Roe overturned. Be kind

To me, it just feels like we are moving backwards. It’s a fight against modernity. States outlawing a medical procedure that exists sounds like something that would happen in a third world country.
To me, it just feels like we are moving backwards. It’s a fight against modernity. States outlawing a medical procedure that exists sounds like something that would happen in a third world country.
What about states that are like North Korea, China, and a handful of others that allow abortion up to the moment of birth? What does that feel like to you?

There is a reasonable middle ground where most of the developed world is.
It's all theater. Roe effectively died when RBG did. All of the questioning at the nomination hearings was simply an opportunity for senators to engage in whatever posturing they considered politically expedient.

And I don't lay the blame on the nominees, by the way. They are forced to go through the charade. The senators write the script. Collins pretending they pulled a fast one on her is ridiculous. She knew what her votes meant.
Ginsburg should have retired early in Obama's presidency. She was selfish with that decision.
To me, it just feels like we are moving backwards. It’s a fight against modernity. States outlawing a medical procedure that exists sounds like something that would happen in a third world country.
States shouldn’t be outlawing anything. They should be adopting the euro laws.
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I wonder how many of those companies would step forward to cover travel or any expenses of a woman with a difficult pregnancy or a premature birth or other unusual expense? Or does reproductive care only mean care for no reproduction?
The government hasn’t done anything to make treatment more difficult in certain states.
Ginsburg should have retired early in Obama's presidency. She was selfish with that decision.
I imagine she, like everyone else in the world, couldn’t imagine a scenario where the country would elect a Trump. But what does it say about the way all of this is run that because a woman died about a month too early, the rights of millions of women can be taken away by the stroke of a pen?
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I imagine she, like everyone else in the world, couldn’t imagine a scenario where the country would elect a Trump. But what does it say about the way all of this is run that because a woman died about a month too early, the rights of millions of women can be taken away by the stroke of a pen?
So now Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett are Trump’s fault? They are solid justices any Republican could have nominated. Your “TRUMPISM” patina knows no bounds.
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To me, it just feels like we are moving backwards. It’s a fight against modernity. States outlawing a medical procedure that exists sounds like something that would happen in a third world country.
It’s a power play by most of the SCOTUS, with a sprinkle of religious fanaticism by a paralegal.

Republicans are funny because they were in position to stomp on the gas and they do some goofy shit to rally the other side.

Meanwhile Democrats are waking up after being asleep at the wheel saying what happened because they are busy talking about pregnant men and their own goofy shit.

Their is no middle and our country is sliding to third world tendencies.

“Yay Bernie Sanders and free college!!” F’n idiots
I imagine she, like everyone else in the world, couldn’t imagine a scenario where the country would elect a Trump. But what does it say about the way all of this is run that because a woman died about a month too early, the rights of millions of women can be taken away by the stroke of a pen?
Did you see how the protesters looked?
No way they would ever get a abortion.
Besides how many abortions are performed in a year?
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As you and lars were discussing, today's ruling didn't push a national ban off the table.

And while Pence didn't issue an edict, he isn't on an island in targeting a national ban. Ardent anti-choice advocates aren't washing their hands of this issue.
I don't know any anti-choice advocates - I only know pro-life advocates.

I also know a lot of infanticide advocates and many are on this board.
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As of 10:00 this morning, abortion is illegal in Kentucky, Louisiana, and South Dakota.

The ramifications of this decision are enormous - and I am not just talking about abortion.
Ironically, “people tell me” Kentucky is the one place where abortion should be mandatory.
Democratic politicians have been tending in the wrong direction for a long time in terms of practical tactics. I don’t see this changing despite this wake up call. Here’s an interesting take:

Oh man - I hate to break it to you, but if we're going to work on the standard of laws/issues having to be strictly mentioned in the Constitution to be ratified, there are a lot of laws that need to come off the books.
In his 2017 confirmation hearing, Gorsuch said Roe was “a precedent of the U.S. Supreme Court” and claimed that he “would have walked out the door” if Trump had asked him to overturn Roe v. Wade because “that’s not what judges do.”
“Once a case is settled, that adds to the determinacy of the law,” Gorsuch said then. “What was once a hotly contested issue is no longer a hotly contested issue. We move forward.”
Any person should be rejected if they are doing the bidding of politicians. What's your point?

"determinacy", does not mean it's written in stone. Each case is decided on it's merits - not by some previous SC decision. Slavery was 'settled law' at one time, too.

You aren't really a lawyer, are you? I'm not, either, and even I know this.
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Any person should be rejected if they are doing the bidding of politicians. What's your point?

"determinacy", does not mean it's written in stone. Each case is decided on it's merits - not by some previous SC decision. Slavery was 'settled law' at one time, too.

You aren't really a lawyer, are you? I'm not, either, and even I know this.
Yeah, I am. I bill $825 an hour with a 20k retainer. You couldn't afford me.
I wonder how many of those companies would step forward to cover travel or any expenses of a woman with a difficult pregnancy or a premature birth or other unusual expense? Or does reproductive care only mean care for no reproduction?
It’s virtue signaling of the highest order and they’ll get sued into oblivion for actually following through with it.
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The white supremacist movement is misunderstood/ misrepresented. It is more properly termed the the fundamentalist male Christian white supremacist movement.
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And the man has the right not to ..... spread his seed.

Actually, that's more of a responsibility.

In other words, the dude can wear a cap ..... or not participate at all, if his mate requests he not take cover. It's as much his responsibility as it is the woman's responsibility.
People tell me female condoms are better.

“Female condoms are not tight on the penis, and they don’t inhibit or dull sensation like male condoms. Hence, it is believed that they feel more natural compared to wearing male condoms.”

Yep, that is the exact description of the WC . Just like the Supreme Court Justices, a bunch of people, mostly men, well past reproductive age, telling young girls what they can do with their bodies. War on women continues. Minority rule continues. There will be consequences.
Oh, so NOW you can define what a woman is?

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