The Southern border boogeyman

J.D. Shellnut is a character from the 1996 movie Sling Blade. In the movie, a character played by Dwight Yoakum tells a neighbor, "I told you three times already, the law's on my side! I play cards with J.D. Shellnut, chief of police!"

I suck at pop culture references.
How should I know? I don't know where he got those numbers or how he used them. I know he's not a trustworthy source.
So you didn’t read the report and can’t dispute in any way shape or form its conclusions or data. How do you know “he’s” not a trustworthy source? So we get disingenuous GOAT today…got it.
So you didn’t read the report and can’t dispute in any way shape or form its conclusions or data. How do you know “he’s” not a trustworthy source? So we get disingenuous GOAT today…got it.
I read what you linked. He's not trustworthy because the CIS is a racist advocacy group. Would you trust a press release from the American Hispanic Alliance for Open Borders or something like that?
I read what you linked. He's not trustworthy because the CIS is a racist advocacy group. Would you trust a press release from the American Hispanic Alliance for Open Borders or something like that?
It should be easy to shoot holes in the report & data using the way you used to draw your conclusions then. Sometimes bad people are right. Sometimes political opponents & people with agendas have valid viewpoints. I don’t ignore any message or information just because of who it came from…
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Fair enough, but simply posting a series of cherry-picked examples certainly doesn't make any sense. It's just patent fear-mongering.

I already posted my logic based on numbers above. Is it a rigorous study? Not at all. But at least it's logical and has data behind it, which is far more useful than "Look at this link of this one bad migrant!"
I agree anecdotal evidence is unhelpful. I'm just focusing on the larger question, which even if you answer, doesn't necessarily require a certain policy position.
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I agree anecdotal evidence is unhelpful. I'm just focusing on the larger question, which even if you answer, doesn't necessarily require a certain policy position.
That's correct. I'm not suggesting lower crime among immigrants means we should increase immigration. I'm only fighting back against the use of these stories as a substitute for an argument against the current levels.
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Awful lot of tragic exceptions in the news lately.....
You fall for the fallacy of anecdotal evidence.

If I share with you 25 stories of people winning the lottery, it doesn't mean that you are surely going to win it.
That's correct. I'm not suggesting lower crime among immigrants means we should increase immigration. I'm only fighting back against the use of these stories as a substitute for an argument against the current levels.
Most crimes are committed by younger poorer men. If most of the illegal immigrants crossing are younger poor men, there is going to be an increase in crime. It’s another reason why we should have secure borders.
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You fall for the fallacy of anecdotal evidence.

If I share with you 25 stories of people winning the lottery, it doesn't mean that you are surely going to win it.
No, I am well aware that the vast majority of the people that are walking across the border are probably just poor people looking to make a buck. I am just one of the people who frankly doesn't care about their reasons. We have rules. The rules are not being followed. As a result of that, some non-zero amount of American citizens of all races and ages are being victimized up to the point of death because of our government's disinterest in following its own laws. And I am against that.

Locking down the borders would be pretty simple if anyone had the will. They don't. The Democrats believe all these people represent future votes and the Libertarian/Chamber of Commerce wing of the GOP (the people really in charge, not MAGA) view these as cheap workers to be exploited for profit. So the will to actually do something doesn't exist on either side because all the money sits on the side of letting just about anyone in who wants in and then hopefully sorting out the bad apples at some point down the road.

I understand statistics, when it comes to this topic I don't ****ing care.
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That's correct. I'm not suggesting lower crime among immigrants means we should increase immigration. I'm only fighting back against the use of these stories as a substitute for an argument against the current levels.
I always wonder when I hear that illegal immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than citizens whether that includes the actual act of coming here illegally.

I know crossing the border illegally in Texas and Arizona is literally breaking state law.
Contrary to public perception, we observe considerably lower felony arrest rates among undocumented immigrants compared to legal immigrants and native-born US citizens

proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U. Wisconsin authors, 2020

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Contrary to public perception, we observe considerably lower felony arrest rates among undocumented immigrants compared to legal immigrants and native-born US citizens

proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U. Wisconsin authors, 2020

Data before the explosion of crossings.. Great job scientist. An argument can be made one crime is too many and that comparisons to citizens shouldn’t matter
Since you love them so much offer up any spare rooms you have and let them squat.
Again, the RELEVANT comparator is to a US citizen.

I certainly wouldn't want you around.

And how is providing a link to the scientific study (as many specifically requested) implying that "I love them so much".

I do LOVE FACTS. I make accommodations for FACTS. You and your fellow gravy seal lardbutt dream-teamers should try it sometime!
I always wonder when I hear that illegal immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than citizens whether that includes the actual act of coming here illegally.

I know crossing the border illegally in Texas and Arizona is literally breaking state law.
Of course it doesn't include that. You include that, and the comparisons are meaningless.

Besides, it's clear here the issue is violent crime, not crime generally.
Contrary to public perception, we observe considerably lower felony arrest rates among undocumented immigrants compared to legal immigrants and native-born US citizens

proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U. Wisconsin authors, 2020

Very first sentence of the abstract:

“Despite its centrality to public and political discourse, we lack even basic information on fundamental questions regarding undocumented immigrants and crime.”

Felony arrest rates =\= violent crime rate
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Felony arrest rates =\= violent crime rate
True, and for some crimes, one might argue that it will be harder to track down the undocumented criminal. Any DNA to match is unlikely to be in a database, for example.

But the study also breaks down many different types of crime, including ones where the criminal is caught in the act, such as felony traffic arrests. This includes crimes such as driving while intoxicated, fleeing an accident involving an injury, operating a stolen vehicle.

In those cases alone, the perpetrator is >3 times more likely to be a US citizen than an undocumented immigrant.

The data is not a whole lot different among the other categories studied, if you go to the link.
No, that's not propaganda. Those are stories about people responding positively to propaganda.
You’re a sick ****. Here are the facts. There’s over 7 million non-detainees in this country. Non-detainees meaning people that have been determined to be deported. That’s over 7000 deportations per ICE agent. Quite a caseload.

Forget about the amnesty system debate on which mindless progressives are being hopelessly disingenuous. How many of those determined to need deportation should we allow to kill innocent Americans before it isn’t “propaganda” in your eyes. Sick ****.
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You’re a sick ****. Here are the facts. There’s over 7 million non-detainees in this country. Non-detainees meaning people that have been determined to be deported. That’s over 7000 deportations per ICE agent. Quite a caseload.

Forget about the amnesty system debate on which mindless progressives are being hopelessly disingenuous. How many of those determined to need deportation should we allow to kill innocent Americans before it isn’t “propaganda” in your eyes. Sick ****.
Read better.
DNC daily memo, Our base is onto our game. We need to import more stupid, uneducated people for us to remain in our positions of power. Smart educated people, don't vote for us and "I LOVE my power". We must have more stupid people.
Just more "bogeymen" I suppose...

Coming soon to a suburb near you (Thanks to Kamala and Mayorkas):

Only hard core communists could believe that's it's alright to lose American citizens to unnecessary crime in order to retain power (via undocumented voters)...

This doesn't even seem to even phase the Democrats..., and that ought to concern every sane American citizen.... (and if you wonder what I'm referring to... read the entire article and then scroll up the thread.).
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More about our new "friends" from Venezuela:

Nothing to see here... Those are just "bogeymen"... (Dripping With Sarcasm).
More about our new "friends" from Venezuela:

Nothing to see here... Those are just "bogeymen"... (Dripping With Sarcasm).

I wonder how many were here because of the last administration?

According to the article, at least 2 crossed the border after Trump left office.

I just think that it's funny that people legitimately think either side wants this fixed.

This didn't become a huge issue until election season. A year from now, this won't be front page news.

The left wants immigration for voting reasons. The right so they can say the dems are to soft on it. This could be handled fairly easy, yet here we are.
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I just think that it's funny that people legitimately think either side wants this fixed.

This didn't become a huge issue until election season. A year from now, this won't be front page news.

The left wants immigration for voting reasons. The right so they can say the dems are to soft on it. This could be handled fairly easy, yet here we are.

I agree and disagree. I agree that neither side has ever wanted to solve the issue. However, I think Trump does and his solution is the wall, a real wall, not a fence. He's made it clear for a decade and that was not a Republican solution, until he brought it up.

As far as front page news, I disagree. This issue has been highly publicized on several outlets over the past 3 years. There's a reason it ranks high on the list of issues.
I agree and disagree. I agree that neither side has ever wanted to solve the issue. However, I think Trump does and his solution is the wall, a real wall, not a fence. He's made it clear for a decade and that was not a Republican solution, until he brought it up.

As far as front page news, I disagree. This issue has been highly publicized on several outlets over the past 3 years. There's a reason it ranks high on the list of issues.

A year from now, the boarder won't be front page news. It won't be again until next election cycle.

As for the wall, who's paying for it? First it was Mexico and we saw how that went. It's unrealistic the amount it would cost that both sides would ever agree to fund it.
A year from now, the boarder won't be front page news. It won't be again until next election cycle.

As for the wall, who's paying for it? First it was Mexico and we saw how that went. It's unrealistic the amount it would cost that both sides would ever agree to fund it.

It's not a wall the entire length of the border, (never has been), it's simply a series of walls built "as needed" in otherwise difficult spots to defend by other means...

All Kamala needed to to was instruct addled Joe to reinstate the Trump era executive orders regarding the border (that were working relatively well compared to what's gone on over the past 3+ years under Biden/Harris) but instead she ignored the border proper completely and took a phony trip to Guatemala, pretending to be working on the source issues... How'd that work out???

Most of them most likely arrived under This program (run since 10/2022 by Biden/Harris), which was absolutely nuts in my opinion...:

How anyone can justify ever doing that is beyond me...