Top secret documents

Yep, because libs are much more focused on pointing out societal injustice, while cons are all about themselves.
(Shitshow in 3...2...1...)
I do think think there’s is some truth in that. I just don’t know that libs always have the best path. In my nonprofit board days the first person they wanted to cut when money was tight was the development guy. “He isn’t providing a direct service”
So you're going to cut and run?

I don't think that I'm doing the same old waltz. I'm challenging your notion that today's media is biased in favor of Democrats. Dan Rather hasn't been a news anchor since 2006. You haven't addressed this . . . instead you've relied on the old saw that the "media" is biased in favor of Democrats and against Publicans. I don't think that's true. I think Publicans want media biased in their favor . . . and when the "media" don't oblige and ask uncomfortable questions they get pissed. On Face The Nation on Sunday Margaret Brennan was asking a GOP representative - Mike Turner - from Ohio about the classified material found at Biden locations. Turner wanted to conflate the Biden and Trump classified documents matters, and Brennan clarified the differences between the two . . . is that "biased" in favor of Biden? I don't think so . . . I think it's fact-based, not preferring either one.

Let the chips fall. I'm OK with that.
Or we could provide you with a thousand articles showing journalists lean left and you can ignore them and stick to your entrenched views….
Regarding media bias, here's a useful service:

I like that too. Not sure how accurate it is but I use it
Now that's what I call an entrenched view.

This is a far better argument than yours, which is at once absurd and untenable. It’s commonly accepted, except by you, that journalists lean left. That they can still be objective is the better question. Nevertheless like crazy I’m out. We’ve done this dance before.
Now that's what I call an entrenched v
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This is a far better argument than yours, which is at once absurd and untenable. It’s commonly accepted, accept by you, that journalists lean left. That they can still be objective is the better question
Tell me why my argument - which is that market competition has affected the way news outlets cover politics - is absurd and untenable. "Commonly accepted" doesn't cut it. It's the same as "everybody knows", which means nobody really knows.
No, classified material is kept in secured facilities. For members of Congress to view them the member must go to the secured facility, may not take staff, may not take notes nor copy anything and may not remove the material. They are supervised by security officials while there. Only members whose position - committee assignment and the like - requires them to receive the material may see it.
Evidently some of Biden's docs were from when he was a Senator. So how did a Senator, Joe Biden, get them outside a secure facility?
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Tell me why my argument - which is that market competition has affected the way news outlets cover politics - is absurd and untenable. "Commonly accepted" doesn't cut it. It's the same as "everybody knows", which means nobody really knows.

Tell me why my argument - which is that market competition has affected the way news outlets cover politics - is absurd and untenable. "Commonly accepted" doesn't cut it. It's the same as "everybody knows", which means nobody really knows.
Commonly accepted by their own self identification. You claim journalists are not primarily left leaning. That’s simply not true. They are. I posit that their personal beliefs influence what they cover. Human nature.
Commonly accepted by their own self identification. You claim journalists are not primarily left leaning. That’s simply not true. They are. I posit that their personal beliefs influence what they cover. Human nature.
OK. I hear you. What I'm getting from this exchange if that you think journalists are and always will be left-leaning, and that affects their reporting to a bias in favor of Democratic politicians.

My contention is that those same journalists are not as biased as you think, and that their reporting can be trusted.

Are we on the same page about our respective positions?
OK. I hear you. What I'm getting from this exchange if that you think journalists are and always will be left-leaning, and that affects their reporting to a bias in favor of Democratic politicians.

My contention is that those same journalists are not as biased as you think, and that their reporting can be trusted.

Are we on the same page about our respective positions?
Yes exactly.
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OK. I hear you. What I'm getting from this exchange if that you think journalists are and always will be left-leaning, and that affects their reporting to a bias in favor of Democratic politicians.

My contention is that those same journalists are not as biased as you think, and that their reporting can be trusted.

Are we on the same page about our respective positions?
I believe so. And part of that is perception and perhaps my own bias. I think it’s human nature. And the market may mitigate it to an extent over time but what the market dictates isn’t always congruent with truth. Fox News by way of example
So you also posit that their personal beliefs influence how they cover what they cover?
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Having been in the CNN Washington bureau offices and seeing a majority of the on-air talents’ offices and meeting rooms I would strongly posit that personal beliefs are a strong factor.
Regarding what? What they cover? Or how they cover it?

You might be in Georgia on occasion, but that only gets you so far . . . .
Regarding what? What they cover? Or how they cover it?

You might be in Georgia on occasion, but that only gets you so far . . . .
Both. Do you truly think CNN would cover The March for Life? And, then, on the off-hand chance they did, would they cover it in any way other than declaring it’s just a bunch of anti-abortionists trying to deny basic womens rights?

I should have taken pictures of Jake Tapper’s office.
Both. Do you truly think CNN would cover The March for Life? And, then, on the off-hand chance they did, would they cover it in any way other than declaring it’s just a bunch of anti-abortionists trying to deny basic womens rights?

I should have taken pictures of Jake Tapper’s office.
1. I'll let CNN's coverage speak for itself:

2. Yes, you should have . . . why didn't you? We've been counting on you.
1. I'll let CNN's coverage speak for itself:

2. Yes, you should have . . . why didn't you? We've been counting on you.
The first three words - Anti-abortion activists. That’s the signal. Didn’t lead with: Pro-Life supporters.

Abortion rights folks hate “Pro-abortion activists.” If a similar article covered an abortion rights march and led with that I would have a pretty good idea of the author’s beliefs.
I didn’t read it. I stopped reading cnn. Cnn. MSNBC. Fox. I don’t bother anymore.
It's pretty darned factual about what the organizers of the MFL's goals are . . . I didn't see any editorializing like Univee presumed would be there . . . other than to call those in attendance "anti-abortionists", which does not grant those in attendance their preferred "pro-life" descriptors. But my sense is that it's an accurate recounting factually nonetheless.
Can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting "misfiled" "classified" documents.

I'm less worried about hard copies than I am the electronic versions hackable from a potty server.

But ... remember who we are dealing with ....
