OT - Since this Site Seems to Have a Hyperabundance of Medical/Constitutional Experts...

Agree with your first sentence, if not the specifics of what you present as 'consensus'.

While masks don't prevent transmission, saying they "do very little to prevent" transmission is patently false. They are far from foolproof (especially when worn incorrectly), but this peer-reviewed study from the AAAS study found:

"...most environments and contacts are under conditions of low virus abundance (virus-limited), where surgical masks are effective at preventing virus spread. More-advanced masks and other protective equipment are required in potentially virus-rich indoor environments, including medical centers and hospitals. Masks are particularly effective in combination with other preventive measures like ventilation and distancing."

Similarly, the vaccines do not prevent infection as you state, but data indicates they do reduce infection rates. This, "...vaccination confers an eight-fold reduction in the risk of getting infected in the first place", from:

And, "The COVID-19 case rate for unvaccinated Santa Clara County residents is nearly four times higher than for those who have been vaccinated". from:

While far from definitive, given the likelihood that some vaccinated individuals who become infected have no symptoms and hence do not get tested, at present it appears that being vaccinated does reduce infection rates, and consequently Covid transmission rates as well.

Your third point re: risk among those who have been vaccinated is spot on.

As for the last, the "bottom line" is not that there is "some underlying truth in what everyone is saying" - some of what has been posted is complete BS. So while I appreciate the spirit of reconciliation in your post and the attempt to find common ground, there is nothing constructive about indulging fools that have little or no interest in what is true or not and even less in finding common grou.
One can find studies that suggest the exact opposite of the points you made. There are studies out there on Covid that can strengthen anybody’s narrative, so you poo pooing the common ground post you responded to is laughable at best, disingenuous at worst. It’s also a HUGE problem in this country at the present time.

There IS NOT one right answer here. To suggest otherwise shows mad bias, not “follow the science” reason.
One can find studies that suggest the exact opposite of the points you made. There are studies out there on Covid that can strengthen anybody’s narrative, so you poo pooing the common ground post you responded to is laughable at best, disingenuous at worst. It’s also a HUGE problem in this country at the present time.

There IS NOT one right answer here. To suggest otherwise shows mad bias, not “follow the science” reason.

You can doubtless find whatever you wish to, but alluding to 'studies' that you fail to cite is is a fool's game and probably the only kind you ever win. As for "common ground", WTF is that? Whatever you say it is? There's not even consensus on the existence of Covid so you can take "disingenuous" and stick it.

Not going to unpack your recourse to the universal dodge of "there is not one right answer" save to say that there is a certifiable abundance of BS making the rounds, whatever you may pretend/imagine otherwise. As for "mad bias", you're the one comparing peer reviewed studies and findings from expert institutions and individuals specializing in epidemiology/pathology with uniformed gobbledygook. So again, spelled out this time for the benefit of your faux erudition, blow it out your ass.
Relax. Vaccine does not stop infection from Covid and especially the Delta variant, even if some data suggests it may depress infection rates. Big part of the reason why Israel has such high number of infections among the vaccinated is that 80% of the country's adult population has already been vaccinated.
Doesn't matter so much, because what's important is that vaccine mostly stops Covid from killing people.

Mask or don't mask, vax, or don't vax, at this point it's really about minimizing exposure for the un-vaccinated segment of the population, that is, kids 12 and under - everything else by comparison, is basically BS.

If contributing to or participating in short-term practices that make the world potentially a little safer for children is too trivial/demanding/invasive for some, then they're probably in the wrong damn country.
This is such a bs argument. Weak, weak, weak, imo. You attempt to shut down the conversation by saying, "If contributing to or participating in short-term practices that make the world potentially a little safer for children in too trivial" blah blah blah. Let's break down that sentence. What is "short-term"? When would it no longer be considered "short-term"? "Make the world potentially a little safer for children", why stop there? Why not mandate what they eat, how much exercise they get daily, when they have to go to sleep and exactly how much sleep they get? All of this wouldn't only "potentially" make the world a little safer for children, it WOULD make the world safer for children. None of us believe this though, right?

You keep moving the goal posts on your arguments in this thread, not to mention the fact that your arguments are beyond biased. For every study you point to to support your narrative I can find more that state the opposite.

There isn't one right answer hear. There are WAY too many unknowns when it comes to Covid and the vaccines. We don't know what we don't know, no matter how hard you suggest otherwise. Because of that, people need to make their own decisions on whether or not their family wear a mask or get the vaccine. We shouldn't be so naive to think the government will lead us in the right direction when it comes to Covid, or so pompous that we think we know what's best for others when it comes to dealing with Covid. Each individual needs to make their own decisions on how they want to deal with Covid when it comes to masks and vaccines.
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You don't say. Over 14,000 Hoosiers and 600,000 Americans would tell you how full of shit you are except they're dead.

CDC estimates that fully vaccinated people are eight times less likely to have a symptomatic infection, 25 times less likely to be hospitalized, and 24 times less likely to die from COVID-19 infection than those who are unvaccinated.

The data on difference in hospitalization/death rates is even more impressive: IN Indiana un-vaccinated are 57 times more likely to be hospitalized and 7 times likelier to die than those vaccinated.

Check it out. Rates are based on incidence within total population to date - as less than 10% of the US population has been infected, you can multiply everything by ten if you want some idea of what the numbers might look like if everyone eventually catches it (like flu).

Hospitalization rate per 100,000Death rate per 100,000
StateFor vaccinated peopleFor unvaccinated peopleFor vaccinated peopleFor unvaccinated people

Alabama969675x higher for unvaccinated people312448x higher for unvaccinated people
New Hampshire545488x23715x
New Jersey7948126x29650x
New Mexico2253524x13725x
North Carolina1781647x38024x
North Dakota3772019x8475x
Rhode Island634686x49822x
South Carolina1232226x33913x
South Dakota3051516x67411x
Washington, D.C.73,326448x25523x

Have any other perils of wisdom stuck up your ass?
We get it. You're all in on the side of doing everything humanly possible to slow the deadly virus. You have injected yourself with a vaccine that nobody knows the long terms side effects of, to give yourself a better chance of not dying of Covid if you get it. I don't fault you, that's your prerogative. The problem comes in when you suggest that others should make the same decisions you did, and that if they don't they somehow don't care about kids or others. That's silly and reeks pompous bias.
For every study you point to to support your narrative I can find more that state the opposite.
And I say you're a fraud. Post the studies that "state the opposite" or STFU.
We get it. You're all in on the side of doing everything humanly possible to slow the deadly virus. You have injected yourself with a vaccine that nobody know the long terms side effects of, to give yourself a better chance of not dying of Covid if you get it. I don't fault you, that's your prerogative. The problem comes in when you suggest that others should make the same decisions you did, and that if they don't they somehow don't care about kids or others. That's silly and reeks pompous bias.
There is no "we" and you don't "get" anything including why I got vaccinated which you completely whiffed on. Did I tell anyone to get vaccinated? I did not because I don't care. If you cared about anything as much as making yourself feel/appear smart you'd note that my responses have been specific to refuting BS statements and mis-(non)information, but that's not your game. You're only here to undermine anything that threatens your own narrative, and/or undermine public inclination to trust and believe in science and scientists rather than conspiracy crackpots with keyboards.

Get together with Lifelong - maybe you two can compare tinfoil hat designs or some such.
And I say you're a fraud. Post the studies that "state the opposite" or STFU.

There is no "we" and you don't "get" anything including why I got vaccinated which you completely whiffed on. Did I tell anyone to get vaccinated? I did not because I don't care. If you cared about anything as much as making yourself feel/appear smart you'd note that my responses have been specific to refuting BS statements and mis-(non)information, but that's not your game. You're only here to undermine anything that threatens your own narrative, and/or undermine public inclination to trust and believe in science and scientists rather than conspiracy crackpots with keyboards.

Get together with Lifelong - maybe you two can compare tinfoil hat designs or some such.
I support people making their own decisions and don't have a negative opinion of them whether or not they are vaxxed or wear masks. Can you say the same? No you can't. You clearly judge people based on whether or not they have been vaxxed or wear masks. You are pompous and biased. Keep pointing to your hand picked studies though. If you shout it loud and often enough, you might change someone's mind.
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I support people making their own decisions and don't have a negative opinion of them whether or not they are vaxed or wear masks. Can you say the same? No you can't. You clearly judge people based on whether or not they have been vaxed or wear masks. You are pompous and biased. Keep pointing to your hand picked studies though. If you shout it loud and often enough, you might change someone's mind.
You don't know squat. My judgements of people are my own affair, and as much a mystery to you as science seems to be. Have a very strong bias for critical thinking/science that I regard as a badge of honor, and I am indeed guilty of looking down on folk that are uninformed, illiterate and/or stupid, though generally speaking, condemnation is reserved for those who are either willfully or publicly so. If you find that pompous, so be it, but all things being unequal, arrogance suits the dangerously knowledgeable far better than the woefully ignorant, consider yourself a case in point.

As you have yet to offer a single "study", "hand-picked" or otherwise, in defense/support of your exalted opinion, I must conclude that you are just as and shallow/vacuous as you appear. Seems you have nothing, which hopefully will result in you disappearing from the Board for another four years. No idea why you came back - sure doesn't look like it had anything to do with basketball.
You don't know squat. My judgements of people are my own affair, and as much a mystery to you as science seems to be. Have a very strong bias for critical thinking/science that I regard as a badge of honor, and I am indeed guilty of looking down on folk that are uninformed, illiterate and/or stupid, though generally speaking, condemnation is reserved for those who are either willfully or publicly so. If you find that pompous, so be it, but all things being unequal, arrogance suits the dangerously knowledgeable far better than the woefully ignorant, consider yourself a case in point.

As you have yet to offer a single "study", "hand-picked" or otherwise, in defense/support of your exalted opinion, I must conclude that you are just as and shallow/vacuous as you appear. Seems you have nothing, which hopefully will result in you disappearing from the Board for another four years. No idea why you came back - sure doesn't look like it had anything to do with basketball.
Classic pompous a-hole response. I'll close with this. You don't know what's best for others with regards to Covid. It's clear you believe you do, pompous, but that's not the case. You go ahead and keep preaching that people get vaxxed, when nobody (and I mean NOBODY) knows the long term side effects of the vaccines (the long term effects may be a death sentence, who knows). I'll continue to trust people to make their own decisions on what's best for themselves and their families, knowing things change everyday with Covid. I'm pretty certain you have no idea what "willfully ignorant" means. Trusting people to make decisions that are in the best interest for themselves on an ever changing virus, with a rushed vaccine in which there are no (NONE) long term studies with regards to the side effects is the opposite of "willful ignorance". It's simply the right thing to do.
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Classic pompous a-hole response. I'll close with this. You don't know what's best for others with regards to Covid. It's clear you believe you do, pompous, but that's not the case. You go ahead and keep preaching that people get vaxed, when nobody (and I mean NOBODY) knows the long term side effects of the vaccines (the long term effects may be a death sentence, who knows). I'll continue to trust people to make their own decisions on what's best for themselves and their families, knowing things change everyday with Covid. I'm pretty certain you have no idea what "willfully ignorant" means. Trusting people to make decisions that are in the best interest for themselves on an ever changing virus, with a rushed vaccine in which there are no (NONE) long term studies with regards to the side effects is the opposite of "willful ignorance". It's simply the right thing to do.
We may not know the long term effects of the vaccine, but we do know that there have been a number of people who were unvaccinated and have died from having covid. For them the vaccine would’ve likely saved their life.
We may not know the long term effects of the vaccine, but we do know that there have been a number of people who were unvaccinated and have died from having covid. For them the vaccine would’ve likely saved their life.
"For them the vaccine would've likely saved their life", is far from a certainty. Furthermore it's THEIR life, it should be THEIR decision whether or not they inject themselves with a vaccine that may or may not help them, not to mention the fact that it's a vaccine that we have no idea what the long term side effects are. That has to be a personal decision, imo. And people should not be judged by that decision.
Classic pompous a-hole response. I'll close with this. You don't know what's best for others with regards to Covid. It's clear you believe you do, pompous, but that's not the case. You go ahead and keep preaching that people get vaxed, when nobody (and I mean NOBODY) knows the long term side effects of the vaccines (the long term effects may be a death sentence, who knows). I'm pretty certain you have no idea what "willfully ignorant" means.
Go ahead and quote where I told someone to get vaxxed you sanctimonious pinhead. You can't, because I never said it, nor did I ever say someone should get vaxxed, only cited data that showed differences in hospitalization/mortality rates among the vaxxed and unvaxxed. There's your "willful ignorance". Criminy, if this is indicative of your mental acuity (or rather lack) you probably think everyone pompous that has to listen, respond or otherwise put up with your drivel.

So far you've shown nothing except an apparent need to make shit up to feel righteous. That and a wholly unsupported, unqualified, and historically/scientifically unprecedented paranoid delusion that vaccines lacking any live viral components, (i.e.,Moderna & Pfizer that make up most of the US inventory) will somehow one day magically sicken and kill people. Never mind that this theory has about as much going for it as Q-anon hysteria, but since you seem to have cornered the market, pray tell us more about "willful ignorance". You don't even have to try - just say anything.
Go ahead and quote where I told someone to get vaxxed you sanctimonious pinhead. You can't, because I never said it, nor did I ever say someone should get vaxxed, only cited data that showed differences in hospitalization/mortality rates among the vaxxed and unvaxxed. There's your "willful ignorance". Criminy, if this is indicative of your mental acuity (or rather lack) you probably think everyone pompous that has to listen, respond or otherwise put up with your drivel.

So far you've shown nothing except an apparent need to make shit up to feel righteous. That and a wholly unsupported, unqualified, and historically/scientifically unprecedented paranoid delusion that vaccines lacking any live viral components, (i.e.,Moderna & Pfizer that make up most of the US inventory) will somehow one day magically sicken and kill people. Never mind that this theory has about as much going for it as Q-anon hysteria, but since you seem to have cornered the market, pray tell us more about "willful ignorance". You don't even have to try - just say anything.
I have the market cornered in believing people can and should make their own decisions with regards to vaccines and masks. You have the market cornered on believing you know better than them what they should be doing or not doing to protect themselves from Covid. Not only that, you seem to be one of those people that get angry when they don't decide to handle Covid the same way you choose (important word here). Big difference.

Name call some more my man, I can take it. You're clearly triggered here. Peace.
"For them the vaccine would've likely saved their life", is far from a certainty. Furthermore it's THEIR life, it should be THEIR decision whether or not they inject themselves with a vaccine that may or may not help them, not to mention the fact that it's a vaccine that we have no idea what the long term side effects are. That has to be a personal decision, imo. And people should not be judged by that decision.
You’re wrong. There is overwhelming evidence that the vaccine’s efficacy will keep most people from getting very sick or dying. You can bitch about the long term unknowns of its safety, but you can’t tell me that it’s far from certain that this vaccine can save lives.
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I have the market cornered in believing people can and should make their own decisions with regards to vaccines and masks. You have the market cornered on believing you know better than them what they should be doing or not doing to protect themselves from Covid. Not only that, you seem to be one of those people that get angry when they don't decide to handle Covid the same way you choose (important word here). Big difference.

Name call some more my man, I can take it. You're clearly triggered here. Peace.
Definitely a fraud. Recall that your first message characterized me as "laughable", "disingenuous", "mad" and 'biased' as a consequence of mis-characterizing what I'd written and in the absence of any data or a single citation to support your position or refute my own. That's no different than name-calling, so you started it pumpkin, which makes it a little too late for you to try and disingenuously stake out any high-ground by masquerading as high-minded.

Seems irony isn't in your repertoire either, or does firing first and then charging your target with being "triggered" when they respond in kind usually work for you? You can stick your "peace" right up there with the rest of it. Twit.
I have the market cornered in believing people can and should make their own decisions with regards to vaccines and masks. You have the market cornered on believing you know better than them what they should be doing or not doing to protect themselves from Covid. Not only that, you seem to be one of those people that get angry when they don't decide to handle Covid the same way you choose (important word here). Big difference.

Name call some more my man, I can take it. You're clearly triggered here. Peace.
You’re wrong. There is overwhelming evidence that the vaccine’s efficacy will keep most people from getting very sick or dying. You can bitch about the long term unknowns of its safety, but you can’t tell me that it’s far from certain that this vaccine can save lives.
Sure I can. And I’m not “bitching” about the long term unknowns. I’m pointing out that they exist. Why is everyone so triggered by the vaccine issue?

To be clear, I’m not against the vaccines. I believe it should be a personal choice due to the fact there is so much uncertainty regarding the vaccine and its side effects.

How can anyone argue against this?
Definitely a fraud. Recall that your first message characterized me as "laughable", "disingenuous", "mad" and 'biased' as a consequence of mis-characterizing what I'd written and in the absence of any data or a single citation to support your position or refute my own. That's no different than name-calling, so you started it pumpkin, which makes it a little too late for you to try and disingenuously stake out any high-ground by masquerading as high-minded.

Seems irony isn't in your repertoire either, or does firing first and then charging your target with being "triggered" when they respond in kind usually work for you? You can stick your "peace" right up there with the rest of it. Twit.
Another internet tough guy. You can admit you’re triggered. The name calling confirms it, my man.
And I’m not “bitching” about the long term unknowns. I’m pointing out that they exist. Why is everyone so triggered by the vaccine issue?
Yes you are. MIA for four years and bitching is all you've done since returning. But it's really cute the way you keep accusing everyone of being triggered when the truth is you started that way out of the gate.
Another internet tough guy. You can admit you’re triggered. The name calling confirms it, my man.
Isn't that why you're here? Showed up pissed and ever since it's just been bitch, bitch, bitch. I could say, "My Man!' but all your whining makes that seem inappropriate.
Believing people should make their own decision regarding the vax is dumb? Ok.
No, he means you, as in "You're dumb". Everything that follows is just naturally a given.
Yes you are. MIA for four years and bitching is all you've done since returning. But it's really cute the way you keep accusing everyone of being triggered when the truth is you started that way out of the gate.

Isn't that why you're here? Showed up pissed and ever since it's just been bitch, bitch, bitch. I could say, "My Man!' but all your whining makes that seem inappropriate.

No, he means you, as in "You're dumb". Everything that follows is just naturally a given.
How have I bitched exactly?

I'm not pissed at all. On the other hand, you've name called, because you were triggered, from the beginning. You're clearly married to your tired opinion (and it is nothing but an opinion) and can't hear anything anyone says outside of your echo chamber.

How can you argue with the fact that getting the vaccine, knowing there are no studies on the long term side effect, is risky. I will concede there is risk in not getting the vaccine. Because there are risks for both the vaxxed and unvaxxed, why can't you concede it should be a personal decision? You act like people are crazy or stupid for not getting vaxxed. I can see both sides and accept ones personal decision on the issue.
Derpy derp derp derp hur duh dur dee derpy derp ...
Yes you are. MIA for four years and bitching is all you've done since returning. But it's really cute the way you keep accusing everyone of being triggered when the truth is you started that way out of the gate.

Isn't that why you're here? Showed up pissed and ever since it's just been bitch, bitch, bitch. I could say, "My Man!' but all your whining makes that seem inappropriate.

No, he means you, as in "You're dumb". Everything that follows is just naturally a given.
My way is more efficient. Gets the point across accurately using only one word and will have the same amount of impact. None. Plus not reading a single thing he has posted since the first dumb sentence of the first dumb post saved me the time of reading them. they all repeat the same dumb bullshit, I know that by reading your responses to him. Hey, at least he's not mentioning space lasers or JFK jr..

to Ty, I fify ...
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We get it. You're all in on the side of doing everything humanly possible to slow the deadly virus. You have injected yourself with a vaccine that nobody knows the long terms side effects of, to give yourself a better chance of not dying of Covid if you get it. I don't fault you, that's your prerogative. The problem comes in when you suggest that others should make the same decisions you did, and that if they don't they somehow don't care about kids or others. That's silly and reeks pompous bias.
But they do know the long term side effects. Long term for vaccines is only a couple of months. The vaccine teaches your body how to deal with the virus and then it leaves. There is almost zero percent chance that something related to the vaccine would show up in a couple months. Sadly, your decision on vaccines and masks effects everyone else. Hence why more and more mandated will be coming, especially after the vaccine moves to official approval , likely next month. Concert I’m going to Saturday is for only those vaccinated or a 48 hour Covid test. It will be the norm soon.
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Sure I can. And I’m not “bitching” about the long term unknowns. I’m pointing out that they exist. Why is everyone so triggered by the vaccine issue?

To be clear, I’m not against the vaccines. I believe it should be a personal choice due to the fact there is so much uncertainty regarding the vaccine and its side effects.

How can anyone argue against this?
Easy. Because what you do may get me or even worse a child sick. Remember smoking laws? You’re free to smoke in your home. You aren’t free to smoke in public and blow it in my face. You aren’t free to spread Covid to me. No one can make you get vaccinated. But they will be making you stay home. A lot.
Re like my term side effects of vaccines.
How have I bitched exactly?

I'm not pissed at all. On the other hand, you've name called, because you were triggered, from the beginning. You're clearly married to your tired opinion (and it is nothing but an opinion) and can't hear anything anyone says outside of your echo chamber.

How can you argue with the fact that getting the vaccine, knowing there are no studies on the long term side effect, is risky. I will concede there is risk in not getting the vaccine. Because there are risks for both the vaxxed and unvaxxed, why can't you concede it should be a personal decision? You act like people are crazy or stupid for not getting vaxxed. I can see both sides and accept ones personal decision on the issue.
The 2 clowns you are debating and pummeling know next to nothing when it comes to sports, politics, and common sense. They may be the same person (not sure), but most rational people are agreeing where you are coming from in the context of the discussion. All they do is flap their gums about what they think everyone should be doing. Doesn't matter to them about other factors, including personal circumstances or choice. Their TDS is wearing off so they need another fix and this is it.
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How have I bitched exactly?

I'm not pissed at all. On the other hand, you've name called, because you were triggered, from the beginning. You're clearly married to your tired opinion (and it is nothing but an opinion) and can't hear anything anyone says outside of your echo chamber.

How can you argue with the fact that getting the vaccine, knowing there are no studies on the long term side effect, is risky. I will concede there is risk in not getting the vaccine. Because there are risks for both the vaxxed and unvaxxed, why can't you concede it should be a personal decision? You act like people are crazy or stupid for not getting vaxxed. I can see both sides and accept ones personal decision on the issue.
Sure B. Itch where it scratches, but don't feel you need to share - no one cares.
The 2 clowns you are debating and pummeling know next to nothing when it comes to sports, politics, and common sense. They may be the same person (not sure), but most rational people are agreeing where you are coming from in the context of the discussion. All they do is flap their gums about what they think everyone should be doing. Doesn't matter to them about other factors, including personal circumstances or choice. Their TDS is wearing off so they need another fix and this is it.
Bozo speaks! Power must finally be back on in your trailer. Lucky us.
But they do know the long term side effects. Long term for vaccines is only a couple of months. The vaccine teaches your body how to deal with the virus and then it leaves. There is almost zero percent chance that something related to the vaccine would show up in a couple months. Sadly, your decision on vaccines and masks effects everyone else. Hence why more and more mandated will be coming, especially after the vaccine moves to official approval , likely next month. Concert I’m going to Saturday is for only those vaccinated or a 48 hour Covid test. It will be the norm soon.
First, I appreciate the fact that you didn’t resort to name calling and shouting down in your response.

These vaccines were rushed through without any studies of any duration. It’s definitely a risk to put them in your body, although I did chose to get the vax myself. I don’t however hold any ill will to those that choose not to. There should be no mandates on masks, vaccines or otherwise. This should all be personal choice stuff, imo. That’s all.

Provided I had not chosen to get the vax, how would that decision have affected others exactly? The vaccinated can both get and transmit Covid.
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Easy. Because what you do may get me or even worse a child sick. Remember smoking laws? You’re free to smoke in your home. You aren’t free to smoke in public and blow it in my face. You aren’t free to spread Covid to me. No one can make you get vaccinated. But they will be making you stay home. A lot.
But the vaccinated can get and transmit Covid.
  • Haha
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Yes you are. MIA for four years and bitching is all you've done since returning. But it's really cute the way you keep accusing everyone of being triggered when the truth is you started that way out of the gate.

Isn't that why you're here? Showed up pissed and ever since it's just been bitch, bitch, bitch. I could say, "My Man!' but all your whining makes that seem inappropriate.

No, he means you, as in "You're dumb". Everything that follows is just naturally a given.
So your response to my “internet tough guy” remark is...I know you are but what am I? How did you choose that over the I’m rubber you’re glue response?

Since you’ve decided to respond like a 5 year old, I’ll follow suit with regards to your triggered name calling remarks...sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.

Snowflakes melt when it’s hot kid.
The 2 clowns you are debating and pummeling know next to nothing when it comes to sports, politics, and common sense. They may be the same person (not sure), but most rational people are agreeing where you are coming from in the context of the discussion. All they do is flap their gums about what they think everyone should be doing. Doesn't matter to them about other factors, including personal circumstances or choice. Their TDS is wearing off so they need another fix and this is it.
Thanks for the response. These guys reflect the world we live in today. It’s sad.
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Not often. They are testing positive for the VIRUS, but not contracting the DISEASE often

<0.5% of cases of hospitalized COVID patients. Even in that 0.5%, they recover faster and don't die.

Refusing to take the vaccine is literally more stupid than believing in a flat Earth.
In my work place of hundreds, we have 11 out with Covid and all 11 were fully vaccinated. We are about 50/50 vaccinated and unvaccinated (guessing) and they are not happy that the vaccine didn't function as a vaccine and keep them from sickness. Take from it what you want.
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Seems like the university is operating in the interests of the majority/the greater good. Those who can't/won't get vaxxed still have a way to attend.

Old Joltin' Joe Biden is all for getting vaxxed, don't know why this is a problem at a liberal university.

I think the court said it all: These plaintiffs just need to wear a mask and be tested, requirements that are not constitutionally problematic. Those who do not want to be vaccinated may go elsewhere.

Of course, as CNN dutifully noted, the judges were all republican appointees.
"as CNN dutifully noted". That made me laugh out loud. I needed that, thanks.
It's scary how quickly people are willing to give up their civil liberties. We are becoming a country is full of sheep.
I agree. We are giving up our freedom to go out and mingle, freedom to go to movies, games etc. Our markets are dropping, our children are being infected at an alarming rate quarantined. We have to wear these ****ing masks. Now the markets are hurting. All because these trump sheep put their politics above our freedoms and above their own children.

None of this was necessary, but Bubba gonna bubba and is not smart enough to understand what they are doing to their own freedoms.
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The 2 clowns you are debating and pummeling know next to nothing when it comes to sports, politics, and common sense. They may be the same person (not sure), but most rational people are agreeing where you are coming from in the context of the discussion. All they do is flap their gums about what they think everyone should be doing. Doesn't matter to them about other factors, including personal circumstances or choice. Their TDS is wearing off so they need another fix and this is it.
Enter another political Bubba.

I agree. We are giving up our freedom to go out and mingle, freedom to go to movies, games etc. Our markets are dropping, our children are being infected at an alarming rate quarantined. We have to wear these ****ing masks. Now the markets are hurting. All because these trump sheep put their politics above our freedoms and above their own children.

None of this was necessary, but Bubba gonna bubba and is not smart enough to understand what they are doing to their own freedoms.
I see you guys have jokes this morning. Since you are so willing to give up your civil liberties with regard to Covid, where do you draw the line? The problem with giving up civil liberties for one "crisis", is there will always be another crisis in which even more liberties are taken away. You guys that are willingly participating in this and encouraging others to do so are going to spell the end of this Republic (if we can even call it that anymore).

It's all very sad, but has been happening for a long, long time.