it's as if you don't even try to make a factual argument any more- the timeline on your sequence of events is ridiculous. The NARA (not the DOJ or FBI) notified Team Trump via email that 24 boxes of official documents were missing in May 2021. They didn't even claim they were "classified" just that by law they were documents Trump should have returned upon leaving office. Team Trump didn't even get back to them until Dec 2021, and admitted they had "some boxes".
Then in Jan 2021 they returned 15 of the requested 24 boxes, and as the NARA began to inventory the boxes they discovered classified, top secret and compartmental documents mixed in to the boxes. Now had Trump declassified those documents they would have been marked DECLASSIFIED. Of course he never declassified them, which is why they weren't marked.
And nobody made that ridiculous claim at the time, because it was just a later strategy that the Trump team developed as a way to try and allow Trump to keep documents he (erroneously) thought belonged to him. Notice none of Trump's "lawyers" are willing to claim under oath that these documents were "declassified" because they know if they commit perjury permanent disbarment will be the least of their worries...
Even so, it still was March or so before NARA requested to notify the FBI so Trump had plenty of time to make things right and avoid all of this. So your claims about the raid are as fallacious and ignorant as most of your other posts. You're actually on here arguing over classified procedure with experts who have practical experience in the matter like Aloha and Bing based on the opinions of idiots which you somehow ascribe to. You even use the opinion of a Constitutional authority like McClanahan who argues that Trump can declassify and then completely ignore the fact that he points out that Biden can do the same based on the 2019 Executive order that establishes original classification authority.
And McClanahan also points out that while Trump had the authority to declassify documents, he still HAD to NOTIFY someone, especially people who had security clearance to view items like TSI. It might be different if the sole authority to view these documents rested with the POTUS, but that's not the case. Up until this point Biden is not claiming he declassified the ones in his possession, but you stubbornly cling to the notion he couldn't even though the very expert you've previously cited says the exact opposite.
Do you really not know this? It's the law...
"In 1978, Congress passed the Presidential Records Act (PRA), which states that any records created or received by the President as part of his constitutional, statutory, or ceremonial duties are the property of the United States government and will be managed by NARA at the end of the administration."