Robert Kennedy Jr.

You know I love ya, Tommy, but you're walking on thin ice here.
I know love is blind Mark but I gotta be that friend that risks the friendship by being honest about your girlfriend....she's cheating on you with Bannon.

She's going to deny it but, she is.

In 20/20 her role was that of troll that Bannon pushed. She was all attack dog and got called out for it. Never talked much about her platform.

Obviously a candidate can disagree and try to find a lane to run in a party, but it's got to share some party cores. She didn't do that, she was just a shit poster, a troll. That was her purpose.

She even mockingly wore white.

She was even accused by ol Hilary of grabbing that sweet, Russian bag to which she said she was going to sue for defamation.

She never did btw.

She's a faux Dem and got outed after it became obvious what her role was.

Now she's subbing for Tucker Carlson and speaking at CPAC events while continuing to pwn the libs.

She's doing the 'I didn't leave the party, the party left me' Twitter tactic.
Ha. Tc I don’t know if that’s true but I have a friend who worked with him. Also had him for class. I don’t think he’s the operative type. I think he’s his own dude - warts and all
Operative is probably a little strong but Bannon is strongly pushing him just to try to muck things up like he did with Tulsi.

Which is why he only people who give RFK any juice are right wingers.
I know love is blind Mark but I gotta be that friend that risks the friendship by being honest about your girlfriend....she's cheating on you with Bannon.

She's going to deny it but, she is.

In 20/20 her role was that of troll that Bannon pushed. She was all attack dog and got called out for it. Never talked much about her platform.

Obviously a candidate can disagree and try to find a lane to run in a party, but it's got to share some party cores. She didn't do that, she was just a shit poster, a troll. That was her purpose.

She even mockingly wore white.

She was even accused by ol Hilary of grabbing that sweet, Russian bag to which she said she was going to sue for defamation.

She never did btw.

She's a faux Dem and got outed after it became obvious what her role was.

Now she's subbing for Tucker Carlson and speaking at CPAC events while continuing to pwn the libs.

She's doing the 'I didn't leave the party, the party left me' Twitter tactic.
Consider this as an official warning.
RFK is a Bannon operative to try to troll Biden.

All Dems who are paying attention know this.

Interesting that the ones who seem fooled are right wingers (or they are doing their part in trying to fake prop him up).

You see it on this board.

It's one reason why Bannon and his ilk lost their shit when it was announced there would be no debates since it's an incumbent president.

Bannon is trying to put out a sneakier Kanye or Tulsi from 2020....hoping that they can chip away at the Dem base because of his name (well Tulsi was just a troll and as expected she showed her true self afterwards).

Maybe the Dems can get Ron Reagan Jr to run as a Republican even though he's an atheist.
Glad to see that conspiracy theorists are still there on the left.
I've come to believe these kinds people gain popularity by accident because people feel so shitty about themselves they say "hey, look, a bigger shitbag than me!" then by everyone deflecting attention it falls on a select few.
Well that certainly explains the Former Guy.
Tinfoil hat on today?

You can't post stuff like that and then say anything about election deniers, sorry.
I think Bannon has basically admitted it, hadn’t he? I’ll try to find the quote from several months ago. Why would anyone not believe this? It happened with Kanye.
  • Haha
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Not an answer that inspires confidence
I agree. He was at least honest. It will happen someday. The issue is Keynesian’s economics doesn’t work. The ending is always the same. High levels of debt, worthless pieces of paper, and suffering citizens. Of course governments love it, because they always get to keep spending. Our only hope is Robert Kennedy Jr. 🤣

I’m starting to remember why I use to vote for Democrats. They use to be reasonable.
Understand this if nothing else. The parties will bicker over who has moved “further left” or “further right” in recent years. It is absolutely asinine.

JFK would get run out of the Democratic party on a rail these days. Meanwhile the last Republican president and leading Republican candidate for president has a non-interventionist foreign policy and talks non stop about protecting entitlements.

The Democrats have gone off the reservation in terms of policy. There is no debate in this matter.

Nothing angers me quite as much as the Biden admins approach to immigration.

It is a deliberate undermining of our immigration system in order to let in people whose children they believe will vote Democrat. There is no debate here. Anyone that would debate that point is a liar or a moron.

They inherited the lowest illegal immigration rate in 45 years and deliberately dismantled it. There is no other explanation.
Understand this if nothing else. The parties will bicker over who has moved “further left” or “further right” in recent years. It is absolutely asinine.

JFK would get run out of the Democratic party on a rail these days. Meanwhile the last Republican president and leading Republican candidate for president has a non-interventionist foreign policy and talks non stop about protecting entitlements.

The Democrats have gone off the reservation in terms of policy. There is no debate in this matter.

Nothing angers me quite as much as the Biden admins approach to immigration.

It is a deliberate undermining of our immigration system in order to let in people whose children they believe will vote Democrat. There is no debate here. Anyone that would debate that point is a liar or a moron.

They inherited the lowest illegal immigration rate in 45 years and deliberately dismantled it. There is no other explanation.
Cloward-Piven strategy.

The only people actively pushing RFK Jr are Bannon and Trumpers.

You guys are a minority and hate libs to the core so why on earth do think your opinion on Dem presidential candidates matters is beyond me.

You're never voting for one.

So why on earth do you think the party would consider the opinion of the opposition party minority and piss off 80% of the base in the process?

Maybe Buttigieg should announce he's now a Republican and candidacy. Then I could post about if the Republicans were smart they'd nominate him because they would have my vote.
"So why on earth do you think the party would consider the opinion of the opposition party minority and piss off 80% of the base in the process?"

Exactly! Why should any Republican listen to what a Democrat has to say about Trump when it pisses off the majority of the Party?
I know love is blind Mark but I gotta be that friend that risks the friendship by being honest about your girlfriend....she's cheating on you with Bannon.

She's going to deny it but, she is.

In 20/20 her role was that of troll that Bannon pushed. She was all attack dog and got called out for it. Never talked much about her platform.

Obviously a candidate can disagree and try to find a lane to run in a party, but it's got to share some party cores. She didn't do that, she was just a shit poster, a troll. That was her purpose.

She even mockingly wore white.

She was even accused by ol Hilary of grabbing that sweet, Russian bag to which she said she was going to sue for defamation.

She never did btw.

She's a faux Dem and got outed after it became obvious what her role was.

Now she's subbing for Tucker Carlson and speaking at CPAC events while continuing to pwn the libs.

She's doing the 'I didn't leave the party, the party left me' Twitter tactic.
Wow, you're actually serious! lmao
I think Bannon has basically admitted it, hadn’t he? I’ll try to find the quote from several months ago. Why would anyone not believe this? It happened with Kanye.
lmao You and Tommy are both nutters.

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