Trump’s Attempt to Rig Nebraska

It’s well known that people that express control over their own manipulation are being manipulated. That’s psychology 101.
What could be bad about obtaining all information possible? Nothing. It makes for more informed choices. But half the country refuses to do so,and a lot of them make that choice,based on what the media tells them. That is ignorance by choice. If you have kids,and they have an argument,would you settle it after listening to one side of the story and not the other? No...because that wouldn't make sense,and because it's your kids,you are non-biased. But when it comes to politics,you make that ignorant decision. That proves you have been manipulated, to make the non informed decision. Congratulations
You really lack comprehension. I didn't say civil rights were not important. I said democrats used the civil rights movement to pass legislation that hurt the black community.
It did not hurt. It gave us the right to vote, to eat at the lunch counter, and to have equal jobs, housing, and schools. The gop is the people oh no, hate and racism.
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It did not hurt. It gave us the right to vote, to eat at the lunch counter, and to have equal jobs, housing, and schools. The gop is the people oh no, hate and racism.
The GOP freed slaves,while dems founded the KKK. If what dems did during the civil rights movement helped the black community,why has the black community fallen apart since then? The point is...they realized they didn't need chains to keep the black community down,and they did it all under the guise of "we are helping". Since then,single parent homes have tripled,and so has the murder rate amongst balck males. Please tell me how that "did not hurt"
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The GOP freed slaves,while dems founded the KKK. If what dems did during the civil rights movement helped the black community,why has the black community fallen apart since then? The point is...they realized they didn't need chains to keep the black community down,and they did it all under the guise of "we are helping". Since then,single parent homes have tripled,and so has the murder rate amongst balck males. Please tell me how that "did not hurt"
False news, the gop of the 1880s is the present-day DEMOCRATS. Get your facts straight.
False news, the gop of the 1880s is the present-day DEMOCRATS. Get your facts straight.
What was it that LBJ said when he passed the great society?

AT LEAST he voted for the bill. The gop would not have voted for it, again Project 2025.
Wow...he voted for something that destroyed the black community and it's families...and you think they care about you?'s been 60 many more does it take before you can see?
Says the guy who supports the party that just circumvented a national primary in order to put the candidate of their choice in office. Are you blind and stupid?..or just stupid?
Are you talking the GOP in 1860? Or any of the other various GOP or Dem Presidents of the 19th Century, none of whom ever participated in a Primary? Did you flunk History/Civics? Are you somehow under the mistaken impression that "Primaries" are some Constitutionally defined constrict?

You're just mad because the Dems wizened up and took the steps necessary to save the US from Trump. Who btw is a longtime fraudster (Trump U, Trump Foundation, Trump NYC criminal charges-just to name a few), adjudicated rapist (2 seperate juries and a judge) self admitted sexual predator accused by close to 30 women of sexual abuse over the past 5 decades. On top of that he is a twice impeached insurrectionist who refused to return official documents and engaged in obstruction of justice...

I'd say in light of all that the idea that Dems are going to vote for someone who didn't actually run in a Primary (like you know Lincoln,Grant,either Harrison etc...) is of far less concern...

Remember back in 2016 when Trump vowed to sue every one of the women who accused him of sexual assault?

Now 8 yrs later and that claim is right up there with "we'll have a new healthcare plan that you're going to love"...Hey he has a "concept of a plan"...

But back to all those women Trump accused of "lying"...Wonder why he hasn't tried to sue a single one? Could it be they've already shown a willingness and ability to actually testify under oath and e does not want to end up facing perjury charges?

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Are you talking the GOP in 1860? Or any of the other various GOP or Dem Presidents of the 19th Century, none of whom ever participated in a Primary? Did you flunk History/Civics? Are you somehow under the mistaken impression that "Primaries" are some Constitutionally defined constrict?

You're just mad because the Dems wizened up and took the steps necessary to save the US from Trump. Who btw is a longtime fraudster (Trump U, Trump Foundation, Trump NYC criminal charges-just to name a few), adjudicated rapist (2 seperate juries and a judge) self admitted sexual predator accused by close to 30 women of sexual abuse over the past 5 decades. On top of that he is a twice impeached insurrectionist who refused to return official documents and engaged in obstruction of justice...

I'd say in light of all that the idea that Dems are going to vote for someone who didn't actually run in a Primary (like you know Lincoln,Grant,either Harrison etc...) is of far less concern...

Remember back in 2016 when Trump vowed to sue every one of the women who accused him of sexual assault?

Now 8 yrs later and that claim is right up there with "we'll have a new healthcare plan that you're going to love"...Hey he has a "concept of a plan"...

But back to all those women Trump accused of "lying"...Wonder why he hasn't tried to sue a single one? Could it be they've already shown a willingness and ability to actually testify under oath and e does not want to end up facing perjury charges? so? Because you are too stupid to know BS when you hear it? Jan 3. transcript of conversation between Trump and General Milly...."there are going to be a lot of people,do whatever it takes to make sure it is a safe event. National guard or active soldiers are both available,just make sure it is a safe event" are a brainwashed moron. State media tells you what to believe...not the truth. Fool
Yeah, a state senator who rarely made a vote.
Speaking of Senators missing votes...

And why the comparison of Obama who never ran for VP to Vance? If Obama was inexperienced, wth was Trump?

The issue that should scare people (and I hope the Dems make a larger issue out of it down the stretch) is that Vance is totally unqualified, he is a single greasy Big Mac away from Trump passing on, and the odds of "Mr Fitness" surviving a 2nd term are not very high. So with the lowest favorabilty ratings in this century (if not history) at 27%, do you want JD Vance becoming your President?

Imho that is an issue the Dems need to put more emphasis on down the stretch...Esp with the rapid cognitive decline Trump is exhibiting...

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Reactions: Ohio Guy so? Because you are too stupid to know BS when you hear it? Jan 3. transcript of conversation between Trump and General Milly...."there are going to be a lot of people,do whatever it takes to make sure it is a safe event. National guard or active soldiers are both available,just make sure it is a safe event" are a brainwashed moron. State media tells you what to believe...not the truth. Fool
Why don't we let the evidence, testimony etc... that Jack Smith has compiled be released so we can judge for ourselves if Trump is an insurrectionist or not? It's not the jury the Trump team is worried about, it's the story the evidence reveals...And the way anyone not involved in the MAGA cult will view that evidence...

Btw after reading the transcript it's pretty obvious that Trump was referring to keeping the protestors safe, with little regard for LEOs or lawmakers. You know what might have even demonstrated more concern on Trump's part? Cancelling or changing the event to a different day when all those lawmakers would not have been concentrated in a single place. Or maybe not even planning it in the first place...

According to actual sworn testimony by Cassady Hutchinson and others, people tried in vain to convince Trump to alter his plans/change the date. And btw everyone involved in any of those scenarios that you somehow feel absolves Trump are Trump officials and appointees, including the Sec of the Army. And of course pretty sure Smith has evidence that the whole "Stop the Steal" nonsense was another major grift that Trump profited from when he actually knew that he lost...

Whatever happened to all those $$ Millions that were supposedly raised to be used to legally contest the election? Just like all the other examples of ABG (always be grifting) like shoes,watches,Bibles etc... the money all found it's way into Trump's pockets. Or his own legal troubles...

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Speaking of Senators missing votes...

And why the comparison of Obama who never ran for VP to Vance? If Obama was inexperienced, wth was Trump?

The issue that should scare people (and I hope the Dems make a larger issue out of it down the stretch) is that Vance is totally unqualified, he is a single greasy Big Mac away from Trump passing on, and the odds of "Mr Fitness" surviving a 2nd term are not very high. So with the lowest favorabilty ratings in this century (if not history) at 27%, do you want JD Vance becoming your President?

Imho that is an issue the Dems need to put more emphasis on down the stretch...Esp with the rapid cognitive decline Trump is exhibiting...

I saw that video this past weekend and almost posted it here. I feel like most Trump supporters don't see a lot of that stuff - Newsmax and Fox News likely edit Trump's speeches so a lot of those missteps or slip ups aren't regularly shown. That said, people like David Pakman ( who is a really smart guy) has been pointing that stuff out for at least the better part of the last year. I do think there is a decent-sized subset of Trump voters who don't regularly go to rallies and probably don't pay much attention to what he actually says and only hear the edited soundbytes far right media cooks up and it's important they see him for who and what he is.

As you've rightly pointed out, there is a relatively high risk that as he approaches 82 at the end of a potential second term, there is a relatively high risk that his cognitive decline and overall health would prevent him from serving a full four years. The idea of Vance assuming the role of the presidency is presumably very unpopular across the political spectrum and pretty scary for most everyone as well. so? Because you are too stupid to know BS when you hear it? Jan 3. transcript of conversation between Trump and General Milly...."there are going to be a lot of people,do whatever it takes to make sure it is a safe event. National guard or active soldiers are both available,just make sure it is a safe event" are a brainwashed moron. State media tells you what to believe...not the truth. Fool
Bingo! I have MAGA Bingo!

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