Tell me why

Read about what it takes to bring an insulin to market and then comment.

Once that's accomplished, what kind of ROI should they expect to receive? Is there any limit that reasonable people could agree on?
Once that's accomplished, what kind of ROI should they expect to receive? Is there any limit that reasonable people could agree on?
Not really. It’s a self-calibrating market. If someone wants to gain share after all that R&D they can lower price and others will follow.

It ain’t pharma. It’s the PBMs and the payors. Shooter should know better. Pharma companies on the generic side aren’t high margin companies like Big Pharma. They have to spend hundreds of millions to bring biologic drugs to market. This ain’t Adderall. This is from a cell. It’s a big deal. Shooter (I won’t call him Shitter like most do) knows better. He’s just a full blown new liberal running through the meadow. Or he’s recently moved into the country and he’s gonna eat him a lot of peaches.