Russia-Ukraine war has begun

Not if your plan is an insurgency.

There is no point in pulling together any type of standing military force, it will just get rolled over. You fight delaying actions and give up ground. Have units lay low while the Russian heavy forces move past. They then hit the supply lines and melt into the citizenry. Cross the Dnieper, blow the bridges, and settle in for a long and drawn out conflict with NATO weapons pouring in from the West.

That is the only chance they have. They cannot win the field in the initial push. They have to make Russian mothers receive their dead sons for the next several years in protracted low intensity guerilla warfare. That is their only chance.
Good illustration of Dan Carlins latest podcast on asymmetrical warfare.
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It looks like metals are the place to be today.
How the nation of Ukraine ranks:
📌1st in Europe in proven recoverable reserves of uranium ores;
📌2nd place in Europe and 10th place in the world in terms of titanium ore reserves;
📌2nd place in the world in terms of explored reserves of manganese ores (2.3 billion tons, or 12% of the world's reserves);
📌2nd largest iron ore reserves in the world (30 billion tons);
📌2nd place in Europe in terms of mercury ore reserves;
📌4th in the world by the total value of natural resources

metals, metals, metals... in Putin's hands.
I know it's fun, but you folks arguing about Trump and Biden are pissing in wind.

This isn’t American politics anymore.

Reality has arrived.

Russian troops are all over Ukraine, including its capitol. They have air superiority and boots on the ground. The world we knew is gone.

Recent history books have hidden terms like “Soviet satellite government” - but they're back.

Ukraine‘s government has no choice already but to flee or get taken to a gulag. They stand ZERO chance of surviving this invasion.

The past is no longer the issue.

Like it or not, Biden is the CIC and if we are going to avoid a generalized European conflict, we're gonna need to back his play. The stakes will get high fast.

Anybody who thinks Putin is gonna stop with Ukraine needs to re-read Mein Kampf. These folks don't change their plans. Like Bush, Biden came into office thinking he would solve a bunch of domestic issues, and the world grabbed him by the throat.

The revolution WILL be televised.
Our best option may be to move a LOT of troops into the Baltic states. I can't help but think if this works out, they are next. The more American troops there, the bigger the tripwire. I think there are around a thousand troops there now. I think there might need to be at least a full division.
Moscow stock exchange has suspended all trading. No surprise there.

Some interesting scenes/conversations on the streets of Moscow...

Kim did shoot off missiles during the Trump administration, but that's neither here nor there. I do think it's purely coincidental.

My real problem with the quote though is that he's making boasts with no clear reasoning, but he'll get back to us later. He'd do well to just be quiet.

If Mitt Romney wants to take a victory lap for bringing up Russia as an existential threat in 2012, then I'm fine by that. But I don't buy that Trump talking tough with Kim created a deterrent with Putin, or that Putin was afraid Trump would enter the US into a war.
Particularly because we've seen on other threads where certain folks think Biden is itching to get us into a war to wag the dog. It just seems like cognitive dissonance.
An actual Fox reporter schools the idiots pushing "Wag the Dog"...

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How the nation of Ukraine ranks:
📌1st in Europe in proven recoverable reserves of uranium ores;
📌2nd place in Europe and 10th place in the world in terms of titanium ore reserves;
📌2nd place in the world in terms of explored reserves of manganese ores (2.3 billion tons, or 12% of the world's reserves);
📌2nd largest iron ore reserves in the world (30 billion tons);
📌2nd place in Europe in terms of mercury ore reserves;
📌4th in the world by the total value of natural resources

metals, metals, metals... in Putin's hands.
I'm sure he will have his finger in that pie but which one of his Oligarchs will get the contract? I doubt there will be much left for the Russian people once Vlad and the Oligarchs get paid and you know the Ukrainian's share is gone because of the costs of "rescuing" them.
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Tucker is the most popular tv host in Russia...

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I’ll stop being so lazy. Looks like about 1/2 of Germanys natural gas imports come from Russia. They have some stored reserves but probably only a few months. Then they are screwed unless we can provide it (I have no idea how/if gas can be transported overseas).

It is everyday.
The USA can fill in many of the gaps in Germany's natural gas needs, though transAtlantic transport drives the cost up, significantly, I understand.
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Naive question but that is too much. Why don't they just give up? They won't win. I'd rather be occupied than commit suicide by bomb and not be there for my fam. Seems futile
Depends. How many of the Ukrainian military are going to be killed just for being in the military post "war" or by the new Kremilin back government. I'm sure they won't overreach at all. Just shitty all around.
We were the world's largest exporter in December, we have a huge system coming online by the end of the year.

People forget we dipped below first place for a very short time because of demand. Demand is back. Rigs and pumps are coming back online. People forget we don’t actually own energy. The commodity market does. People need to stop with the energy independence stuff. We are energy neutral and export oil and gas. We also buy it. Why? Because it’s a commodity that’s bought and sold.
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It appears that the alphabet has supplied a list of cyber attacks we can release on Russia. they have tried to find cyber-attacks that are low enough level that Russia wouldn't feel compelled to attack us back. For example, if we bring down their power grid they can bring down ours.
Naive question but that is too much. Why don't they just give up? They won't win. I'd rather be occupied than commit suicide by bomb and not be there for my fam. Seems futile
Slovenia, a relatively small country compared to Ukraine, had virtually no trouble stalemating Serbia, which controlled virtually the entire Yugoslav Army. Granted Slovenia is partly mountainous, partly hilly, but they let the tanks roll in and then trapped them. They also trapped the army in the many barracks situated around Slovenia. Serbia was left with only air attacks to gain advantage. The war lasted about three weeks and Serbia gave up.

I’m not saying that the Ukraine is parallel to Slovenia, I’m just commenting on the notion of men rolling over like neutered dogs. It might not be real to you, but most men are like that. I don’t mean that as an insult, I’m just responding to your post.
Trump is the world's most prominent Putinphile (Or maybe it's Tucker; I guess the 1-2 order is debatable). The fact that the other poster (or anyone, for that matter) is unable to grasp the significance of that is mind-boggling.
A reminder of the struggle that we seem isolated from personally...

I know it's fun, but you folks arguing about Trump and Biden are pissing in wind.

This isn’t American politics anymore.

Reality has arrived.

Russian troops are all over Ukraine, including its capitol. They have air superiority and boots on the ground. The world we knew is gone.

Recent history books have hidden terms like “Soviet satellite government” - but they're back.

Ukraine‘s government has no choice already but to flee or get taken to a gulag. They stand ZERO chance of surviving this invasion.

The past is no longer the issue.

Like it or not, Biden is the CIC and if we are going to avoid a generalized European conflict, we're gonna need to back his play. The stakes will get high fast.

Anybody who thinks Putin is gonna stop with Ukraine needs to re-read Mein Kampf. These folks don't change their plans. Like Bush, Biden came into office thinking he would solve a bunch of domestic issues, and the world grabbed him by the throat.

The revolution WILL be televised.
My long-term view on Russia is that the world is safer with a “reasonably sane” dictator in charge of their nuclear weapons, such as Putin. It’s a catch-22 for the world but sadly for Ukraine it’s “better“ to let Putin take Ukraine. Economic sanctions are the only sensible solutions.

The focus as you point out then becomes Putin’s geographical continuation to the Baltic Sea. I frankly don’t think Putin has any interest or intention to violate NATO. In any case the economic sanctions need to be strong enough to make him ponder whether the Ukraine is worth keeping, let alone extending himself even further.

In short, my long-term view is the strategic question to ask is who do you want in charge of Russia and their nuclear weapons? It takes a huge ego and a strong-armed leader to control that vast geographical land and all their nuclear weapons.
Slovenia, a relatively small country compared to Ukraine, had virtually no trouble stalemating Serbia, which controlled virtually the entire Yugoslav Army. Granted Slovenia is partly mountainous, partly hilly, but they let the tanks roll in and then trapped them. They also trapped the army in the many barracks situated around Slovenia. Serbia was left with only air attacks to gain advantage. The war lasted about three weeks and Serbia gave up.

I’m not saying that the Ukraine is parallel to Slovenia, I’m just commenting on the notion of men rolling over like neutered dogs. It might not be real to you, but most men are like that. I don’t mean that as an insult, I’m just responding to your post.
As usual I understand very little of what you write. Lars answered the question plainly.
As usual I understand very little of what you write. Lars answered the question plainly.
My apologies. In a nutshell, it’s not futile at all. Ukrainians are a proud people and they will resist I assume. I don’t know the geography so it’s hard to say how easy that resistance will be.
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My apologies. In a nutshell, it’s not futile at all. Ukrainians are a proud people and they will resist I assume. I don’t know the geography so it’s hard to say how easy that resistance will be.
I get the pride. At 18 I would have said bring it on. As an older person with kids (as shown in the video) not so much
Another protest in Russia, this one in St. Petersburg

Reminder: Putin and the Russian people are not the same...