The Debt Ceiling

W was one of the worst Presidents in history for a plethora of reasons. Budget wise bad too, but at least not the crap Pres O, T & B have been.

Need another Regan or a Clinton with a R Congress.

Obama was a given a recession and got us out of it. I'm not sure how he is included in the "crap" list.
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Check out this link on Nixonomics and scroll down to the description of the economic strategy of every president from Carter to Biden . Challenge anyone to find a strategy which they think is an answer to the budgetary and economic problems we are facing today as used by past presidents.

Kevin McCarthy may say finding a solution is easy. but history tells a different story from where I sit.

Carter to Biden.....that's like asking for hitting lessons from a T ball player.

Solution starts with a want to....a deep abiding, oh God, we're in trouble want to change. Don't think we are there yet...but the last 3 boobs we had as Pres are getting us there to the edge of that cliff faster.
Not W? He put a tax cut and a war (Iraq) on the national credit card . . . both were choices he made, not something he was forced into. In fact, he created a lie to sell the war . . . (I know, I know, Aloha; I've read what you posted, but we'll have to just agree to disagree.)

His deficits and Iraq decision directly led to the Obama deficits . . . not to mention the Great Recession, the genesis of which happened on W's watch.
The genesis of the WoT happened on Clinton's watch. How much of Bush's deficit can we blame on him?
"Trump ran up a huge deficit" which was all on par with what Obama had done except for 2020, i.e. COVID.

These same people back then if Trump didn't send out and spend that money, "OMG, Trump and the GOP are literally trying to kill people!!!11!11!1" And you know damn well our former Republican friend shooter would have been at the front of that mob.
He was the worst of all....adding a Govt medical $$$ program on top of all his other spending. Generations of spending.

lol, he improved healthcare even with all the holes republicans poked into the plan.

So yea, going to have to do better than that.
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"Trump ran up a huge deficit" which was all on par with what Obama had done except for 2020, i.e. COVID.

These same people back then if Trump didn't send out and spend that money, "OMG, Trump and the GOP are literally trying to kill people!!!11!11!1" And you know damn well our former Republican friend shooter would have been at the front of that mob.
That's not exactly true. Trump admin was pushing $1T deficits during the tail end of a decade long expansion. Obama's 2nd term budgets were coming in under $700B with a low of $440B. The Trump years were all going up from there. To be fair, Obama had $1T+ years, with a high of $1.42T in 2009 (although a big chunk of that was financial system relief passed with Obama support in late 2008). He also inherited two wars. But there's really no comparison to what Obama walked into vs. what Trump walked into.

D arguments about the Trump deficit counting COVID money are disingenuous. At the same time, the Obama critiques are equally disingenuous. Additionally, the deficits we ran in '17-'19 were ludicrous considering where we were in the economic cycle. A recession was going to come eventually and blow up the deficit, even if no one had any reason to suspect it would be a byproduct of an infectious disease and happen overnight.
lol, he improved healthcare even with all the holes republicans poked into the plan.

So yea, going to have to do better than that.

We are talking about spending.

Just because some people like it does not mean it was a fiscally sound idea. It's like adding an expensive annual vacation on top of your family budget when you are broke & credit cards are maxed out beyond control. Financially not wise. Not wise at all.

Worst President in decades in spending because he added Billion$ into the federal budget for Presidents HERE ON IN.
We are talking about spending.

Just because some people like it does not mean it was a fiscally sound idea. It's like adding an expensive annual vacation on top of your family budget when you are broke & credit cards are maxed out beyond control. Financially not wise. Not wise at all.

Worst President in decades in spending because he added Billion$ into the federal budget for Presidents HERE ON IN.

I don't think it is as fiscally unsound as you think

So more like spending money you don't have to put more insulation in your house so that you can save more later.
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"Trump ran up a huge deficit" which was all on par with what Obama had done except for 2020, i.e. COVID.

These same people back then if Trump didn't send out and spend that money, "OMG, Trump and the GOP are literally trying to kill people!!!11!11!1" And you know damn well our former Republican friend shooter would have been at the front of that mob.
Not me. I want far less govt spending and more revenue from the over-500K/yr earners.

Don't cut medicare, SS, etc. but by all means stop being the world's police force. The United States Spends More on Defense than the Next 10 Countries, combined. Defense spending by the United States accounted for nearly 40 percent of military expenditures by countries around the world in 2022, according to recently released figures from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
Not me. I want far less govt spending and more revenue from the over-500K/yr earners.

Don't cut medicare, SS, etc. but by all means stop being the world's police force. The United States Spends More on Defense than the Next 10 Countries, combined. Defense spending by the United States accounted for nearly 40 percent of military expenditures by countries around the world in 2022, according to recently released figures from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
I can actually agree with you.

Does that mean you agreed with Trump's stance on the UN and making other countries pay up?
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Not me. I want far less govt spending and more revenue from the over-500K/yr earners.

Don't cut medicare, SS, etc. but by all means stop being the world's police force. The United States Spends More on Defense than the Next 10 Countries, combined. Defense spending by the United States accounted for nearly 40 percent of military expenditures by countries around the world in 2022, according to recently released figures from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
The crazy military spending and policeman to the world is why many don’t wait old school conservatives
I can actually agree with you.

Does that mean you agreed with Trump's stance on the UN and making other countries pay up?
That was always kind of a backwards argument. We weren't subsidizing other countries' militaries. We just have a huge military that was everywhere. If everyone behind the US increased their budgets, the US would increase its own to maintain hegemony.
I can actually agree with you.

Does that mean you agreed with Trump's stance on the UN and making other countries pay up?
I agreed with better cost sharing but not the tactless way he laid it out, threatening first and foremost to leave NATO, and all the while cozying up to Putin and his North Korean best buddy.
Not me. I want far less govt spending and more revenue from the over-500K/yr earners.

Don't cut medicare, SS, etc. but by all means stop being the world's police force. The United States Spends More on Defense than the Next 10 Countries, combined. Defense spending by the United States accounted for nearly 40 percent of military expenditures by countries around the world in 2022, according to recently released figures from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)

Can agree with that &...
Cut medicare except for disabled.
Eliminate Govt healthcare
Raise Medicare to 67
Cut military by half at least
Stop funding other countries
Eliminate the DOE, perhaps others
Cut other agencies by 3/4th
Cut out all retirement plans for all politicians.
Cut salaries for politicians down to what ave middle class salary is
Offer OPTION for people to opt out of SS for 2-4 times what they paid in....depending on how close they are to 67.
Offer opt out deal on Medicare for 67+

That's a good start...Got to have the want to though. Right now both sides aren't there. They will have to have a great tragedy like devaluing our retirement accounts & make cash nearly worthless before they get there.
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I agreed with better cost sharing but not the tactless way he laid it out, threatening first and foremost to leave NATO, and all the while cozying up to Putin and his North Korean best buddy.

Also have to give Trump credit for finally bailing us out of Afghanistan.

The departure was a mess which fell on Biden's watch. Not convinced there ever could have been a clean departure. This of course helped delay the inevitable.
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Can agree with that &...
Cut medicare except for disabled.
Eliminate Govt healthcare
Raise Medicare to 67
Cut military by half at least
Stop funding other countries
Eliminate the DOE, perhaps others
Cut other agencies by 3/4th
Cut out all retirement plans for all politicians.
Cut salaries for politicians down to what ave middle class salary is
Offer OPTION for people to opt out of SS for 2-4 times what they paid in....depending on how close they are to 67.
Offer opt out deal on Medicare for 67+

That's a good start...Got to have the want to though. Right now both sides aren't there. They will have to have a great tragedy like devaluing our retirement accounts & make cash nearly worthless before they get there.
That would do it.

It'd be brutal though.

75% cut to the VA? EPA? DOT? DOJ? FDA? Surely there's fat to trim everywhere, but I don't think anyone has the stomach for those kinds of cuts. And politician retirement plans are really a drop in the bucket since it's the same kind of pension/401k equivalent that anyone has working for the government.
That would do it.

It'd be brutal though.

75% cut to the VA? EPA? DOT? DOJ? FDA? Surely there's fat to trim everywhere, but I don't think anyone has the stomach for those kinds of cuts. And politician retirement plans are really a drop in the bucket since it's the same kind of pension/401k equivalent that anyone has working for the government.

Like I said disaster isn't here yet, to move the people toward that yet. With the spending of the last 4 Presidents, & maybe 1or 2 more in the future.... it is coming though.

And the DOJ.....that might be one we eliminate. Lol
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I think minting a 1 trillion dollar coin would be a disaster for the dollar (great for Bitcoin). I've read they could reprice the gold reserves they hold and come up with 500 billionish. That seems like more reasonable? Assuming they aren't going to negotiate or pass the House bill.
That option is the least likely emergency option based on current conventional wisdom.

The most likely will be Biden invoking the 14th Amendment which would turn this into a court battle that is even more uncertain of its outcome.

The obvious answer is to agree to pay the bills that we've already incurred and fight it out over budget talks.

Remember that a countries debt is not the same as an individuals debt. As long as our GDP to debt ratio is solid (and it is, it's one of the best in the world right now) that debt isn't as terrible as we think as an individual.

For example it's like a credit score. It also is a war dissuader as less countries will want to bomb us if their economies depend on us.

Also, the dollar is the measuring stick that all other currencies are measured by. When we have economic issues....the world has issues. That's not the case when like Greece declares bankruptcy.

Lastly, also keep in mind that our debt is overstated by the debt incurred to our internal governments.

Example being if the water cooler was a country and I owed Murt $100, and he owed Danc $100, and he owed Goat $100, and he owed Marvin $100, and he owed COH $100 and he owed Mark $100....that's reported as $600 of total debt.

In reality it's really $100 of true debt because if I paid Murt $100 and he turned around and paid Danc with that $100 and so on....all the debt is paid back.
That option is the least likely emergency option based on current conventional wisdom.

The most likely will be Biden invoking the 14th Amendment which would turn this into a court battle that is even more uncertain of its outcome.

The obvious answer is to agree to pay the bills that we've already incurred and fight it out over budget talks.

Remember that a countries debt is not the same as an individuals debt. As long as our GDP to debt ratio is solid (and it is, it's one of the best in the world right now) that debt isn't as terrible as we think as an individual.

For example it's like a credit score. It also is a war dissuader as less countries will want to bomb us if their economies depend on us.

Also, the dollar is the measuring stick that all other currencies are measured by. When we have economic issues....the world has issues. That's not the case when like Greece declares bankruptcy.

Lastly, also keep in mind that our debt is overstated by the debt incurred to our internal governments.

Example being if the water cooler was a country and I owed Murt $100, and he owed Danc $100, and he owed Goat $100, and he owed Marvin $100, and he owed COH $100 and he owed Mark $100....that's reported as $600 of total debt.

In reality it's really $100 of true debt because if I paid Murt $100 and he turned around and paid Danc with that $100 and so on....all the debt is paid back.
You think I'd ever loan COH money?
Agree, the last 3 Presidents (Biden included) have been a total 100% absolute train wreck on spending.
Your list misses Reagan and W- two of the most egregious snake oil salesmen. Only Newt Gingrich and Bill Clinton could balance the budget- didn’t vote for Clinton but he looks better and better in the rear view.
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Your list misses Reagan and W- two of the most egregious snake oil salesmen. Only Newt Gingrich and Bill Clinton could balance the budget- didn’t vote for Clinton but he looks better and better in the rear view.

Pubs are already planning on more tax cuts if/when the debt limit impasse is (temporarily) behind us.
Pubs are already planning on more tax cuts if/when the debt limit impasse is (temporarily) behind us.
My damn life long party as lost its way- now we are the party of racists and folks too stupid to understand the wealthiest of us are not paying their fair share- everyone needs skin in the game as everyone is equal in the eyes of both God and the US Constitution. It’s beyond my comprehension how off common sense we’ve gotten and the root of it is corruption on both sides of the aisle. I can’t abide by willfully ignorant anymore, it’s simply too serious of a time.
The genesis of the WoT happened on Clinton's watch. How much of Bush's deficit can we blame on him?
All of it . . . he chose the tax cuts as a policy matter, and chose to go into Iraq.

But your genesis argument is sound as it applies to what Obama inherited from W . . . .
W was one of the worst Presidents in history for a plethora of reasons. Budget wise bad too, but at least not the crap Pres O, T & B have been.

Need another Regan or a Clinton with a R Congress.
You mean the guy who started the national credit card madness? (Reagan did that.)
Your list misses Reagan and W- two of the most egregious snake oil salesmen. Only Newt Gingrich and Bill Clinton could balance the budget- didn’t vote for Clinton but he looks better and better in the rear view.

Yea, thank God Clinton had divided Govt to straitnten things out for America.
Another victory for Divided Govt.
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The obvious answer is to agree to pay the bills that we've already incurred and fight it out over budget talks.

Agree. Our Govt takes in more $ than our national debt, and immediate bills every month. Our debt is not in danger of not being paid. Leadership in both parties for years know this, but they do not want to come out & say that to the American people.
Not sure why the political posturing is about our debt being in danger, that both parties do.
Agree. Our Govt takes in more $ than our national debt, and immediate bills every month. Our debt is not in danger of not being paid. Leadership in both parties for years know this, but they do not want to come out & say that to the American people.
Not sure why the political posturing is about our debt being in danger, that both parties do.
Huh? Our government brings in about 75% of the money it needs for its immediate bills, including servicing existing debt, which is why it keeps needing to take out new debt.
Not W? He put a tax cut and a war (Iraq) on the national credit card . . . both were choices he made, not something he was forced into. In fact, he created a lie to sell the war . . . (I know, I know, Aloha; I've read what you posted, but we'll have to just agree to disagree.)

His deficits and Iraq decision directly led to the Obama deficits . . . not to mention the Great Recession, the genesis of which happened on W's watch.
We agree to disagree, but the smallest deficit we’ve had since the late 90s surpluses was during his administration before the financial crisis. We were on track for another balanced budget or a surplus.
Obama was a given a recession and got us out of it. I'm not sure how he is included in the "crap" list.
Why do we give Presidents so much credit or blame? We shouldn’t. The Congress is obviously the key player. They hold the power of the purse per our constitution.
We agree to disagree, but the smallest deficit we’ve had since the late 90s surpluses was during his administration before the financial crisis. We were on track for another balanced budget or a surplus.
Both of those situations though occurred at the end of a boom cycle that went bust. So I’m not sure it’s a virtue that to get toward balance took an environment that created a bubble that made the overall situation worse when it burst.

For comparison, the 1920s had some really nice budget surpluses. Probably wasn’t worth the trade off of the Depression though.
We agree to disagree, but the smallest deficit we’ve had since the late 90s surpluses was during his administration before the financial crisis. We were on track for another balanced budget or a surplus.
True Fiscal conservative Mitch Daniels disagrees- he was Director of OMB- told W that the numbers didn’t add up- W looked at “the haves and the have mores- my base” told them he’d fire Daniels send him back to Indiana and still cut taxes for the wealthiest. I’ve been voting since Reagan- every Republican president since has tried Trickle Down and each saddled us with huge debt- it is proven a failed economic plan.
I'll tell you what, when you start griping about the debt ceiling and spending when a republican is president, I'll start taking you more seriously.

Here's 1... cut out the tax breaks for the wealthy ;)
  1. Define wealthy
  2. Define what their fair share of taxes are
Everyone I've ever heard say anything just speaks in general terms. For example, they will never define what the fair share of taxes are for the wealthy... they just say that they should pay their fair share or pay more. And the same thing applies to defining wealthy... Of course people like Gates, Bezos, Musk, etc are wealthy but is someone who has 5 million dollars wealthy and if they are why should they be singled out to pay more taxes just because they have planned/invested well? You can probably afford to pay more for an auto than a lot of people... should you be charged more?
They want stuff to tank now so they can blame Biden. Win win for them
Biden doesn't need any help in that area.

There are two players in this game but some think the Rs should just go along with whatever Biden wants. If both sides would quit acting like a bunch of two year olds they could come up with a deal. Our system is broken... plain and simple.
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  1. Define wealthy
  2. Define what their fair share of taxes are
Everyone I've ever heard say anything just speaks in general terms. For example, they will never define what the fair share of taxes are for the wealthy... they just say that they should pay their fair share or pay more. And the same thing applies to defining wealthy... Of course people like Gates, Bezos, Musk, etc are wealthy but is someone who has 5 million dollars wealthy and if they are why should they be singled out to pay more taxes just because they have planned/invested well? You can probably afford to pay more for an auto than a lot of people... should you be charged more?

Wealthy...people that can afford multiple houses, yachts, paying off Supreme Court justices, private jets, etc.

Why should the wealthy be able to pay off politicians so they can get tax breaks and loopholes?

If the wealthy don't pull more of the weight, then you are either pushing up the debt or putting the burden on the dwindling middle class
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