Sick sick sick

Hahah the TMB thread I posted in about this on Friday was deleted.

So now we know how long it takes to trickle down and spread. At least @JamieDimonsBalls brings fun shit back from those degenerates.
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Sorry but from the get go this was just a horrible idea, 2 gay men adopting 2 young boys and no red lights go off? I know crazy stuff can happen anywhere but who does the background work on this?
Sorry but from the get go this was just a horrible idea, 2 gay men adopting 2 young boys and no red lights go off? I know crazy stuff can happen anywhere but who does the background work on this?
This is a very serious issue and there is no room for ideology or political gamesmanship here. If it were true that homosexuals were vastly more prone to pedophilia, I would agree with the notion of extra screening.

I don't think there is evidence of that:

Are gay people more likely to be child sex offenders?​

Researchers have studied the question of homosexual men being more likely to sexually abuse children, as well as the question of homosexual men being sexually attracted to boys. In a one-year period at a major child abuse center, less than 1% of the abusers who were identified were in a homosexual relationship.

Another study looked at sexual attraction to children among heterosexual and homosexual men (not everyone who is sexually attracted to children will abuse them, but there is a correlation between the two things). Researchers found that gay men were no more likely to be attracted to prepubescent boys than straight men were to be attracted to prepubescent girls.
This is a very serious issue and there is no room for ideology or political gamesmanship here. If it were true that homosexuals were vastly more prone to pedophilia, I would agree with the notion of extra screening.

I don't think there is evidence of that:

Are gay people more likely to be child sex offenders?​

Researchers have studied the question of homosexual men being more likely to sexually abuse children, as well as the question of homosexual men being sexually attracted to boys. In a one-year period at a major child abuse center, less than 1% of the abusers who were identified were in a homosexual relationship.

Another study looked at sexual attraction to children among heterosexual and homosexual men (not everyone who is sexually attracted to children will abuse them, but there is a correlation between the two things). Researchers found that gay men were no more likely to be attracted to prepubescent boys than straight men were to be attracted to prepubescent girls.
Don't quote me on this, but I believe the #1 correlation with sexual abuse of children is the abusers themselves being victims of the same when they were children. I think I read that somewhere. Regardless of sexuality, or really any other identity or psychological trait, something about being abused f*cks with people's heads and makes them much more like to become abusers themselves.
This is a very serious issue and there is no room for ideology or political gamesmanship here. If it were true that homosexuals were vastly more prone to pedophilia, I would agree with the notion of extra screening.

I don't think there is evidence of that:

Are gay people more likely to be child sex offenders?​

Researchers have studied the question of homosexual men being more likely to sexually abuse children, as well as the question of homosexual men being sexually attracted to boys. In a one-year period at a major child abuse center, less than 1% of the abusers who were identified were in a homosexual relationship.

Another study looked at sexual attraction to children among heterosexual and homosexual men (not everyone who is sexually attracted to children will abuse them, but there is a correlation between the two things). Researchers found that gay men were no more likely to be attracted to prepubescent boys than straight men were to be attracted to prepubescent girls.

Most people, gay or hetero, aren't this fvcked up. Doing that shit to kids is unfathomable.

I respect your opinions. I don't care what two consenting adults choose to do between each other and not lumping all by any means. My opinion if you choose a lifestyle that doesn't allow for children then I have questions about motives of adopting children. That is my opinion and by no means saying what happened here is by any means what usually happens. My question was shouldn't that situation have thrown up some major red flags? From what I understand adoption is a difficult process for straight couples that cant have children so somehow money would seem to play a part?
This is a very serious issue and there is no room for ideology or political gamesmanship here. If it were true that homosexuals were vastly more prone to pedophilia, I would agree with the notion of extra screening.

I don't think there is evidence of that:

Are gay people more likely to be child sex offenders?​

Researchers have studied the question of homosexual men being more likely to sexually abuse children, as well as the question of homosexual men being sexually attracted to boys. In a one-year period at a major child abuse center, less than 1% of the abusers who were identified were in a homosexual relationship.

Another study looked at sexual attraction to children among heterosexual and homosexual men (not everyone who is sexually attracted to children will abuse them, but there is a correlation between the two things). Researchers found that gay men were no more likely to be attracted to prepubescent boys than straight men were to be attracted to prepubescent girls.
Men are definitely more likely to commit molestation and abuse. Given there are two of them, instead of one, there will most likely be a higher rate of abuse.
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Don't quote me on this, but I believe the #1 correlation with sexual abuse of children is the abusers themselves being victims of the same when they were children. I think I read that somewhere. Regardless of sexuality, or really any other identity or psychological trait, something about being abused f*cks with people's heads and makes them much more like to become abusers themselves.

There is probably an easier explanation and the reason for the saying "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree".

Most everyone (abused or not) uses how they were raised as the blueprint for raising their own kids.

People that are abused pass it on because that was how they were raised and don't have the understanding that what happened to them in their growing up was wrong.

Most people are similar in passing along their upbringing...just hopefully the vast majority are not passing along abuse.

The story is both disturbing and sad.
Don't quote me on this, but I believe the #1 correlation with sexual abuse of children is the abusers themselves being victims of the same when they were children. I think I read that somewhere. Regardless of sexuality, or really any other identity or psychological trait, something about being abused f*cks with people's heads and makes them much more like to become abusers themselves.
Anecdotally, I've found this to be the case. In dealing with a number of accused sexual abusers, I've seen this as a pattern in their history. i.e. Their concept(s) of sex etc. and knowledge were heavily influenced by the abuse they suffered at the hands of others. A warped sense of what is appropriate and heavily SCREWED up boundaries (if any at all). Learned behavior. Of course, I've also encountered folks who seemingly get off on the power and control aspect of it...truly deviant sorts. It's very complicated and WAY above my pay grade to make sense of.
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Sorry but from the get go this was just a horrible idea, 2 gay men adopting 2 young boys and no red lights go off? I know crazy stuff can happen anywhere but who does the background work on this?
Why should lights go off? Because they are gay? Plenty of gay men adopt young boys. If they had some type of criminal background obviously they should not be allowed, but otherwise there are no red lights they missed.
Time to get medieval on the criminal element in this country.
Never gonna happen so it will continue. I read about how peaceful Singapore is just yesterday. We've had this discussion before. They would hang their asses and be executed already. Caning Works Too! Lax laws make for the unruly to have a field day!

This country needs an enema and it starts with law and order. Quit trying to fix sh!t thats broke and unfixable and let them deal with the consequences they know upfront.

This no bail, let people go BS, needs to stop and stop now. We need harsher penalties. Politicians need to take a serious look at countries that don't have these issues. Singapore works, convince me I'm wrong.

I'm just gonna leave this right here and WARNING its graphic. Someone give me a good reason the guy pulling the trigger here deserves to live...This is what the death penalty is for! BTW this guy had previous charges and should have NEVER been back on the streets BUT here we are.

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Time to get medieval on the criminal element in this country.
Heres another example of whats wrong...Maxwell said just the other day that Epstein was murdered and he didn't commit suicide. Well Duh...Point is we have asked for the list to be released now for how long??? He had something on every politician, CEO, Hollywood actors and actresses so they had him knocked off. The whole thing is buried and how many lives were affected here? How does this happen? Why aren't we demanding accountability? Nothing happens! Honestly when you all hear me barking that we've been hijacked and you all laugh about it??? WTF do you call this sh!t??? Theres no law and order, theres no accountability, theres no transparency. Its only going to get worse. Am I wrong?
Heres another example of whats wrong...Maxwell said just the other day that Epstein was murdered and he didn't commit suicide. Well Duh...Point is we have asked for the list to be released now for how long??? He had something on every politician, CEO, Hollywood actors and actresses so they had him knocked off. The whole thing is buried and how many lives were affected here? How does this happen? Why aren't we demanding accountability? Nothing happens! Honestly when you all hear me barking that we've been hijacked and you all laugh about it??? WTF do you call this sh!t??? Theres no law and order, theres no accountability, theres no transparency. It’s only going to get worse. Am I wrong?
3 sentences for the violent - (1) death, (2) life without parole, or (3) in until rehabilitated.

Or voluntary castration gets you out now.

or …

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3 sentences for the violent - (1) death, (2) life without parole, or (3) in until rehabilitated.

Or voluntary castration gets you out now.

or …

He should have never been out in the first place...

Parsons-Salas, who is from Chicago, was on supervised release at the time of the shooting and has a violent criminal history.

He’s served multiple prison sentences since 2007 for an armed home invasion, two robberies and aggravated battery to a police officer.

He had been in prison until recently for a 2009 armed home invasion in Albany Park in which two people were killed
, arrest records show. He was originally charged with murder but convicted on home invasion charges while his accomplice was convicted of the killings.

He was charged in the case in 2014 and placed on supervised release in September, records show. He was also on supervised release in connection to the aggravated battery case, prosecutors said.

Based on the evidence presented to the court, Parsons-Salas had an “intent to kill these individuals, to put it mildly,” Ortiz said.
Can we just get Kurt Russell to do it again?
We can't. Too old. Def a bit part though.

I thought Jeremy Renner would be good but.......he's indisposed. Ryan Reynolds would be cool but I don't think he could play it straight.
Never gonna happen so it will continue. I read about how peaceful Singapore is just yesterday. We've had this discussion before. They would hang their asses and be executed already. Caning Works Too! Lax laws make for the unruly to have a field day!

This country needs an enema and it starts with law and order. Quit trying to fix sh!t thats broke and unfixable and let them deal with the consequences they know upfront.

This no bail, let people go BS, needs to stop and stop now. We need harsher penalties. Politicians need to take a serious look at countries that don't have these issues. Singapore works, convince me I'm wrong.

I'm just gonna leave this right here and WARNING its graphic. Someone give me a good reason the guy pulling the trigger here deserves to live...This is what the death penalty is for! BTW this guy had previous charges and should have NEVER been back on the streets BUT here we are.

Way to only highlight the worst of

These carjackers politely held the rifle to the pizza delivery man and requested his keys. Even said “sir” and “thank you”.

There are still good people in this city.
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We can't. Too old. Def a bit part though.

I thought Jeremy Renner would be good but.......he's indisposed. Ryan Reynolds would be cool but I don't think he could play it straight.
I don’t want Reynolds. How about Tom Cruise?
I was going to post Jordan or Ildris Elba. Snake has to be rough and tumble. We don't have too many action stars that fit that bill anymore.

Tom Hardy might be good.
Tom Hardy. Good choice. IIdris is getting a bit long in the tooth but I would love to see him as Bond.
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