Russia-Ukraine war has begun

The orcx know they are about to lose a lot of dirt and the Kyrsk NPP. So what do terrorist high jackers do when they only have one ace in the hole?
A fire in one of the cooling towers? I'm not even sure how that works.
I’m pretty sure it’s the orcx using tire fires to send some type of 3rd grade message. My opinion, they either already have lost or know they soon will, lose KNPP. It was speculated that Ukraine would use that as a bargaining chip like russia uses ZNPP. Russia said, hold my beer.
This is a good way to get NATO and China crawling up there…. Ummmm…. Old dirt road.
As I understand it, the actual reactor is a mile away and several months into cold shit down. Very little risk.
I’m pretty sure it’s the orcx using tire fires to send some type of 3rd grade message. My opinion, they either already have lost or know they soon will, lose KNPP. It was speculated that Ukraine would use that as a bargaining chip like russia uses ZNPP. Russia said, hold my beer.
This is a good way to get NATO and China crawling up there…. Ummmm…. Old dirt road.
As I understand it, the actual reactor is a mile away and several months into cold shit down. Very little risk.
I mean, they need the cooling tower to keep the reactors safe, but last I heard, only one of four reactors were actually running, and if that's still true, I'm with you, this is probably nothing more than showmanship.
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I mean, they need the cooling tower to keep the reactors safe, but last I heard, only one of four reactors were actually running, and if that's still true, I'm with you, this is probably nothing more than showmanship.
I believe that Geranimo (some spanish name??) from the IAEA announced that all 4 reactors were is "cold shut down" and have been for a "long time". The fuel rods, while still "warm-ish" but hot smoking hot (redneck slang) are stored in containment pools that are secured FAR away from the towers and the the towers are not really important at this point.
Just repeating what I read that other people said, FWIW.
I believe that Geranimo (some spanish name??) from the IAEA announced that all 4 reactors were is "cold shut down" and have been for a "long time". The fuel rods, while still "warm-ish" but hot smoking hot (redneck slang) are stored in containment pools that are secured FAR away from the towers and the the towers are not really important at this point.
Just repeating what I read that other people said, FWIW.
I was thinking about Ukraine's motivation for this and, yes, humiliating Putin is high on the list.

But are they hedging their bets if Trump wins and wants to negotiate a truce? If they hold Russian land, that would be a huge bargaining chip. "Get out of Ukraine and we'll get out of Russia".....

Just a random thought. I don't know if Ukraine could hold Russian land until the end of the year, but they might know something we don't. If they take troops off the line in Ukraine to kick the Ukes out, their Ukrainian lines may collapse.
I was thinking about Ukraine's motivation for this and, yes, humiliating Putin is high on the list.

But are they hedging their bets if Trump wins and wants to negotiate a truce? If they hold Russian land, that would be a huge bargaining chip. "Get out of Ukraine and we'll get out of Russia".....

Just a random thought. I don't know if Ukraine could hold Russian land until the end of the year, but they might know something we don't. If they take troops off the line in Ukraine to kick the Ukes out, their Ukrainian lines may collapse.
That isn't just any old random though. Many many people have been saying that, as a possibilty, for 3 days. Totally plausible at this point.
Also it's being reported that Russia has started pulling troops across the south and south east front. Once they pull off enough, plan B (or is it c,d,e or f?) kicks in. I think UAF can hold their new territory for a bit. Didn't the Pentagon report another $125 mill in support just today or Yesterday?
Got damn this is fun to watch all of the little maneuvering.
That isn't just any old random though. Many many people have been saying that, as a possibilty, for 3 days. Totally plausible at this point.
Also it's being reported that Russia has started pulling troops across the south and south east front. Once they pull off enough, plan B (or is it c,d,e or f?) kicks in. I think UAF can hold their new territory for a bit. Didn't the Pentagon report another $125 mill in support just today or Yesterday?
Got damn this is fun to watch all of the little maneuvering.
Dang, and I thought that was original thought. lol
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I do feel like the Ukrainians are playing chess while Russia is playing checkers.

I've got to think the US military is giving them a lot of guidance and advice, but I may be giving us too much credit.
UAF are sending in small group scout teams
Followed by long range EW drones
Followed by FPV drones for infrastructure, armored vehicles and troops
followed by Armored attack teams
then AA units. All under basically maintaining near total opsec.
Sounds like someone has been teaching them, they seem to be great students. It's been a thing of beauty so far, at least that is what is being reported and even on russian channels.
It worked.

Link to MSN copy of article below for freeloaders like me:

I've been reading hints of this too. BUUUT I am holding back on the excitement (not saying that you are wrong) until its a few more days old and some results related feeds come out. I want it to be a perfect "forced" maneuver :) . But I want a little more meat on the bone. Just a little bit.
I've been reading hints of this too. BUUUT I am holding back on the excitement (not saying that you are wrong) until its a few more days old and some results related feeds come out. I want it to be a perfect "forced" maneuver :) . But I want a little more meat on the bone. Just a little bit.
If it is true, it confirms one big thing we've already expected: Russia is stretched to the limit. There's no way they would redeploy from Ukraine to Kursk if they had any other assets they could bring in instead.
If it is true, it confirms one big thing we've already expected: Russia is stretched to the limit. There's no way they would redeploy from Ukraine to Kursk if they had any other assets they could bring in instead.
OK now my mind is wandering 10 miles down the road.
They dug in hard and had a really nice head start to do it, so they could play the attrition game. They were using $20 million tanks and now ~600,000 soldiers, against $500 drones.... and ran out of steam. What a beautiful headline.
(Yes I know the $ isn't exactly correct... just work with me).

edit - ISN'T ..correct
I guess I'm shocked natural gas is still flowing from Russia to Ukraine....

This entire Ukrainian foray into Russia is bizarre. I love it. I'm wondering if some Russian commander just said **** it and let them in? I saw some chatter on X about the local Duma prohibiting communications devices in the area before the incursion - like there was some help from the locals to make Ukrainian electronic jamming more effective before they went in. Also saw that Ukraine drenched the area in drones. Maybe that panicked the locals?

I hope some US media picks this up and starts giving some details. The Ukrainians don't seem to be blowing their own horn yet.
I hope I’m wrong…but this doesn’t seem like a good use of Ukrainian resources. Unless they think they can hold the territory ..,which I haven’t seen anyone claim as likely
I hope I’m wrong…but this doesn’t seem like a good use of Ukrainian resources. Unless they think they can hold the territory ..,which I haven’t seen anyone claim as likely
I think they are just throwing shit against the wall at this point. Maybe a small part of their brains is hoping (but not daring to say out loud) that threatening Russian territory will weaken Putin's political position.
I hope I’m wrong…but this doesn’t seem like a good use of Ukrainian resources. Unless they think they can hold the territory ..,which I haven’t seen anyone claim as likely
Well, This use of resources seems to be achieving more than that last two years, So I'm gonna have to give them the nod, so far.
No one has stopped them from holding it so far, but I know it is like the first few days. And they say they don't want keep it, lol what ever that means.
Either way, damn this is fun to watch from 4,000 miles away.
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If it is true, it confirms one big thing we've already expected: Russia is stretched to the limit. There's no way they would redeploy from Ukraine to Kursk if they had any other assets they could bring in instead.
Remove nuclear weapons and I firmly believe that NATO would run through the Russians like a knife through butter. If the Ukrainian units had any amount of strength and air support, they would be cruising to Moscow right now. That wasn't some massive invasion force they used to take that territory.

The Wagner drive towards Moscow last year showed how vulnerable the Russians are to just about anyone who is makes it past their first (and only) line of defense.
I hope I’m wrong…but this doesn’t seem like a good use of Ukrainian resources. Unless they think they can hold the territory ..,which I haven’t seen anyone claim as likely
Depends on if they have units available to make a push when the Russians are forced to reallocate their attacking forces. If the Ukrainians can fight a slow defensive action against those Russians, they could do quite a bit of damage while also pressing for gains in territory they would ultimately like to keep.

Think of those Russian meat waves running into Ukrainian defensive positions, the Russians get ground up, and when really pressed the Ukrainians would have no issues with withdrawing to the next line of defensive. They lose nothing by giving up that territory. Meanwhile, the Russians have likely left behind their least capable units in Ukraine and they could be taken advantage of to recoup lost territory from the most recent Russian offensive.

I don't know if the Ukrainians are positioned to take that kind of advantage but there is an opportunity there. Heck, they are going to have targets moving away from the front lines to a location they already know. Those drones could be pretty nasty inflicting casualties on the Russians heading towards the Ukrainian breakthrough.
If it is true, it confirms one big thing we've already expected: Russia is stretched to the limit. There's no way they would redeploy from Ukraine to Kursk if they had any other assets they could bring in instead.
And those forces would be on the offensive around Kursk and not holed up in a trench in a defensive position. The Ukrainians would actually be play defense in Russian territory.

It might not go well for the Russians in that situation, even if they are front-line troops.
I think they are just throwing shit against the wall at this point. Maybe a small part of their brains is hoping (but not daring to say out loud) that threatening Russian territory will weaken Putin's political position.
It's a gamble, but I think they're thinking long-term when/if Trump is elected, he's vowed to negotiate peace. That means someone has to give up something, and Ukrainians don't want to give up an inch of their land.

I think it's smart of them to shake things up now, because the way things were going, it was nothing but a stalemate.
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Russian regime authorities have issued urgent evacuation orders to all remaining civilians in the Glushkovsky District (area in green), Kursk Region. It is likely that Ukrainian forces have already crossed into that region. (August 14, 2024)

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Keep working to shorten that line of defense, move those extra troops task humanitarian workers to deliver unhealthy care to more Russians. Brilliant!,,
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Ho boy, Ukraine has scout teams way out front up north of their new russian dirt positions and fanning out in both directions. Then it looks like they are working to totally cut off that south west knob or peninsula of the russian boarder. That would be huge to shorten the length of boarder that had to be defended. More troops for the juicy stuff !
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