Really hope this is not true

Doesn't matter if it's true or not. Trump has shown that he's capable of this sort of thing. That it even needs to be questioned is just a demonstration of how awful he is. This dude is headed for a landslide loss. If Hillary was the only candidate that could have lost to Trump, Trump is the only candidate that could possibly lose to Harris.
Of course it matters if it is true or not. WTF?
Netanyahu called on Trump at Mar a Lago after Harris chose to publicly snub him. After her private meeting with him, she publicly urged Israel to cease hostilities and withdraw from Gaza. No mention of eliminating Hamas. She is not good news for Netanyahu or Israel, I don’t think Bibi needs Trump to tell him that. .
I haven’t had too many issues with the Biden admin’s policies regarding Gaza.

But, clearly, both he and now Harris are being influenced by domestic political concerns. I do understand the bind it puts them in, so I’m not scoffing at those motivations. But I think it’s incredibly important that Hamas be as incapacitated as possible as you glance into the next few years in the region.

That said, I also think it would be very helpful for Israel to get new leadership once that’s the case.
🤣. No bitch. There’s no reason to look like that. Lift weights. Free weights!! Walk to the office. Play sports. Take minoxidil and finasteride. Buy normal clothes. That guy is awful
I laugh my ass off every time I see that two handed gay wave. His mouth is hanging open 24/7. I wonder what causes that.
Probably a little late for the minoxidil for you, anyway.
hello GIF by Laurène Boglio
You guys will believe anything you see on tv..
You were and are one of those election deniers right? One of the multitude that sat up and watched Fox news spin the terrible tale of woe about the election being rigged; venezuela server farms hacking into the Dominion and Smartmatic machines through thermostats and then tabulating those electronically counted ballots to Italy and then back here. One of the multitude that watched with bleary eyes late into the night and early morning the Fox and Newsmax "reporters" read from handwritten and unsigned affidavits from supposed experts; praising the heroic efforts of true patriots like Sidney Powell, Rudy Guiliani and Jenna Ellis... One of the multitudes that continues to watch another true patriot Mike Lindell's promises 4 years later "I really got the proof this time, but I can't reveal it until the future." Repeat and Rinse.
You were and are one of those election deniers right? One of the multitude that sat up and watched Fox news spin the terrible tale of woe about the election being rigged; venezuela server farms hacking into the Dominion and Smartmatic machines through thermostats and then tabulating those electronically counted ballots to Italy and then back here. One of the multitude that watched with bleary eyes late into the night and early morning the Fox and Newsmax "reporters" read from handwritten and unsigned affidavits from supposed experts; praising the heroic efforts of true patriots like Sidney Powell, Rudy Guiliani and Jenna Ellis... One of the multitudes that continues to watch another true patriot Mike Lindell's promises 4 years later "I really got the proof this time, but I can't reveal it until the future." Repeat and Rinse.

mere branches on tree of woe

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That’s what i think as well. His only hope is to shut up and have her keep yapping
Problem with that is everyone knows he can’t shut up. All the Harris campaign needs to do is mock him. It will trigger his nonsensical rants which will turn critical independents away in droves.
Problem with that is everyone knows he can’t shut up. All the Harris campaign needs to do is mock him. It will trigger his nonsensical rants which will turn critical independents away in droves.
Walz is perfect for that. He's the one who came up with the "weird" meme. Keep coming up with that kind of innocuous ridicule. Trump will continue to flail.
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Think this will ever be a headline?

More likely a twenty second retraction that few will take note of...

Back in the early "90's" PBS was still almost a decent news source... Like everything else the Dims infiltrate, it's become a comedic shadow of itself..
Think this will ever be a headline?

More likely a twenty second retraction that few will take note of...

Back in the early "90's" PBS was still almost a decent news source... Like everything else the Dims infiltrate, it's become a comedic shadow of itself..
Ever hear the Orange Jesus propaganda arm FOX retract anything that was totally false? And by the way they had to pay about 800 million dollars for spreading lies. Don’t think any other news organization has had to pay for lying.
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Ever hear the Orange Jesus propaganda arm FOX retract anything that was totally false? And by the way they had to pay about 800 million dollars for spreading lies. Don’t think any other news organization has had to pay for lying.
That’s a pretty bad Whutabout.
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Think this will ever be a headline?

More likely a twenty second retraction that few will take note of...

Back in the early "90's" PBS was still almost a decent news source... Like everything else the Dims infiltrate, it's become a comedic shadow of itself..
The never Trumpers have degraded or even destroyed the reputations of important institutions. FBI lying to FISA court, CIA operatives and former operatives signing onto laptop hoax, garbage prosecutions, several examples of media reporting falsely. This crap diminishes all of us.
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The never Trumpers have degraded or even destroyed the reputations of important institutions. FBI lying to FISA court, CIA operatives and former operatives signing onto laptop hoax, garbage prosecutions, several examples of media reporting falsely. This crap diminishes all of us.
Or Senator Marco Rubio accused Tim Walz of being covertly co-opted by China and that Walz was an example of how "Beijing patiently patiently grooms future leaders".

Or maybe Newsmax and Rudy Guliani (that true American Patriot), flat out stated that Walz is a communist spy last night. Is that okay? To try and destroy someone's family without one shred of proof? How about that special needs kid that gets mainstreamed in high school and a couple of loose cannons jump into his shit for being a "commie". Bound to happen sooner or later. I could go on with a 1000 different examples of republicans destroying lives. Seems like you should mention everyone rather than isolate the never trumpers. Maybe talk about Ollie North? Everyone involved in the Iran Contra scandal? Nixon? Scooter Libby? A whole host of Republicans that brought disgrace to several institutions. You don't do your point any justice by unfairly politicizing it...

We already did the McCarthy hearings. History loves to repeat itself in times of desperation I suppose.
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That’s a pretty bad Whutabout.
The thing about my what about is that you have no good response to the truth. Same with all members of the Agent Orange cult. Good at spouting crap but when confronted with the actual facts not alternative facts, it’s crickets.
Nothing but grievance, whining and saying our country is going to s**t. That dog won’t hunt come November. Only reason Agent Orange is running again is to stay out of jail. And this current SCOTUS gave him a never go to jail free card. His humiliation at getting beat again will be the cherry on top. He hates losers. And he’s already setting the stage for another January 6th coup attempt. Told his rally that he doesn’t need any more votes. He already has enough and the only way he loses is if they cheat. Absolutely pathetic. Problem is this time around for the coup participants is Biden will be ready. Lots of itchy trigger finger cops and national guardsmen will be there.
  • Haha
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Net net I think the Trump rationalizations are now beginning to help build support for Harris. Walz in going to help the Dems grab the middle ground. But the biggest contributor to this shift is Trump preaching constantly about the the US being a crappy country.
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Or Senator Marco Rubio accused Tim Walz of being covertly co-opted by China and that Walz was an example of how "Beijing patiently patiently grooms future leaders".

Or maybe Newsmax and Rudy Guliani (that true American Patriot), flat out stated that Walz is a communist spy last night. Is that okay? To try and destroy someone's family without one shred of proof? How about that special needs kid that gets mainstreamed in high school and a couple of loose cannons jump into his shit for being a "commie". Bound to happen sooner or later. I could go on with a 1000 different examples of republicans destroying lives. Seems like you should mention everyone rather than isolate the never trumpers. Maybe talk about Ollie North? Everyone involved in the Iran Contra scandal? Nixon? Scooter Libby? A whole host of Republicans that brought disgrace to several institutions. You don't do your point any justice by unfairly politicizing it...

We already did the McCarthy hearings. History loves to repeat itself in times of desperation I suppose.
Walz clearly has an affinity for China. Not just their culture, but their form of government.

On his 30+ trips there he would often pick up dozens of Mao’s little Red Books and then pass them out as fun little keepsakes when he got back stateside. Super cool guy.
Walz clearly has an affinity for China. Not just their culture, but their form of government.

On his 30+ trips there he would often pick up dozens of Mao’s little Red Books and then pass them out as fun little keepsakes when he got back stateside. Super cool guy.
Sounds like you are suffering from WDS--Walz Derangement Syndrome and bad case of the unimpressive "commie commie commie" blues with those made up facts.
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Or Senator Marco Rubio accused Tim Walz of being covertly co-opted by China and that Walz was an example of how "Beijing patiently patiently grooms future leaders".

Or maybe Newsmax and Rudy Guliani (that true American Patriot), flat out stated that Walz is a communist spy last night. Is that okay? To try and destroy someone's family without one shred of proof? How about that special needs kid that gets mainstreamed in high school and a couple of loose cannons jump into his shit for being a "commie". Bound to happen sooner or later. I could go on with a 1000 different examples of republicans destroying lives. Seems like you should mention everyone rather than isolate the never trumpers. Maybe talk about Ollie North? Everyone involved in the Iran Contra scandal? Nixon? Scooter Libby? A whole host of Republicans that brought disgrace to several institutions. You don't do your point any justice by unfairly politicizing it...

We already did the McCarthy hearings. History loves to repeat itself in times of desperation I suppose.
China is complicated. We are inextricably tied comercially, yet China is taking over international navigation routes in the South China Sea, flew a spy drone/balloon over important U.S. domestic military bases with our knowledge and seeming acquiescence, is eye-ball deep in our fentanyl problem, and has shipped over thousands of nationals who claim asylum. Walz is no doubt very attached to some aspects of Chinese life. I don’t know if he will lobby Kamala for leniency or an advocate for China accountability.

Ollie North, Nixon, Scooter Libby et al were all held to some measure of bipartisan accountability. Now accountability is a partisan endeavor.
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Still crickets about the basis of the original post being completely false, just a lot of "it's those Fox News bogey men" and a "weird" twist on the "Orange Man is bad" mantra...

What surprise...

Here's an article from a source that might not terrify you to open:

Classic case of left wing media today... They all use one another as a corroborating source and no one makes any effort to check those sources before presenting their stories as fact (as long as it fits their personal agendas)...

This approach ought to bother all of us on both sides of the aisle but clearly it doesn't...
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China is complicated. We are inextricably tied comercially, yet China is taking over international navigation routes in the South China Sea, flew a spy drone/balloon over important U.S. domestic military bases with our knowledge and seeming acquiescence, is eye-ball deep in our fentanyl problem, and has shipped over thousands of nationals who claim asylum. Walz is no doubt very attached to some aspects of Chinese life. I don’t know if he will lobby Kamala for leniency or an advocate for China accountability.

Ollie North, Nixon, Scooter Libby et al were all held to some measure of bipartisan accountability. Now accountability is a partisan endeavor.
You know which country has the most spies in the United States? Israel. That never seems to trouble people.... "Walz is no doubt very attached to some aspects of Chinese life". What aspects? I've been to Mexico 15 times--does that make me a cartel member or sympathetic to the cartel?
Sounds like you are suffering from WDS--Walz Derangement Syndrome and bad case of the unimpressive "commie commie commie" blues with those made up facts.
Commie thing doesn’t play nearly as well today as it did in the 70’s and 80’s. Primarily because the Dear Leader loves the Commies from Russia, N Korea, and China.
Still crickets about the basis of the original post being completely false, just a lot of "it's those Fox News bogey men" and a "weird" twist on the "Orange Man is bad" mantra...

What surprise...

Here's an article from a source that might not terrify you to open:

Classic case of left wing media today... They all us one another as a corroborating source and no one makes any effort to check those sources before presenting their stories as fact (as long as if fits their personal agendas)... This approach ought to bother all of us on both sides of the aisle but clearly it doesn't...

What "original post". The one where nearly everyone said "it couldn't be true"? The post that said "I really hope this isn't true"?

you state: "They all us one another as a corroborating source and no one makes any effort to check those sources before presenting their stories as fact (as long as if fits their personal agendas)... This approach ought to bother all of us on both sides of the aisle but clearly it doesn't..."

You mean like the election was rigged, Venezuelan server farms run by Chavez, Italy server farms changing ballots, fake affidavits signed by fake people. Unsigned affidavits typed by lawyers purporting to be by experts? I must have missed your critical missive about Fox's unsubstantiated reporting and flat out lies
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Commie thing doesn’t play nearly as well today as it did in the 70’s and 80’s. Primarily because the Dear Leader loves the Commies from Russia, N Korea, and China.
Sarah Palin's schtick and it was dreadful. Nothing more unimpressive than person yelling communism, communism in an arena to a bunch of sheep
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Sounds like you are suffering from WDS--Walz Derangement Syndrome and bad case of the unimpressive "commie commie commie" blues with those made up facts.
All true.

But I’m not here to stop you from voting for a Maoist if that’s what you feel is right.