I said perceived. I believe it was a poor choice of term to use if they want to be perceived as objective. Especially by the people that identify as Pro-Lifers. I made no comment about the rest of the article, and I thought it was pretty straightforward and inoffensive from my perspective. Of course, I don't identify with either extreme of the abortion issue. I'm in the squishy middle along with most Americans.You're telling journalists what words they have to use to be "objective"? More "if you're not with me, you're agin me" bullshit.
I respect you Aloha, but not this. This will knock you off the pedestal I've put you on. Probably a good thing.
What would you think if it was an article about a pro-choice march and it was reported 100 percent accurately and in a straightforward way, but the writer used the term "pro-abortion" rather than "pro-choice?" Would your perception be that the writer was an objective person or not?
I'm sure my pedestal wasn't very high anyway.