Roe overturned. Be kind

During their confirmation hearings all of the Trump appointees said Roe was established law and they respected that and wouldn’t seek to overturn. They lied, just like the man who appointed them.
No, they didn't. They were very careful in their language so that they never lied. Judges are very careful with their language, so they were very good at it.
Dark money. Dark consequences.

Now back to the misogyny from the sexually repressed crowd or maybe just out of touch Catholics, like the SC.
I caddied at a catholic country club and the acts those guys would describe doing to their wives were far from repressed.

There’s a large portion of this country with good sex lives, who aren’t puritanical, but just don’t believe in abortion.

The caricature that people like you and people like @T.M.P. seem intent on creating is strange.
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Giving the impression that they would not touch Roe is a slick way to lie? That’s what you’re saying.
Not at all. I'm saying that nothing they said was a lie. Whether they had any idea that they would find this way in a case is unknown.
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The super majority on SCOTUS has been achieved by means which have totally undermined the public's confidence in the SCOTUS. It's pretty obvious when the same firm Gallup has been polling on SCOTUS for the past 50+ yrs, and the 2022 results have shown an unprecedented low of 25%. This is what happens when a man like McConnell politicizes the Court and destroys it's legitimacy in basically a single decade...

You can look at the minority of posters on this board who this SCOTUS reflects, and it's obvious the court is out of sync with the views of the majority of Americans. They are the loudest, but they are still a distinct (and shrinking) minority...

Your tears are delicious…
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I caddied at a catholic country club and the acts those guys would describe doing to their wives was far from repressed.

There’s a large portion of this country with good sex lives, who aren’t puritanical, but just don’t believe in abortion.

The caricature that people like you and people like @T.M.P. seem intent on creating is strange.
A lot of Catholics I know are liberal or at least moderates. In todays age most Catholics aren’t like my parents generation having 8 kids, anti-contraception and pro-life.
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Just because you call something murder doesn't make it true.

Two can play that game.
No the “rights” issue is a regular phenomenon on the left. They are regularly citing things as rights that aren’t explicitly outlined as so. Rights are few and far between, and you can’t claim and distort them Willy nilly.

Abortion rights, trans rights, voting rights advocate for something under the guise of it being a “right” and you can accomplish pretty much anything.
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Not at all. I'm saying that nothing they said was a lie. Whether they had any idea that they would find this way in a case is unknown.
It is difficult to imagine otherwise. Just about everyone in America has thought about the subject, debated the subject, listened to debates on the subject. It is amazingly people could reach that age and have never thought through their opinion on it.

Which means either they knew or Mississippi raised some novel legal concept.

I am not blaming them, it is our system. They have to play coy, it is what the system demands. Everyone has an opinion on abortion and the death penalty. Other rulings might have nuance, there was no nuance here since they went beyond the actual Mississippi law.
You should immediately go to DC and throw things at the justices you hate while carrying an AR-15 lookalike weapon. When the cops show up, point the fake gun at them.

Wear a vagina hat with an IU on it, so we know which one is you.

We will honor your memory here And I’m pretty sure your sacrifice will cause Mitch McConnell to overturn this decision.
Republicans hate for women, and old white man misogyny will have a consequence. Just you wait. This board is dripping with it. Out of touch old guys getting in their last bastions of power. Enjoy it while it lasts.
I caddied at a catholic country club and the acts those guys would describe doing to their wives were far from repressed.

There’s a large portion of this country with good sex lives, who aren’t puritanical, but just don’t believe in abortion.

The caricature that people like you and people like @T.M.P. seem intent on creating is strange.
Knew the same type of people. They supported abortion for those reasons even if they don’t publicly admit it. Are they even Catholic at that point if all they do is show up every week or two?
No, they didn't. They were very careful in their language so that they never lied. Judges are very careful with their language, so they were very good at it.
They certainly “fooled” the other senators then, didn’t they?

I love the internet.
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It is difficult to imagine otherwise. Just about everyone in America has thought about the subject, debated the subject, listened to debates on the subject. It is amazingly people could reach that age and have never thought through their opinion on it.

Which means either they knew or Mississippi raised some novel legal concept.

I am not blaming them, it is our system. They have to play coy, it is what the system demands. Everyone has an opinion on abortion and the death penalty. Other rulings might have nuance, there was no nuance here since they went beyond the actual Mississippi law.
It's absolutely no different than when Democratic SCOTUS nominees answer questions from Republican Senators. They craft their answers in a way that allows those Democrats that vote for them to justify their votes. This isn't new. No one is really fooling anyone. It is what it is.
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It's absolutely no different than when Democratic SCOTU nominees answer questions from Republican Senators. They craft their answers in a way that allows those Democrats that vote for them to justify their votes. This isn't new. No one is really fooling anyone. It is what it is.
I bet there are impeachment hearings.

Before November too.
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Come on aloha. We all know they were promising to leave Roe alone, and they were all lying. We knew at the time they were lying.
100 percent disagree. They did not lie in their confirmation hearings. They were very careful in their language as judges usually are. There isn't a chance in hades that any of them could be convicted of perjury, if anyone ever was so stupid to charge them with it, because they didn't lie.
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It's absolutely no different than when Democratic SCOTU nominees answer questions from Republican Senators. They craft their answers in a way that allows those Democrats that vote for them to justify their votes. This isn't new. No one is really fooling anyone. It is what it is.
I agree. I am just saying it is ludicrous for people to really think these issues have not been thought of. The real correct answer is "of course I have thought about but I cannot say what my thoughts are".
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There you go again. Republicans hate women? Stop that stuff, it's ridiculous.
Correct, only the misogynistic elements of the Republican party hate women. Not every Republican is an Incel even if a majority of Incels are republican. Not every republican is a Proud Boy even though Proud Boys are by majority Republicans. So, Republicans don't hate women, they just, somehow, have ideals that women haters gravitate towards.
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There you go again. Republicans hate women? Stop that stuff, it's ridiculous.
Make your politicians stop acting like it then. That’s what ridiculous. Taking away rights that have been settled laws for 50 years. If men got pregnant they’d have drive through abortions.
100 percent disagree. They did not lie in their confirmation hearings. They were very careful in their language as judges usually are. There isn't a chance in hades that any of them could be convicted of perjuryl, if anyone ever was so stupid to charge them with it, because they didn't lie.
I didn't say perjury. I'm just saying in real life, we all know what the dance was. They were wink wink nod nod promising not to mess with Roe, and they always had every intention of doing just that. That's why they are on the court. This is the reason they were picked.
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100 percent disagree. They did not lie in their confirmation hearings. They were very careful in their language as judges usually are. There isn't a chance in hades that any of them could be convicted of perjuryl, if anyone ever was so stupid to charge them with it, because they didn't lie.
Just read an article, dated today, in the NYT, by Charlie Savage, addressing what each justice said about Roe during confirmation hearings. No one said they would or would not vote to overturn Roe. A lot of discussion about precedence and stare decisis, but no one gave any indication how they would vote in the future.

Every case is unique and no justice worth his/her salt would ever say how they would vote in the future. Precedent is important, but if the precedent was incorrectly and emotionally decided then it can be appropriate to strike it down. Seems that has happened in the past. If it hadn’t we would have some pretty horrible decisions hanging over our heads today.

It’s a deliberate and shameful attempt by some - Collins, Pelosi, Manchin and others - to say the justices lied. But given the sources what would you expect?
Just read an article, dated today, in the NYT, by Charlie Savage, addressing what each justice said about Roe during confirmation hearings. No one said they would or would not vote to overturn Roe. A lot of discussion about precedence and stare decisis, but no one gave any indication how they would vote in the future.

Every case is unique and no justice worth his/her salt would ever say how they would vote in the future. Precedent is important, but if the precedent was incorrectly and emotionally decided then it can be appropriate to strike it down. Seems that has happened in the past. If it hadn’t we would have some pretty horrible decisions hanging over our heads today.

It’s a deliberate and shameful attempt by some - Collins, Pelosi, Manchin and others - to say the justices lied. But given the sources what would you expect?
Well said my friend.
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Every case is unique and no justice worth his/her salt would ever say how they would vote in the future.
What was unique in the Mississippi case. They were asked to settle a specific law and said, "nope, we are eliminating abortion entirely". That was not Mississippi's law. So they knew because the case was in the abstract once they went past the actual case at hand.

We all knew they would do this. I am just saying we play this sham game and there was no nuance. I am not criticizing them, it is the system we built when both parties have a litmus test on abortion.
Explain and expand please.
In vitro fertilization involves collecting eggs and sperm, culturing multiple fertilized eggs, and freezing them for future implantation into a potential mother. Several are implanted at once, typically, since the success rare for successful development is low.

Upon successful pregnancy, the remaining unneeded fertilized eggs are kept frozen or are discarded.

Can the process even be considered, if a person exists at the instant of egg fertilization in a test tube?
Just read an article, dated today, in the NYT, by Charlie Savage, addressing what each justice said about Roe during confirmation hearings. No one said they would or would not vote to overturn Roe. A lot of discussion about precedence and stare decisis, but no one gave any indication how they would vote in the future.

Every case is unique and no justice worth his/her salt would ever say how they would vote in the future. Precedent is important, but if the precedent was incorrectly and emotionally decided then it can be appropriate to strike it down. Seems that has happened in the past. If it hadn’t we would have some pretty horrible decisions hanging over our heads today.

It’s a deliberate and shameful attempt by some - Collins, Pelosi, Manchin and others - to say the justices lied. But given the sources what would you expect?
Claiming the Court is illegitimate in this way is every bit as dangerous to our form of government as Trumps claims of an illegitimate election. If you care about one, you should care about the other. (I care about both.)

I doubt many see it this way, though. That saddens me as much as the reckless statements do.

If you want a constitutional right to an abortion, do the work. Convince people. Win hearts and minds. Do the hard work of politics. Making threats and crying “illegitimacy” is only going to hurt the nation.
In vitro fertilization involves collecting eggs and sperm, culturing multiple fertilized eggs, and freezing them for future implantation into a potential mother. Several are implanted at once, typically, since the success rare for successful development is low.

Upon successful pregnancy, the remaining unneeded fertilized eggs are kept frozen or are discarded.

Can the process even be considered, if a person exists at the instant of egg fertilization in a test tube?
Right. And can you discard them anymore?
Correct, only the misogynistic elements of the Republican party hate women. Not every Republican is an Incel even if a majority of Incels are republican. Not every republican is a Proud Boy even though Proud Boys are by majority Republicans. So, Republicans don't hate women, they just, somehow, have ideals that women haters gravitate towards.
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Claiming the Court is illegitimate in this way is every bit as dangerous to our form of government as Trumps claims of an illegitimate election. If you care about one, you should care about the other. (I care about both.)

I doubt many see it this way, though. That saddens me as much as the reckless statements do.

If you want a constitutional right to an abortion, do the work. Convince people. Win hearts and minds. Do the hard work of politics. Making threats and crying “illegitimacy” is only going to hurt the nation.
FWIW, just read that an estimated 232 SC decisions have been reversed by the Court since 1810.

So, maybe we can dispense with all the hysteria and pearl-clutching and get back to recognizing the legitimacy of the Court as you’ve properly stated.
FWIW, just read that an estimated 232 SC decisions have been reversed by the Court since 1810.

So, maybe we can dispense with all the hysteria and pearl-clutching and get back to recognizing the legitimacy of the Court as you’ve properly stated.
Where did they take back rights endowed upon more than half of the country? Pearl clutching…. Hysteria. There we go again with the misogyny. Well done.
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Claiming the Court is illegitimate in this way is every bit as dangerous to our form of government as Trumps claims of an illegitimate election. If you care about one, you should care about the other. (I care about both.)

I doubt many see it this way, though. That saddens me as much as the reckless statements do.

If you want a constitutional right to an abortion, do the work. Convince people. Win hearts and minds. Do the hard work of politics. Making threats and crying “illegitimacy” is only going to hurt the nation.
Do you think the recent SCJ’s were selected with the expectation to make this decision?

Edit: The expectation they would definitely decide to overturn RvW in this situation? That’s why they were selected?