Trump’s Attempt to Rig Nebraska

It’s well known that people that express control over their own manipulation are being manipulated. That’s psychology 101.
What could be bad about obtaining all information possible? Nothing. It makes for more informed choices. But half the country refuses to do so,and a lot of them make that choice,based on what the media tells them. That is ignorance by choice. If you have kids,and they have an argument,would you settle it after listening to one side of the story and not the other? No...because that wouldn't make sense,and because it's your kids,you are non-biased. But when it comes to politics,you make that ignorant decision. That proves you have been manipulated, to make the non informed decision. Congratulations
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'The base' is growing by leaps and bounds..the Republican voter registration work has surpassed dimcrap numbers.
Republicans have never really had a “get out the vote” grassroots campaign.

Republicans don’t register for random stuff.

It seems like we all want Trump daddy though.
Republicans have never really had a “get out the vote” grassroots campaign.

Republicans don’t register for random stuff.

It seems like we all want Trump daddy though.
Scott Presler has helped the RNC build the voter registration efforts by several magnitudes.