Survey Time, anyone else fill theirs out?


Mar 16, 2019
Interesting, 20 years of tickets and this is the first time I’ve ever received an opportunity to give an open opinion on the Indiana Athletics season. Well they have my opinion. In fact they shut the entire system down after 6 hours of sending emails. I’d imagine the hate mail was a bit overwhelming.
I remember receiving a questionaire from a third party consumer marketing company related to my NFL season tickets for a franchise chronically at the bottom the AFC South. The questionnaire had several questions about the franchises philanthropy efforts. WTF. I pointed out that the entire payroll of the franchise was basically philanthropy-handing money out with no return
Let’s see. Ending the basketball season with the blowout lost to St. Mary’s. Ending the next season with a blowout loss to Miami. Ending last season with a blowout lost to Nebraska…..

They needed to send a questionnaire out for that? Really?