Ted Koppel's still got it


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2009
hich surprises me since I wasn't sure that he was still working in Media. Hell I even thought he might have died. Strange how you lose track of people when they're no longer in the spotlight...

I thought this was fair and balanced, no doubt some will disagree. But if you're going to claim it unfair that many of the Trump fans came off as ignorant buffoons, and aren't representative of most Trump voters then the challenge may be to have the more intelligent members of the group be the ones who come forward. Whenever I see someone from the "fake news media" interview the people at a Trump rally,it's always the less than opitmum examples who are willing to speak on camera. So it's not like there isn't an attempt to give voice to better spokespeople, but for some reason the only people willing to speak and try to explain their position are just not the sharpest tools in the tool box...

Strange how Trump would invoke Gettysburg (in PA) but then for some reason bring up Robert E Lee. To lament the fact that Lee has fallen out of favor in a speech in PA makes no sense to me. This isn't GA or Mississippi, Lee was the Commanding General of an Army of Rebels who (in this case) invaded the US. And Trump seemingly feels that locals in the area who were subjected to an invasion should somehow have positive feelings of the man who was the figurehead of the invading army? Just one of several things that personally annoy me about Trump, his inabilty to grasp history in any kind of meaningful way...

On the other hand, the guy from the Park Service is an example of the best we have to offer. He's exactly the type of person that I would expect to be leading tours of a memorial to such a horrendous battle. Not sure how anyone, esp those of us from the North aren't bothered by video of Confederate battle flags being paraded thru the halls of the Capitol.

hich surprises me since I wasn't sure that he was still working in Media. Hell I even thought he might have died. Strange how you lose track of people when they're no longer in the spotlight...

I thought this was fair and balanced, no doubt some will disagree. But if you're going to claim it unfair that many of the Trump fans came off as ignorant buffoons, and aren't representative of most Trump voters then the challenge may be to have the more intelligent members of the group be the ones who come forward. Whenever I see someone from the "fake news media" interview the people at a Trump rally,it's always the less than opitmum examples who are willing to speak on camera. So it's not like there isn't an attempt to give voice to better spokespeople, but for some reason the only people willing to speak and try to explain their position are just not the sharpest tools in the tool box...

Strange how Trump would invoke Gettysburg (in PA) but then for some reason bring up Robert E Lee. To lament the fact that Lee has fallen out of favor in a speech in PA makes no sense to me. This isn't GA or Mississippi, Lee was the Commanding General of an Army of Rebels who (in this case) invaded the US. And Trump seemingly feels that locals in the area who were subjected to an invasion should somehow have positive feelings of the man who was the figurehead of the invading army? Just one of several things that personally annoy me about Trump, his inabilty to grasp history in any kind of meaningful way...

On the other hand, the guy from the Park Service is an example of the best we have to offer. He's exactly the type of person that I would expect to be leading tours of a memorial to such a horrendous battle. Not sure how anyone, esp those of us from the North aren't bothered by video of Confederate battle flags being paraded thru the halls of the Capitol.

You should never comment on fair and balanced.
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hich surprises me since I wasn't sure that he was still working in Media. Hell I even thought he might have died. Strange how you lose track of people when they're no longer in the spotlight...

I thought this was fair and balanced, no doubt some will disagree. But if you're going to claim it unfair that many of the Trump fans came off as ignorant buffoons, and aren't representative of most Trump voters then the challenge may be to have the more intelligent members of the group be the ones who come forward. Whenever I see someone from the "fake news media" interview the people at a Trump rally,it's always the less than opitmum examples who are willing to speak on camera. So it's not like there isn't an attempt to give voice to better spokespeople, but for some reason the only people willing to speak and try to explain their position are just not the sharpest tools in the tool box...

Strange how Trump would invoke Gettysburg (in PA) but then for some reason bring up Robert E Lee. To lament the fact that Lee has fallen out of favor in a speech in PA makes no sense to me. This isn't GA or Mississippi, Lee was the Commanding General of an Army of Rebels who (in this case) invaded the US. And Trump seemingly feels that locals in the area who were subjected to an invasion should somehow have positive feelings of the man who was the figurehead of the invading army? Just one of several things that personally annoy me about Trump, his inabilty to grasp history in any kind of meaningful way...

On the other hand, the guy from the Park Service is an example of the best we have to offer. He's exactly the type of person that I would expect to be leading tours of a memorial to such a horrendous battle. Not sure how anyone, esp those of us from the North aren't bothered by video of Confederate battle flags being paraded thru the halls of the Capitol.

Good piece by Koppel. I noticed he asked the moron test question and it accurately identified several morons.
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hich surprises me since I wasn't sure that he was still working in Media. Hell I even thought he might have died. Strange how you lose track of people when they're no longer in the spotlight...

I thought this was fair and balanced, no doubt some will disagree. But if you're going to claim it unfair that many of the Trump fans came off as ignorant buffoons, and aren't representative of most Trump voters then the challenge may be to have the more intelligent members of the group be the ones who come forward. Whenever I see someone from the "fake news media" interview the people at a Trump rally,it's always the less than opitmum examples who are willing to speak on camera. So it's not like there isn't an attempt to give voice to better spokespeople, but for some reason the only people willing to speak and try to explain their position are just not the sharpest tools in the tool box...

Strange how Trump would invoke Gettysburg (in PA) but then for some reason bring up Robert E Lee. To lament the fact that Lee has fallen out of favor in a speech in PA makes no sense to me. This isn't GA or Mississippi, Lee was the Commanding General of an Army of Rebels who (in this case) invaded the US. And Trump seemingly feels that locals in the area who were subjected to an invasion should somehow have positive feelings of the man who was the figurehead of the invading army? Just one of several things that personally annoy me about Trump, his inabilty to grasp history in any kind of meaningful way...

On the other hand, the guy from the Park Service is an example of the best we have to offer. He's exactly the type of person that I would expect to be leading tours of a memorial to such a horrendous battle. Not sure how anyone, esp those of us from the North aren't bothered by video of Confederate battle flags being paraded thru the halls of the Capitol.

Lol that word salad…. Yeah he’s fine. Just fine.
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hich surprises me since I wasn't sure that he was still working in Media. Hell I even thought he might have died. Strange how you lose track of people when they're no longer in the spotlight...

I thought this was fair and balanced, no doubt some will disagree. But if you're going to claim it unfair that many of the Trump fans came off as ignorant buffoons, and aren't representative of most Trump voters then the challenge may be to have the more intelligent members of the group be the ones who come forward. Whenever I see someone from the "fake news media" interview the people at a Trump rally,it's always the less than opitmum examples who are willing to speak on camera. So it's not like there isn't an attempt to give voice to better spokespeople, but for some reason the only people willing to speak and try to explain their position are just not the sharpest tools in the tool box...

Strange how Trump would invoke Gettysburg (in PA) but then for some reason bring up Robert E Lee. To lament the fact that Lee has fallen out of favor in a speech in PA makes no sense to me. This isn't GA or Mississippi, Lee was the Commanding General of an Army of Rebels who (in this case) invaded the US. And Trump seemingly feels that locals in the area who were subjected to an invasion should somehow have positive feelings of the man who was the figurehead of the invading army? Just one of several things that personally annoy me about Trump, his inabilty to grasp history in any kind of meaningful way...

On the other hand, the guy from the Park Service is an example of the best we have to offer. He's exactly the type of person that I would expect to be leading tours of a memorial to such a horrendous battle. Not sure how anyone, esp those of us from the North aren't bothered by video of Confederate battle flags being paraded thru the halls of the Capitol.

Koppel mentions something at the end I've been asking about: the danger to our country might be greater if Trump loses.
You know the funny (i guess not really funny) thing is that you could go to any political rally (left or right) and find all sorts of morons. There are a lot of stupid people out there.
I really didn't think he was going out of his way to make them look stupid. That wasn't a Comedy Central hit piece.
hich surprises me since I wasn't sure that he was still working in Media. Hell I even thought he might have died. Strange how you lose track of people when they're no longer in the spotlight...

I thought this was fair and balanced, no doubt some will disagree. But if you're going to claim it unfair that many of the Trump fans came off as ignorant buffoons, and aren't representative of most Trump voters then the challenge may be to have the more intelligent members of the group be the ones who come forward. Whenever I see someone from the "fake news media" interview the people at a Trump rally,it's always the less than opitmum examples who are willing to speak on camera. So it's not like there isn't an attempt to give voice to better spokespeople, but for some reason the only people willing to speak and try to explain their position are just not the sharpest tools in the tool box...

Strange how Trump would invoke Gettysburg (in PA) but then for some reason bring up Robert E Lee. To lament the fact that Lee has fallen out of favor in a speech in PA makes no sense to me. This isn't GA or Mississippi, Lee was the Commanding General of an Army of Rebels who (in this case) invaded the US. And Trump seemingly feels that locals in the area who were subjected to an invasion should somehow have positive feelings of the man who was the figurehead of the invading army? Just one of several things that personally annoy me about Trump, his inabilty to grasp history in any kind of meaningful way...

On the other hand, the guy from the Park Service is an example of the best we have to offer. He's exactly the type of person that I would expect to be leading tours of a memorial to such a horrendous battle. Not sure how anyone, esp those of us from the North aren't bothered by video of Confederate battle flags being paraded thru the halls of the Capitol.

Wasn’t it at Gettysburg that Trump said he was going to sue all of those women who claimed he had groped them?
Koppel mentions something at the end I've been asking about: the danger to our country might be greater if Trump loses.
I have wondered about the same thing.

I really didn't think he was going out of his way to make them look stupid. That wasn't a Comedy Central hit piece.
I've never been to a political rally but I have been around where groups are gathering to go to one and it didn't take long to figure out there were a lot of stupid people out there. Maybe I am completely wrong but in my limited observations most people that go to them are not normal everyday people. It seems to be the ones that hold, in my opinion, extreme positions via it left or right.
Mass hypnosis of people is an old trick that has been used to persuade people at political rallies. Hanussen, a jew was an important part of Hitler's rise to political power. See:

Dr. Walter C. Langer, a psychoanalyst, prepared a psychological profile of Hitler for the United States' Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in 1943. The profile included a reference to Hanussen: "...during the early 1920s Hitler took regular lessons in speaking and in mass psychology from a man named [Hanussen][7] who was also a practicing astrologer and fortune-teller. He was an extremely clever individual who taught Hitler a great deal concerning the importance of staging meetings to obtain the greatest dramatic effect."[1]

Hanussen is believed to have been killed by the SA shortly after Hitler came to power.
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Mass hypnosis of people is an old trick that has been used to persuade people at political rallies. Hanussen, a jew was an important part of Hitler's rise to political power. See:

Dr. Walter C. Langer, a psychoanalyst, prepared a psychological profile of Hitler for the United States' Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in 1943. The profile included a reference to Hanussen: "...during the early 1920s Hitler took regular lessons in speaking and in mass psychology from a man named [Hanussen][7] who was also a practicing astrologer and fortune-teller. He was an extremely clever individual who taught Hitler a great deal concerning the importance of staging meetings to obtain the greatest dramatic effect."[1]

Hanussen is believed to have been killed by the SA shortly after Hitler came to power.
Do you honestly listen to Trump speak and think "oh, he's put in a lot of work with speech/psych coaches to develop this incredibly powerful speaking style?"
Do you honestly listen to Trump speak and think "oh, he's put in a lot of work with speech/psych coaches to develop this incredibly powerful speaking style?"
Whatever he's doing its very effective and unusual.
Do you honestly listen to Trump speak and think "oh, he's put in a lot of work with speech/psych coaches to develop this incredibly powerful speaking style?"
He's an awful speaker, but his style resonates with his minions. I don't get it, but I'm not one of his minions.
I could be wrong...i am a lot...but in terms of percentages and odds, people that are amped up enough to decorate themselves, and then spend hours a day at a political rally...for any one person... much greater odds and percentages those people are lacking some traits that lead to critical thought, which leads to a little more well rounded outlook, which closes the door on learning about much of anything outside their own self interests...

This would apply to MAGA rallies, but also ANTIFA like rallies, even student protests and rallies.
Whatever he's doing its very effective and unusual.
I have 2 schools of thought on why Trump has been so successful at galvanizing such a large chunk of people.

1. He, and probably more so a group of very smart advisors, recognized early on in the Obama administration that there was an emerging segment of the population that was feeling disenfranchised by the Federal government. And every "stance" he's had since has been a response to words, actions, and decisions the perceived "ruling class" has seemingly forced on that group of disenfranchised people. And with every speech, tweet, no matter how its done or how improper it probably is, galvanizes those people behind him.

2. He's a racist, misogynistic asshole that didn't like Obama so he started floating "birther" theories. He loved the love and attention it gave him, so he expanded from there. And since it has grown more in to what I was touching on in my first school of thought. But it really is as simple as...he had some ridiculous racist thoughts, he has no filter, and his timing was perfect to tap in to some pretty strong racist undertones in our society. That's the foundation of his success...but he's been very successful at tying that in with more reasonable people's overall contempt for "Washington".

I think number 2 is most likely. Making that statement is hard though, because it paints ALL his followers as racists, which obviously isn't accurate. It might not even be "most" of his followers at this point. But I'm not sure it can possibly be argued that his rise to political power was fueled early on by groups of people that loved the fact that he was unabashedly saying very racist things publicly.
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I have 2 schools of thought on why Trump has been so successful at galvanizing such a large chunk of people.

1. He, and probably more so a group of very smart advisors, recognized early on in the Obama administration that there was an emerging segment of the population that was feeling disenfranchised by the Federal government. And every "stance" he's had since has been a response to words, actions, and decisions the perceived "ruling class" has seemingly forced on that group of disenfranchised people. And with every speech, tweet, no matter how its done or how improper it probably is, galvanizes those people behind him.

2. He's a racist, misogynistic asshole that didn't like Obama so he started floating "birther" theories. He loved the love and attention it gave him, so he expanded from there. And since it has grown more in to what I was touching on in my first school of thought. But it really is as simple as...he had some ridiculous racist thoughts, he has no filter, and his timing was perfect to tap in to some pretty strong racist undertones in our society. That's the foundation of his success...but he's been very successful at tying that in with more reasonable people's overall contempt for "Washington".

I think number 2 is most likely. Making that statement is hard though, because it paints ALL his followers as racists, which obviously isn't accurate. It might not even be "most" of his followers at this point. But I'm not sure it can possibly be argued that his rise to political power was fueled early on by groups of people that loved the fact that he was unabashedly saying very racist things publicly.
I don't think Trump is any more racist than most other candidates we've had running for office or that are 80 years old.

I don't think Trump is any more racist than most other candidates we've had running for office or that are 80 years old.

Possibly...but without the birther campaign, and without his immigrants comments early on...Trump isn't a thing politically.
hich surprises me since I wasn't sure that he was still working in Media. Hell I even thought he might have died. Strange how you lose track of people when they're no longer in the spotlight...

I thought this was fair and balanced, no doubt some will disagree. But if you're going to claim it unfair that many of the Trump fans came off as ignorant buffoons, and aren't representative of most Trump voters then the challenge may be to have the more intelligent members of the group be the ones who come forward. Whenever I see someone from the "fake news media" interview the people at a Trump rally,it's always the less than opitmum examples who are willing to speak on camera. So it's not like there isn't an attempt to give voice to better spokespeople, but for some reason the only people willing to speak and try to explain their position are just not the sharpest tools in the tool box...

Strange how Trump would invoke Gettysburg (in PA) but then for some reason bring up Robert E Lee. To lament the fact that Lee has fallen out of favor in a speech in PA makes no sense to me. This isn't GA or Mississippi, Lee was the Commanding General of an Army of Rebels who (in this case) invaded the US. And Trump seemingly feels that locals in the area who were subjected to an invasion should somehow have positive feelings of the man who was the figurehead of the invading army? Just one of several things that personally annoy me about Trump, his inabilty to grasp history in any kind of meaningful way...

On the other hand, the guy from the Park Service is an example of the best we have to offer. He's exactly the type of person that I would expect to be leading tours of a memorial to such a horrendous battle. Not sure how anyone, esp those of us from the North aren't bothered by video of Confederate battle flags being paraded thru the halls of the Capitol.

Are people born this stupid or do they learn it at home?
I have 2 schools of thought on why Trump has been so successful at galvanizing such a large chunk of people.

1. He, and probably more so a group of very smart advisors, recognized early on in the Obama administration that there was an emerging segment of the population that was feeling disenfranchised by the Federal government. And every "stance" he's had since has been a response to words, actions, and decisions the perceived "ruling class" has seemingly forced on that group of disenfranchised people. And with every speech, tweet, no matter how its done or how improper it probably is, galvanizes those people behind him.

2. He's a racist, misogynistic asshole that didn't like Obama so he started floating "birther" theories. He loved the love and attention it gave him, so he expanded from there. And since it has grown more in to what I was touching on in my first school of thought. But it really is as simple as...he had some ridiculous racist thoughts, he has no filter, and his timing was perfect to tap in to some pretty strong racist undertones in our society. That's the foundation of his success...but he's been very successful at tying that in with more reasonable people's overall contempt for "Washington".

I think number 2 is most likely. Making that statement is hard though, because it paints ALL his followers as racists, which obviously isn't accurate. It might not even be "most" of his followers at this point. But I'm not sure it can possibly be argued that his rise to political power was fueled early on by groups of people that loved the fact that he was unabashedly saying very racist things publicly.
He plays on people's fear and more importantly...their hate.

Now, the dems play on fear as well...but less so on hate.
Mass hypnosis of people is an old trick that has been used to persuade people at political rallies. Hanussen, a jew was an important part of Hitler's rise to political power. See:

Dr. Walter C. Langer, a psychoanalyst, prepared a psychological profile of Hitler for the United States' Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in 1943. The profile included a reference to Hanussen: "...during the early 1920s Hitler took regular lessons in speaking and in mass psychology from a man named [Hanussen][7] who was also a practicing astrologer and fortune-teller. He was an extremely clever individual who taught Hitler a great deal concerning the importance of staging meetings to obtain the greatest dramatic effect."[1]

Hanussen is believed to have been killed by the SA shortly after Hitler came to power.
That is interesting .... thanks for the link.
I don't think Trump is any more racist than most other candidates we've had running for office or that are 80 years old.

Agree. His rise had everything to do with railing against “The Swamp” in DC. People were and are sick of politicians. Right or wrong that’s why most got energized for him.
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Whatever he's doing its very effective and unusual.
He's running against liberal Democrats. The builtin government liberal bias in the administrative wings. Against the squad. Against that nut former governor Cuomo. And senile, corrupt, dunce Biden. And before that Hillary.

If they weren't almost totally out in space with their policies and for which they believe might makes right ('If we get enough votes we can force you to do anything.') , then Trump would have looked ridiculous and lost.

He said one simple thing 'take back your country' and regardless of how batshit he is, everyone knows that rings true. And could see against Hillary that she sure as hell wouldn't help. So he won. Bu the time it was against Biden, the machine was woken up and swung into action, protecting their turf with everything they had, and they had the social media, and won.

Trump isn't particularly effective and unusual...

He's running against liberal 'I'll tell you everything you must do regardless of the law or constitution' democrats. Makes anybody look good. No that's not most democrats. But similar to Republicans, the fringes hold the most power, and the fringes are batshit crazy. Trump looks almost sane.
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Oh, this was the Koppel thread. Sorry, I'll go check it out. If it's not slanted like crazy to Ted's viewpoint, it'll be the first time in several decades. Dude wouldn't know even handed if it slapped him the face.

I saw him on a rip on Republican's piece from his bully pulpit on welfare reform way back when Gingrich was around. Listed all the truly horrible things that would happen, ending by saying "I must have it wrong", then he was shown to be wrong by his guests and he just ended by reiterating all his claims that data didn't support.

He does the same thing on gun laws. He the guy on who wrote 'more guns less crime" and each time the guy would give DATA, Koppel would just give an incredulous shake of the head and say "See, I just don't understand that" . Again wrapping up with how more guns less crime must be all smoke and mirrors, no way , the data had to be wrong.

So I thought, then get off TV and go back to school. so you can understand things.

Watching it now, I expect to be surprised since some here said it's even. If it's just talking to morons, maybe he will be even handed.

Edit- OK, not bad! The first half was the usual Koppel heavy slant. '
Ohhhh, shiver, be very afraid', yeah of course. 99% of what they tried to make us shiver about, or was wrong, could be said about the left and be correct. I don't even think Koppel meant to be ironic when he said these people weren't looking to have their minds changed by reason, LOL. As if Ted and the othe r'side' was. But once they got to stuff like the park service guy and idiots carrying confederate flags that was OK.
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