Palisades fire

The poors can buy the $30 Chinese knockoff from Amazon. Have some of those too and they are actually pretty decent.
Is the difference in quality worth the difference in price?

I remember back when I was buying wine. The difference between a $10 bottle and a $50 bottle was huge. Well worth the money. But with very few exceptions, the difference between a $50 bottle and a $500 bottle was minimal at best.
Is the difference in quality worth the difference in price?

I remember back when I was buying wine. The difference between a $10 bottle and a $50 bottle was huge. Well worth the money. But with very few exceptions, the difference between a $50 bottle and a $500 bottle was minimal at best.

Definitely a difference in quality. Usually becomes more appearant after they are washed a few times. Cheap ones get lots of loose threads and such.... They look good new and are fine for what they are... When you can buy three for price of one of the rhoback it's nothing to complain about

I think they are called Maelreg or something on Amazon

BTW we had a bottle of Caymus last night, was delicious. But that's about as high as I'll go on wine prices.
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Definitely a difference in quality. Usually becomes more appearant after they are washed a few times. Cheap ones get lots of loose threads and such.... They look good new and are fine for what they are... When you can buy three for price of one of the roeback it's nothing to complain about

I think they are called Maelreg or something on Amazon

BTW we had a bottle of Caymus last night, was delicious. But that's about as high as I'll go on wine prices.
Do you like wine?

Shell out for this at least once. I promise you, it is worth every penny. Very few expensive wines are, but this one is.

You wear brown shoes with black jeans?

Rap Game No GIF by Lifetime
My brother in Christ it’s no longer 2006.
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Is the difference in quality worth the difference in price?

I remember back when I was buying wine. The difference between a $10 bottle and a $50 bottle was huge. Well worth the money. But with very few exceptions, the difference between a $50 bottle and a $500 bottle was minimal at best.
Per your recommendation, of newsmax being totally "just the facts". I chose to go watch 10 minutes and cuomo was on. I can not understand, why the blood in my veins want to give your advice 1 second of thought.
I am intrigued though, how do two Cuaomo brothers, Preach so strongly, the exact same words, NOT ideologue, the exact same words! It's almost like they have been given a hollywood script to read from. Much like all of the dem message for the last 8 yrs.
I'll bet 1k that there is a hollywood script, make a movie in the next 6 months, that mimic the left/ Coamo talking points.

My advice, when you have a mechanism to overthrow those who are right, and loved by the populace. Don't rub stupid in their face. Even the below average Midwesterner, will make your final burial place, be somewhere that no one ever finds.
I know those people, they have plans already made and have practiced.
I can be your guru. Send me $69 each month.

LOL. Hockerty? WTF is that? An Indochino copycat?

I need look no further than one of the first pics-- an outfit with blue jeans, a white dress shirt with a tie, and a suit coat--not even a sport coat. Comically bad.
  • Haha
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Per your recommendation, of newsmax being totally "just the facts". I chose to go watch 10 minutes and cuomo was on. I can not understand, why the blood in my veins want to give your advice 1 second of thought.
I am intrigued though, how do two Cuaomo brothers, Preach so strongly, the exact same words, NOT ideologue, the exact same words! It's almost like they have been given a hollywood script to read from. Much like all of the dem message for the last 8 yrs.
I'll bet 1k that there is a hollywood script, make a movie in the next 6 months, that mimic the left/ Coamo talking points.

My advice, when you have a mechanism to overthrow those who are right, and loved by the populace. Don't rub stupid in their face. Even the below average Midwesterner, will make your final burial place, be somewhere that no one ever finds.
I know those people, they have plans already made and have practiced.
Jibberish. Is the last part supposed to be scary? This ain't Yellowstone.
Definitely a difference in quality. Usually becomes more appearant after they are washed a few times. Cheap ones get lots of loose threads and such.... They look good new and are fine for what they are... When you can buy three for price of one of the rhoback it's nothing to complain about

I think they are called Maelreg or something on Amazon

BTW we had a bottle of Caymus last night, was delicious. But that's about as high as I'll go on wine prices.
A 50 dollar bottle sounds reasonable if it's good but I don't know wine. I drink boubon or whiskey. I will drink wine but don't know much about what's good or not.
LOL. Hockerty? WTF is that? An Indochino copycat?

I need look no further than one of the first pics-- an outfit with blue jeans, a white dress shirt with a tie, and a suit coat--not even a sport coat. Comically bad.
It’s ok. We’ll look good out there for you. We’ll think of you.

When you’re ready, I’ll tell you about navy everything with black shoes.
I know in the Midwest we often think the only threat by Mother Nature are tornadoes. But don’t we have a major fault line (I think that’s what it’s called) in southern Indiana? I don’t know the history of earthquakes in this area but I guess the point is you never know when you must be prepared for a disaster. I also wonder what the radius of destruction would be for a major quake in the region. Any experts out there outside of Google?
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You do understand that this particular criticism is bullshit, right? Newsom has nothing to do with the hydrants running out of water.
Absolutely false. Trump has been trying to get more water into CA for years. Newsom blocked it because he’d rather protect a tiny fish called a smelt over the people.

I know in the Midwest we often think the only threat by Mother Nature are tornadoes. But don’t we have a major fault line (I think that’s what it’s called) in southern Indiana? I don’t know the history of earthquakes in this area but I guess the point is you never know when you must be prepared for a disaster. I also wonder what the radius of destruction would be for a major quake in the region. Any experts out there outside of Google?
In Missouri we have the new Madrid fault. I don’t know how far it reaches. Some Nostradamus type predicted it will blow years ago so a couple radio stations broadcasted from the line the day he predicted
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Absolutely false. Trump has been trying to get more water into CA for years. Newsom blocked it because he’d rather protect a tiny fish called a smelt over the people.

That's has nothing to do with the hydrants running dry. The hydrants are pressurized by tanks of water that can only hold so much and can only be refilled so fast. Trump isn't a f*cking wizard. He can't make a jug of milk hold more than a gallon.
In Missouri we have the new Madrid fault. I don’t know how far it reaches. Some Nostradamus type predicted it will blow years ago so a couple radio stations broadcasted from the line the day he predicted
Yea that’s what I was thinking…
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That's has nothing to do with the hydrants running dry. The hydrants are pressurized by tanks of water that can only hold so much and can only be refilled so fast. Trump isn't a f*cking wizard. He can't make a jug of milk hold more than a gallon.
To explain it more, from AI:

Water gains pressure to reach homes primarily through a system of pumps that push water into elevated storage tanks, like water towers, which then use gravity to distribute the pressurized water through a network of pipes to homes, with the height difference between the tank and your home creating the pressure needed for the water to flow; essentially, the higher the water tower, the greater the water pressure at your home.​

But here is a story 1) discussing it is the tanks that are empty and 2) that the massive water release last year was out of fear the dams would fail:


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