Serious question.

Apr 12, 2022
Not trying to stoke anything but Cav has from day one been the most positive cheerleader for this team. Cav, do you see any light at all for this team going forward now??
Everyone was pretty positive on day one (a few were not but most fans and sportswriters were).

Everyone is now pretty stunned. Very few thought we'd be sitting at 13th in the league with one win at this point.

I've given up trying to predict anything. It's not something I have any influence on anyway, nor will the outcome of the season (whatever it is) change my life in any way, so it's better to just watch it unfold and not be too emotionally invested in it.
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Everyone was pretty positive on day one (a few were not but most fans and sportswriters were).

Everyone is now pretty stunned. Very few thought we'd be sitting at 13th in the league with one win at this point.

I've given up trying to predict anything. It's not something I have any influence on anyway, nor will the outcome of the season (whatever it is) change my life in any way, so it's better to just watch it unfold and not be too emotionally invested in it.
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The difference between winning and losing in the BIG is hair-thin. Having two key starters out and your go-to guy hurting is going to impact teams as thin as IU. The coach can’t play. He can teach defense, and get the second stringers ready to start, but there are limits to that strategy. The reason those guys are normally on the bench and not playing was exposed last night. Could Woody have done better? Probably yes, but PSU would have still won that game the way they were playing. IU is wounded and limping through the games. I’d say it’s time to cheer for them anyway, and give them some support.
The difference between winning and losing in the BIG is hair-thin. Having two key starters out and your go-to guy hurting is going to impact teams as thin as IU. The coach can’t play. He can teach defense, and get the second stringers ready to start, but there are limits to that strategy. The reason those guys are normally on the bench and not playing was exposed last night. Could Woody have done better? Probably yes, but PSU would have still won that game the way they were playing. IU is wounded and limping through the games. I’d say it’s time to cheer for them anyway, and give them some support.
All of what you say is true. The NW and Iowa losses should never have happened, injuries or not. Those were poorly managed games.
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I mean let’s face it, Penn St game didn’t look good. If I see any positives so far it is that, last night notwithstanding, our offense has looked better than I expected without Race and X who were are 2/3 most consistent scorers.

The negative is that our team defense to include individual defense by several upperclassmen has been atrocious.

If we want this season to even turn around to average we need to start holding our opponents to 70ish points.

The good news is defense with some God given talent and a lot of effort (see Galloway) can generally click faster.

The bad news is, if it doesn’t click and we continue to be up and down offensively (and we likely will relying on two freshmen and a sophomore to be our “scoring” other than TJD) we will lose a lot of games. Woodson has said it since he got here. If you play good defense and rebound, you will have a chance in most games. Otherwise with inconsistent scoring we will be in trouble until/unless our more consistent guys get healthy.
Not trying to stoke anything but Cav has from day one been the most positive cheerleader for this team. Cav, do you see any light at all for this team going forward now??
Yeah us the light!

I think we can still be good. How is it not possible with pro level players at your 2 most important positions? But I'm more than a little skeptical our staff will figure out how to get there.
Yeah us the light!

I think we can still be good. How is it not possible with pro level players at your 2 most important positions? But I'm more than a little skeptical our staff will figure out how to get there.
I agree. It is bizarre how bad we appear to be. Having said that if we squeak out those two losses by a total of 3 points - maybe things wouldn’t seem as dire. I just think we are in such a deep hole record wise and mentally, and hell even physically, that only a minor miracle can save what was once a potentially glorious season.