Per your recommendation, of newsmax being totally "just the facts". I chose to go watch 10 minutes and cuomo was on. I can not understand, why the blood in my veins want to give your advice 1 second of thought.
I am intrigued though, how do two Cuaomo brothers, Preach so strongly, the exact same words, NOT ideologue, the exact same words! It's almost like they have been given a hollywood script to read from. Much like all of the dem message for the last 8 yrs.
I'll bet 1k that there is a hollywood script, make a movie in the next 6 months, that mimic the left/ Coamo talking points.
My advice, when you have a mechanism to overthrow those who are right, and loved by the populace. Don't rub stupid in their face. Even the below average Midwesterner, will make your final burial place, be somewhere that no one ever finds.
I know those people, they have plans already made and have practiced.