Pro Palestinian/Hamas Protests

I'm an amateur historian at best, but haven't other militaries used suicide attacks? Japan, NV/VC in Vietnam. I could be wrong, but I thought part of the reason Palestinians used suicide bombings is limited resources.
Yes but for tactical advantage. Kamikazes in Japan etc. during war time. But shit like 9/11 or Mumbai or 10/7 aren’t war time. The jihasidts aren’t freedom frighters. They are fanatically religious barbarians who do not believe in political solutions. Therefore they should not be allowed to sway political opinion or thought through their actions.

If the world doesn’t come together to rid the planet of these shitstains it’s just going to continue tearing everything apart.

Edit to add: The ME situation is almost intractable at this point and it’s because we’ve kicked the can for so long. It’s a long line of “we shoulda done something 10, 20, 30 years ago” kinda thing. When we were the only superpower. Now we’ve invited China and their nearly zero sum view of the world into the picture. It’s now 10x worse than it was when Clinton tried for peace. And that didn’t even work.
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That was a mostly solid take. @BradStevens I saw it posted before, but lars was kind enough to post the transcript, which meant I could read it while I was in an insufferable conference call.
You should be thankful @larsIU posted the transcript. 15 seconds of Harris’s soothing voice and you would have been pitching a tent on your conference call. And that would have been super weird to explain to ladies. “Umm…sorry ladies it’s not your beautiful breasts on screen. It’s this damn Sam Harris. His voice is amazing”.
I agree with Greenwald on most of that. It's refreshing to hear him say that many American Jews are raised and indoctrinated to love Israel. And he's right that you can be critical of Israeli policy without being an anti-semite.

I think he undersells and mis-characterizes the "civilizational" conflict argument. You don't have to be a conservative and don't have to link JudeoChristian v. Muslim or think there is some grand war with hordes of people who might invade to see that Israel is a mostly liberal democracy and Palestine is not, and so feel more for the former than the latter. It's right there in front of you.
I agree with Greenwald on most of that. It's refreshing to hear him say that many American Jews are raised and indoctrinated to love Israel. And he's right that you can be critical of Israeli policy without being an anti-semite.

I think he undersells and mis-characterizes the "civilizational" conflict argument. You don't have to be a conservative and don't have to link JudeoChristian v. Muslim or think there is some grand war with hordes of people who might invade to see that Israel is a mostly liberal democracy and Palestine is not, and so feel more for the former than the latter. It's right there in front of you.

I think his take on the "white JudeoChristian" v. Muslim argument misses the point. This is about civilization and where humanity is, or should be, in 2023. Western culture isn't simply religion-based or race-based. Countries like Japan, South Korea, etc. have elements of Western culture blended with their own, but have developed productive, safe societies that have some similiarities with the Scandanavian countries, of which many liberals use as beacons to strive for (universal healthcare, high quality of life, etc. )

Many see Middle Eastern countries as decades, if not centuries, behind in terms of their thinking, culture, etc. I find it ironic how far leftists are so supportive, but as someone pointed out in another thread, it likely has to do with relating to the oppression vs. actually caring about who they are supporting (e.g., a group that is anti-women's rights, rejecting of alphabets, etc.)
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I agree with Greenwald on most of that. It's refreshing to hear him say that many American Jews are raised and indoctrinated to love Israel. And he's right that you can be critical of Israeli policy without being an anti-semite.

I think he undersells and mis-characterizes the "civilizational" conflict argument. You don't have to be a conservative and don't have to link JudeoChristian v. Muslim or think there is some grand war with hordes of people who might invade to see that Israel is a mostly liberal democracy and Palestine is not, and so feel more for the former than the latter. It's right there in front of you.
Those anti-semites Ben & Jerry's. Wait, they are both Jewish..........

I was back out there a couple of weeks ago and people were pissed that they weren't getting a slap on the wrist for blocking traffic on 80 in Oakland like the bay bridge people did. Alameda county was coming down on them harder than SF was, or maybe I have that backwards. Hard to keep it all straight.