This it totally wrong, in this particular case. Of the 3 people who've be publicized, about having doc's, there is ONLY ONE, that did have the ability to declassify, it wasn't biden nor was it pense.the current nuke launch codes is not the same as something FDR said in secret to his WWII generals.
not all classified material is equal, or anything close to equal, other than it all being classified.
without knowing the contents of any of these documents, it's flat impossible to assign a level of impropriety to the holding of said documents.
reality is, any of these documents once held in secret could have been copied 1,000 times and digitized.
the problem with Trump's refusal to return docs, is that without knowing exactly what he took, we can't know what secrets he has sold, or threatened to sell, or could threaten to sell.
same could be said for anything Biden or Pence or Obama or Bush or Clinton or anyone else has.
it's all about the contents of the classified material taken and kept. not just that it was classified.
trying to equate the holding of document "A" with the holding of document B, or 10 documents with 200 documents, is literally impossible absent knowing the contents of the documents and their relevance at the time they were taken.
There was only ONE person that had the ability (no matter how many poorly worded securities, never been challenged before issues exist), biden or pense were never allowed in any way shape or form, allow to have those outside of a sciff.
Eff trump, eff biden, eff pense. ....
HOW did biden or pense have any doc at all? their fellow congressmen have already commented that they cant. Ya think India still has a cast system? look no further that Pennsylvania ave. Shall I look up the zip code for you?