So MTG hates being in Congress?


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2009
Obviously not everyone on the board thinks she is as stupid as I do. She hates Govt, is ridiculously ignorant, knows nothing about the concept of actually governing, and essentially gets paid for doing nothing. But now we discover that not only is she (IMHO) an idiot, but she claims that being in Congress has ruined her life.

But even though she doesn't actually believe Government has a useful function and she's basically doing her best to destroy an entity she despises, she still has the audacity to claim that she MTG, who makes $ 174,000/yr for basically being the poster child example of people unfit to be elected is complaining because she's "underpaid"...

So let's say you're not an ultra-MAGA and are somewhat normal and you voted for MTG because she was the GOP nominee. You're already embarrassed to admit you're from her district and voted for her, and now she makes more than you and is actually complaining that she doesn't get paid enough?

Not sure I can fully put myself into that person's shoes, but my first response might be "then why don't you resign, you whiny Bitch"!! I mean, it's not like you've done anything worthwhile in 2+ yrs...

Obviously not everyone on the board thinks she is as stupid as I do. She hates Govt, is ridiculously ignorant, knows nothing about the concept of actually governing, and essentially gets paid for doing nothing. But now we discover that not only is she (IMHO) an idiot, but she claims that being in Congress has ruined her life.

But even though she doesn't actually believe Government has a useful function and she's basically doing her best to destroy an entity she despises, she still has the audacity to claim that she MTG, who makes $ 174,000/yr for basically being the poster child example of people unfit to be elected is complaining because she's "underpaid"...

So let's say you're not an ultra-MAGA and are somewhat normal and you voted for MTG because she was the GOP nominee. You're already embarrassed to admit you're from her district and voted for her, and now she makes more than you and is actually complaining that she doesn't get paid enough?

Not sure I can fully put myself into that person's shoes, but my first response might be "then why don't you resign, you whiny Bitch"!! I mean, it's not like you've done anything worthwhile in 2+ yrs...

She's a baller business woman. Congress salary is a drop in the bucket for her. She should have kept her mouth shut, but that's not something she's capable of doing
I’d get salty too if I gave up my day-to-day life to run for Congress and get to the bottom of the media/Democrat/deep stare/Jewish/lizard people conspiracies to run the USA into the ground only to find out that government is a pretty boring enterprise run by largely boring people.
Obviously not everyone on the board thinks she is as stupid as I do. She hates Govt, is ridiculously ignorant, knows nothing about the concept of actually governing, and essentially gets paid for doing nothing. But now we discover that not only is she (IMHO) an idiot, but she claims that being in Congress has ruined her life.

But even though she doesn't actually believe Government has a useful function and she's basically doing her best to destroy an entity she despises, she still has the audacity to claim that she MTG, who makes $ 174,000/yr for basically being the poster child example of people unfit to be elected is complaining because she's "underpaid"...

So let's say you're not an ultra-MAGA and are somewhat normal and you voted for MTG because she was the GOP nominee. You're already embarrassed to admit you're from her district and voted for her, and now she makes more than you and is actually complaining that she doesn't get paid enough?

Not sure I can fully put myself into that person's shoes, but my first response might be "then why don't you resign, you whiny Bitch"!! I mean, it's not like you've done anything worthwhile in 2+ yrs...

How has she voted when called upon?
I’d get salty too if I gave up my day-to-day life to run for Congress and get to the bottom of the media/Democrat/deep stare/Jewish/lizard people conspiracies to run the USA into the ground only to find out that government is a pretty boring enterprise run by largely boring people.
So like Gold and Black Illustrated.
She is nothing but an embarrassing clown.
(Apologies to all real clowns)
Omar and AOC are worse.
How so? I realize that you don't agree with them politically, but neither seems to be particularly interested in making public spectacles of themselves. Both spoke in response to McCarthy removing Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee, but I'm not aware of anything either has done to court controversy in the previous 3 months or so...
How so? I realize that you don't agree with them politically, but neither seems to be particularly interested in making public spectacles of themselves. Both spoke in response to McCarthy removing Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee, but I'm not aware of anything either has done to court controversy in the previous 3 months or so...
Lmao you really are special. That’s all AOC does. Her tax the rich dress. Good grief.
Yeah but I hear about some new MTG stupidity every other week. So I'm not sure I buy the whole "AOC is worse!" thing. I think that was just a reflexive yabbut response by dbm.
I think MTG, AOC and some others have to keep things going to stay relevant and in the news. MTG with her balloon. MTG and AOC going back and forth fighting on twitter. Both making grandstanding speeches. Again i don't think it's unintentional. They know how to get attention, stay relevant, and keep a brand going. and it’s effective. They have influence
I think MTG, AOC and some others have to keep things going to stay relevant and in the news. MTG with her balloon. MTG and AOC going back and forth fighting on twitter. Both making grandstanding speeches. Again i don't think it's unintentional. They know how to get attention, stay relevant, and keep a brand going. and it’s effective. They have influence
The Venn diagram of social medial influencers and politicians is drawing closer and closer to a single circle.
So what did she say that was wrong?

Good for her for standing up against the double standard.
Haha. She cried the democratic oath cry...Racism. Might as well paint dumbass across her forehead. Dumb b!tch!

She's a plague, a socialist pig who acts like she has no clue what all the people that lost their life and shed their blood for this country stand for. It ain't socialism. It's free choice and free will not a ruling government that shits on its citizens. She and her green ideals are sh!t. Dumb, stupid, Un needed sh!t that supports the UN and all its bullshit. The sooner idiots like her are removed from office the better off this country will be.
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