Time to end the Mueller Theatre

We've heard from Mueller. What more do you want to know from him? Absolutely no useful public purpose can be served by a public cross examination of Mueller--except to provide emotional support to the many democrats who were looking forward to indictments of Trump, his family, and friends and were disappointed. Legislative bodies inquiring into the mental processes of prosecutors for political purposes has separation of powers problems. Congress is not a criminal justice agency.

If the Democrats want to pursue this, them form an impeachment committee, hold hearings, and get on with it. Now all the Dems are doing is providing themselves and emotional release and trying to keep this alive during the next campaign season. For now, we have public legislative business that needs to do. Instead of that, the house Dems are wasting times with tax returns, holding strategy sessions about investigations, and RESIST!
I really hope the Dems pursue Mueller vigorously.

If Mueller really felt like his report has been seriously misrepresented, he’d be begging to testify. He’s not, obviously.

That tells me that A. He’s not that unhappy with how everything has been presented and B. He doesn’t want to be a pawn in the Dems partisan grandstanding.

So I think it’s possible that if they do make him testify, that may be evident in his testimony.
We've heard from Mueller. What more do you want to know from him? Absolutely no useful public purpose can be served by a public cross examination of Mueller--except to provide emotional support to the many democrats who were looking forward to indictments of Trump, his family, and friends and were disappointed. Legislative bodies inquiring into the mental processes of prosecutors for political purposes has separation of powers problems. Congress is not a criminal justice agency.

If the Democrats want to pursue this, then form an impeachment committee, hold hearings, and get on with it. Now all the Dems are doing is providing themselves an emotional release and trying to keep this alive during the next campaign season. For now, we have public legislative business that needs be done. Instead of that, the house Dems are wasting time with tax returns, holding strategy sessions about investigations, and RESIST!
Well put with a single exception. What "public legislative business" emanating from the minds of Democrat leadership in the House could possibly "need(s) be done"?
At this point, it's solely a political question. The votes are not there in the Senate. This administration will stall all investigations through the courts. It all boils down to the results in 2020.

It's time to start legislating and put pressure on Senate Republicans.

You are completely misreading the 2018 elections. The Democrats won because voters were afraid of losing their healtchare. Only in the most partisan of districts did impeachment play a major role in the campaigns.

As we see with Biden's current poll numbers, the majority of voters are not living in intellectual bubbles on twitter.

Here’s one angle I heard regarding why the Dems haven’t proceeded with impeachment. The Dems are requesting docs and hearings with pretty much everyone involved while Trump and Co. continue to delay or say no to their requests. Eventually they will cover all of the areas that a judge or whoever would expect.

When the time comes for initiating impeachment, Trump will certainly make another move to delay. The judge will look at the history of avoidance by Trump’s team and recognize the Dems have done their due diligence. At that point, Trump’s request will hold no merit, then the judge will deny Trump’s request and the impeachment process begins. This is a vague summary of what I read but it does make sense.
Here’s one angle I heard regarding why the Dems haven’t proceeded with impeachment. The Dems are requesting docs and hearings with pretty much everyone involved while Trump and Co. continue to delay or say no to their requests. Eventually they will cover all of the areas that a judge or whoever would expect.

or maybe they realize who the Vice Prez currently is.

possibly the "anybody but Trump" crowd, does realize maybe it actually could be worse.

saw a brief clip of Trump talking about the industrial military complex and wars a couple days ago, and he sounded grounded and insightful.

i think there actually might be a sharp guy in there somewhere.

too bad Trump guy, rarely lets him out.
I really hope the Dems pursue Mueller vigorously.

If Mueller really felt like his report has been seriously misrepresented, he’d be begging to testify. He’s not, obviously.

That tells me that A. He’s not that unhappy with how everything has been presented and B. He doesn’t want to be a pawn in the Dems partisan grandstanding.

So I think it’s possible that if they do make him testify, that may be evident in his testimony.
Did you miss his statement that he thought Barr misrepresented the report? Why do you think it’s grandstanding to want to find out what happened? Why do you think Barf misrepresented the case? Why do think Mueller sent over ten counts of obstruction for Congress to investigate? Because he wanted them to ignore it?
Yes. I mean the House can go ahead and pass all they want but he won’t even put it to a vote once it gets to the Senate. He wouldn’t even try to secure elections, so he certainly won’t let them vote on DACA.
The reapted hearings aren't making a dent in the psyche of the American public. It's now a political question for the 2020 election. Elect a Democratic President and Trump will face justice.

Time to start the business of legislating. It's time to force Republicans to take tough votes in the Senate. The Mueller Theatre is now a distraction.
I'm not sure it can be stopped now. Amash kind of knocked the cap off the spilling well. Too many Dems want this to move forward, and now that Repubs - or even one - are starting to jump on board, Pelosi can't stop it forever. Trump will almost certainly be impeached this year.

But they can do more than one thing. They can explore impeachment while still pushing a legislative agenda.
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I'm not sure it can be stopped now. Amash kind of knocked the cap off the spilling well. Too many Dems want this to move forward, and now that Repubs - or even one - are starting to jump on board, Pelosi can't stop it forever. Trump will almost certainly be impeached this year.

But they can do more than one thing. They can explore impeachment while still pushing a legislative agenda.

Amash was hardly surprising.

The other 3 that I would lump into his philosophical line of thought are Thomas Massie, Rand Paul, and Mike Lee. I respect Massie and Amash the most.

While not impossible, i doubt any of those other 3 will ever call for impeachment.

It's possible that another house pub will, but who? Amash wasn't the least bit surprising. He has been a vocal Trump opponent since whenever I can rememeber.

The fact is that they are not pushing a legislative agenda. You can hope otherwise, but it hasn't happened till today.
Yes. I mean the House can go ahead and pass all they want but he won’t even put it to a vote once it gets to the Senate. He wouldn’t even try to secure elections, so he certainly won’t let them vote on DACA.

That's not an excuse for the Democrats to do nothing. Sorry. Pass the bills and put the pressure on the Senate to look like a body of do nothings.
Yes. I mean the House can go ahead and pass all they want but he won’t even put it to a vote once it gets to the Senate. He wouldn’t even try to secure elections, so he certainly won’t let them vote on DACA.

That's not an excuse for the Democrats to do nothing. Sorry. Pass the bills and put the pressure on the Senate to look like a body of do nothings.
They’ve already passed over 100 that are just sitting there. I suppose they should, but just like your argument against impeachment, there’s no chance of it even getting a vote.
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That's not an excuse for the Democrats to do nothing. Sorry. Pass the bills and put the pressure on the Senate to look like a body of do nothings.

That's what they've been doing for several years, then we're all greeted with "crocodile tears" from repub reps when something goes wrong or isn't passed. Here's a great video if you haven't watched it already...

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They’ve already passed over 100 that are just sitting there. I suppose they should, but just like your argument against impeachment, there’s no chance of it even getting a vote.
And which of the 2 might help then electorally?

How would an ad in Mitch McConnells state look of ole mitch refusing to bring a vote on a bill to lower pharma prices.

And he maybe vulnerable.
I'm not sure it can be stopped now. Amash kind of knocked the cap off the spilling well. Too many Dems want this to move forward, and now that Repubs - or even one - are starting to jump on board, Pelosi can't stop it forever. Trump will almost certainly be impeached this year.

But they can do more than one thing. They can explore impeachment while still pushing a legislative agenda.
I’d almost take this bet, were I a betting man.
Fyi, 4 months in control of the house and not a single vote on a bill to protect dreamers...
They've passed a lot of bills and the Senate isn't acting on them but it's the right thing to try to get things done anyway. Holding impeachment hearings is the right thing too and I demand my elected Representatives do the right thing.
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We've heard from Mueller. What more do you want to know from him? Absolutely no useful public purpose can be served by a public cross examination of Mueller--except to provide emotional support to the many democrats who were looking forward to indictments of Trump, his family, and friends and were disappointed. Legislative bodies inquiring into the mental processes of prosecutors for political purposes has separation of powers problems. Congress is not a criminal justice agency.

If the Democrats want to pursue this, then form an impeachment committee, hold hearings, and get on with it. Now all the Dems are doing is providing themselves an emotional release and trying to keep this alive during the next campaign season. For now, we have public legislative business that needs be done. Instead of that, the house Dems are wasting time with tax returns, holding strategy sessions about investigations, and RESIST!
We've heard from Mueller. What more do you want to know from him? Absolutely no useful public purpose can be served by a public cross examination of Mueller--except to provide emotional support to the many democrats who were looking forward to indictments of Trump, his family, and friends and were disappointed. Legislative bodies inquiring into the mental processes of prosecutors for political purposes has separation of powers problems. Congress is not a criminal justice agency.

If the Democrats want to pursue this, then form an impeachment committee, hold hearings, and get on with it. Now all the Dems are doing is providing themselves an emotional release and trying to keep this alive during the next campaign season. For now, we have public legislative business that needs be done. Instead of that, the house Dems are wasting time with tax returns, holding strategy sessions about investigations, and RESIST!

We have heard from Muller via Barr which has proven to have, to date to be wholly inconsistent with the what we know. Barr claimed that he did not read the report.

Muller has agreed to testify but he wants to in do in private.
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