No discussion on Taiwan?

Inexperience is simply a more polite way word for ignorance. But in all seriousness, I think you are right.
Trump is our President so we need to back him just like we did for Obama
Trump is our President so we need to back him just like we did for Obama

No we don't. That is absurd. Besides, what does that have to do with my post or this thread?

And I know for a fact that you have nothing but disdain and contempt for President Obama.
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No we don't. That is absurd. Besides, what does that have to do with my post or this thread?

And I know for a fact that you have nothing but disdain and contempt for President Obama.
You asked what my post had in reference to your post you were calling President Elect Trump inexperienced and ignorant
Reckless? Do you think China will invade Taiwan, nuke it, or something cuz of this phone call? Or maybe China will become more aggressive in the South China sea with building artificial Islands and claiming them as Chinese territory or rattle their sabers at Japan or something, or maybe punish our economy with currency manipulation . . . . .oh wait.

We sell $40+ billion in arms to Taiwan, we have robust trade with Taiwan, US citizens can travel there without restriction, US companies can do business there without specific restrictions, Uncle Sam has guaranteed Taiwan's security and we are otherwise militarily intertwined with them. Seems to me Trump as eschewed protocol for practicality. So what? That is okay with me.
Exactly. If the President elect wants to call Taiwan before he calls the mainland so what. The election is over and the left needs to stop electioneering. Shit I forgot Boslivicks never stop.
Don't forget all that Mao souvenir crap of the 80's. I decided not to dine at a Chinese restaurant because Mao images were around. That is like a German restaurant displaying Hitler. I've been to a handful of Cuban restaurants and none of them had pictures of Castro or Che. Probably because they are owned by people who sacrificed everything to escape his ruthless regime.

Come on....there is a massive difference between Mao and Hitler. Hitler's deaths were an intentional programme of mass killings/extermination of another race.
Mao's was just deluded and stupid into thinking his ideas would work. (Sound like anyone you know?) There are plenty of governments which have done similar acts in this category albeit on a different scale.
I have said this a few times now -- for investments and economies to flourish and trade to grow, you need visibility, predictability and rules. But not following certain protocols or upsetting people just for the sake of being unpredictable, it will keep thinks tense and reduce the chances of economic growth both domestically and globally.
Unfortunately, due to his inexperience/ignorance, the world will have to live on knife's edge until he gets up to speed or control his impulses -- which I doubt considering that he is an older man of 70 ... and that dog and tricks phrase comes to mind.)
Geesh, China and mass murder means what? The very one that folks have mentioned here. Do you deny it? Excuse it for the sake of the advancement of good old Communism?
Actually, it was excused for the sake of the advancement of good old Capitalism. By Nixon.
Don't tell me you backed Obama. The only thing I've noticed on this board by the likes of you is how Obama sucked, regardless of what he did.:(
Yeah you're right, I must have been trolling :cool:
I knew it stunk in here for a long time, but excusing the murder of 60 million Chinese by the government should be the very last straw for you. Geesh, China and mass murder means what? The very one that folks have mentioned here. Do you deny it? Excuse it for the sake of the advancement of good old Communism?

Sorry for such a late reply. I got distracted with other personal things over the weekend. My wife was conducting the city-wide Christmas choir on Sunday. Naturally, I got drafted to help her out. Now that it is over, here is the reply to your over-bloated age-old propaganda.

First, I confirm your accusation in spirit. Unfortunately, your rightwing conspiracy theorists bloated the number way, way up. The accusation was basically correct, and why they have to exaggerate the already evil deeds to such a ridiculous proportion is beyond me, except for satisfying the suckers like you. The number was more like $15 mil, which is huge to begin with.

Before I go on with details, here is where I have trouble with your assertion. These murders were committed primarily during the Mao era, which means before 1970, well, except for the Tinamin Square thing. Today’s China is quite different. In fact, I was a guest lecturer at Wuhan University for a month a few years ago. I did not see any fear or anything like what right-wing conspiracy theorists might be warning against. It looked just like any other capitalist country, except that the people were friendlier. I did not see secret police going around shooting or beating people. Nor did I see any slant-eyeds in black suit following me around.

So, if you wish to compare something, do that within the same reference. Comparing 1950’s China to Taiwan of Year 2016 is not valid, and that’s what you are doing now! If you want to compare China and Russia, do that with Mao against Stalin, not Mao against Putin. In fact, Putin still is a scary guy, much scarier than anybody in the current Chinese government. Yet, you and Trump kiss his ass, but condemn China of 1950s!

Same thing is true of Japan. Japan of the early 20th Century was an evil monster. Today’s Japan is just another capitalist pig, so to speak. Do you condemn today’s Japan as a murderous country? If so, then, you must do England, France, Germany, and almost all powerful European countries. The US is no exception if you bring the treatment blacks, Indians, and, ironically, Chinese of the past received.

OK, now going back to your 60million problem,

Do you realize how big 60 million is? The "purpose" of WWII was to kill as many people as possible and yet managed to kill "only" 60 mil! That included China.

Therefore, I must conclude that the ever-lasting myth of “Mao killed 60 million people” must include natural death, death by famine (you know there were several severe famines in China during that period.) as well as the killings by Chiang Kei Shek. In case you are not aware of, the latter did his part too and pretty well, I might say. Here is what I found from Wiki and other references, not put out by John Birch Society or fundamentalist Christian sects.

Massacre name/ Year/ Number/ By whom/ Victims
Shanghai Massacre 1927 350 Chang Kai-sheck Communists (followers of Mao)
Kizil Massacre 1933 800 Turkistan Chinese
Nanking Massacre 1937 300,000 Japanese Chinese
Changjiano massacre 1943 30,000 Japanese Chinese
Landlord Classicide 1946 4,500,000 Chines peasants Chines Landlords
Surppression of
Counterrevolutionaries 1951 1,500,000 Mao Counterrevoltionaries, including landlords
Great Leap Forward 1960 4,500,000 Mao
Cultural Revolution 1969-70 Mao Chinese People
Tinanmen Massacre 1989 2,600 Chinese Gov. Protesters
Total 15,853,750

Subtract those done
by Japanese leaves the number down to 15,522,600

Yes, 15 million is a huge number. So, why exaggerate it to 60 mil to make the whole question in doubt?
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Sorry for such a late reply. I got distracted with other personal things over the weekend. My wife was conducting the city-wide Christmas choir on Sunday. Naturally, I got drafted to help her out. Now that it is over, here is the reply to your over-bloated age-old propaganda.

First, I confirm your accusation in spirit. Unfortunately, your rightwing conspiracy theorists bloated the number way, way up. The accusation was basically correct, and why they have to exaggerate the already evil deeds to such a ridiculous proportion is beyond me, except for satisfying the suckers like you. The number was more like $15 mil, which is huge to begin with.

Before I go on with details, here is where I have trouble with your assertion. These murders were committed primarily during the Mao era, which means before 1970, well, except for the Tinamin Square thing. Today’s China is quite different. In fact, I was a guest lecturer at Wuhan University for a month a few years ago. I did not see any fear or anything like what right-wing conspiracy theorists might be warning against. It looked just like any other capitalist country, except that the people were friendlier. I did not see secret police going around shooting or beating people. Nor did I see any slant-eyeds in black suit following me around.

So, if you wish to compare something, do that within the same reference. Comparing 1950’s China to Taiwan of Year 2016 is not valid, and that’s what you are doing now! If you want to compare China and Russia, do that with Mao against Stalin, not Mao against Putin. In fact, Putin still is a scary guy, much scarier than anybody in the current Chinese government. Yet, you and Trump kiss his ass, but condemn China of 1950s!

Same thing is true of Japan. Japan of the early 20th Century was an evil monster. Today’s Japan is just another capitalist pig, so to speak. Do you condemn today’s Japan as a murderous country? If so, then, you must do England, France, Germany, and almost all powerful European countries. The US is no exception if you bring the treatment blacks, Indians, and, ironically, Chinese of the past received.

OK, now going back to your 60million problem,

Do you realize how big 60 million is? The "purpose" of WWII was to kill as many people as possible and yet managed to kill "only" 60 mil! That included China.

Therefore, I must conclude that the ever-lasting myth of “Mao killed 60 million people” must include natural death, death by famine (you know there were several severe famines in China during that period.) as well as the killings by Chiang Kei Shek. In case you are not aware of, the latter did his part too and pretty well, I might say. Here is what I found from Wiki and other references, not put out by John Birch Society or fundamentalist Christian sects.

Massacre name Year Number By whom Victims
Shanghai Massacre 1927 350 Chang Kai-sheck Communists (followers of Mao)
Kizil Massacre 1933 800 Turkistan Chinese
Nanking Massacre 1937 300,000 Japanese Chinese
Changjiano massacre 1943 30,000 Japanese Chinese
Landlord Classicide 1946 4,500,000 Chines peasants Chines Landlords
Surppression of
Counterrevolutionaries 1951 1,500,000 Mao Counterrevoltionaries, including landlords
Great Leap Forward 1960 4,500,000 Mao
Cultural Revolution 1969 Mao Chinese People
Tinanmen Massacre 1989 2,600 Chinese Gov. Protesters
Total 15,853,750

Subtract those done 15,522,600
by Japanese

Yes, 15 million is a huge number. So, why exaggerate it to 60 mil to make the whole question in doubt?

Seattle has a city-wide Christmas choir? Who knew? I would have thought it would be a city-wide solstice choir.;)
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Seattle has a city-wide Christmas choir? Who knew? I would have thought it would be a city-wide solstice choir.;)
Did I say Seattle?
Seattle has some 600,000+ population, and packed. It is not going to grow much from there unless you want to live in a boat. And some people do as shown in the movie "Sleepless In Seattle." While the area is expanding rapidly, the growth is from the surrounding satellite cities/towns. And that's where I live.:)
Sorry for such a late reply. I got distracted with other personal things over the weekend. My wife was conducting the city-wide Christmas choir on Sunday. Naturally, I got drafted to help her out. Now that it is over, here is the reply to your over-bloated age-old propaganda.

First, I confirm your accusation in spirit. Unfortunately, your rightwing conspiracy theorists bloated the number way, way up. The accusation was basically correct, and why they have to exaggerate the already evil deeds to such a ridiculous proportion is beyond me, except for satisfying the suckers like you. The number was more like $15 mil, which is huge to begin with.

Before I go on with details, here is where I have trouble with your assertion. These murders were committed primarily during the Mao era, which means before 1970, well, except for the Tinamin Square thing. Today’s China is quite different. In fact, I was a guest lecturer at Wuhan University for a month a few years ago. I did not see any fear or anything like what right-wing conspiracy theorists might be warning against. It looked just like any other capitalist country, except that the people were friendlier. I did not see secret police going around shooting or beating people. Nor did I see any slant-eyeds in black suit following me around.

So, if you wish to compare something, do that within the same reference. Comparing 1950’s China to Taiwan of Year 2016 is not valid, and that’s what you are doing now! If you want to compare China and Russia, do that with Mao against Stalin, not Mao against Putin. In fact, Putin still is a scary guy, much scarier than anybody in the current Chinese government. Yet, you and Trump kiss his ass, but condemn China of 1950s!

Same thing is true of Japan. Japan of the early 20th Century was an evil monster. Today’s Japan is just another capitalist pig, so to speak. Do you condemn today’s Japan as a murderous country? If so, then, you must do England, France, Germany, and almost all powerful European countries. The US is no exception if you bring the treatment blacks, Indians, and, ironically, Chinese of the past received.

OK, now going back to your 60million problem,

Do you realize how big 60 million is? The "purpose" of WWII was to kill as many people as possible and yet managed to kill "only" 60 mil! That included China.

Therefore, I must conclude that the ever-lasting myth of “Mao killed 60 million people” must include natural death, death by famine (you know there were several severe famines in China during that period.) as well as the killings by Chiang Kei Shek. In case you are not aware of, the latter did his part too and pretty well, I might say. Here is what I found from Wiki and other references, not put out by John Birch Society or fundamentalist Christian sects.

Massacre name Year Number By whom Victims
Shanghai Massacre 1927 350 Chang Kai-sheck Communists (followers of Mao)
Kizil Massacre 1933 800 Turkistan Chinese
Nanking Massacre 1937 300,000 Japanese Chinese
Changjiano massacre 1943 30,000 Japanese Chinese
Landlord Classicide 1946 4,500,000 Chines peasants Chines Landlords
Surppression of
Counterrevolutionaries 1951 1,500,000 Mao Counterrevoltionaries, including landlords
Great Leap Forward 1960 4,500,000 Mao
Cultural Revolution 1969 Mao Chinese People
Tinanmen Massacre 1989 2,600 Chinese Gov. Protesters
Total 15,853,750

Subtract those done
by Japanese leaves the number down to 15,522,600

Yes, 15 million is a huge number. So, why exaggerate it to 60 mil to make the whole question in doubt?

You left out the systematic ethnic cleansing of the Native Americans on that lists.

Btw whilst on your China travels, did you visit Hang Zhou? Beautiful city.
You left out the systematic ethnic cleansing of the Native Americans on that lists.

Btw whilst on your China travels, did you visit Hang Zhou? Beautiful city.
More important did meridian bring home any good fireworks?
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You left out the systematic ethnic cleansing of the Native Americans on that lists.

Btw whilst on your China travels, did you visit Hang Zhou? Beautiful city.
Unfortunatley, no. I visited Bei Jing, The Great Wall, Xian, Shang Hai and Uhan, of course.
BTW, does anybody know how to display a table? I tried but could not, which is the reason why my table looks so awkward!
Unfortunatley, no. I visited Bei Jing, The Great Wall, Xian, Shang Hai and Uhan, of course.

Beijing is pretty cool city -- mixture of modernity and tradition. CCTV Building meets Tiananmen Square. Jazz bars and Classical chinese music. But Hangzhou is very picturesque.
I honestly wait 24 hours before commenting on the latest Trump faux pas, but I guess, just lik enduring the campaign, it's kind of impossible to keep up with. I'm not an expert by any means on the China- Taiwan situation, but it seems to me that it's kind of a big deal that Trump just broke decades of policy by making this phone all. I'm not sure which is more frightening , if he did it on purpose or if he actually didn't know. I'm guessing he didn't know. A reason he should probably be taking his briefings.
This is an excellent move by Trump the Negotiator and doesn't surprise me in the least. You want as much leverage as possible if you plan to take China to task. China has gained far more than we have from Chimerica. Time to recalibrate. Kudos to Trump.

Negotiation aside, China is a joke, getting its panties up in a bunch about this, as if we'd get ruffled feathers about the Chinese leader talking to the Governor of North Dakota. Their internal problem if they can't have normal relations with Taiwan. They don't deserve to save face about their embarrassingly childish issues.
This is an excellent move by Trump the Negotiator and doesn't surprise me in the least. You want as much leverage as possible if you plan to take China to task. China has gained far more than we have from Chimerica. Time to recalibrate. Kudos to Trump.

Negotiation aside, China is a joke, getting its panties up in a bunch about this, as if we'd get ruffled feathers about the Chinese leader talking to the Governor of North Dakota. Their internal problem if they can't have normal relations with Taiwan. They don't deserve to save face about their embarrassingly childish issues.
Imagine China talking to the president of the Confederacy.
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This is an excellent move by Trump the Negotiator and doesn't surprise me in the least. You want as much leverage as possible if you plan to take China to task. China has gained far more than we have from Chimerica. Time to recalibrate. Kudos to Trump.

Negotiation aside, China is a joke, getting its panties up in a bunch about this, as if we'd get ruffled feathers about the Chinese leader talking to the Governor of North Dakota. Their internal problem if they can't have normal relations with Taiwan. They don't deserve to save face about their embarrassingly childish issues.

Err... I am not sure you understand the history behind Taiwan. It's like the US-Cuba situation -- to most people outside the US, they dont understand the antagonism either.
BTW, does anybody know how to display a table? I tried but could not, which is the reason why my table looks so awkward!
Like this:

Err... I am not sure you understand the history behind Taiwan. It's like the US-Cuba situation -- to most people outside the US, they dont understand the antagonism either.
Err... I am not sure you understand that Cuba is not a state...

Joking aside, yeah I get it. China has juvenile problems with Taiwan and also a serious complex about fake islands and so on. China has a long history of saving face as a cultural necessity. I don't. China can stick its necessity to save face where the sun don't shine. Especially since they're a totalitarian state supporting another one, namely, North Korea, and they treat their citizens like refuse.

Yeah, I get it.
Err... I am not sure you understand that Cuba is not a state...

Joking aside, yeah I get it. China has juvenile problems with Taiwan and also a serious complex about fake islands and so on. China has a long history of saving face as a cultural necessity. I don't. China can stick its necessity to save face where the sun don't shine. Especially since they're a totalitarian state supporting another one, namely, North Korea, and they treat their citizens like refuse.

Yeah, I get it.
No, you don't get it. China doesn't treat her citizens like refuse. You've been reading too many Indianapolis Star articles. You are out of date! It's like a visiting Chinese asking you how many slaves you have! Catch up with time, amigo!
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Imagine China talking to the president of the Confederacy.
That was 50-50. China versus Taiwan is more like US versus a insubordinate Puerto Rico. Face it, China is peevish about this because Taiwan is westernized and successful, thus a threat to their suppression of their own citizens, not because Taiwan is misbehaving.
Err... I am not sure you understand that Cuba is not a state...

Joking aside, yeah I get it. China has juvenile problems with Taiwan and also a serious complex about fake islands and so on. China has a long history of saving face as a cultural necessity. I don't. China can stick its necessity to save face where the sun don't shine. Especially since they're a totalitarian state supporting another one, namely, North Korea, and they treat their citizens like refuse.

Yeah, I get it.

Seriously? Been watching too much Fox News? Its not about saving face. Taiwan used to be part of China until it was taken over by the previous government of China. Face or sovereignty unless you think its the same thing?
And as for them supporting North Korea, there is a strategic reason for it. But the US has been pretty supportive of some 'totalitarian states' currently and in the past... does it make the US government 'totalitarian' by association? Besides as Meridian said earlier, its not more communist or totalitarian as many other countries.

Dont read the hype. Go see for yourself. All countries change -- some for the better including the US vis a vis its sordid pasts.