SS Director

I am listening to her testimony today. I do not understand how these government employees can totally ignore answering questions.
Same way every single politician does , especially TFG. They answer what they want.
So the SS inside the building had complete view of the entire roof?

There was a picture of an open window behind the shooter on another building and along the same general line as that of the shooter to Trump. I first saw this because a conspiracy theorist had speculated that there were two shooters, because the first 3 shots did not sound exactly the same as the last 5. In listening to the tape of the situation, there did seem to me to be a difference. This is the first I've seen or heard about the open window since that guy's post. I've since listened to a different analyst who said all 8 shots sounded like they came from the same gun.
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I don't think there is many left or right that think the director survives this. Ro Khanna pretty much told her she should resign.
She needs to resign and the team leader(s) in charge of securing the event needs to be fired. Though she may not be in direct fault for the decisions made that day by those on the ground, she's the leader of the organization and that's the price of leadership.
some random nobody

some pimple-faced dude that you wouldn't trust to win a stuffed snake at the carnival, shooting out stars with a bb gun.
This is exactly why experts, that have years of experience in this arena, feel that an inside job is a real possibility and needs to be investigated fully. If the evidence suggests a possibility, which it does, then it has to be on the list to explore. That's only good practice.
I would like to answer you Stoll, but it is an onnnnnnnnnnnnnnngoing investigation. :)

The Republicans are more worthless than tits on a bull.

I could be mistaken, but don't think I am, that "There is an ongoing investigation" is not a legal excuse to refusing to answer congressional questions. The bitch wouldn't even tell them how many casings were found on the roof. This is not acceptable. IF there was a situation where a certain answer would TRULY jeopardize an on-going investigation, the witness should so state. There could then be a brief private meeting where she would have the opportunity to explain WHY the requested information could negatively impact the investigation. This all should have been handled BEFORE the questioning began, as these deep state liars have repeatedly used this tactic.
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I’ve seen some people get dressed down at these hearings before but holy shit. That lady is a glutton for punishment if she doesn’t just resign now. How could someone want to work like that?

She should never work in government again. The living embodiment of a bureaucratic, do-nothing, talentless waste of space. Below was my favorite of the day fyi.

When you've lost AOC...

Wouldn’t it be great if Cheatle would just fess up with something like, “you know AOC, I really don’t have a ****ing clue what you are talking about because I’m not even close to being ****ing qualified to answer anything that has to do with guns and perimeters and all that shit. I was only brought in as a DEI expert, so if you want to ask me how to get more women protecting men, I’m your girl!”
I’m responding to your very specific and very stupid posting of a bad tweet that implies a government official was in cahoots with Crooks. Knock it off.
Explain how this happened? And look, I'm far from a conspiracy theorist dude. BUT, I mean do you, or ANYONE, truly believe the agency responsible for protetcing the most powerful person in the world, could be this inept? Not just one of them----but ALL of them? Or at least multiple agents?

I mean you can't get with 10 feet of an athlete, movie star, etc, w/o getting face planted......but some odd-ball 20 year old, can slip past the SS, in broad fukin daylight....climb a roof a football field or so away, and get off 8 shots----at a former POTUS.

Come on now...
Come on now...
So, answer me, you want someone killed. Do you pick a pimple-faced novice loser who would probably come in last at one of those arcade shooting games?

People, even supposedly well-trained security people, can be incredibly inept / sloppy / lazy / lackadaisical and that's much more common than some nefarious conspiracy.
So, answer me, you want someone killed. Do you pick a pimple-faced novice loser who would probably come in last at one of those arcade shooting games?

People, even supposedly well-trained security people, can be incredibly inept / sloppy / lazy / lackadaisical and that's much more common than some nefarious conspiracy.
All of them? Multiple agents? This isn't your run of the mill, "security people"---These are people in charge of protecting the most powerful person in the world...

Crooks isn't your ideal "patsie". And I doubt this was such. But my goodness. Im trying to get on board with---"Ok, this was just an awful , inept job..."---THen you realize----"This is the Secret ****in Service..." And that pimpled face, novice loser, slipped by the Secret Service----but couldn't the allude the trained eye of...………………

All of them? Multiple agents? This isn't your run of the mill, "security people"---These are people in charge of protecting the most powerful person in the world...

Crooks isn't your ideal "patsie". And I doubt this was such. But my goodness. Im trying to get on board with---"Ok, this was just an awful , inept job..."---THen you realize----"This is the Secret ****in Service..." And that pimpled face, novice loser, slipped by the Secret Service----but couldn't the allude the trained eye of...………………

Understand what you are dealing with on half this board, Its a Bloomington groomed, warped, f*cked, persona.

This should have NEVER happened period! Is it surprising considering how hard they do not want Trump around? Nope and most of the lefties on this board want him dead and if they deny it they are lying! Thats the truth and thats where we are as a country thanks to who's run this country and set this up for the past 16 years, THE DEMS. This is where we are and the msm has polluted this country with views of their owners, DEMS. People are bought in, and stupid to hell and back. Unless you're savvy enough to be a bad assed salesman, street smart AF, or just know BS when you see it, you're duped. That makes for a lot of dumbasses unfortunately.
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I’ve seen some people get dressed down at these hearings before but holy shit. That lady is a glutton for punishment if she doesn’t just resign now. How could someone want to work like that?

She should never work in government again. The living embodiment of a bureaucratic, do-nothing, talentless waste of space. Below was my favorite of the day fyi.

Said it prior, but with the testimony I’ve heard and the facts presented, the families of the victims have an obvious case here with the negligence of these nutjobs like Cheatle.

DEI will have greater consequences if not stopped, just wait and see. This is just the first high profile case.
Explain how this happened? And look, I'm far from a conspiracy theorist dude. BUT, I mean do you, or ANYONE, truly believe the agency responsible for protetcing the most powerful person in the world, could be this inept? Not just one of them----but ALL of them? Or at least multiple agents?

I mean you can't get with 10 feet of an athlete, movie star, etc, w/o getting face planted......but some odd-ball 20 year old, can slip past the SS, in broad fukin daylight....climb a roof a football field or so away, and get off 8 shots----at a former POTUS.

Come on now...
Explain how this happened? And look, I'm far from a conspiracy theorist dude. BUT, I mean do you, or ANYONE, truly believe the agency responsible for protetcing the most powerful person in the world, could be this inept? Not just one of them----but ALL of them? Or at least multiple agents?

I mean you can't get with 10 feet of an athlete, movie star, etc, w/o getting face planted......but some odd-ball 20 year old, can slip past the SS, in broad fukin daylight....climb a roof a football field or so away, and get off 8 shots----at a former POTUS.

Come on now...
Having worked personally with several agencies that you think are much better than they actually are, the answer is Yes, they can really be this bad.
Having worked personally with several agencies that you think are much better than they actually are, the answer is Yes, they can really be this bad.
I don't think they are----SS, or at least the ones I have "known", were as sharp as any human being I have ever met. I spent 6 years in the US Army. I had "friends" that went on to work for the SS and the FBI; one being a HS buddy. Those guys were incredibly sharp---amazing attention to detail. Just didn't miss anything.

Even the worst of the worst were very good. I can see a lapse here , or there----an agent or two....But an entire team? They miss a kid who stuck out like a sore thumb----walk across a field, climb a ladder....but civilians did not? Ok----that happens. But explain afterwards? He was (allegedly) in the glass for 10+ minutes. If that is true, that's no explainable. That's not being inept. That's being corrupt.
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Having worked personally with several agencies that you think are much better than they actually are, the answer is Yes, they can really be this bad.
I understand that, but this just stinks dude. All the way around even to the most common man. Unless it's truly a bad dei hire which I cannot imagine its that bad. Beyond comprehension bad. None of it makes sense, but please do not take the (planned attempt off the table) because they have gone after this non political citizen since before he ran. Don't forget that.

You don't think thats a possibility? How many Epstein arrests were there? Same as it ever was! Corrupt AF. There is no way that 20 year old dolt made it on top of that roof without help from someone inside especially since many people saw him and reported him well before a shot was ever fired. No f*cking way.
...I can see a lapse here , or there----an agent or two....But an entire team? They miss a kid who stuck out like a sore thumb----walk across a field, climb a ladder....but civilians did

It seems the first and biggest screwup was the planning. That building's security was assigned to local cops, not to the SS. Then the local cops somehow decided to stay inside. That's why civilians spotted him first. Then the civilian sighting info somehow stayed with the local yokels

Many many screw-ups.
Just imagine
I am listening to her testimony today. I do not understand how these government employees can totally ignore answering questions.
I am listening to her testimony today. I do not understand how these government employees can totally ignore answering questions.
Just imagine if Trump was the current President and had hired her and this happened to Joe Biden or Kamala Harris... There would be looting, rioting and impeachment hearings and all that stuff. Under this scenario, no real big deal. With that said, I find it a fireable offense she hasnt even been to the site of the shooting yet.
It seems the first and biggest screwup was the planning. That building's security was assigned to local cops, not to the SS. Then the local cops somehow decided to stay inside. That's why civilians spotted him first. Then the civilian sighting info somehow stayed with the local yokels

Many many screw-ups.
I don’t think this was a conspiracy, but if it was, it makes more sense that the shooter was in cahoots with the local cops that decided to stay inside the building. In theory, he would only need one or two to help.
I don’t think this was a conspiracy, but if it was, it makes more sense that the shooter was in cahoots with the local cops that decided to stay inside the building. In theory, he would only need one or two to help.
I think when the shooter turned out to be a white male registered republican, MAGA heads exploded and they're just making up stupid shit to protect their foundational beliefs...

The dime store Tom Clancy's who are now all newfound experts in snipers, ballistics and security detail protocols are just paranoid whack jobs performing mental gymnastics looking to blame someone else other than the kid, who wasn't who or what they wanted him to be.
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I think when the shooter turned out to be a white male registered republican, MAGA heads exploded and they're just making up stupid shit to protect their foundational beliefs...

The dime store Tom Clancy's who are now all newfound experts in snipers, ballistics and security detail protocols are just paranoid whack jobs performing mental gymnastics looking to blame someone else other than the kid, who wasn't who or what they wanted him to be.
All-time dumb. Seems someone deleted my response from earlier, but you're an all time joke. A total know nothing and sh-t stirrer. Being registered anything nowadays means nothing. The Dems strategy is to infiltrate primaries and cause disruption. Do not rule out Antifa for what happened, which is a lefty organization. Deep state and other bad actors allowed this to happen.
I don't think they are----SS, or at least the ones I have "known", were as sharp as any human being I have ever met. I spent 6 years in the US Army. I had "friends" that went on to work for the SS and the FBI; one being a HS buddy. Those guys were incredibly sharp---amazing attention to detail. Just didn't miss anything.

Even the worst of the worst were very good. I can see a lapse here , or there----an agent or two....But an entire team? They miss a kid who stuck out like a sore thumb----walk across a field, climb a ladder....but civilians did not? Ok----that happens. But explain afterwards? He was (allegedly) in the glass for 10+ minutes. If that is true, that's no explainable. That's not being inept. That's being corrupt.
Well then your mind is made up.
I don’t think this was a conspiracy, but if it was, it makes more sense that the shooter was in cahoots with the local cops that decided to stay inside the building. In theory, he would only need one or two to help.
What a conspiracy. Let’s select an inept incel that can’t hit the broad side of a barn and risk our lives with him. We’ll put him onto a nearby building that should result in him getting caught ahead of time and result in no shot. It’s gonna be lit!
So, answer me, you want someone killed. Do you pick a pimple-faced novice loser who would probably come in last at one of those arcade shooting games?

People, even supposedly well-trained security people, can be incredibly inept / sloppy / lazy / lackadaisical and that's much more common than some nefarious conspiracy.
Yes. Kid was brainwashed somewhat like yourself..
Said it prior, but with the testimony I’ve heard and the facts presented, the families of the victims have an obvious case here with the negligence of these nutjobs like Cheatle.

DEI will have greater consequences if not stopped, just wait and see. This is just the first high profile case.
I can envision a lengthy line of lawyers at the victims’ families doors…. with Negligence papers in hand.
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Yes. Kid was brainwashed somewhat like yourself..
You seem to know a lot! Even the FBI cannot determine his motivation, but it doesn't appear to be political.

Judging from how he apparently searched for locations where many other politicians were speaking / appearing, including Biden, best guess is he's just your typical right-wing gun nut with a screw loose*, who woke up one day and decided he'd die famous.

*the people the NRA insist that we keep arming with AR15s. Nutters can't be deprived of their constitutional rights!

Mace NAILED it!!
I truly wish we could go back to a time of decency, but I guess that’s gone out the window. The more you scream and yell and curse at someone, the more attention you will get. It’s the new rule. And I’m glad she resigned , she needed to.
I truly wish we could go back to a time of decency, but I guess that’s gone out the window. The more you scream and yell and curse at someone, the more attention you will get. It’s the new rule.
It’s a product of the Digital Age. Myriads of platforms - actual media, social media, & fake media. Civility & intelligence takes too many words - screamers, short lines, epithets get the attention.
Woe is us.