Trump CNN round table thread

The only unknown in this election is whether or not Biden can keep it together at his age. All other cards have been on the table for two years.

Sad our country is going to choose between crazy and diapers… again.

I would say the current crop of politicians needs to retire asap, but then it’s AOC and Co. for the next 35+ years.

Our political system better evolve asap.
Uh you know Trump is rumored to wear diapers since his Apprentice Days. And he’s what, two years younger than Biden?
Just saw the nasty person clip. And people laughing. That man is vile and disgusting and it doesn’t say much about our country that people still support this kind of garbage. Same people who are worried about every book a child reads or the influence a drag Queen has, yet they want this man as a symbol of our country. The worst example a young person could ever, ever have.
The only unknown in this election is whether or not Biden can keep it together at his age. All other cards have been on the table for two years.

Sad our country is going to choose between crazy and diapers… again.

I would say the current crop of politicians needs to retire asap, but then it’s AOC and Co. for the next 35+ years.

Our political system better evolve asap.

The best thing that could happen for this country is they both kick the bucket..

These are miserable, pathetic excuses for "leaders" of a serious country
The best thing that could happen for this country is they both kick the bucket..

These are miserable, pathetic excuses for "leaders" of a serious country
It’s our only chance that one or both drop dead prior to November 2024- as fat as is Trump and as ghoul is Biden- I say odds are not infinitely small- pray 🙏 everyone pray
What a waste of time.

Trump rambling incoherently with half truths and outright lies while Collins rants like a middle schooler spewing the CNN narrative. Did she ever stop her feet or say N’uh Uhhhh?
Correct. Very few politicians would attempt to overthrow our government, but Trump did. Aren’t you proud of him? What a guy!

Anyone who supports Trump after all he has done is truly an idiot.
And you have tds because you can't admit the truth. Byron Donald on the video above totally shot down your Jan 6th fantasies as he sits on a house oversight committee. I feel sorry for you..

Typical lib. Can't face the facts and name calls. You all represent the bottom of the brain pool and are the reason this country is a mess.
I haven't watched a single clip, but my understanding was that the crowd was very pro-Trump. So how does that compute to some act of bravery that no one else would attempt? He goes on a centrist network in front of a supportive crowd and that's somehow earth shattering?

Didn't Mayor Pete and also Bernie as well both appear on Fox in town halls among typical Fox crowds? What exactly would set off what Trump did tonight, compared to the precedent they both set?
Centrist network. Like I said misinformed. 🤣🤣🤣
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The only unknown in this election is whether or not Biden can keep it together at his age. All other cards have been on the table for two years.

Sad our country is going to choose between crazy and diapers… again.

I would say the current crop of politicians needs to retire asap, but then it’s AOC and Co. for the next 35+ years.

Our political system better evolve asap.
Don't hold your breath.
Whatever he thought he was doing, that was extremely uncomfortable, and it destroyed any credibility he had as far as not knowing her.
Obviously you misses the little part where he said "her story is...." before he started telling about the exchange. But you just keep on spreading BS.
And no I didn't what it, it is in the clip above.
Talk about a total lack of self awareness…or a 100% commitment to being nothing but a troll.
Either way, you’ve become a boring waste of time.
You know what I love about you and your cronies...You hurl insults at others while describing yourselves. Congrads bulky you lived up to yourself this morning. All you do is insult and can never discuss anything without a meltdown. Just another day, livin in the hood.
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I still can't get over that stomach-churning story about meeting eyes with Carroll at Bergdorf Goodman and being mutually attracted and then having "hanky panky" in the dressing room, and then repeating that he never met her and didn't know who she was. That was just painfully uncomfortable.
Not for a Trumper. That was just pwning the libs and made the Trumpers feel better about themselves.
You know what I love about you and your cronies...You hurl insults at others while describing yourselves. Congrads bulky you lived up to yourself this morning. All you do is insult and can never discuss anything without a meltdown. Just another day, livin in the hood.
You really are boring now that you have exposed yourself. You’re like a toothless old lion in the circus.
It’s funny that you think I would consider discussing anything with you. Kind of like that elderly captive lion. The more you roar, the more you expose your lack of teeth.
It used to be more fun prodding you a little, but now, it’s just pathetic.
Gotta go…the tent is all yours.
I’m going full @TheOriginalHappyGoat here.

This is the stupidest most useless thread in years. Thank you @UncleMark for starting it.

Many posters obviously enjoy calling an offensive prick an offensive prick. They also get off on pissing off said offensive prick’s voters. Then they wonder why offensive pricks are on the ballot. Worse yet they support a worthless corrupt lump of cells to oppose said offensive prick believing that is an improvement.

Wanna know why politics is so bad? Read this thread. Too many people like bad politics.
CNN town hall purpose last night was to get the media focus on Trump today, which in turn takes focus away today from Biden's bad (or lack of) border policy, and what is happening at the border today.

From what I hear in radio today, it was successful in doing just that.

Brilliant move by Dem media complex.
You will never get through to this crowd Stoll. The guy went out there in a hostile environment without a script. What democrat would ever even consider that? Biden and Hillary had softballs lobbed at them. IDC what anyone says Trump has brass cohoonas.

So Trump supporters being in the crowd and a calm, fair-question host is now a hostile environment for Trump?

To go along with BCC's post above, it's also quite easy to have brass cahoonas when you have no backbone or integrity to accept or face things in reality, while also not willing or even able to reason anything in fact.

Trump chiefly operates to dominate the mic, so as to quickly deflect everything and substitute his false claims. He so badly wants to be able to give real examples or supporting evidence, but of course he never has any, so he recants the BS he reads about himself from whatever apologetic media defends his acts. Or worse, he crafts them himself, and then he rambles on about nonsense and next thing you know he goes into play-acting characters using fictional skits. It's almost as if you are watching him doing his best to try and gaslight himself in real time.

Most people need drugs to do something like that or need drugs to keep them from doing stuff like that. With Trump, it seems to come naturally, and there is really only one clinical definition that falls under.
I’m going full @TheOriginalHappyGoat here.

This is the stupidest most useless thread in years. Thank you @UncleMark for starting it.

Many posters obviously enjoy calling an offensive prick an offensive prick. They also get off on pissing off said offensive prick’s voters. Then they wonder why offensive pricks are on the ballot. Worse yet they support a worthless corrupt lump of cells to oppose said offensive prick believing that is an improvement.

Wanna know why politics is so bad? Read this thread. Too many people like bad politics.
You’re not wrong.

It’s the constant attacks on the supporters which I think makes those supporters dig in and defend themselves and the candidate to a degree they normally would not. It’s counterproductive. But I doubt it will stop.

I think each tribe needs to think of the other tribe as stupid and evil to feel like they are smart and good?

Many of the posts in this thread read a lot like when IU and Purdue fans argue over their basketball programs and then the argument turns to their fan bases. It’s dumb, even if it’s objectively true that IU has superior fans. 😁
The argument made by some is that CNN should have given Trump one hour to say whatever he wanted. If he wanted to claim he won the Congressional Medal of Honor at Iwo Jima, no one should fact-check him on that.

I don't think that is journalism, that's a commercial. Media should challenge anyone appearing on it, I don't care if it is Trump, Biden, Zuckerberg, Bezos, or Mark. If you go on their show, they have the responsibility to question your statements. And question why you refuse to answer other questions. The point of media isn't to give one a commercial, one can buy time to do that.
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The argument made by some is that CNN should have given Trump one hour to say whatever he wanted. If he wanted to claim he won the Congressional Medal of Honor at Iwo Jima, no one should fact-check him on that.

I don't think that is journalism, that's a commercial. Media should challenge anyone appearing on it, I don't care if it is Trump, Biden, Zuckerberg, Bezos, or Mark. If you go on their show, they have the responsibility to question your statements. And question why you refuse to answer other questions. The point of media isn't to give one a commercial, one can buy time to do that.
When do you suggest is the time for all media to challenge Biden, his press secretary, all cabinet members and anyone supporting him?
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Must have been some bored people last night. I threw the football in the yard with the kids, talked with my wife on the back porch while enjoying the weather, and then knocked around on the Playstation after everyone went to bed.

If you hate him, why watch? Everybody supposedly believing this guy is the worst thing ever are the number one reason he isn't going anywhere. I think there is a calculation going on that Trump is the only guy Biden can beat so let's get him on the ballot. Don't be shocked in January of 2025 to see him back in office and the revenge tour kicking off (something not good for the future of the Republic) and some of that blame is going to fall on the people whose negative unhealthy obsession with the guy helped put him there.

"I didn't vote for him!" No, but you kept him in the public eye and acted in such a manner that about 1/4 of the country is willing to vote for anyone that will piss you off just out of spite alone, so there is that. The Trumpers and Never Trumpers will share the blame if he gets back into office.
That was a master class. Trump understands something that others in the field don’t. Kaitlin Collins doesn’t matter. Her interjections don’t matter. CNN doesn’t matter. You’re not speaking to them or addressing them. They’re not there in good faith anyway, they don’t have open ears. Those gatekeepers do not matter anymore.

He told his side of the story, at length, for the first time in a while. On 1/6 he completely clowned them, running down the list of directives he gave on how to orderly and peacefully approach the Capitol.

He will win the nom, and maybe just my vote back.
If he wins the nomination it means a Democrat will win the general election. I'm good with that.
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Must have been some bored people last night. I threw the football in the yard with the kids, talked with my wife on the back porch while enjoying the weather, and then knocked around on the Playstation after everyone went to bed.

If you hate him, why watch? Everybody supposedly believing this guy is the worst thing ever are the number one reason he isn't going anywhere. I think there is a calculation going on that Trump is the only guy Biden can beat so let's get him on the ballot. Don't be shocked in January of 2025 to see him back in office and the revenge tour kicking off (something not good for the future of the Republic) and some of that blame is going to fall on the people whose negative unhealthy obsession with the guy helped put him there.

"I didn't vote for him!" No, but you kept him in the public eye and acted in such a manner that about 1/4 of the country is willing to vote for anyone that will piss you off just out of spite alone, so there is that. The Trumpers and Never Trumpers will share the blame if he gets back into office.
What did you play on PlayStation
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When do you suggest is the time for all media to challenge Biden, his press secretary, all cabinet members and anyone supporting him?

I think I said anyone appearing on a show should be challenged if the facts they present don't appear accurate/truthful.
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Must have been some bored people last night. I threw the football in the yard with the kids, talked with my wife on the back porch while enjoying the weather, and then knocked around on the Playstation after everyone went to bed.

If you hate him, why watch? Everybody supposedly believing this guy is the worst thing ever are the number one reason he isn't going anywhere. I think there is a calculation going on that Trump is the only guy Biden can beat so let's get him on the ballot. Don't be shocked in January of 2025 to see him back in office and the revenge tour kicking off (something not good for the future of the Republic) and some of that blame is going to fall on the people whose negative unhealthy obsession with the guy helped put him there.

"I didn't vote for him!" No, but you kept him in the public eye and acted in such a manner that about 1/4 of the country is willing to vote for anyone that will piss you off just out of spite alone, so there is that. The Trumpers and Never Trumpers will share the blame if he gets back into office.

I didn't watch it either, so I can't comment on anything he said. But you are right, the man lives to be in the public eye. If people turned him off in his media appearances, he'd "just fade away".
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Centrist network. Like I said misinformed. 🤣🤣🤣
No one on the Left consider CNN "leftist". Do you even know that Kaitlin Collins got her journalism start as a reporter for the Daily Caller, including being their WH correspondent during Trump's reign of terror. She's no raging "leftie", in fact I came upon a story discussing the Log Cabin Republicans exposing some homophobic tweets she sent when she was a student at Alabama (where she's from)...

Beyond that, you seem to have adopted the DANC tactic of resorting to a laugh emoji when you're confronted with facts that you can't really counter. I asked you a simple question, and basically wanted you to explain your (imho)ridiculous claim that Trump appearing on CNN in front of a pro-Trump crowd in New Hampshire somehow exemplified "courage". I presented facts to back up my opinion, and you pulled a DANC and chose to refuse to engage...

Feel free to dispute my facts and tell me what I got wrong about how the audience was filled with pro-Trump supporters. There were people who had served in his administration posing as "audience members". Several Trump advocacy groups in the area had sent out calls for their members to show up in force to support him and I'm not aware of a single person even asking him a confrontational question.

I didn't watch (just like I didn't watch the Pete and Bernie townhalls on Fox that I referenced) because I don't as a rule watch town halls,debates or even speeches. But I've seen clips, so feel free to point out which of my statements regarding the composition of the crowd were erroneous. In a way it's perfectly fine for a crowd at a GOP primary season event to be exclusively Republican, so I don't begrudge him that.

My issue was with your ridiculous assertion that (seemingly) just ecause it was hosted on CNN it represented some sort of Red Badge of Courage moment from Trump. Obviously you can't really defend your asssertion with any sort of facts, so you resort to the DANC emoji and insert the red herring of CNN somehow being a bastion of liberalism. Maybe we should call you DANC junior?