No federal taxes on Social Security

Just heard Trump say that in his speech today, in addition to no tax on tips or overtime.

I wonder how long it will be before Kamala comes up with the same plan?

@UncleMark, I assume Trump gets your vote now.
Social Security would go broke sooner. He’s a total moron. He’s throwing out random crap to buy votes.
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Just heard Trump say that in his speech today, in addition to no tax on tips or overtime.

I wonder how long it will be before Kamala comes up with the same plan?

@UncleMark, I assume Trump gets your vote now.

I don't pay Federal income taxes on Social Security or on the wages I get from the driving job, so this is a nothingburger for me.

I'm waiting for him to subsidize trailers, big trucks, and coon dogs. Then he'll have my attention.
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I don't pay taxes on Social Security or on the wages I get from the driving job, so this is a nothingburger for me.

I'm waiting for him to subsidize trailers, big trucks, and coon dogs. Then he'll have my attention.
You pay at least state, county, social security and medicare taxes on your wages.

So you’re saying 1/2 your social security plus wages plus other income is less than $32,000 if none of your social security is taxable.
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You pay at least state, county, social security and medicare taxes on your wages.

So you’re saying 1/2 your social security plus wages plus other income is less than $32,000 if none of your social security is taxable.

Yup. Easily. I keep telling you people I'm a poor bastard. I doubt that covers a month's worth of your blow money.
The government is already broke. You didn’t mind when we gave away a couple 100 billion to Ukraine.
You’re not a fiscal conservative who wants to fix SS like I am. Trump’s proposal just breaks it completely faster. Of course it would never be allowed to happen. He’s trying to by the votes of a few more dupes.

Yes, we should support Ukraine because it’s in our national interests.
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I don't pay Federal income taxes on Social Security or on the wages I get from the driving job, so this is a nothingburger for me.

I'm waiting for him to subsidize trailers, big trucks, and coon dogs. Then he'll have my attention.
Lucky you
You’re not a fiscal conservative who wants to fix SS like I am. Trump’s proposal just breaks it completely faster. Of course it would never be allowed to happen. He’s trying to by the votes of a few more dupes.

Yes, we should support Ukraine because it’s in our national interests.
So, it’s ok to bankrupt the country to support Ukraine. Got it. At least you’re consistently full of sh#t.
Why didn’t you ever use your knowledge of computers to make money?

I did. That's what got me through the Great Recession after the wife lost her job, my wages were cut 20%, and the cost of our health insurance quadrupled.
So, it’s ok to bankrupt the country to support Ukraine. Got it. At least you’re consistently full of sh#t.
We’d spend multiple times that should Ukraine go down and a NATO country is next. It’s also a tiny fraction of what we spend. And **** you. I have no tolerance or respect for your disrespectful shit. I’ve told you this before. STFU if you can’t discuss things civilly.
We’d spend multiple times that should Ukraine go down and a NATO country is next. It’s also a tiny fraction of what we spend. And **** you. I have no tolerance or respect for your disrespectful shit. I’ve told you this before. STFU if you can’t discuss things civilly.
You’re just trying to justify your own deficit spending. It’s no different than Democrats doing it for their own pet projects.
This proposal would cost 50% more than that....per perpetuity.
I’m not for Trump doing it. I was calling out Aloha for only being fiscally conservative when it suits him. This isn’t difficult. You shouldn’t be for Trump cutting SS taxes or Ukraine spending because they both add to the deficit.
I did. That's what got me through the Great Recession after the wife lost her job, my wages were cut 20%, and the cost of our health insurance quadrupled.
Too bad you couldn’t have gotten your own business going.

Over the years I had a terrible time finding a dependable person to take care of my clients computer and software needs. Someone would hang out a shingle and just when I was dependent on them they’d give it up.

Probably about 15 years or so a self taught young man came along. He promised he would stay for the long haul. I hooked him up with most of my clients that needed his services. He has stuck it out and grown his business to far more than my clients. He’s really good and best of all dependable and loyal. If I called him right now with a problem he’d TeamViewer in and fix my problem. Think the world of him.
You’re just trying to justify your own deficit spending. It’s no different than Democrats doing it for their own pet projects.
No. You don’t get to choose what we spend on. There needs to serious discussion and negotiation to determine that. That you’re personally willing to abandon Ukraine to be conquered by Russia doesn’t make you a fiscal conservative at all.
I don't pay Federal income taxes on Social Security or on the wages I get from the driving job, so this is a nothingburger for me.

I'm waiting for him to subsidize trailers, big trucks, and coon dogs. Then he'll have my attention.
they should eliminate taxes on ss. this isn't the first time it has been proposed. it was proposed by a D earlier this year in fact. eliminate the taxes and raise the wage base. Biden/harris fcked old people with the bullshit endless free cheese because they're morons. old people on fixed incomes who paid in are getting whacked. throw em a bone. cut the taxes raise the wage base

don't vote for progressives
No. You don’t get to choose what we spend on. There needs to serious discussion and negotiation to determine that. That you’re personally willing to abandon Ukraine to be conquered by Russia doesn’t make you a fiscal conservative at all.
lol…it’s actually makes me a fiscal conservative. Look if you’re a fiscal conservative it should upset you that governments are stealing from future generations and destabilizing the country through unsustainable debt loads. It’s immoral and wrong. There are always going to be uncertainty and crisis in the world. If the Ukraine war was that important, they should make cuts elsewhere in the budget or raise taxes.
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they should eliminate taxes on ss. this isn't the first time it has been proposed. it was proposed by a D earlier this year in fact. eliminate the taxes and raise the wage base.

Jesus fvcking Christ. Everyone wants their taxes cut, and everyone else is fine with that. But don't touch my benefits (whatever they might be) or my pet program or anything I think is worthwhile. .
Income taxes from SS benefits go entirely to the SS and Medicare trust funds (50% to each).
Thanks, did not realize that. Doubt seriously if Trump’s bloviating is any more than increasing the income level at which Social Security is taxable.

I’d forget income tax on SS. I’d try to fix SS similar to what happens before full retirement. SS takes back $1 for every $2 you exceed a certain amount of earned income.

At full retirement I’d set a total income (wages, interest, dividends, rents, pass through entity income) limit. I’d take $1 back for every $2 over that limit maxing out and taking 100% of your SS.
they should eliminate taxes on ss. this isn't the first time it has been proposed. it was proposed by a D earlier this year in fact. eliminate the taxes and raise the wage base. Biden/harris fcked old people with the bullshit endless free cheese because they're morons. old people on fixed incomes who paid in are getting whacked. throw em a bone. cut the taxes raise the wage base

don't vote for progressives
Huh? The free cheese was great for old people. They own a majority of the assets, SS increases at the rate of inflation, and they have already paid for their big ticket items that increase at a faster rate than wage increases (Houses, Education, Healthcare).

Edit: Murt it’s also age dependent for old people. If someone was late 50s or early 60s the free cheese really helped them. If they were late 70s or 80s it probably hurt them some (assuming they spent down a lot of their retirement).
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Jesus fvcking Christ. Everyone wants their taxes cut, and everyone else is fine with that. But don't touch my benefits (whatever they might be) or my pet program or anything I think is worthwhile. .
That’s why nothing will ever be fixed without term limits.
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Huh? The free cheese was great for old people. They own a majority of the assets, SS increases at the rate of inflation, and they have already paid for their big ticket items that increase at a faster rate than wage increases (Houses, Education, Healthcare).

Edit: Murt it’s also age dependent for old people. If someone was late 50s or early 60s the free cheese really helped them. If they were late 70s or 80s it probably hurt them some (assuming they spent down a lot of their retirement).
the ss adjustment doesn't keep up with the col.

but yes you raise a good point re those w/ assets. i was at happy hour. was thinking of those struggling.
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Jesus fvcking Christ. Everyone wants their taxes cut, and everyone else is fine with that. But don't touch my benefits (whatever they might be) or my pet program or anything I think is worthwhile. .
i don't have the data to do the math (not that i'd be able to do math) but i suspect raising the wage base would cover the difference
i don't have the data to do the math (not that i'd be able to do math) but i suspect raising the wage base would cover the difference
Eliminate the wage cap and Social Security is solvent far into the future. It would be idiotic to turn around and give that away.
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