbaggers paradise. I bet that’s what Trump is doing.
My God. Northshore.Caddy at a country club. New Trier.
My God. Northshore.Caddy at a country club. New Trier.
The caddying means I was a working stiff just like the rest of ya’ll. I had my troubles growing up as well.

As an example, the original country club I wanted to caddy at, they rejected me because too much of my extended family were members there. Something about wanting to cut down on favoritism and preventing caddies from hearing their family members being badmouthed on the course. Drama.

So I had to caddy at the club across the street instead, where I didn’t have much family any more.
Have you ever actually played golf?

I'm no Trump fan, but that is not a +36 swing.

Also, from the link below:

In a small but telling example from his 2019 book, Commander in Cheat: How Golf Explains Trump, Rick Reilly describes the bemusement of professional golfers, their caddies, and other knowledgeable observers at Trump’s claim of having a low-single-digit handicap. “He’s more like a 10 or 12” was their consensus. (Note to non-golfers: the lower the handicap, the better the player.)​

Bill Clinton was a notorious golf cheat too. Never trust a golf cheat.
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Jeff Overton plays with him every so often - or at least did before he came back to competition.

I don’t know what kind of player he is these days. Probably not a stickler for the rules. But I’ve heard that he was a pretty good player once upon a time.
You think Jeff will get back to where he was?
You think Jeff will get back to where he was?
No, actually. I don’t.

For one thing, his back was pretty messed up. And I don’t think his mental game was very tough even when he was at his prime. Jeff’s biggest problem has always been immaturity.

It’s been a long time since I’ve had any interaction with him personally. But we have a mutual friend who sees him fairly regularly (he’s the one who told me about Jeff playing with DJT).

I’ll just say, from what I’ve come to think about him, Trump’s a perfect playing partner.
lol. If you only knew.

The point is that he claims to be a multi-club champion which clearly is a story only you “patriots” would buy because I assure you no one else does.
There’s absolutely no way he just won any club championships. Unless it was some kind of club that doesn’t have any good golfers as members.
You two ever heard of flighting? He could easily be a multiple club champion depending on what flight he's in.
lol. If you only knew.

The point is that he claims to be a multi-club champion which clearly is a story only you “patriots” would buy because I assure you no one else does.

How do you ACTUALLY KNOW? What is your personal evidence? How many time have you played, better yet, how many times have you played with Trump?
Does he invite you often? Could your even afford to play on a Trump course?
So, you said "If you only knew" ... SO, do you "know"? Give us the goods gopher.
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He is a massive ass with a massive belly who’s best golf days were 25 years ago when was cheating to be a 22.
And you played with him... .,,... I mean played golf with him. ? So you have personal first hand knowledge? Do you?
And you played with him... .,,... I mean played golf with him. ? So you have personal first hand knowledge? Do you?
I enjoy two advantages here that you do not

1. I have no inclination to make excuses for him, and
2, I know what I am looking at
I enjoy two advantages here that you do not

1. I have no inclination to make excuses for him, and
2, I know what I am looking at
So you use preferred assumptions, but you have no proof to back up your preference while attempting to pass it off as "you being connected/ knowledgeable of a fact".

Luckily, you have proven you have zero credibility, so you have that.
Now, you may be correct, so I will allow you the benefit of the doubt. But per your admission, it would only be via total accident and not knowledge.

What is sad is. You all have pulled out every possible and totally improbable negative against Trump over the last 8+ years, there is a total of ZERO amount of credibility that any of you have, if you were all added together. Z E R O.
That is what you get when you only follow Nancy Notes. It would take you ALL, 8 yrs to even start to build any piece of legitimacy now. That is why I say civil war so so close. It's damn sad.