Trump, Biden, the Clintons, GWB.
beyond belief insane anyone would back any of these corrupt dishonest total disasters of human scum.
from a known pathological liar with zero ethics or morals trying to overturn an election, to a lifelong corrupt with serious cognition issues, to corrupt Wall St shill neocons masking as friends of the working man, who did as much to fk the working man as Reagan and enabled and insured the 2008 meltdown, to a total idiot who lied his ass off to take us into 20 yrs of war we are far far worse off for than before, with zero positives to show for it.
and that's before even mentioning Obama, Reagan, McConnell, Pelosi, or the full house of corrupt lying PsOS who serve only themselves and the rich at everyone else's expense.
and all the beyond idiot sock puppets who spend their time defending and promoting any of this pile of human sht.
you guys should all be ashamed of yourselves for defending any of this scum, regardless of if it's total stupidity or total dishonesty on your part.
for the total idiots, wake up.
for the dishonest, be better.