Politico: 14th Amendment and Trump...

Wouldn't we presume as well that on probation, he wouldn't be allowed to leave his state of residence?

Another aspect would be home detention.

Trump's priorities are:

1) Power
2) Staying out of prison/jail

Now, those two could weave in and out based on the week and information his attorneys and he have, but I'd say he's drifted deeply toward #2 at this point.
Maybe, but I believe a probation officer can still give permission to those on probation to cross state lines or move out of state to take a job, visit relatives, seek medical treatment etc.
Maybe, but I believe a probation officer can still give permission to those on probation to cross state lines or move out of state to take a job, visit relatives, seek medical treatment etc.
Move out of state to take a job doesn't mean roam around the country or globe, and any allowances tend to be short term. I imagine any interstate travel for work would be part of living and residing in the same metro area, like living in Jeffersonville and working in Louisville.
I don’t think impeachment results have anything to do with it. It’s not like that’s a criminal court or really any kind of court. It’s a political process/remedy/outcome.

With that being said, I think the 14th Amendment idea is dumb because (1) there is no procedure outlined on the determination of who is not allowed to hold office, and (2) I don’t think it was enough on his own actions to qualify what was pretty clearly a civil war active rebellion reference. If he had led a mob into busting in Capitol doors leading a “hang Mike pence” chant, maybe.

Trump learned from Roy Cohn and the mafia that smart leaders lead from behind the curtain, not from the front where they are exposed..
The fact that you're even discussing this complete nonsense says everything.
The fact that you're even discussing this complete nonsense says everything.
Dbm we just need to find someone smart who can stay inside the lines and give it to these libs. Trump is just way too dumb. They’re making a joke out of him at every turn. Now the man is selling never surrender t shirts with a pic of him surrendering. We need someone good. Trump’s a clown
Dbm we just need to find someone smart who can stay inside the lines and give it to these libs. Trump is just way too dumb. They’re making a joke out of him at every turn. Now the man is selling never surrender t shirts with a pic of him surrendering. We need someone good. Trump’s a clown
Convince Tucker to give up his 8 figure a year gig and go into politics.
I don't know what she's like over here.

She got banned for effectively the same thing DANC did. She had a post pulled (not in a discussion with me), had a hissy fit and reposted it. Deleted it and gave her a topic ban, then she started a new topic about it. Vacation.

I would think people would sense a pattern. You start doubling down pulled post and carrying it across multiple need a break.
More excuses for running off customers. You’re really after scalps aren’t you? 😂
More excuses for running off customers. You’re really after scalps aren’t you? 😂
Haven't you seen all the new popups on this board that have started to appear?

The owner of this board appreciates that you are helping to stir the controversy -- it generates clicks. You and Bloom should request a percentage of the click income.
If all Moderators acted like Bloom in the last week, the Cooler wouldn’t have many posters.
I guess he banned people so utterly worthless that they were already on my ignore list. So.... I noticed nothing. Did DANC stop dropping turds all over the forum, I gather? Or was it the Nazi?
I guess he banned people so utterly worthless that they were already on my ignore list. So.... I noticed nothing. Did DANC stop dropping turds all over the forum, I gather? Or was it the Nazi?
Just curious. Do you have any Dems on your list?
Just curious. Do you have any Dems on your list?
Why would I? I am an independent. All the cultists on my ignore list tend to be Trumpers, not Republicans. Oh, plus a Nazi. I was a Republican about 30 years more than Donald has been. I have nothing against Republicans, just sell-out Trump swabs. You have been close, a few times.
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Why would I? I am an independent. All the cultists on my ignore list tend to be Trumpers, not Republicans. Oh, plus a Nazi. I was a Republican about 30 years more than Donald has been. I have nothing against Republicans, just sell-out Trump swabs. You have been close, a few times.
Hickory top three worst posters.
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Love when people say this. Reminds me of those who talk to God or Jesus. You have zero clue about how the founding fathers would feel about future issues facing this nation.
Can’t believe you even went here ☝

You claim to know so much, yet you don’t realize how much you don’t. Very sad.
Can’t believe you even went here ☝

You claim to know so much, yet you don’t realize how much you don’t. Very sad.
Show me where I've made those claims in anything other than the recruiting process. LOL

I'm not talking to any of the founding fathers. I'm talking to a bunch schmoes like me. CO.H acting like he had the pulse of the FF's is kind of silly, and you being offended by questioning it is idiotic.

The founding fathers put together an imperfect document. They knew that, and they gave it a mechanism to evolve. For their own reasons they had doubts on whether the document was strong enough to hold together the country, which was only 13 states, lest we forget, and some of them questioned the idea that each state would always row in the same direction.
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Show me where I've made those claims in anything other than the recruiting process. LOL

I'm not talking to any of the founding fathers. I'm talking to a bunch schmoes like me. CO.H acting like he had the pulse of the FF's is kind of silly, and you being offended by questioning it is idiotic.

The founding fathers put together an imperfect document. They knew that, and they gave it a mechanism to evolve. For their own reasons they had doubts on whether the document was strong enough to hold together the country, which was only 13 states, lest we forget, and some of them questioned the idea that each state would always row in the same direction.
This post hits about 9.8 on the Richter scale for ignorance.

First of all, ThThe FF’s were by and large prolific writers and have had an enormous amount written about them. Anybody who can read can gain insight into how and why they did what they did.

Secondly, the notion of perfection in forming a government is just . . .well . . .enormously stupid. Nobody pretends that democracy or any government is perfect.

Third, We do know this, the United States Constitution, with its federalism, three co-equal branches, checks and balances and defined and limited government authority was the best system seen in history at that time. But the words written by Madison with important assists from many others such as Franklin, Washington, and Hamilton would have flopped if we didn’t have highly competent and creative people in office at the right time making mostly the best decisions. Kick starting the US was the real gift of the FF’s and was more important than the words they put on paper.

Now we are in the hands of the Biden brain trust, ’nuff said.
This post hits about 9.8 on the Richter scale for ignorance.

First of all, ThThe FF’s were by and large prolific writers and have had an enormous amount written about them. Anybody who can read can gain insight into how and why they did what they did.

Secondly, the notion of perfection in forming a government is just . . .well . . .enormously stupid. Nobody pretends that democracy or any government is perfect.

Third, We do know this, the United States Constitution, with its federalism, three co-equal branches, checks and balances and defined and limited government authority was the best system seen in history at that time. But the words written by Madison with important assists from many others such as Franklin, Washington, and Hamilton would have flopped if we didn’t have highly competent and creative people in office at the right time making mostly the best decisions. Kick starting the US was the real gift of the FF’s and was more important than the words they put on paper.

Now we are in the hands of the Biden brain trust, ’nuff said.
Bad news for you.

Biden wasn't alive when the 14th Amendment was ratified. Biden has zero to do with this.

You don't know crap about what the founding fathers would think about the 14th Amendment.
You don't know crap about what the founding fathers would think about the 14th Amendment.
States' rights, as a function of the Constitution, was founded in the wake of a literal tyrannical government. Of course we have people (likely some on here) who believe the federal government today is tyrannical. Come tax time each I chuckle at people who whine about taxation being tyrannical and theft.

This country wouldn't have grown as it has with pure states rights. Look to Europe for that. The needs of this nation evolved over time, and there is no reading to suggest the founding fathers foresaw all the problems. The 14th provides a lot of cover for issues that don't likely evolve as this country has. I can see why that has bummed some people out.

So it's Hickory, you and me. Got it!

His chart of best posters and worst posters directly coincides with their political views.

Look at how irate he got over danc being banned. Think he would get that upset if it was me instead? lol
This post hits about 9.8 on the Richter scale for ignorance.

First of all, ThThe FF’s were by and large prolific writers and have had an enormous amount written about them. Anybody who can read can gain insight into how and why they did what they did.

Secondly, the notion of perfection in forming a government is just . . .well . . .enormously stupid. Nobody pretends that democracy or any government is perfect.

Third, We do know this, the United States Constitution, with its federalism, three co-equal branches, checks and balances and defined and limited government authority was the best system seen in history at that time. But the words written by Madison with important assists from many others such as Franklin, Washington, and Hamilton would have flopped if we didn’t have highly competent and creative people in office at the right time making mostly the best decisions. Kick starting the US was the real gift of the FF’s and was more important than the words they put on paper.

Now we are in the hands of the Biden brain trust, ’nuff said.
55 people signed the U.S. Constitution. You mentioned four of them. None of them were named Hamilton. Hamilton wrote about 2/3 of the Federalist Papers but did not sign the Constitution.

What did delegates George Clymer and David Brearley write about these issues? The unknown signers were the majority. No one knows what they really thought.

You're making the same mistake as Scalia constantly did in claiming he could decipher the minds of whatever particular long-dead individuals he considered to be among whatever subset of the "Founding Fathers" he was using to support his thoughts as to any particular issue.

It's impossible.
States' rights, as a function of the Constitution,
You’ve got it ass backwards.

First my pet leave, there is no such thing as “states rights.”. Governments ha e no rights. Period. Government only has authority granted by the people.

Secondly state authority is not a function of age constitution. The federal authority is a function of the constitution. The states have plenary power to govern. The federal government has only specific authority to govern. Probably 95% of the members of congress and 100% of the executive department don’t get this.

Further, you've yet to discuss which part of the 14th the founding fathers would've objected to. (If you have, I missed it or forgot.)
The drafters rejected the idea that the BoR applied to state government and said so with the 10th. There is more but that is the biggie.
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It’s futile COH. If Bloom were just President, which he actually might believe that he is, we could finally enjoy that beautiful utopia that Tolkien depicted in Rivendell.
That's not true. The elves suppressed the dwarves and orcs.
55 people signed the U.S. Constitution. You mentioned four of them. None of them were named Hamilton. Hamilton wrote about 2/3 of the Federalist Papers but did not sign the Constitution.

What did delegates George Clymer and David Brearley write about these issues? The unknown signers were the majority. No one knows what they really thought.

You're making the same mistake as Scalia constantly did in claiming he could decipher the minds of whatever particular long-dead individuals he considered to be among whatever subset of the "Founding Fathers" he was using to support his thoughts as to any particular issue.

It's impossible.
55 delegates did not write it. The intent is determined by studying the language and its context. The context include writings by the delegates about the constitution . When you consider the ratification process, and the members of the state legislators who may have had their reasons to vote for it, I agree the intent of each is impossible to know. The specific intent of each person is therefore irrelevant.
You’ve got it ass backwards.

First my pet leave, there is no such thing as “states rights.”. Governments ha e no rights. Period. Government only has authority granted by the people.

Secondly state authority is not a function of age constitution. The federal authority is a function of the constitution. The states have plenary power to govern. The federal government has only specific authority to govern. Probably 95% of the members of congress and 100% of the executive department don’t get this.
Of course states have the authority to govern, and they do so at a more granular level, just as cities operate at a more granular level even still. States' rights...the rights of states to govern underneath the Constitution. Sorry, it exist in execution.

I have bad news for you. No matter how loosely or tightly the law provides, our rights are still defined by laws.
The drafters rejected the idea that the BoR applied to state government and said so with the 10th. There is more but that is the biggie.
It provided parameters for which states couldn't supersede.

You didn't answer my question. Just seemingly desperate to act like you know the will of the founding fathers as it related to evolving issues facing our country.
Of course states have the authority to govern, and they do so at a more granular level, just as cities operate at a more granular level even still. States' rights...the rights of states to govern underneath the Constitution. Sorry, it exist in execution.

I have bad news for you. No matter how loosely or tightly the law provides, our rights are still defined by laws.

It provided parameters for which states couldn't supersede.

You didn't answer my question. Just seemingly desperate to act like you know the will of the founding fathers as it related to evolving issues facing our country.
Oh my. You really don’t understand our system do you. Unfortunately you are not alone. Bad civics education has a cost and we are paying the price every day.

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