The Debt Ceiling

Getting Dem votes is not a problem. McCarthy's problem is that he will be perceived as selling out to get them. That's a pub problem.
Until I hear more solid info about the deal. I think I've gotta agree with Mark.
So far I hear this is no ceiling through 25' ? How is that even in the room, let alone on the table.
Until I hear more solid info about the deal. I think I've gotta agree with Mark.
So far I hear this is no ceiling through 25' ? How is that even in the room, let alone on the table.
Because Dems know deep down they will get blown out next year. The party overplayed their hand and have to ram as much through as they can before Jan 20 2025.
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All I know is nobody wants to be an incumbent when default occurs. Some BS will pass and out beloved government will continue to spend us into a pauper state
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Because Dems know deep down they will get blown out next year. The party overplayed their hand and have to ram as much through as they can before Jan 20 2025.
But "our wack'os" were supposed to hold the line...

Why do I keep falling for this crap? The dims will continue to subvert better more level heads to do stupid shit, until we do not have a country any longer. Dims always shit were they eat. and we will all pay for it.
But "our wack'os" were supposed to hold the line...

Why do I keep falling for this crap? The dims will continue to subvert better more level heads to do stupid shit, until we do not have a country any longer. Dims always shit were they eat. and we will all pay for it.
Republicans need a service pack. They're a little slow when it comes to playing the game.
Getting Dem votes is not a problem. McCarthy's problem is that he will be perceived as selling out to get them. That's a pub problem.
If he can pass it with Republican and Democrat votes, isn't that being bi-partisan?

Why is it a problem for him?
But "our wack'os" were supposed to hold the line...

Why do I keep falling for this crap? The dims will continue to subvert better more level heads to do stupid shit, until we do not have a country any longer. Dims always shit were they eat. and we will all pay for it.
The debt ceiling is going to be increased, one way or another.

McCarthy was able to get concessions from Biden and he's made the best of an impossible situation.

Sounds like a win to me.
The debt ceiling is going to be increased, one way or another.

McCarthy was able to get concessions from Biden and he's made the best of an impossible situation.

Sounds like a win to me.
I gotta hear more, true info.
So far, those concessions seem to be dim's offer 1 million % increase, but Mcarthy negotiates it down to 999% increase.
(yes this is dramatic for reference only). We gotta stop the spending or totally rewrite all common sense financial principles.

OH, I got some concession from my rapist.. he'd only do me 6 times... Wonderful.
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I gotta hear more, true info.
So far, those concessions seem to be dim's offer 1 million % increase, but Mcarthy negotiates it down to 999% increase.
(yes this is dramatic for reference only). We gotta stop the spending or totally rewrite all common sense financial principles.

OH, I got some concession from my rapist.. he'd only do me 6 times... Wonderful.
Supposedly work requirements and other things.

What you're hearing now is Democrat BS to make it palatable for their side.

Wait to see what the final version is before declaring it a sell-out.
Supposedly work requirements and other things.

What you're hearing now is Democrat BS to make it palatable for their side.

Wait to see what the final version is before declaring it a sell-out.
Work requirements are a great thing, as I think there are huge opportunities there to act as a life/ job coach type roll. But that will never happen. It will be "working" manning democratic voter drop boxes, or group laundering of shop lifted merchandise.
NONE of that causes a decrease in spending. If it can be fvcked up, rest assured, the swamp will take care of themselves.
It's nearly time for the new my durnit vaccination that is mostly lead. If they stop stealing my $ to fund their shit, then I will stand down and they can do what ever they want. I'm a stake holder, forced stakeholder.
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The debt ceiling is going to be increased, one way or another.

McCarthy was able to get concessions from Biden and he's made the best of an impossible situation.

Sounds like a win to me.

If that's how you look at it, then good. I'm sure that's how McCarthy wants you to see it. I'm just not sure some of the wing nuts in the "Freedom" Caucus will see it the same way. BICBW.
Bloated ’23 spending levels for ‘24 sound too much like the Pelosi led deals Trump got, CRs of a Polosi led pass then read omnibus, which was one clear cause for which many here blame Trump for borrowing too much.
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Because Dems know deep down they will get blown out next year. The party overplayed their hand and have to ram as much through as they can before Jan 20 2025.
That's not how government spending works.

Pushing the debt ceiling past the election is just both parties agreeing they don't want to go through this again while campaigning. Nothing more.
That's not how government spending works.

Pushing the debt ceiling past the election is just both parties agreeing they don't want to go through this again while campaigning. Nothing more.

My conclusion and your conclusion have the same result. So what does either way have to do with government spending?
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My conclusion and your conclusion have the same result. So what does either way have to do with government spending?
Nothing, but you're the one who claimed it had something to do with them "ramming through" as much stuff as possible, which sounds a lot like government spending, although I guess I could have misread you.

Look, without the House, the Dems can't ram anything through. Besides that, the government is going to spend whatever it spends the next two years, regardless of the debt ceiling. That's what they've always done, and it's what they will continue to do.
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Nothing, but you're the one who claimed it had something to do with them "ramming through" as much stuff as possible, which sounds a lot like government spending, although I guess I could have misread you.

Look, without the House, the Dems can't ram anything through. Besides that, the government is going to spend whatever it spends the next two years, regardless of the debt ceiling. That's what they've always done, and it's what they will continue to do.
Do you think that there is a point of no return to that level of "that's what they've always done"? I personally feel we passed it a while ago.
I suppose in a liberal utopia, The debit holders just never call their debits in and it's all just mirrors and smoke.
Do you expect that Iran and China, once they hold more US debit than the US GDP, they they just say... oh never mind, it's all good. Let hit that reset button and pretend that this didn't happen. I don't. This is all a greater play to have every American citizen "employed" by the Us Government. then they have all of the leverage.
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Do you think that there is a point of no return to that level of "that's what they've always done"? I personally feel we passed it a while ago.
I suppose in a liberal utopia, The debit holders just never call their debits in and it's all just mirrors and smoke.
Do you expect that Iran and China, once they hold more US debit than the US GDP, they they just say... oh never mind, it's all good. Let hit that reset button and pretend that this didn't happen. I don't. This is all a greater play to have every American citizen "employed" by the Us Government. then they have all of the leverage.
To put it simply, no I don't believe in the Boogeyman Big Brother.
Do you think that there is a point of no return to that level of "that's what they've always done"? I personally feel we passed it a while ago.
I suppose in a liberal utopia, The debit holders just never call their debits in and it's all just mirrors and smoke.
Do you expect that Iran and China, once they hold more US debit than the US GDP, they they just say... oh never mind, it's all good. Let hit that reset button and pretend that this didn't happen. I don't. This is all a greater play to have every American citizen "employed" by the Us Government. then they have all of the leverage.
The vast majority of US debt is held by US citizens. The China and Iran crap is a boogeyman.
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The vast majority of US debt is held by US citizens. The China and Iran crap is a boogeyman.
So when YOU hold the debit of the us, and they just keep creating more, and then tell you (me) piss off, you aren't my daddy... What are your thoughts? You OK with this pending inevitability?
Then add in a decreasing customer base (Boomers are dieing), Revenue is about to take a major hit. Re-population rates are at all time lows.
Wiley Coyote drawing a picture of a tunnel on a rock wall starts to come to mind. Half of us are praying and applauding our death. I'm not in that group.
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Supposedly work requirements and other things.
The more that I've been thinking about it, ^^^ that is the normal Swamp conservative "advancements".
The daughter is pregnant but we have stopped the crab grass in the side yard, that no one can see.
And other things..... fvcking please. "we only had to agree to pay for the neighbors 3 room addition to his house, if he over looked that our mailbox post is 1/4" out of plumb".

Is there a legal mechanism to place out tax money in escrow, until the terms are agreed to?
Pubs will get some work requirements. Dems pledge to hold 24 spending to 23 levels. No tax increases, but no spending cuts either. That's all I've caught.
I haven’t seen where a bill has been released for review. But I’m sure it’s as bad as you state. I guess we will see once the text is available
Do you think that there is a point of no return to that level of "that's what they've always done"? I personally feel we passed it a while ago.
I suppose in a liberal utopia, The debit holders just never call their debits in and it's all just mirrors and smoke.
Do you expect that Iran and China, once they hold more US debit than the US GDP, they they just say... oh never mind, it's all good. Let hit that reset button and pretend that this didn't happen. I don't. This is all a greater play to have every American citizen "employed" by the Us Government.
China has been unloading U.S. debt the past decade. They saw the writing on the wall. The U.S. government is going to inflate the debt away. They’ve already decided it, but they’re not going to come out and say it.
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Other people use my name as an insult all the time, and not a peep from you. When you start addressing them, I'll take your concern seriously.
People aren't really concerned about the insults as much as they are concerned about who is doing the insulting. When someone starts calling out someone their side I'll take them more serious.

If that's how you look at it, then good. I'm sure that's how McCarthy wants you to see it. I'm just not sure some of the wing nuts in the "Freedom" Caucus will see it the same way.
I'm sure some of the wingnuts on the left would never vote for it. i really don't understand... it's like their(both sides) whole goal in life is to be seen as never cooperating with the other side. They wanted to raise the limit so now they have a deal to raise it so vote for it.

Anyone who believes that 24 spending will be held to 23 levels is on something stronger than I have. They'll come up with a way to get around that
The more that I've been thinking about it, ^^^ that is the normal Swamp conservative "advancements".
The daughter is pregnant but we have stopped the crab grass in the side yard, that no one can see.
And other things..... fvcking please. "we only had to agree to pay for the neighbors 3 room addition to his house, if he over looked that our mailbox post is 1/4" out of plumb".

Is there a legal mechanism to place out tax money in escrow, until the terms are agreed to?
Work requirements was a major part of the agreement in the 90s that helped balance the budget by the end of the decade.

You have to start somewhere, and changing the mindset of the takers of society is a great place to start.
If that's how you look at it, then good. I'm sure that's how McCarthy wants you to see it. I'm just not sure some of the wing nuts in the "Freedom" Caucus will see it the same way. BICBW.
If your Democrats are serious about raising the debt ceiling, they'll vote for it and the votes of the Freedom Caucus won't matter.

That's if you're serious about raising the debt ceiling and it's not all a political game.
Work requirements was a major part of the agreement in the 90s that helped balance the budget by the end of the decade.

You have to start somewhere, and changing the mindset of the takers of society is a great place to start.
So where does work requirements start to curb spending? Those entitlements are pennies on the millions. Although I agree that it should be a tool towards workforce rehab/ education. That isn't a cost reduction, it's FVCKIN swamp kicking the can for botox crap.
How are you ok with this shit?
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So where does work requirements start to curb spending? Those entitlements are pennies on the millions. Although I agree that it should be a tool towards workforce rehab/ education. That isn't a cost reduction, it's FVCKIN swamp kicking the can for botox crap.
How are you ok with this shit?
Because many people don't actually want to work and will not have payments made to them.

You need to go back and see how it worked in the 90s.

I'm not saying I'm OK with the whole deal, but if you think the debt ceiling isn't going to be increased somehow, some way, you aren't living in the real world. Republicans are getting what they can.
Because many people don't actually want to work and will not have payments made to them.

You need to go back and see how it worked in the 90s.

I'm not saying I'm OK with the whole deal, but if you think the debt ceiling isn't going to be increased somehow, some way, you aren't living in the real world. Republicans are getting what they can.
Ok ok ok.. It seems there's a 1000' deep hole and this is 1" deep of bailing out the water. If that's "winning" and correcting this shit storm, then George Floyd should be nominated for Pope, posthumously then.
Don't get me wrong, I think there is huge opportunity to advances the lower income base through knowledge, of exactly how bad that they've been used as the trash card by the democracitc party for decades. That should be HUGE... but it ain't doing shit to control spending when this deal says that there is NO SKY HIGH ENOUGH for two years.

HORSE SHIT ! but I have no option other than to set and watch all of use be used all over again, by suits in DC, never loosing a God DAmn Penny. From either side.
I've trusted you this far brother. Prove that this time it's different.
Ok ok ok.. It seems there's a 1000' deep hole and this is 1" deep of bailing out the water. If that's "winning" and correcting this shit storm, then George Floyd should be nominated for Pope, posthumously then.
Don't get me wrong, I think there is huge opportunity to advances the lower income base through knowledge, of exactly how bad that they've been used as the trash card by the democracitc party for decades. That should be HUGE... but it ain't doing shit to control spending when this deal says that there is NO SKY HIGH ENOUGH for two years.

HORSE SHIT ! but I have no option other than to set and watch all of use be used all over again, by suits in DC, never loosing a God DAmn Penny. From either side.
I've trusted you this far brother. Prove that this time it's different.
I never said I liked any of it. But Real Politik..... Trump is a great believer in it.
I never said I liked any of it. But Real Politik..... Trump is a great believer in it.
Liek I said, I trust you and I'll always have your back, but damn. It seems we just keep accepting 90% losses in ever battle. Pretty damn soon there's no more politicking when our people suck at it this bad.
If your Democrats are serious about raising the debt ceiling, they'll vote for it and the votes of the Freedom Caucus won't matter.

That's if you're serious about raising the debt ceiling and it's not all a political game.
I'd be shocked if the Dems didn't vote for it.

I'm also thinking that Biden gave McCarthy assurances that Dems would either vote for or simply abstain from voting if the so called FC tried to oust him.

I think abstaining from voting accomplishes the same thing.

I'm not pissed but I would have preferred that Biden stood and said this isn't negotiable and then if we defaulted activate the 14th.

Then if the pubs wanted to sue him for it (which would be weird but okay) leave it up to the conservative courts to make the final the amendment clearly states:

'The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned'

Seems pretty cut and dry.

So yeah, let's the conservative courts decide the fate of sending the global economy in a tailspin and be the scapegoat if it chooses to do so.

I believe people would better understand that but Dems never play hardball and tend to shit on those they say they are defending in the name of 'good faith bipartisanship' which rarely seems to extend back.
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This article is a little disingenuous.
“If the House doesn’t pass all 12 appropriations bills, and if the Senate doesn’t agree to them, then government spending is cut 1% across the board.”
That’s in this debt limit deal and that’s a win. It also looks like they are going to get 72 hours to read the bill and the bill is roughly 100 pages. Those are also improvements
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There's only so much money to go around. If a CEO / upper management take more money, then that is less money available for wages for those lower down the chain so to speak or more money taken from customers.

Sports teams are a great example of the lopsided way things are setup. Billionaires make most athletes millionaires. But yet the wealthy people can't pay for their stadium to actually fund this endeavor. Nope, that is for the less wealthy (taxpayers) to pay for that. And then fans pay the salaries via increased cost of tickets/merchandise that have to be raised.

TV stations payout millions to get content (always increasing) and then charge ever increasing amounts to service providers who then charge every increasing amounts to their subscribers flowing money generally from the have nots to the haves in every increasing amounts. The money schools are swimming in that comes from the BTN which in turn comes from all of us peons who are paying more for our tv subscriptions. Money flowing generally from the have nots to the haves.

Papa John's complaint a while ago also illustrates the issue. He said if minimum wage was increased, then he would have to raise prices that were charged to consumers. Of course, lowering his salary or that of upper management wasn't on the table. As always, It would be a choice between taking from the haves or the have nots and the haves usually get to decide who gets to take the cuts.

Then we have the tipping phenomenon that exists to a larger extent in America than anywhere else in the world. Management wants to get around minimum wage by having customers pay tips to subsidize employee wages. They get the benefit of lowering salaries for the bottom dwellers by making them dependent on the generosity of consumers. It also adds the benefit of making your prices look lower because most customers likely don't do the math in their head. Sorta like hidden fees that hotels, airlines and ticketmaster try/succeed to get away with. Make stuff look cheaper than it is.

On a final note, often time people's raises are based on percentages and not flat amounts. The claim is everyone is getting a 3% raise or whatever so it is fair. However, 3% for someone at $30k is a lot less than 3% for someone at $200k. It does nothing but increase the gap and I'm betting those who want to go with percentage are fully aware of that fact and unfortunately they are the decision makers.

Person A = Upper management (aka Decision Makers)
Person B = Workers
Person C = Customers

For Person A to make more, either person B has to make less or person C has to pay more. Given person A makes decisions, they tend to make more and more at the expense of B and C. If capitalism fails, it would be due to greed.
This is the dumbest post ever!
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If it is found that your house has been burned down and the cause of the fire was your Uncle Sam, does it matter whether he was an arsonist or a negligent ignorant fool?
Either way, you still don’t have a house.
People aren't really concerned about the insults as much as they are concerned about who is doing the insulting. When someone starts calling out someone their side I'll take them more serious.

I'm sure some of the wingnuts on the left would never vote for it. i really don't understand... it's like their(both sides) whole goal in life is to be seen as never cooperating with the other side. They wanted to raise the limit so now they have a deal to raise it so vote for it.

Anyone who believes that 24 spending will be held to 23 levels is on something stronger than I have. They'll come up with a way to get around that
Were you planning on addressing the insults lobbed by your brethren? Hate to break it to you, but conservative mods are just as one sided or have you missed stoll's posts?

Sounds like you are talking about wing nuts on the right....blind to your side of the coin?

The right and the whole tea party movement was completely about not cooperating/negotiating with the enemy/dems.
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