Pro Palestinian/Hamas Protests


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Sep 26, 2007
Not sure which thread to put this in. This is getting out of hand though.

Edited the title to reflect the intertwining of Hamas and Palestinians in Gaza
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Perhaps allowing crazy activists (majority mentally ill women) to take over a significant portion of the party wasn’t the best idea.
All of these young people didn't just wake up this way one day. And it didn't just start 4 or 8 years ago.

I can't help but lay some of the blame for the youth's reaction to this at the feet of CRT in the schools. And by CRT, I mean postmodernism dressed up in identity politics that focuses religiously (i.e. takes it as axiomatic and refuses to discuss or debate the issue) on oppresser v. oppressed, with people with less melatonin on the wrong side of that divide.

Again--the majority of these young people aren't siding this way because they are antisemitic--they are siding this way because the Palestinians have darker skin and more poverty, and thus are the more moral group under their religion, who deserve to do whatever they need to do to end the oppression, colonization, etc. What happens to the rest of the world as people start normalizing and excusing Hamas's tactics in the name of decolonization, ending oppression, etc?

As I read what I just typed, I'm really conflicted about whether it's a valid critique or not. Am I just conflating two movements that I really despise into one, laying the blame of the second at the feet of the first?
All of these young people didn't just wake up this way one day. And it didn't just start 4 or 8 years ago.

I can't help but lay some of the blame for the youth's reaction to this at the feet of CRT in the schools. And by CRT, I mean postmodernism dressed up in identity politics that focuses religiously (i.e. takes it as axiomatic and refuses to discuss or debate the issue) on oppresser v. oppressed, with people with less melatonin on the wrong side of that divide.

Again--the majority of these young people aren't siding this way because they are antisemitic--they are siding this way because the Palestinians have darker skin and more poverty, and thus are the more moral group under their religion, who deserve to do whatever they need to do to end the oppression, colonization, etc. What happens to the rest of the world as people start normalizing and excusing Hamas's tactics in the name of decolonization, ending oppression, etc?

As I read what I just typed, I'm really conflicted about whether it's a valid critique or not. Am I just conflating two movements that I really despise into one, laying the blame of the second at the feet of the first?
I’m not sure the pigmentation matters but the rest I think is accurate
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All of these young people didn't just wake up this way one day. And it didn't just start 4 or 8 years ago.

I can't help but lay some of the blame for the youth's reaction to this at the feet of CRT in the schools. And by CRT, I mean postmodernism dressed up in identity politics that focuses religiously (i.e. takes it as axiomatic and refuses to discuss or debate the issue) on oppresser v. oppressed, with people with less melatonin on the wrong side of that divide.

Again--the majority of these young people aren't siding this way because they are antisemitic--they are siding this way because the Palestinians have darker skin and more poverty, and thus are the more moral group under their religion, who deserve to do whatever they need to do to end the oppression, colonization, etc. What happens to the rest of the world as people start normalizing and excusing Hamas's tactics in the name of decolonization, ending oppression, etc?

As I read what I just typed, I'm really conflicted about whether it's a valid critique or not. Am I just conflating two movements that I really despise into one, laying the blame of the second at the feet of the first?
No, I think you’re spot on. When you mix in social media, decaying of families, decaying of money, and the declining of Christianity(or common social norms), it’s not good for the future. Your post was really good.
I’m not sure the pigmentation matters but the rest I think is accurate
I don't think many people would be able to tell a Palestinian and an Israeli Jew apart by sight.

The vibe has been very pro Israel for the most part in America, including the time I was in school. People just assumed Israel was always right and moral because of the Holocaust and a long history of persecution. People also viewed Arabs as terrorists and bad. Turns out it is a lot more complicated. Maybe people, including students, are finally fully thinking about the conflict. You'll have your wackos and people that take things too far, and students don't know everything yet.

Who did you root for in Dances with Wolves from the time Dunbar was taken into custody by the US military until the end of the movie? I'll bet most people were rooting for the Indians. To a similar extent, a lot of people probably are sympathetic towards Palestinians. It is hard to not be sympathetic towards a group that has been oppressed, f'd over, and bullied.
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I don't think many people would be able to tell a Palestinian and an Israeli Jew apart by sight.

The vibe has been very pro Israel for the most part in America, including the time I was in school. People just assumed Israel was always right and moral because of the Holocaust and a long history of persecution. People also viewed Arabs as terrorists and bad. Turns out it is a lot more complicated. Maybe people, including students, are finally fully thinking about the conflict. You'll have your wackos and people that take things too far, and students don't know everything yet.

Who did you root for in Dances with Wolves from the time Dunbar was taken into custody by the US military until the end of the movie? I'll bet most people were rooting for the Indians. To a similar extent, a lot of people probably are sympathetic towards Palestinians. It is hard to not be sympathetic towards a group that has been oppressed, f'd over, and bullied.
that's why i wrote what i did about pigmentation. brad's article may indicate otherwise. i don't know
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I don't think many people would be able to tell a Palestinian and an Israeli Jew apart by sight.

The vibe has been very pro Israel for the most part in America, including the time I was in school. People just assumed Israel was always right and moral because of the Holocaust and a long history of persecution. People also viewed Arabs as terrorists and bad. Turns out it is a lot more complicated. Maybe people, including students, are finally fully thinking about the conflict. You'll have your wackos and people that take things too far, and students don't know everything yet.

Who did you root for in Dances with Wolves from the time Dunbar was taken into custody by the US military until the end of the movie? I'll bet most people were rooting for the Indians. To a similar extent, a lot of people probably are sympathetic towards Palestinians. It is hard to not be sympathetic towards a group that has been oppressed, f'd over, and bullied.
Take a look at what I (and Brad somewhere else) posted above. I don't agree with everything but I do agree that jihad is not about politics. Politics can have pragmatic solutions (including war). Jihad is religious and completely at odds with the civilized world.

To be sure, why are there no Native American suicide bombers right now in America? B/c they don't believe in jihad and have (likely completely unfairly) accepted a truce with their enemies. Jihadis cannot do that. It's disturbing.
For those who can't think real good, yes.
If I joined what I thought was a march or protest in the name of protecting innocent life and they started chanting “Bomb abortion clinics” I would leave immediately. I might be pro-life but I don’t believe in harming others to reach my goals.

So when you join a protest and they start chanting “Globalize the intifada” or “From the river to the sea” or “Glory to the martyrs”and you don’t leave immediately…… you are at the very least anti-Jew if not Pro-Hamas
Take a look at what I (and Brad somewhere else) posted above. I don't agree with everything but I do agree that jihad is not about politics. Politics can have pragmatic solutions (including war). Jihad is religious and completely at odds with the civilized world.

To be sure, why are there no Native American suicide bombers right now in America? B/c they don't believe in jihad and have (likely completely unfairly) accepted a truce with their enemies. Jihadis cannot do that. It's disturbing.
Because the Native Americans got compensation, land, and are US citizens with rights: both sides officially ended the conflict. The Palestinians have not been compensated, given land, or granted basic human rights, which needs to happen to end the conflict.

If groups like Hamas are jihading, then you got me. Religious war is nasty and never ends. That being said, Palestinians as an ethnic group and Hamas are separate entities. Hopefully, the Palestinians can separate themselves from Hamas and find a better way to solve the conflict.

I don't think every Palestinian suicide bomber did it totally for Islam.
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Turns out it is a lot more complicated. Maybe people, including students, are finally fully thinking about the conflict. You'll have your wackos and people that take things too far, and students don't know everything yet.
Students are less informed about this issue than they have ever been because they’re getting their information from Tik Tok and Marxist professors.
Students are less informed about this issue than they have ever been because they’re getting their information from Tik Tok and Marxist professors.

Old white dudes are less informed about this issue than they ever have been because they're getting their information from truth social and Fox News.

See how easy it is to make bull crap generalizations... although mine is more likely to be accurate.
Old white dudes are less informed about this issue than they ever have been because they're getting their information from truth social and Fox News.

See how easy it is to make bull crap generalizations... although mine is more likely to be accurate.
No moron it’s a statistical fact.

Seriously get the hell out of here when people are having informed discussion. You refuse to learn your place. You are a complete intellectual zero. No value. You add nothing. You’re pathetic.
Students are less informed about this issue than they have ever been because they’re getting their information from Tik Tok and Marxist professors.
Students don't know everything yet. That being said, I don't think I ever had a teacher or professor that told me what opinion I should have. They would give their opinions on things.
Take a look at what I (and Brad somewhere else) posted above. I don't agree with everything but I do agree that jihad is not about politics. Politics can have pragmatic solutions (including war). Jihad is religious and completely at odds with the civilized world.

To be sure, why are there no Native American suicide bombers right now in America? B/c they don't believe in jihad and have (likely completely unfairly) accepted a truce with their enemies. Jihadis cannot do that. It's disturbing.
I don't think Jimbo was really focused on motives but more stating that conflicts usually aren't black and white / good vs evil / hero vs villian.

Hamas being evil or at least committing an atrocity doesn't make all Palestinians evil and all Israeli's good. (not that you think that)

As a comparison to the Americans vs Indians, who would be the good guys and who would be the bad guys? On one side you have Indians attacking settlers and families, scalping etc and on the other you have an invasion, trail of tears, etc. Probably could be easily argued that our side was more on the bad side but it isn't black and white.
No moron it’s a statistical fact.

Seriously get the hell out of here when people are having informed discussion. You refuse to learn your place. You are a complete intellectual zero. No value. You add nothing. You’re pathetic.
yea ok. i think you're down to 14% brain cells if you think that means anywhere close to a majority is getting their news from tik tok.

Conservative propaganda is rotting your mind. informed discussion involving you? lmao you're a riot. The day you're informed on anything would be a first.
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I don't think Jimbo was really focused on motives but more stating that conflicts usually aren't black and white / good vs evil / hero vs villian.

Hamas being evil or at least committing an atrocity doesn't make all Palestinians evil and all Israeli's good. (not that you think that)

As a comparison to the Americans vs Indians, who would be the good guys and who would be the bad guys? On one side you have Indians attacking settlers and families, scalping etc and on the other you have an invasion, trail of tears, etc. Probably could be easily argued that our side was more on the bad side but it isn't black and white.
If you were required to fight for either Israel or Palestine…which are you choosing?
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All of these young people didn't just wake up this way one day. And it didn't just start 4 or 8 years ago.

I can't help but lay some of the blame for the youth's reaction to this at the feet of CRT in the schools. And by CRT, I mean postmodernism dressed up in identity politics that focuses religiously (i.e. takes it as axiomatic and refuses to discuss or debate the issue) on oppresser v. oppressed, with people with less melatonin on the wrong side of that divide.

Again--the majority of these young people aren't siding this way because they are antisemitic--they are siding this way because the Palestinians have darker skin and more poverty, and thus are the more moral group under their religion, who deserve to do whatever they need to do to end the oppression, colonization, etc. What happens to the rest of the world as people start normalizing and excusing Hamas's tactics in the name of decolonization, ending oppression, etc?

As I read what I just typed, I'm really conflicted about whether it's a valid critique or not. Am I just conflating two movements that I really despise into one, laying the blame of the second at the feet of the first?
I believe that you are spot on with oppressed vs the oppressor. This cohort will always side with the oppressed without any deeper thoughts or reasoning.

What I find more disturbing is their anger filled response. They are not sending aid packages and holding vigils. They are saying and doing awful things with no regard for the Israelis suffering on 10/7.
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Neither. They both need to grow up and learn how to share. Fighting has solved nothing.
There you go with that phony equivalency again. Only one side needs to grow up and join the 21st century here. You fight a cancer with chemo which often adversely affects healthy cells. Hamas is a cancer. Conservative treatment failed.
Adults should be able to co-exist in the same land. But, fair enough: the one state solution is probably impossible at this time.
Everyone should read Disgrace by JM Coetzee. It’s themes are relevant here. It’s a short book and I found it disturbing.
I don't think Jimbo was really focused on motives but more stating that conflicts usually aren't black and white / good vs evil / hero vs villian.

Hamas being evil or at least committing an atrocity doesn't make all Palestinians evil and all Israeli's good. (not that you think that)

As a comparison to the Americans vs Indians, who would be the good guys and who would be the bad guys? On one side you have Indians attacking settlers and families, scalping etc and on the other you have an invasion, trail of tears, etc. Probably could be easily argued that our side was more on the bad side but it isn't black and white.
Good points.

I think the argument presented was that enemies can still find some common ground and a pragmatic solution. Even when that seems impossible. Are we currently friends/allies/trading partners with Britain, Germany, Japan, China, the Philippines, Mexico, etc.? Yes. To Jimbo's point, the Native Americans in this country are citizens of the US were given land (that was insufficient to be sure) and benefits. Yes, they were discriminated against and still are but neither side is actively fighting the otehr any longer.

Listen to the pod or read the transcript. There is a good point in there about why Muslims weren't in the streets after Oct 7th calling for the end of Hamas alongside their Jewish friends. Why? I would assume Muslims and jews have similar interests in the world, no? Security, opportunity, education for their children, healthcare, etc. Why weren't they then locked arm in arm to protest the actions of Hamas? It's a good question.

In every conflict there are winners and losers. Somebody is getting kicked off of land (land they probably stole from somebody else). But the civilized world understands the conitnued slaughter of one another is not tenable and needs resolution. Jihadis don't care and they are interwoven (especially in Gaza) into the general population. A thing they do ON PURPOSE b/c they truly believe that even the death of innocents is OK. Even glorious. If's a very ****ed up worldview that can no longer (if it ever did) coexist with the rest of the world.
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Perhaps allowing crazy activists (majority mentally ill women) to take over a significant portion of the party wasn’t the best idea.
Not all Jews, or even Israelis are radically anti-Palestinian...

This is based on reports from Israeli media not pro-Palestinian sources.There's a huge difference between Israel defending itself, and the outrages discussed here...Bibi made a deal with the Devil to get back into power when the majority of Israelis wanted him gone...

yea ok. i think you're down to 14% brain cells if you think that means anywhere close to a majority is getting their news from tik tok.

Conservative propaganda is rotting your mind. informed discussion involving you? lmao you're a riot. The day you're informed on anything would be a first.
Clown boy. This conversation was in the context of young people at protests and college kids. 43% of 18-29 get their news from Tik Tok, far more than any other source. "majority" is a phrase you brought into the conversation.

At which point in this exchange do you say, "I shot my mouth off, because I had a knee jerk partisan reaction, and now I realize I'm wrong"

Can you say that? Are you man enough? Or are you going to continue to equivocate like a bitch?
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Clown boy. This conversation was in the context of young people at protests and college kids. 43% of 18-29 get their news from Tik Tok, far more than any other source. "majority" is a phrase you brought into the conversation.

At which point in this exchange do you say, "I shot my mouth off, because I had a knee jerk partisan reaction, and now I realize I'm wrong"

Can you say that? Are you man enough? Or are you going to continue to equivocate like a bitch?

maturity isn't your strong suit...although neither is intelligence.